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Valpo Sports => Valpo Basketball => Topic started by: truth219 on January 21, 2013, 04:14:02 PM

Title: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on January 21, 2013, 04:14:02 PM
Every game I hear the same 5 songs and its lame....and I personally think the drumline for the starting line up is lame. Last year and years previous they used music through the sound system that was 100 times more exciting than a drumline done by 4 people.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: HC on January 21, 2013, 04:51:49 PM
I like the drum line, but agree 100% on wanting to hear something new from the band.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: KL31NY on January 21, 2013, 05:29:40 PM
I've gotten over the lack of new songs years ago. My roommate was a drummer during our four years in college, and I occasionally wrote down suggestions based off other pep bands and my own personal taste. Usually the response was something like this: "that won't work" "we won't know how to play it" "we know it, but we just don't play it." I bet anyone paying attention notices the exact same songs for the exact same breaks in the game. They just have been running off a system

Just be glad we have a band at every game. I'm now covering sports at the University of Northern Iowa, and I could probably count the number of pep band appearances at basketball games this season on one hand. They've complained about it for years: (
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on January 21, 2013, 05:45:25 PM
Id rather hear less pep band and more classic rock through the sound system.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: HC on January 21, 2013, 06:00:54 PM
No way! More band new songs please. I don't know if they got in trouble, but I thought it was great last year when the band would come down and point right at the visiting huddle and play something good and loud. Home court advantage.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: LaPorteAveApostle on January 21, 2013, 06:05:20 PM
I'm sure as a professional musician I'm biased, but live music is always better.

I'm sure taped highlights would be a better quality than what's on the court most of the time, but we still play live ball.

Plus repetition is what builds tradition.  Take for example Michigan, where "Temptation" (Perry Como) and that one Hawaiian song are like honorary fight songs.  How?  Simple repetition.

(Of course, not everything is good enough to be repeated.)

But pep bands are a large part of what makes college basketball great.  Well, that, and Ryan Broekhoff.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: SadersofthelostArc on January 21, 2013, 06:49:07 PM
Classic rock through the sound system?  Yuck.

A serious college basketball program needs a serious pep band.  And, no, I don't want them playing the "Gangnam Style" or the Gaga.  Just play some different songs, typical old school pep band songs.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: HC on January 21, 2013, 06:54:48 PM
The Gaga, love it. I will throw out a request for the old Mario Bros. theme from the video game.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: valpopal on January 21, 2013, 06:59:19 PM
Late in the game Saturday night when the Rolling Stones were played on the speaker system, the place was rocking. Of course, that was also when Valpo was making its run. As for the intros: I like the drum line.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on January 21, 2013, 07:32:49 PM
Yea I believe they played satisfaction by the stones it was great. Id prefer the pep band learn some pop hits from the 70s 80s and 90s.....I've heard good versions of any way you want it, africa, and smooth criminal. I'm over carry on wayward son, mortal kombat theme, and make me smile oh and 25 to 6 to 4.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: SadersofthelostArc on January 21, 2013, 07:35:24 PM
Mario Bros! SICK idea!  Boop boop boop, bo-doop-do-doop, do do do do do do do do that tune. 

HC is the cream of the class around here.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: KL31NY on January 21, 2013, 09:24:23 PM
Quote from: HC on January 21, 2013, 06:54:48 PM
I will throw out a request for the old Mario Bros. theme from the video game.
Two themes I wouldn't mind, stuff like "The Simpsons" which has become classic, and speaking of classic- "Batman"
nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah VAL-PO
nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah VAL-PO
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: LaPorteAveApostle on January 21, 2013, 09:36:40 PM
I applied my master's degree in musicology in order to ensure that there were, in fact, the requisite number of "nah"s, no more and no less.

