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Bye Week and Game #3 @ William Jewell

Started by VULB#62, September 07, 2014, 09:11:21 PM

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Last one was at Concordia Wisconsin in 08...Adams' last season, if I recall.



Quote from: Dave_2010 on September 20, 2014, 04:08:39 PM
Last one was at Concordia Wisconsin in 08...Adams' last season, if I recall.

2008 AND 2009


So far Coach Cecchini is an entire season and 18 games ahead of the pace set by the previous coach for his first win.


I got home about 30 seconds before the game ended.  Tuned into their broadcast to hear that we won the game. Then they did the post game and looked at the stats.  How the heck did we win??  They had more total offense, apparently threw the ball whenever they wanted and we had 80 some yards of penalties!!

I will certainly take any win and be grateful. Still Coach must not be pleased.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Valpo totally dominated 2nd half both sides of the ball. Great win!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Nice, important road win to stir up their confidence.  The one announcer on the video was absolutely brutal.  Nice job Saders and Coach C.


"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Where is that? It looks like a Porter County forest preserve


72, we totally dominated the second half.  WJC was able to get around 80 yds of offense in garbage time with a few minutes to go, before their last TD.  It was pretty close throughout, even when WJC was up 22-7.  They had many 4th down conversions, and we gave them several new possessions with penalties in the first half, as well as the fake punt pass/onside kick that were successful in the 1st quarter for the Cardinals.
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpotx on September 20, 2014, 11:12:23 PM
72, we totally dominated the second half.  WJC was able to get around 80 yds of offense in garbage time with a few minutes to go, before their last TD.  It was pretty close throughout, even when WJC was up 22-7.  They had many 4th down conversions, and we gave them several new possessions with penalties in the first half, as well as the fake punt pass/onside kick that were successful in the 1st quarter for the Cardinals.

OK, thanks.  I wonder what the coach might have said at half time!   :-X
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


It truly was two different games in each half.  We made more mistakes and committed more penalties in the first half than in two previous complete games.  Our offense didn't even get on the field until Jewel had 2 TDs on the board thanks to a well executed on-sides kick after Jewel's first score which we handed to them with a roughing the kicker penalty on 4 and 5 after a 3 and out, and a 34 yard fake punt pass on another 4th down.  Yet at the half we were down "only" 22-7.  The only good thing that happened in the first half was a methodical first drive that just moved the chains right down the field for a score.  WJC then loaded the box for the rest of the half and dared us to pass.

The second half was just the opposite -- we got some breaks, but the D stiffened and we adjusted to the Jewell D sets.  And 32 unanswered points later we ride home winners.

In my Friday prediction I pointed to some key conditions that would help us be winners:

Quote from: VULB#62 on September 19, 2014, 10:58:24 AM
DEFENSE – The front 7 contains Cook and holds him under 100 yards for the game.  {Cook netted 79 yards and the Jewel Team as whole ran for  a net of 59} only WJC is forced into more passing by their 3 rotating QBs and the secondary produces at least 1 pic. {Jewel passed 46 times for 351 yards but only 1 TD} No big dispiriting big gainers are allowed. {NONE}

OFFENSE -- The OL responds to the WJC pressure defense and gives Ben time to throw and our backs holes to break into the secondary.  {Ben sacked only once; Running back committee piled up 190 yards} The coaches use screens and draws and swing passes to backs out of the backfield to neutralize the pressure.  The TE has been nonexistent so far.  Quick dumps to the TE into areas vacated by blitzers could be a factor. {While not a TE per se, 6'4 Kent Warren emerged as a factor}  The O must score TDs inside the 10. {4}

SPECIAL TEAMS – Punt and KO coverage smother the WJC return game and contain Cook.  Punts and KOs are directed away from Cook. {Cook returned 2 punts for a total of 44 yards, longest 38 yards; he had 2 KO returns for 24 yards; longest 12 yards}

DEFENSE – Their pressure puts Valpo in numerous 3rd and long situations that kill drives.  They sack Ben more than 3 times.  {Only 1 sack} They hold the Valpo RB committee (Jake, Brandon and Grayson) to a combined 120 yards. {we ran for 190}

OFFENSE – Cook runs for 120+ yards. {net 79} They break 2 big gainers for TDs. {None}

SPECIAL TEAMS – Cook's returns put WJC in good field position (KOs past the  WJC 35; Punt returns inside the VU half)  {Only one WJC special teams big gainers - Fake punt pass for 34 and one punt return for 38, but none for TDs}

