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Messages - acesneights

You guys crack me up! :lol:
You may not like what I said and I do not agree with you - but it is inappropriate to make those comments about Laura - might be time to shut this thread down. There is pleanty of bitterness about this program to go around and to take a personal shot at one player is classless.

I think .500 is attainable and right now, I would be happy with that - and if the only issue is floor leadership and he excels in that - great. But that is a hard excuse to accept for two years. Sorry to offend those that think this is personal - I have a hard time supporting what is becoming the YSU of the horizon league, and I don't like it.
Two year slump? Losing to YSU twice is a slump? C'mon! What will it be next year? What injury? What recruit did we not get? What assistant left (I cannot even believe that is listed as an excuse)? What recruit will be the next savior of the program? Someone needs to step up and be held accountable and 17 years tenure is not an acceptable reason to do nothing ------ well I guess that can be added the exhaustive list of excuses to do nothing. The TRUTH is that no changes reflect the urgency to have a winning season - but, this is just a women's sport so it may not be that important at VU. Think Homer would still be here after two seasons like this? MBB lost recruits, endured injuries, even lost an assistant (Looks like he was a key one - Baylor has done well), and they remain competitive in the Horizon League.

Prediction: 1/4 into this next season you will see what may look like copies of the former forum show up on this forum and next year at this time there will be another "If they don't win..." thread that will lead nowhere because more are interested in protecting a friend over doing what is best for the program or university.

This ain't the Summit League anymore and the theory of a two year slump is delusional.