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Messages - ValpoBy7

Valpo Football / Re: Valpo - Duquesne (9/17)
September 22, 2011, 07:39:22 PM
The Fan Zone is entertaining to say the least. I gather grown men and women mixing it up, and at odds over what is right and what may be wrong. Sounds okay except for the lack of respect for Valparaiso, the fans who support, the players, their families, coaches working to win, and the school's students. We miss so much in being critical, as well as generic.

I see so much good why focus on less. There is much in this turn around that hits home with praise. I never saw last years season. Not one game, but I did look at the scoring summaries, the timelines, who scored first, how ofter, how long drives were, and when Valpo appeared to be out of it. From my analysis I saw in many if not most that Valpo was out of the game by the end of the first quarter. As for dwelling on that, no way. I did look back to gain a footing, but from there the train has already started up the hill.

Here is what I see, in two games we are in the game at halftime. In one game we are in the game in the fourth quarter. Two games are against better opponents that all of last year. Two of the first three games were against athletic scholarship programs that are on the rise. These two games were on the road. The YSU game was a mismatch as YSU went out and got 20+ JC players, plus transfers. They spent money to get back to where they once were. Our speed and their is not close, same for size. We have a long way to go against the YSU of the FCS. As compared to last year where we scored 7, 0, and 7 for a total of 14 conversely we have 62 points in three games, and have scored in double figures in all three.

Last year in the first quarter our defense gave up points way too fast. Against the Dukes they had to go 15 plays to score on the first drive. That took 7 min off of the clock. Against D3 Franklin much of the same. Yes we are giving up too many points. This is because oou offense is passing too much, but that is because our lines against scholarship programs are not big enough nor strong enough to make a running game go. This will correct itself as we move into conference play. Add to this 90 new players who are new over the last two years, and wow have we really grown. I see growth beyond what most can see. You would have to understand growth of an athlete, experience of being their, playing time, knowledge of opponets, transitions to school, the tough educational requirements, being a long way from home, and so on. These 90 new players over two years is really say 80 as many have left. Just too much to bear, etc. Given these points praise is due. I do not like seeing a negative slant by some of our posters, but there are friends of mine that are miserable, and they can help it but, life has frankly kicked their butts and they are in sad shape. The attitude of some of our posters is to hurt not build up. The old coaching styles are just that old.

Valpo's needs are more team speed. Stronger lineman, bigger lineman, and yes inner strength. The inner side comes from being there. The role of our upper classman is to help model, but some are not there as they are trying to win their first games. So we have a huge mixed bag. Hang in there as there has been some nice growth. Coach Dale Carlson deserves praise for working from the very bottom up. Their are not a bunch of athletes on the team that could start anywhere else, but that does not mean they will not develop into solid players who will surprise you. Give them time, give them praise, look at them as young men of valor. Yes they do get down, yes they do feel beat during the game when down by 28 at the end of the first quarter after losing 22 straight. I would be down to, and so would you. They did fight, and the score in quarter 2 was 0 - 0 and 28 - 0 at the end of the half. The second half against the Dukes was 17 - 14. Yes we played against many of their seconds, but those seconds are scholarship players. They get 65 whole scholarship in FCS. The Dukes are four years into working towards 65. So they may be at 50+. Their next opponent won one game last year and was in year three of working towards 65 full rides. Those teams will be better than us until we go to athletic scholarships. That is a fact. Live with it. Bucknell was 0 - 11 last year, non scholarship new coach and are 1-2. That could be us. We are close. Keep the faith, help by remaining positive, reinforce what is good, and throw up on yourself, and not here on this FAN ZONE BLOG. The header says VALPO FAN ZONE. So if you are not a FAN find somewhere where you can make a difference. Negativity is of no help. My son plays, came a long way, is struggling with the distance, has played a bunch, and is missing home. We are pulling for his school, your school, and our school. I would rather see friends here than wonder why there are people who have issues with young men really trying. Yes there are some that give up, but for the betterment of all. Encourage them!  Thanks   ValpoBy7
Valpo Football / Re: Valpo - Franklin (9/3)
September 06, 2011, 04:21:46 PM
The defense never blitzed. No safety walk-ups from the bind side. Needed to rush a Joker and a loop blitz from the DE weakside to be more effective. The roll-outs by the Franklin QB keep us playing base most if not the whole way. Shotgun with roll outs were the keys to keeping the Franklin QB untouchable. Look for more blitzes during conference play as we would not show our hand so early. The defense will get better, and we must get to the QB. I sense more edge pressure will come. We played one freshman DE # 45 (45 to 50 snaps) splitting time with #42 Captain Grant Bushong. There were 97 snaps by Franklin, and those two had 6 solos and 2 assists combined. Playing that freshman half the game, and sharing the playing time with Bushong will help Grant be more explosive later in the season. The sacks will come especially with rotating series. All DL positions split playing time the whole game. We continue to do that, and things will get better as for TFL.
Valpo Football / Re: Youngstown State - Valpo (9/10)
September 06, 2011, 04:03:32 PM
The game against YSU is a mismatch from the standpoint that yes non versus scholarship, picking developed kids from Junior Colleges versus 97.5% incoming freshman, holdouts that are getting eligible to play because they are non qualifiers versus pre-med/engineering/pre-law, and D1 AA football factory versus developing the leaders of tomorrow. Go look at the bios of the YSU players and see what I have just offered. Their roster is for the kids that could not get into a real D1 school because of academic issues. They have a bunch of JC players, Community College players, and guys that could not qualify at all. If it were not for grades many YSU players would be at D1 BCS schools. Several come from Penn State, Ohio State, and other bigger programs where there either flunked out or were not starters.

