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Messages - gerb

On The Horizon / Re: WSU's Sledge arrested
January 04, 2014, 11:25:27 AM
WSU fan here.
A lot has come out recently on the Sledge case. Unfortunately the Daily News is subscription based so i cant post the article (but you can buy a one-day online subscription for a dollar and find it there)
Basically it was an unfortunate situation that was mishandled by all parties involved from Sledge to his girlfriend to the cops to the judge. He's not innocent on all charges, but he plead guilty to the ones he unquestionably was, though it seems the child endangerment charge resulted from a combination of his non-action and the cops' action.  The anger from Grant and others comes not from his innocence or guilt, but from the bait and switch of the plea bargain. He wasn't going to serve any jail time, let alone 19 days. Even the jailers at the prison made appeals to shorten his sentence.
Not defending, condoning, or demeaning anything. Just informing you that more information has surfaced that may shed a different light on things for some.
Quote from: drewsaders11 on March 12, 2013, 06:09:34 PM1. Detroit sucks...can I get a retweet? 2.  I'm not really sure why any of us are attempting to stir up any bad blood between the two schools on the boards.  I have respected Wright State ever since I have been affiliated with Valpo.  Good, consistent program with respectable players. 

1. Yup

2. I don't see any bad blood here. I think both of our fan bases have a solid respect for the others'. In a situation like this, though a little good-natured manufactured animosity can be fun. I mean really, you guys are like our much much older but much much smaller brother who happens to have NOT won a national championship on any level despite a 51-year head start.
Quote from: wh on March 12, 2013, 04:55:44 PM
Quote from: gerb on March 12, 2013, 04:45:04 PM
Well, that conversation of good will turned quickly. Regardless, looking forward to a good game from Val-poo. ;)

Gerb - You have a classy program, an excellent coach and players that put team before self.  You are a worthy opponent and if for some reason we lose this game, I will proudly support WSU as our representative in the Big Dance.  Good luck and may the best team win!

Yup. You will. ;D

Well, that conversation of good will turned quickly. Regardless, looking forward to a good game from Val-poo. ;)
Valpo Basketball / Re: OUR Student Section Spot
March 12, 2013, 10:28:34 AM
I believe this was a change going forward to ensure a more even playing field than that game. WSU had 3000 student tickets sold and actually had to construct new bleachers to accommodate overflow. That, compared to about 50 bulldog students was inbalance the HL didnt anticipate. Also, there was enough animosity between the schools at that point that - while unfair - it was probably in Butler's best interests. The HL didn't want a BU student getting mauled by a horde of adrenaline pumped WSU students. I was in the front row of the student section and the intensity of that crowd was almost unfathomable.
I think there were enough complaints that the HL will plan ahead a little better to make sure things are separate but equal (in a good way) regardless of venue.
Quote from: LaPorteAveApostle on March 12, 2013, 06:51:41 AM
Quote from: gerb on March 12, 2013, 06:45:10 AMThe "Wrong State" thing is irksome
never tell people what bothers you, because then you arm them against yourself.  in a 1000-word post, now 2 people have picked out the same two words.  *sound of fingers tenting Mr.-Burns-style* plus, nobody hates you, so the least we can do is manufacture some animosity. other than that, hey, welcome!
I should rectify that, but since you had to go and quote it...
The "Wrong State" or "wrong school" or whatever thing is water off a duck's back to most fans now. You almost feel bad for people who use that as their trump card in lieu of anything creative.

Regardless, thanks for the welcome. Hoping for a good, non-controversial, injury-free game tonight.
Hey guys. WSU fan here (oh my god! It's an invasion!). I've got a few things to respond to on here, but I've lost track of what topic is in what thread so I'll just knock 'em all out in one post to start.
1.   You guys have a great board here. I look at all the HL boards from time to time (kudos to the Milwaukee fan who set up the hub) and yours is the most comprehensive / sane
2.   If you want WSU opinions/news/info, check out the Wright State proboards site in addition to RaiderRoundball. It's more active with a broader (and less crotchety) membership than RRB.
3.   WSU fans  - at least all the ones I know – have a ton of respect for Valpo's program. They all also HAAAAATE Detroit.
4.   The "Wrong State" thing is irksome more because it's lazy than offensive. The absolute saddest/funniest version of this is Detroit's "(W)right State Wrong School" chant. This is what uncreative Ohio opponents do since, you know, we're in the same state. When the Titan fans do it, it's the most instant schadenfreude possible.
5.   I can't post any links since I'm a newbie, but  the Dayton Daily News website has a few articles about tonight's game in the Wright State section, including one with some good quotes from Bryce.
6.   Game 1 our best performances came from Darling(out for the year), Arceneaux and Sledge. Game 2 was Pacher and Dixon. Every player who has seen significant court time has been the go to guy at one point or another this season so it's tough for opponents to key in on somebody. The guy who will probably be the biggest x-factor tonight is Jerran Young. Valpo's only seen 19 minutes of him all year, but if he can stay out of foul trouble this time it's going to be a very different game than the first two.
7.   7. That Dakich quote. ...wow.