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Messages - laura

Valpo Football / Re: Game #10 - @ Dayton
November 06, 2016, 10:57:11 AM
Correct...It was senior day and the coaches emptied the bench. This game was over much earlier.
Valpo Football / Re: Dayton at Valpo
November 15, 2013, 10:57:13 AM
Thank you Seniors. You have persevered through a tough stretch and come out the better for it. Good luck to you and your teammates. Have fun and represent Valparaiso University to your best.
Valpo Football / Re: Spring football roster?
March 27, 2013, 09:57:32 PM
I'm light USC....I'm just tired of all the smarmy smart ass comments on this thread.I'll go away and you guys can keep bad mouthing the players. Have fun.
Valpo Football / Re: Spring football roster?
March 26, 2013, 10:36:56 PM
BTW to all... Spring rosters are usually available at the Saturday scrimmages.
Valpo Football / Re: Spring football roster?
March 26, 2013, 10:35:30 PM
bbtds... Keep your jagoff comments to yourself. "Is there still a team?" "What level?" DIVISION I that's the level. I know you never played but these kids are playing. Go cheer for Butler.
Valpo Football / Re: ok, what now?
November 29, 2012, 10:05:47 PM
College Sports Madness ( USA Today subsidiary) came out with its post season All-Conference Team. Four Crusaders made the team. Greg Wood Senior -Punter. Jake Hutson Redhirt Freshman-Running Back, Patrick Derbak Junior- Linebacker andBill Bodzianowski Senior-OL. So we have two All-Conference players returning, one on Offense and one on Defense. These are our building blocks. While other schools have press releases about these athletes who have been honored...Carlson still has his Davidson Blog up...just embarassing....on his part.
Valpo Football / Re: ok, what now?
November 26, 2012, 10:00:11 PM
I'm new and I'm tired...I'm tired of the pitiful coach who leads this schools team ...I'm tired of the athletic director doing NOTHING to address this horrible situation...I'm tired of the school administration not holding anyone accountable...I'm tired of the attacks on the abilities of our football players by members on this board...I'm tired of a rolodex roster and coaching stafff...I'm tired of unimanaged game plans(Were not above a trick play now and then)...I'm tired that nothing will change for the fourth year in a row...I'm tired.................
Valpo Football / Re: FB Season Finale vs. Morehead
November 18, 2012, 10:37:46 PM
I'm a fossil myself ....I'm just so frustrated at the terrible three year span the school and the players have gone through. All the cliches, all the blaming the players by Carlson, All the excuses. This is still a college experience for these players and to just say lets try for another 2 years because thats the contract. Unacceptable! This hurts Everyone. It has to stop.
Valpo Football / Re: FB Season Finale vs. Morehead
November 18, 2012, 07:53:02 PM
Carlson is in over his head. Last 2 weeks trick plays have been used successfully. Why don't we ever try them? Anything is better than his "20 Bubble Screens " per game. Give these players a chance. How about hiring someone young? This fossil can't adjust, can't adapt, can't improvise and most importantly CAN NOT LEAD!!!!
Valpo Football / Re: ok, what now?
November 15, 2012, 09:22:28 PM
Stop with the drop football stuff...And stop questioning the ability of the players. The are as good as most teams in the PFL( look at their Bios). If you haven't figured out that a mistake was made in the hiring of Carlson three years ago , well then you have not been watching this team. 2-31 !!!!! Are you kidding me. Some of you want to give this coach 2 more years? Please!
Valpo Football / Re: ok, what now?
November 13, 2012, 09:15:33 AM
Stop the excuses. It is NOT the players. It is Carlson. Every player on the roster has played well in high school. All-Conference, All-Area, Some All-State. They all know how to play football. So what is the problem. Coach Carlson! Three years, three different Defensive coordinators. How many different assistant coaches? Why are we always playing freshmen? Carlson runs them off. So no stabilty in coaching staff and no stability on the roster.After 3 years we could be 1-9 at this point but at least we should be COMPETITIVE. What do you really think will happen if we give him 2 more years?