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Messages - vu72

General VU Discussion / Re: Valpo Strategic Plan
June 21, 2023, 08:30:19 AM
I want to jump in here with some observations concerning athletics and D1 specifically, as it relates to student attraction and the overall success of the University.

I was recently going over some news posted on Valpo's Athletic site, specifically looking for news of new players coming into probably Valpo's least successful programs--at the present--that being the softball program.  Last year we were forced to replace a coach well after the recruiting time had past and because the coach left so late we lost some players who had committed to that coach.  As a result we played the season with less than a full roster and ended up not only in last place but games weren't really even close contests.  Thus, my reason to see if we might expect some improvement via new players.

What I found was what is present across all sports at Valpo.  Players come from all across the nation because of two things--the academic reputation of Valpo and, MOST importantly, playing D1 athletics.  Valpo has athletes from over 30 states. I seriously doubt we would draw from out of the serounding states were we not in D1.

When asked why one softball player from California chose Valpo, she said: "I selected Valpo for the small-town feel and the opportunity to continue playing softball while obtaining an education from one of the best-rated colleges for computer science! I am excited to be part of the Valpo family and play Division I softball!"

Valpo athletes represent about 20% of the entire student population.
General VU Discussion / Re: Valpo Strategic Plan
June 18, 2023, 12:16:42 PM
Quote from: VULB#62 on June 18, 2023, 11:04:43 AMI confess that my familiarity with the VU publications I mentioned is at the common, superficial level. For instance, I've not been on distribution for the Cresset.

With good reason, as it is a subscription based publication:


Quote from: wh on June 17, 2023, 09:41:14 AM
I expect the coaching staff will be following 2024 verbal commit Justus McNair closely at Riverside. Plus, we still have four 2024 scholarships to fill. A great opportunity to scout Chicago Metro talent together in 1 place.

Not sure that is correct.  If everybody comes back I think we don't have any (with the one given to McNair)
Valpo Football / Re: Summer Stuff 2023 Edition
June 16, 2023, 03:29:14 PM
Quote from: IndyValpo on June 16, 2023, 02:29:56 PMOffit is now the DC at Moravian a D3 in PA

Good gracious!  We must really be paying our assistant coaches terrible wages!
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 16, 2023, 12:24:10 PM
Quote from: tiny707 on June 16, 2023, 12:13:38 PM
I think the last scholarship can only
be used for a grad transfer if we need one for McNair?

Given the glut of underclassmen, I doubt very seriously that all will want to stay after this year as playing time becomes more clear and the reality that these guys are going to be around for a few more year, thus, time to transfer.  Your point is valid however as if everybody does stay there is only one left for McNair.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 16, 2023, 11:57:35 AM
My guess is that Roger keeps the last scholarship in his hip pocket available for the mid-year transfer/stray 4*.
Quote from: Pgmado on June 15, 2023, 01:59:40 PM
I think people need to prepare themselves for the fact that Valparaiso will absolutely be picked to finish last this year. I'd be shocked if a single voter picks them to finish higher than last.

Hate to say it, but Valpo fans are unfortunately used to be picked last.  This last school year we were picked to finish last in softball, baseball, Women's golf and I'm sure last or second last in a few other sports like women's basketball.
Quote from: JD24 on June 14, 2023, 09:50:12 PMI don't think there should be any expectation that Valpo is going to do anything near what Murray State did last year.

Probably true, but...consider what Roger is building here.  In the previous several seasons we have relied to an large degree on one-and-dones brought in via the portal.  That calls for instant bonding and although Matt was fond of telling us how close his team was last year, that closeness didn't carry over to the court.

Now let's take a look at our current makeup.  We may be the only team in the country with five freshman and a team that will not have a single player out of eligibility at the end of the season.  Does that guarantee us success down the line?  Of course not, but if we look back at teams who have played together for a long time (think Rowdy and Alec or Bryce's teams) that worked out pretty well. Do we have a Rowdy or Alec or Bryce among our freshman?  Only time will tell.
Quote from: tiny707 on June 14, 2023, 10:25:25 AM
I don't think he starts any true freshman so here are my five:

1.) De Dario.
2.) Stafford.
3.) Edwards.
4.) Ajiboye.
5.) Manyoung.

Stafford and Edwards will be the main two/leaders.

Palm is plenty big to play the 5 if you only want upper classmen. But I think one of the freshman may just be one of the few to start every game from the get-go, ala Alec Peters.  My guess would be Schwieger or Weatherspoon.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Valpo Merchandise
June 14, 2023, 08:00:45 AM
Quote from: valporun on June 13, 2023, 09:57:45 PM
One thing I do hope Roger brings back is the coaches wearing suits and ties on the bench, no more of the polos, athletic pullover jackets, and khakis or workout pants. Be respectful of your job title, not some marketing campaign.