Valpo has had two weeks to get their heads on straight and one week to prepare for WJC.  Based on the WJC Coaches show, some of their starters may be banged up.  The game will come down to whether the VU OL can handle the WJC defensive pressure and the VU front 7 can contain Cook. {CHECK!}  Jake is healthy and the offense has added some twists to help the rushing attack control the ball better on the ground.  {CHECK!}This one goes into the 4th quarter with Valpo squeaking out a 24-21 win.  {NOT EVEN CLOSE   ;D }

Interesting observation:  In three complete games Ben has been sacked only twice and has thrown only 1 Interception.  In 2013 we threw 11 INTs and were sacked 30 times.  That said, we could have some horrible games by the time the season ends and equal 2013, but at least from the 3 games so far, the trend is away from previous seasons.


62-While your point about the big improvement in the O-line is spot on and a clear factor in the WJC win, we've had 2 INTs to go along with 2 TD passes. The coach is living into his promise to make big progress in the running game. The passing game remains very weak. Stats for passing yards gained, yards per throw, and third down conversions prove this point. Hoping that the coaching staff pulls out something new soon. Although, if the D continues to get the ball back in good field position, we might be able to live off the run/short pass scheme.


Paul Oren on John Guilford:  13 tackles 3 TFL and 1 sack -- Hope he gets PFL Defensive Player of the Week.



Quote from: VUDad on September 21, 2014, 09:32:33 AM
62-While your point about the big improvement in the O-line is spot on and a clear factor in the WJC win, we've had 2 INTs to go along with 2 TD passes. The coach is living into his promise to make big progress in the running game. The passing game remains very weak. Stats for passing yards gained, yards per throw, and third down conversions prove this point. Hoping that the coaching staff pulls out something new soon. Although, if the D continues to get the ball back in good field position, we might be able to live off the run/short pass scheme.

If our run game get's shut down AND we are behind, it will be tough.  I think the staff is seeking a run/pass balance.  It's not there yet, and the run part is ahead.  But then, at least the passing game isn't giving away lots of gift wrapped turnovers while it is looking for those answers you mention. In three games so far, what has impressed me in general is the fact that this team is much more disciplined than past teams.  While we made a ton of mistakes in the first half of the game, the kids calmed down, played better ball in the second half and stopped making bonehead plays. Even in our first two losses, few bonehead plays and catastrophic errors.  I, personally, haven't seen a Valpo team play like this in 5 years.  There has been a visible change in the approach already.  We need to keep getting a little better each week (not always the case in the past). There are a couple more wins out there this season, IF we do.


Good point again about discipline. A few of yesterday's penalties were questionable, so it's safe to say this teams discipline is for real. The improvement in tackling was big--let's hope the coaches chase the passing game next. If/when that uptick occurs, surprises will happen.


After switching to the IU/Missouri game (another state of Indiana win over a MO team) I was pretty shocked to see the score. Nice win!

The feeling I got is that Valpo had made a few mistakes and hadn't figured out how to stop WJC yet but they had improved the running game a ton and had something to work with. I really never thought they would turn it around so fast.

Congrats Coach Cecchini and Valpo football. And also AD LaBarbera!

Laporte, what does the "F" in RTFB stand for? Ring the Football Bell? Ring the Fancy Bell? Ring the First Victory Bell?

I just


football bell obviously

i just don't know where your head's at man
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


62 - I predicted the Saders by 1-0, but I am not sure if I am closest to the hole.

wow, a win over a team not named Campbell.   The Osteen experience is slowly starting to fade away.


Quote from: usc4valpo on September 21, 2014, 05:08:41 PM
62 - I predicted the Saders by 1-0, but I am not sure if I am closest to the hole.

wow, a win over a team not named Campbell.   The Osteen experience is slowly starting to fade away.

Close but not completely gone


Claude Osteen, an excellent pitcher for the Sox in the early 70's and for the Blue Crew after that.  At least Claude did not live in an $11M mansion and he will not lead you to the wrong path.

thanks for the photo, it was genius


Quote from: usc4valpo on September 20, 2014, 07:09:19 PMWhere is that? It looks like a Porter County forest preserve

The Victory Bell looking west... don't get used to that View....   the property is staked out for the new Sorority Residence Hall... it's where the old University Park Apartments were.