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Messages - bballraider

Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 07, 2016, 10:58:04 AM
I don't think the double bye is the problem or all that he was complaining about. The back to back to back seems to be the main issue. But as far as changing the format for this tournament once again, I repeat myself from an earlier thread: Get. Out. Of. This. Conference. (Yes, I realize it's easier said, and with the retention/new contract of a women's basketball coach who is 32-90 heading into the tourney, I'm beginning to think we should worry more about our local leadership than that in the conference office, but I promised myself I would save that rant for after the season.)

As a Wright State Fan, and having heard Donlon speak before about the tourney. He never had a problem with the double bye or even the home court going to the league champion. He liked the regular season being worth something. So my only guess is the back to back to back against a rested team being the problem. If there was a break in there, he would most likely be fine. He has never been happy with the league's scheduling in the regular season either, but that's another story.

So his first rant was to the media and their voting with none of his players being recognized. He was sticking up for his players, which any good coach would do. I think the tournament scheduling rant was just a carry over on that, once his emotions started going.

As far as HL awards, (he was in his own way, claiming do not look entirely at stats, but look how his players matched up each night against their opponent. Wright State is not a team that is going to put up gaudy stats, very similar to Valpo. Both Valpo and Wright State are defensive minded teams, that play good team defense, (Valpo just happens to have a shot blocker to supplement that team defense). They do not need to go toe to toe and try to out score the other team every night to win a game. So the offensive numbers aren't as high. I think he felt the media looked too much at stats. Donlon said winning is a big stat for him, and the most important thing to coaches, so he had 2 Valpo players on his first team along with Felder and Tiby. I'm not sure who the other player on his first team is but I would assume Fouse since he said his 1st team ballot consisted players of the top other 4 teams, since you can't vote for your own players.
Congratulations on your first HL Tourney Championship.

I will be rooting for you guys in the Big Dance. Hopefully the selection committee gives you a decent matchup and seed.

I really thought we had you rattled in the 2nd Half. But I give props to your guys for gathering their composure, while the Raiders inexperience showed up at the wrong time. It would have been nice to have Cole Darling's experience down the stretch of that game, but you play the cards you are dealt.

Again good luck in the NCAA's, and we owe you some payback next year. :)
Quote from: bbtds on January 19, 2013, 11:48:38 PM
Quote from: bballraider on January 19, 2013, 10:01:05 PM
Congrats on a nice comeback. Good luck til we meet again in the Nutter Center.

Good luck on the rest of your year. At least until Valpo plays your team at the Nutter Center. Since I live in Indy I've been to 3 games at the Nutter Center. The first one was a Valpo win in our first Horizon League game ever.

How did you feel about tonight's game?

I thought the game was well played on both sides. I would have preferred a different outcome though lol.

It looked liked the ARC was jumping last night, even over the HL network.

Broekhoff showed why he'd be my POY currently. Big players step up at crucial times. And Broekhoff wouldn't have gotten to that point if the rest of your team hadn't played well enough to keep the game close so He could do his magic.

Refs didn't influence this game much, they blew calls both ways. I just wish they would be consistent from half to half so the players know how to play. It was a very physical game. I was impressed that Valpo didn't turn the ball over as much as they have in the past. I think that was the key to your win.

Again good luck the rest of the year, and I hope your fans noticed we are not the same team as last year. As a Raider fan, i get tired of hearing how teams will beat us because we havent played anybody, hopefully this silence some of our teams critics. I would like to see WSU and Valpo with the top two seeds in the tourney. Detroit has a ton of talent when they show up, and I would prefer to see them have to play an extra game in the tourney, as they are inconsistent and it gives them one more game to screw up somehow.
Congrats on a nice comeback. Good luck til we meet again in the Nutter Center.
I don't know what the guys at the HL were smoking when they created these schedules, but they seem really unfair and not well thought out. I can't wait until we add some more teams and fix the scheduling.

For Wright State we had 3 home games, followed by 4 away games, I can't believe the league isn't smart enough to even it out a little so nobody plays that many consecutive games either home or away.  This week after not playing all week, we go to Valpo Saturday, Go to Detroit Monday and then go to YSU on Thursday and finally return home on Saturday to face UIC. That's absolutely crazy, after not playing in 8 days.

But anyhow, I'm looking forward to the game on Saturday with you guys. This league is crazy this year, if you do not show up to play well either home or way, you will get beat. I think its possible for the league champ this year to have 5 conference losses. I picked Valpo to win the league this year early on, but after seeing my Raiders play, I'm not counting them out, and you never know which Detroit team is going to show up. It should be a fun and entertaining year this year. Good Luck and hopefully your game with Detroit goes into many overtimes.  ;D
Just wanted to congratulate your fans and team on their first basketball league championship. Good Luck in the tourney (unless you meet the Raiders of course).