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Messages - TC28

Valpo Football / Re: FB Season Finale vs. Morehead
November 20, 2012, 03:14:42 PM
I'm almost afraid to ask considering the responses I might get but what would it take to go scholarship in football? I'm probably opening the door to more bashing of our program but I think if you're going to do football right, it needs to go scholarship. Austin Peay St used to be in the Pioneer and now they're scholarship, why can't Valpo? I can only assume that Mercer and Stetson will be scholarship programs within a few years after joining the PFL.

So seriously, what would it take to go scholarship?
Valpo Football / Re: Valpo vs. Youngstown St.
September 06, 2012, 09:50:07 AM
Quote from: VULB#62 on September 05, 2012, 09:59:23 PM
Quote from: setshot on September 05, 2012, 06:08:53 PM
Good grief! We have already spent years trying to dig ourselves out of a hole. Isn't it about time to fill in the hole,plant our feet firmly on the ground and DROP FOOTBALL! :banghead:

No friggin way ss.  There is a 92 year history that  says no.  Carlson has the mentality, dedication, organization, management and communication style, and big picture concept to move this program forward. He needs the administration to make a financial commitment to upgrade facilities and staff (which translates to even better recruiting results) that is equal to the other programs we compete against.  I continually monitor the other PFL programs and especially the newer ones.  The facilities and the commitment dollars are so far ahead of VU at this point it is ridiculous  (check out the new or expanded stadiums at Jacksonville, Campbell and Mercer), but I believe Mark will direct more $$ toward FB because it truly has the potential to be a much better program due ot the leadership that's in place and the young talent that has enrolled.

Case in point.  We scheduled YSU for two games back when they were suffering losing seasons.  At the time we were winning 3 and 5 games a season (an analysis of the wins showed that they were largely non-conference, D-III wins).  But in the interim YSU committed $$ to facilities (big bucks actually) and the other intangibles. By 2011 and 2012 they are pushing Michigan State and beating Pitt and were back to the Tressel years level.  But since the contract signing VU spiraled further downward.  Now we are just beginning to rebuild.  The previous game against STJ was a 50-7 loss.  Last Thursday we  should have won, but because of youthful inexperience we gave up the winning TD with less than 2 minutes to play.  It's coming.  We will be better.  For a fact, the future schedule will no longer include D-III teams. Our program will be competitive at the lower end of FCS.   We will play Patriot, NEC and possibly Ivy League teams regularly.  Once we get past YSU on Saturday, I think you'll see much tighter games and a couple of wins this year.  Duquesne has a 36 scholarship limit.  But we could still beat them on our turf next week.  Next year, we'll be even more competitive against a MVFC team and you might even see a .500 or better record overall.  It's taken longer than expected to turn this thing around, but it is happening.

St. Joe has a 36 scholarship limit as well. "Progress=almost winning a game" That is progress if you actually see how far we've come. 50-7 blowout last year with, if I remember correctly,  St Joe's 3rd string QB at the helm to an immature team not finishing a game in the last 24 seconds.

The program is on the rise. Coach Carlson is turning the program around. Just think, a few years ago, players used to have to pay for their own gear (shoes, shorts, shirts, gloves, etc.), recruits had to pay their own way on visits, we had trash bags for jerseys, and the biggest improvement is they finally got rid of those brown and white two toned socks! The university is finally pumping some money into the program and it will pay out. It just takes time and support. Carlson is the best head football coach that this university has had in a long time. There are reasons that Coach Horne and Coach Adams are now at the high school level.
Valpo Football / Re: 2012 Football
August 29, 2012, 12:38:51 PM
Any news on Trevor Hammer? He is listed as one of the 2012 commits but I don't see him on the updated roster. From his high school highlight tape, he looked pretty impressive and seemed like he could have contributed right away.
I think there would be more tailgating and a better atmosphere if Valpo would loosen up on the whole dry campus thing. I know that during our last championship game, parents were tailgating/celebrating and were drinking out of solo cups. Instead of asking them to pour out the beer, VUPD would just knock them over when they weren't looking.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Ray McCallum Jr.
March 07, 2012, 01:03:07 PM
Quote from: setshot on March 07, 2012, 12:38:20 PM
I like McCallum Jr. and his "stick it in you ear" approach to the game. We need a guy like this on "our" team. On the other hand we do have some tough guys,particularly those that play in the paint. I respect them and wish the rest of the team played "hard nosed" basketball as well. Perhaps,being on a small campus, our athletes intermingle too much with the "softies" on the football team. If so,its catching. Anyhow, let's win a game or two or more in the NIT. A visit to MSG would be a great capstone to a truly great season. GO VALPO! :thumbsup:

Setshot, why don't you put some pads on and see exactly how "soft" our football team is? Nice school spirit you got there.
Valpo Football / Re: Football recruiting 2012
February 07, 2012, 01:20:31 PM
Recent commit: Alex Green Zionsville HS. 6'2 230 LB.
Valpo Football / Re: Valpo: #246 again and again
November 01, 2011, 09:36:32 AM
What would be the point of firing the coach? So we can try to rebuild the program for another 4 years? Coach Carlson has had 1 full recruiting class. Most of which are contributing. Carlson is still filtering out what was left from the last coaching staff.  If Valpo hasn't won a game by next year, then there's something to talk about. The fact of the matter is that the team is young. Its hard to win with inexperience.

And why would the University get rid of football when they're just starting to actually put money into it? (New field, uniforms, coaches, etc.)  Like it or not, football is a revenue generating sport. They'd be stupid to drop it.
Valpo Football / Re: Valpo - Duquesne (9/17)
September 20, 2011, 10:21:49 AM
Setshot---do you ever have anything positive to say that doesn't involve sarcasm or criticism? It's almost like you hope VU loses so you can post some snotty remark. I'm just as tired of seeing my team get blown out as anyone else but there's no need to start criticizing the players. Especially a freshman with a lot of potential.
As a former VU football player, I think our schedule is fine the way it is. I personally enjoyed the challenge of playing a scholarship team. I knew that we were probably going to get blown out, but I wasn't embarrassed by it. I don't think all my teammates would agree with me but I think the majority would. I used those games as a measuring tool for me as an athlete. If I individually could compete with guys from North Dakota St, or South Dakota St then I knew I would have no problem with anyone from say San Diego or Dayton. If I couldn't compete then I knew I had to work that much harder in practice, in the weight room, or in the film room to be where I needed it to be. Maybe the athletes that you spoke with couldn't compete, maybe they need to work at certain aspects of their game. Its not the coaches fault. Playing in big games, as a coach you'll discover who's going to step up to the challenge and who is going shy away. Truth of the matter is that this is a way to help fund our program. As some may have a hard time believing, it is a recruiting tool. Its one of the reasons that I went to Valpo. Injuries are part of the game, it doesn't matter if we're playing Ohio St or Joliet Junior College. Injuries happen. In fact, if I remember correctly we had more injuries playing Wisconsin Lutheran than we did South Dakota St. So I don't buy that if we play teams that are so called "above-our-level" that you have to worry about injuries. If you're giving 100% on every play (which you have to in order to be on the same field with a YSU) you're less likely to get hurt.

I personally think that hiring Coach Carlson was the best decision this University has made regarding football in a long, long time. I believe in him, he's the right man for the job. He's certainly better than what VU had when we won conference in 2003. I should know, I was part of that team. Coach Carlson is going to need some time to turn this program around. So instead of criticizing the schedule, just show the man some support.