I think that ship has sailed.  Every coach seems to have lost the ties.
Valpo Football / Re: Summer Stuff 2023 Edition
June 14, 2023, 07:59:22 AM
Quote from: valpofb16 on June 13, 2023, 09:42:39 PM
Valpo has scheduled Youngstown in 2023,24,28 with a payout of 125k each game.

125k seems a little light. We got a LOT more for playing ND St, but then again, we actually might have a chance to beat YSU!
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 13, 2023, 07:44:22 PM
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 13, 2023, 09:19:16 AM
Harry Schroeder of Valley Hoops, interviews Cooper Schwieger (you guys will love this!)


Go to Valley Hoops Insider to hear the entire interview.  He and Edwards and others are already on campus!  Getting exciting!
I view the fact that Valpo is looking to expand its fund raising staff as a positive.  This position is in addition to Jake's current spot:


Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 12, 2023, 06:43:36 PM
Quote from: VULB#62 on June 12, 2023, 04:15:19 PM

From the above Valpo Athletics release on Sepp's signing I zeroed in on Roger's quote at the very end.

"I'm super excited about Kaspar," Powell said. "He has a great feel for the game of basketball. He brings an international pedigree and helps us continue the longstanding international pipeline at Valpo. He fits great within my system and is going to be an awesome addition to Valpo Basketball and the way that I want to play."

First:  He has a SYSTEM!!
Second:  He has a VISION for how the pieces work together.
Third:  This clearly demonstrates that he looks for a special kind of player that FITS into all this.

To me, this means roles will be clearly spelled out. There will be a single mindedness of purpose. And that the players and coaches will all be on the same page together. I think that's called coaching.

And all the players like playing defense!

"Defense is also important to me; I'm a guy who will do the dirty work."
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 11, 2023, 03:28:01 PM
I would think a "Boom" would indicate a commitment/signing, not just an offer.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 11, 2023, 01:08:47 PM
Quinton Garrison has a new Boom!

Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers 2022/2023
June 11, 2023, 10:52:58 AM
Quote from: wh on June 11, 2023, 10:37:20 AM
By chance (or by design lol), does anyone have a list of our '23-24 scholarship players to date, so we can start assessing what we have by position, or at least front court/back court?

This might do it!  It doesn't list Sepp who I would think is a small forward at 6'7", so that 11 guys under scholarship so two to go.

Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers 2022/2023
June 11, 2023, 07:47:09 AM
Quote from: valpotx on June 10, 2023, 08:46:15 PM
Who are the 4 returning players?  Barrett, Palm, DeAveiro and ?

Walk-on Vick
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 08, 2023, 03:10:23 PM
We are getting a VERY experienced young player who thrives playing defense!  Here is his personal statement:

I have been playing basketball since 2010, in the city of Tartu, Estonia. I have been the captain of my team for my entire time in the club, also twice on the national team. 

Playing for the national team in the U16 European A-division Championships and for the main basketball team in Tartu have definitely been the biggest highlights of my career.  I have played in multiple international tournaments in various countries and also in the Estonian men's league, hence making me an experienced player. I am playing in 3 different leagues at the moment, one of them being the highest division in the country where I play against the best players in Estonia and Latvia.

I am looking for a  program that suits me both athletically as well as academically. Getting a good education is as important to me as playing. The school that I am studying in right now, ranked first among all high schools in Estonia in 2019.

Work-ethic, leadership skills, and a great basketball mind are the aspects that will surely help make an impact on your program. I am the defensive anchor of the team.  I believe I have what it takes to be a great leader for your team.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 08, 2023, 09:40:54 AM
Quote from: justducky on June 08, 2023, 09:33:41 AMWe have only about 1200+ returning minutes played by our holdovers.

And I doubt any of those players will see the court.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Transfers 2022/2023
June 05, 2023, 02:01:35 PM

247 Sports had him ranked as the #50 center in the class of 2022 and a three star recruit.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Recruiting: 2023
June 05, 2023, 10:43:39 AM

247 Sports had him ranked as the #50 center in the 2022 class and a three star recruit.
Other Sports / Re: 2023 Baseball
June 05, 2023, 08:05:07 AM
Quote from: valpo64 on June 04, 2023, 10:38:15 AM
Congratulations to Indiana State who beat Iowa yesterday and are unbeaten in their Regional.

They beat them again yesterday to win the region and on to the Super Regionals!  One of only 16 teams still playing!