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Messages - VUCE99

Sports Talk / Re: NCAA College Basketball Talk
October 29, 2021, 12:44:52 PM
If Valpo beats Stanford, will you start calling them "Champion of Champions"?
Valpo Basketball / Re: New Valpo Team Name Ideas
September 22, 2021, 01:05:26 PM
Hasn't it been decided that, moving forward, the "flame shield" will be the primary logo?  All this discussion is about a theoretical secondary logo, that the University does not even own the rights to (yet).  Which, btw, I think the logo Bryan designed is awesome (but I hate the name "beacons", blech)

Also, about the perception that religion comes first at Valpo...I was recently having a discussion with my inlaws, and somehow the topic of Christian colleges came up and that they didn't really think of Valpo as "Christian school", even though they knew it was Lutheran affiliated.  I'm not really sure what their criteria was, but I told them that we were required to take theology courses, which surprised them.  They asked if there was a morning chapel break, which I told them there was but it was optional to attend.