So this is a mismatch. There O Line goes 6'6", 6'3",6'3",6'4",and 6'6" with 325, 315, 320, 285, and 310 respectively.

The fact that we will be tested is an understatement. The good news is our players will by far have the toughest game of their year out of the way. Non-Conference to.
The good news it is getting better. As I sat in the stands, several people said at halftime that this is the best we had played in two years. Grant you Franklin is Div 3 also non-scholarship. They to had 10 to 12 seniors on the roster. Both teams played a lot of new faces, and depth was an issue for both clubs. The fact is it was 35 - 35 late and no where in the past 20 games has it been that close that late. So hang in there.

Youngstown State will be the toughest opponent. So be extra ready to pray harder, longer, and do not be afraid to ask for more strength than ever before. We will grow week by week even when it does not look like it.

Go Valpo!
Valpo Football / Re: Valpo - Franklin (9/3)
August 31, 2011, 10:31:45 PM
Valpo By 7
Valpo Football / Re: FOOTBALL
August 31, 2011, 04:32:39 PM
By the way Baloney is pretty good fried on the grill until it gets a little burnt.
Valpo Football / Re: FOOTBALL
August 30, 2011, 09:45:49 PM
The good news is there is Hope which beams eternal. I have been away tending to my hamburger shack down I 65 South. Had too many issues with the business to check on how our faithful have been mixing it up. Seems like the faithful have become the faithless.

No hard feelings but this link always has me wondering if a Milan Miracle could happen again. Along with a Milan Miracle is it possible that we could get set for a shot at a run that may result in a Championship. I know that the odds of a winning season after a winless season are not very high. I once played on an 0 -9 season as a sophomore, and two years later we were in the state title game. No Milan Miracle that year, but that next yes. So from winless to a Championship can happen. It will take positive people who Believe, Hope, and have a unwavering Spirit about them. They call those types Winners who believe in the Spirit that can bring huge change.

So for those that forgot about the Milan Miracle her is the link so you can brush up on facts etc.


In closing, it is about to be a new season and a new opportunity. I am wishing the current team and coaches much success, great endurance, a high energy attitude, and gifts that only come from above. We are very blessed at Valparaiso to have so many supporters who encourage, speak highly of others, give hope to those in need of support, and serve in a unselfish way as to not degrade or ridicule others for giving themselves to present the university as a community of quality.

Go Valpo!

