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Messages - nymike

Valpo Basketball / Re: Ray McCallum Jr.
March 07, 2012, 09:20:05 PM
Like Sampson invented slez......OSU Football...........KY basketball...............Lousiville basketball........Alabama football...............USC everything..........Sampson was just a bit player.  And like IU has a history of hiring Mary Poppins as basketball coach. For every Homer Drew's there must be 50 dirt bags out there.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Ray McCallum Jr.
March 07, 2012, 01:20:27 PM
Sorry I didn't mean to sound like Valpo is not a fine school, it is, so is Detroit, some people on this blog pile all of the city's problems on the school and the players, which is so unfair. Go to the Univ of Penn, outside the school it's a war zone, Columbia, etc. there are tons of schools in inner cities, each has a mission. Take a player like Holman, he had problems in HS, at IU yet somehow he got through Detroit, and there is no doubt he is better for the experience, and is that not a schools mission? As for the game, Detroit came out and had a plan that Valpo would not beat them by the 3, they had 20 3's the first 2 games, so Valpo took it to the paint, and it was working, Detroit adjusted at half time and that adjustment worked for them second half. people say more games are won in the locker room at half time, than anyother place,  well clearly Detroit won the half time, maybe instead of taking it out on a 19 year kid who let his joy turn into a ill advised dunk, maybe Valpo fans should look to it's young coach, this game will help him learn faster. JR's dunk didn't change a thing, it may have hunt Valpo fan's feelings, so be it, the game was lost on the court, last night the better team one.
Valpo Basketball / Re: Ray McCallum Jr.
March 07, 2012, 12:20:24 PM
I'm not a Valpo fan, but I do like the program, and always wish it well, The game on ESPN last night was great and did alot for the league, Valpo and Detroit nationally, since many of us out there in basketball land are Butler-ed out, it's nice to have two teams like Valpo and Detroit represent the league. As for JR's dunk, he's a kid, and a pretty good kid at that, he went to a outstanding HS (Detroit Country Day) got Dean's List grades, and comes from a wonderful normal family. If there were more kids like him in the counrty maybe we'd be in better shape. The Univ of Detroit has been and is a outstanding school, one that Valpo should model itself after. For Valpo fans to blast the school and team because it's in Detroit is like blasting Valpo because it's near Gary. You people need to grow up, the truth is if you had the chance you'd take JR on your team in a heartbeat, and he'd do for Valpo what he's is doing for Detroit. You people need to listen to him speak, he is a bright, class young man, and the league should be proud that he will be the face of the league the next 2 years. I for one enjoyed seeing him work so hard and win the game for his school, his efforts against you, CSU and YSU are classic, would you people be happier if he flipped the crowd like the Super Bowl half time show? Why is Detroit any worst then other inner city schools, have you visited USC lately.

Enjoy your NIT run, I hope to see your team in the Garden, it's something your players will remember for ever, they say Detroit may play Michigan State the first round, you need to root for Detroit to "pay back MSU for taking your ticket to the big dance this year, player Wood.