However, instead of "Valpo", let's use "Broekhoff" for the moment.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: HC on January 22, 2013, 11:33:37 AM
Here's Mario (
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on January 22, 2013, 01:19:00 PM
Has anyone ever heard youngstown sts pep band....amazing
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: LaPorteAveApostle on January 22, 2013, 01:42:13 PM
is that honest or sarcastic?

if it's honest, they do have four times the student pool from which to draw, so...that does make a difference.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on January 22, 2013, 01:45:36 PM
Serious as a heart attack. They really sound awesome.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: valporun on January 22, 2013, 04:31:30 PM
Part of the problem with the pep's all student-led, and voluntary.  No auditions to be involved, like many schools, and not a lot of opportunity for rehearsal of new tunes. Yes, they could use some new tunes, but without a set auditioned group and consistent rehearsal time and space, you'll be stuck the same old tunes since the band isn't very big or original.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: LaPorteAveApostle on January 22, 2013, 05:14:22 PM
Yeah, but does YSU Deputy Chief Michael Cretella play the drums with his student pep band?

I doubt it!
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: SadersofthelostArc on January 22, 2013, 05:46:27 PM
Quote from: valporun on January 22, 2013, 04:31:30 PM
Part of the problem with the pep's all student-led, and voluntary.  No auditions to be involved, like many schools, and not a lot of opportunity for rehearsal of new tunes. Yes, they could use some new tunes, but without a set auditioned group and consistent rehearsal time and space, you'll be stuck the same old tunes since the band isn't very big or original.

Good analysis, run.  Now, the question is, "are you listening ml??"  Time to up the ante for those who wanna be a part of the pep band.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: a3uge on January 22, 2013, 05:50:09 PM
They need to start paying people to play in the pep band. Give like students like $15 per game, and I'm sure they'll find out how to fill out a proper pep-band with a legitimate trumpet-player-to-clarinet-player ratio. They don't need to give money for every game, but at least the big conference games and certain non-conference games. I think it's also time for a legitimate director and some non-student run organization.

I played the trumpet for 4 years in 2 different bands at Valpo and never played in a pep band game. I showed up to an initial practice freshman year and found the whole thing disorganized and a bit of a joke.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: SadersofthelostArc on January 22, 2013, 05:51:03 PM
Quote from: a3uge on January 22, 2013, 05:50:09 PM
They need to start paying people to play in the pep band. Give like students like $15 per game, and I'm sure they'll find out how to fill out a proper pep-band with a legitimate trumpet-player-to-clarinet-player ratio. They don't need to give money for every game, but at least the big conference games and certain non-conference games. I think it's also time for a legitimate director and some non-student run organization.

I played the trumpet for 4 years in 2 different bands at Valpo and never played in a pep band game. I showed up to an initial practice freshman year and found the whole thing disorganized and a bit of a joke.

Case in point, ml.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: vu72 on January 28, 2013, 04:03:02 PM
Jennifer Garrett is the person who picks the songs, per this article from the Torch: (
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: VULB#62 on January 28, 2013, 04:45:33 PM
Speaking of sports marketing in the same issue as the article 72 linked, I really like the pic of the tee for the Detroit home game.  Theme is "unfinished business." Really awesome crusader too.

Here's that link: (
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: historyman on January 28, 2013, 04:47:48 PM
Quote from: vu72 on January 28, 2013, 04:03:02 PMJennifer Garrett is the person who picks the songs, per this article from the Torch: (

I believe the other person is ValpoFred or something like that from this board.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: KL31NY on January 28, 2013, 06:14:04 PM
That was a pretty fun article to get that look behind the scenes of our home games. I didn't know the reach of the Marketing department was *that* extensive. They've been adding a lot of new things and starting to control more things over the past couple years.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: Valpo_Fred on January 28, 2013, 08:15:09 PM
That article is not accurate. Jennifer doesn't pick the songs the pep band plays or what the Crusaderettes do. She handles the times they play/dance during games. I'm not sure why it was worded that way. The reporter actually recorded the entire interview so I'm not sure why that was so confusing haha. Either way the rest of the article is accurate.

Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: valpo95 on January 28, 2013, 08:42:27 PM
Quote from: SadersofthelostArc on January 22, 2013, 05:51:03 PM
Quote from: a3uge on January 22, 2013, 05:50:09 PM
They need to start paying people to play in the pep band. Give like students like $15 per game, and I'm sure they'll find out how to fill out a proper pep-band with a legitimate trumpet-player-to-clarinet-player ratio. They don't need to give money for every game, but at least the big conference games and certain non-conference games. I think it's also time for a legitimate director and some non-student run organization.

I played the trumpet for 4 years in 2 different bands at Valpo and never played in a pep band game. I showed up to an initial practice freshman year and found the whole thing disorganized and a bit of a joke.

Case in point, ml.

I think I was in the band the last time they had a paid director (not a student), and we had both regular rehearsal times and a budget for both new music and equipment.  That budget for equipment came from the Athletic department.  Unfortunately, the music department tried their best to kill the band entirely, doing things like scheduling rehearsals of major ensembles on top of the times alloted to Crusader Band.   Further, once it became student-led, the music department swooped in and took some of the equipment, including the drum set, cymbals, keyboard and one of the amps.  Granted, the drum set available to the jazz band wasn't as good as the one paid for by the athletic department, but that didn't give a certain director rights to do with it as he saw fit.  It was easy when there was no one to say No.

Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: KL31NY on January 28, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
Quote from: Valpo_Fred on January 28, 2013, 08:15:09 PM
That article is not accurate. Jennifer doesn't pick the songs the pep band plays or what the Crusaderettes do. She handles the times they play/dance during games. I'm not sure why it was worded that way. The reporter actually recorded the entire interview so I'm not sure why that was so confusing haha. Either way the rest of the article is accurate.
Wouldn't be the first mistake a reporter has ever made in the history of print. Thanks for the clarification.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: VULB#62 on January 29, 2013, 08:24:36 AM
Quote from: valpo95 on January 28, 2013, 08:42:27 PM
I think I was in the band the last time they had a paid director (not a student), and we had both regular rehearsal times and a budget for both new music and equipment.  That budget for equipment came from the Athletic department.  Unfortunately, the music department tried their best to kill the band entirely, doing things like scheduling rehearsals of major ensembles on top of the times alloted to Crusader Band.   Further, once it became student-led, the music department swooped in and took some of the equipment, including the drum set, cymbals, keyboard and one of the amps.  Granted, the drum set available to the jazz band wasn't as good as the one paid for by the athletic department, but that didn't give a certain director rights to do with it as he saw fit.  It was easy when there was no one to say No.

Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on January 31, 2013, 07:53:09 PM
While watching the game in youngstown I heard their band play "blue collar man" by styx....really kicked ass
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on February 01, 2013, 07:52:32 PM
They played don't stop believin by journey tonight...pretty awesome
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: HC on February 01, 2013, 09:29:22 PM
They also played the Psy song, I don't recall hearing either before. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: HC on February 02, 2013, 01:22:44 PM
Sitting at the ladies game, band just played American Woman, another new one for me.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: talksalot on February 02, 2013, 02:39:40 PM
I do like that the band is taking the court during the last media timeout of the game... does take them about 6 seconds to start playing ... which is an eternity to some... but it's the first semblance of a marching band I've seen in YEARS!
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: truth219 on March 10, 2013, 05:02:05 PM
This weekend UIC and YSU proved to me they have the best pep bands in the conferance. Although we didn't get to hear loyola cleveland or milwauke.
Title: Re: would it kill the pep band to learn some new songs!
Post by: VULB#62 on March 10, 2013, 06:50:41 PM
If that's true, it wouldn't take much of an investment and commitment to trump them.  Recruit, make it a distinctive involvement for musicians, and publicize their importance and they will join.  (Build it and they will come.)