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Messages - BallMom00

Valpo Football / Re: Different Perspective on Football
October 06, 2013, 04:49:54 PM
My kids have played on a lot of different sports teams over the years and never once have I felt the need to join a forum or post a comment... until now. 

There were options for my son to play elsewhere, but he chose Valpo (a university with tuition well outside our means) first for the degree and second to be a part of (what was sold to us as) a "turnaround" program ... the talent was here, the commitment and determination was here - this was going to be that season.

Yet, to this day, the only turnaround we've seen is how many of these student athletes are actively considering leaving the program (and the university) because they have had enough. 

You're right!! We have an outstanding group of young men -- both athletically and academically -- who've come into VU via football and who want to bring the pride back to the program. They have made an active decision to commit their time and energies outside the very stringent, demanding VU courseload to a program that is publically degraded because of its continued losing record.  (Don't believe me? check social media!) At some point, enough is enough is enough.

There is no doubt, it is very hard to be fan of a program like this! Trust me, it's even harder when you have skin in the game.