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Messages - football1960

By Far Duncan made some plays with his legs scrambling and designed runs totaling  102 yrds rushing , if he did not do that we would have not been in this game.  the Dam defense  again had to stop Butler with 19 sec left in the game to go into over time and once again  was flagged x2  WTH  it  killed us, that is on FOX !! 
OMG what kind of play calling in the first.... 8 to 9 in the box and you are running stretch plays dam. At halftime the OC and the Head Coach must of got into it. Great 2nd half Duncan was on fire, and the WR caught the balls. Penalty killed the red zone TD to take the lead. 2 easy field goals missed.
Watched the game on ESPN plus, it was a great team win and the the weather was a plus for the team. At halftime Todd had a  piece  on Duncan about why he wears number 14, His late grandfather played at University of Michigan and wore number 14 as well.   
finally they made 2 half adjustments, it was not a good first half . Reese made the catch of the year, QB made some tough runs to get the TDs broke of a few tacklers to get in.  the running backs finally got to some good holes and took off, it was nice to see that. lets see what the team does this weekend.
I even heard on the Drake broadcasters saying why isn't Duncan in like the 3 rd quarter, he must be in the dog house?
It was tough to watch ...

I agree with JD24 about the OC not running Duncan and having Seewald running...
Heard they are having a coaches luncheon this Friday, anyone going ?  Seewald is starting and lets see if the OL holds up for him, he might have to run a little bit lol..
  thanks.. they got to get Kyle on the outside like a quick pass he is not a grinding RB. 
 the New OC needs to have Duncan run more like RPOs just a thought!  Does any of you insiders   know why Kyle Cartales did not play Saturday.
Valpo Football / Re: GAME #1: VUFB @ EKU 8/29. 6:00pm
August 31, 2019, 02:45:53 PM
I just finished watching the game.  Duncan was under pressure almost the whole game. I hope the Duncan will get some help the next game. EK DL was about 50 pounds heavier and just pushed valpo guys right into the passing line where Duncan was about to throw and the cb and LBs more physical  Valpo receivers could not get separation.
Valpo Football / Re: 2019 Football Non-Game Thread
August 22, 2019, 12:42:28 PM
lets see if they new coaching stuff  opens the play book up to let the mobile qb like Duncan to run more , he has some wheels lol,,
Valpo Football / Re: Spring Preview
April 17, 2019, 01:18:24 PM
QB mechanics is very important I agree with dcannon12 , qb# 5 Nimz ,did he have surgery also? When watching both Seewald and Nimz they both throw with there shoulder and off of one foot. 
Tomorrow !!!