We would like Valparaiso folks to know that your coaching staff is really putting a great push on in bringing in quality young men who can play football. Over the years Rivals.com & Scout.com have not shown many kids going to Valpo. This is the first year in many that there is more than one player listed from those services who will attend Valpo. What this means is Valpo is getting exposure, as well credit for recruiting kids that want to play at a high level of competition.

My son is coming to Valpo, and we are very serious about winning, as well getting one of the best educations available. My son's school is sending their co Valedictorians to Notre Dame and Northwestern, and our son who will enter in pre-med is coming to Valpo. We are very honored to see Drew Akacki come to your fine school. I once played for the Georgia Bulldogs as an OL Tackle and Guard. Drew wants to help your program make a statement, and we believe in what Coach Carlson wants to accomplish which is build strong young men to not only represent the Life of Christ, but who are better for taking on the toughest of assignments. Winning will have costs, and our fans will surely need to withstand some more loss as we evolve into a winning program. How many wins do we want or believe can come? How much do you believe that Notre Dame won because they believed rather than had the best talent that was out there? Did ND stop winning because of lack of speed, lack of rock solid focus, or are they lacking in talent thus they cannot beat southern conferences that have superior talent?

We could go on into that area for weeks, and not accomplish much. I do know that human spirit and heart can do things that no man or women could dream up without our Almighty's strength. So how will we win? Player by player, and positive responses even in the face of defeat. I almost played with Rudy, and would have blocked Rudy in practice. I choose that Bulldogs over Notre Dame coming out of NJ, and caught grief for it as I was a Catholic going into the South. UGA beat ND in the 1981 Sugar Bowl to claim a 1980 National Championship. Since then UGA like ND has sat watching as the game has passed then by. As hard as they play they seem to miss the mark.

What Valpo has going for them is surprise, and a burning desire. Today kids / ball players want a challenge, and want to be part of something bigger than Facebook, Wei, Movies, I Pods, X Box, etc. Today kids are getiing smart in knowing that this world has changed and the next wave will have to be super focused and direct in getting what they want for their lives. This will be our edge, and we need to support this outlook. In years and decades past kids / ballplayers had it mush easier as life was richer in less of the unknown. As fear of the unknown can set back those that are not grounded, and in years past most did not have to worry about that sort of life as the world was moving fast in the right direction. Things have greatly changed for our youth. It is today why a Valpo will be seen as a magnet for changing the direction of events that will impact society as a whole. The better schools will become the place where the serious athlete comes to to start life. It is here at Valpo that we see this switch in dynamics of how society will move into 2020 and beyond. What is evolving for Valpo is bigger than football. "Go Valpo".

Sports Talk / Re: New NCAA Rules for FB and BB
April 30, 2011, 12:40:22 AM
The real story not told is that freshman football players all over these Big Conferences only need a 1.7 GPA to stay eligible, and then a 1.8 GPA as a Sophomore to remain eligible, followed by a 1.9 as a Junior, and if they make it to their Senior year a 2.0 to graduate. They must have a 2.0 their Senior year to stay eligible during the season, and then into Bowl Season.

That is way many times you see players declared not eligible for Bowl play.

Another stat is players drafted usually never graduate. The low percentage of college graduated players in the NFL would really surprise you.

Anyone know what that percentage actually is?

My guess is 12%.
Since I am so new to the thread, the rules are I cannot post a link as of YET. I tried, and the offer was disallowed. Tough being a newbie!
Found this on Rivals.com

Look under commits, Valparaiso 2011, and view three of our football recruits. There is video. You may also find them on Scout.com by searching the players name and 2011.
I like the way you think. Seems like the first class that Head Coach Carlson brought in was red shirted in order to be one year more mature. So last years team paid dearly for the preparations for this season. Explains why we did not see a decent result. Add on top of that the weeding out process, and you have a very tough result. Things should start to move in the right direction as viewed on the score board.

Valpo Football / Re: Suprising football trivia
April 21, 2011, 10:01:07 PM
I am new to the Fan Forum. So thank you for offering a bit of Valpo Football History.