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Senior Day at Brown Field vs. Campbell (Valpo wins 34-31!)

Started by covufan, November 11, 2011, 05:11:20 PM

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Today's victory against 5-2 conference foe, Campbell, certainly was a lot better than just coming within 20 points of them, which I would have been fairly happy with. But to win shows such great heart and improvement beyond what any of us had conceived. Nobody even came close to predicting a Valpo victory or even a score within 10 of Campbell. Congrats to the seniors and let's keep this momentum flowing into the next game and win it also. Is this Campbell win the watershed moment for this Valpo football team or a blip on the radar? Keep it going team and don't let me and other naysayers take anything from you.


Quote from: bbtds on November 12, 2011, 09:46:52 PM
Personally I think you should have to print all the negative comments you have ever posted on this board and eat THEM for your Thanksgiving meal in front of your freshman family member on the Valpo football team. That to me seems like poetic justice.

Umm, que?

My expectations / tone-of-posts between VU football and VU MBB aren't even on the same plane.  I challenge you to find anything negative, pessimstic, or remotely unsupportive I've ever said about VU football over the 8-ish years I've been posting on these forums.  Maybe there was something, but I can't imagine what would have motivated me. (Maybe the game thread of the "ESPN called the booth to confirm the slaughter" game?  But I don't think so?)  Just because JJ and I might have similar downer posts about the hoops team doesn't mean I've been the same curmudgeon about our struggling football team, too.

I'm not sure why I would "eat" words about our basketball program's utter failure to capitalize on 1998's success when talking to a player on the football team?  I can tell you, I haven't been shy about expressing my disappointment of the basketball program's slide into anonymity when talking to these same family members.  Ditto for my criticism of the new, lousy Crusader mascot.  No need for sugarcoating among family....


Sorry for the double post, but I meant to ask in my first post in the thread if a Mod could change the thread title to add a suffix like "[Valpo wins 34-31!!]". 


Let me try to add some perspective on what today was from someone who spends a lot of time on campus and the football team. First off, I, like rink, am a diehard Packer fan and I had to close my eyes during 4th and 26. I just couldn't bear another repeat of those awful numbers, but Brett Heber did a great job putting pressure on the quarterback and forcing a bad pass. I was down near the field for the last plays of the game and I immediately made my way towards the team afterwards. The amount of tears shed by players was unreal. I'm not just talking about players who were in the game. Seniors who were injured, seniors who lost their spot, sophomores who were hurt, freshmen who have been here for four months. Everybody on the team wanted to win this game for everybody else on the team. I'd by lying if I didn't say the football team has a mighty chip on their shoulder from the way they are viewed on campus by the student body. Today wasn't about winning for the student body, that will come later. Today was about winning for themselves and proving to themselves that they belonged in college football. I spoke with a senior today who told me that he knows most people will look at it and say "Big deal, now they are just 1-9, but this means so much more than just one win."

As a two-time alum, professor and sports writer, I toe a pretty fine line of ethics and conflict of interest. I'll admit that I was a bit unprofessional today as I definitely pumped my first and clapped my hands in the pressbox. I apologized to the Campbell SID after the game, but I've seen this team get their clocks beaten in for the last three years and today none of that mattered.

Personally, I enjoyed this after a brutal two weeks where I watched the soccer teams end their seasons and careers in the most brutal way it can happen: penalty kicks. I'd almost set myself up for believing that the football team was going to pull a Green Bay and give up 4th and 26.

Whether or not Valpo wins on the road next week really doesn't matter. They won today in front of their parents and their families. They won today for each other. As for us in the media, the fans and the student body, that will all come later. Today was all about the players and the coaching staff. It was wonderful.


Nice post Paul.  Even though I definitely do not like the Packers (go Broncos '97-'98 ;-) ), I had the same feeling on 4th and 26 that they were somehow going to get a first down: pass interference, late hit, completion, something.  I was so happy for the players once they knocked that pass down, and you could just see how happy everyone was on the sidelines.  Kids were beating the ground and thanking the heavens, which shows they truly care about what they are doing.  While we were on campus the football players were winning and definitely walked around campus with that attitude.  I can only imagine what it has been like for them in losing 29 straight, and the comments they have received from other students.
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: setshot on November 12, 2011, 09:12:49 PM
Finally! Hopefully we can make it two in a row. If so,keep the coach. If not: drop football. BEAT DAVIDSON! Congratulations! :thumbsup:

I have a better idea, lets keep football and drop setshot!


Congratultions to the team -- especially the seniors.  It's great to see the hard work and perseverance paying off!
Beamin' Beacons


AMEN! humbleopinion....Especially a big shout-out to Coach Carlson who has seen his dedication, hard work, and his plan to right the ship show success...a good start to an improving program...GO VALPO!


Congrats to the team, the seniors and coach Carlson.  Hopefully, the first of many wins in the next few years.


Here is Coach Carlson's blog:


Ending the home season on a positive note is always a good thing.  The team should be able to build off of this, and continue improvement into next season.


Congrats on the big win! Fantastic! I am happy for the seniors who get to go out with at least one win. I certainly wasn't predicting a win (in my defense, nobody was) but am happy to be proven wrong! Let's hope this is the beginning of something good!
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado