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Great Article by Fox Sports on Valpo Football

Started by valpopal, September 02, 2011, 03:06:49 PM

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Why were head coach Dale Carlson and his assistants able to travel the country — to Florida, to California, to Texas — and recruit a new freshman class, convincing them to pay private school tuition and play for a non-scholarship team that hasn't tasted winning in nearly two years?

The answers can be found all around the leafy campus of Valparaiso University, in a small town just outside the orbits of Chicago and Indianapolis, a place known more for being the home of Orville Redenbacher and an annual popcorn festival than for college football. The answers, you will find, lead you in a very different direction than you'd expect: Not toward the multi-billion dollar business that is big-time college football. Not toward the turmoil of scandal and conference realignment that's ruled the college football universe the past year. Not toward anything that even has to do with football, really.

Instead, at a time when the best college football programs are bringing out the worst parts of the sport, one of the worst programs in college football can show us what's still good about this game — about how it teaches perseverance and commitment and holding your head high, even in the toughest of times...



Great article.   :thumbsup:

There have been discussions on this and other forums about the VU and other college football teams.  Some schools have made the monetary decision to get rid of football.  The lessons that McCarty and Wysocki have learned are immeasurable.  Those young men 'get it'.  Whether it be VU football, or any other non-revenue producing sport, men's or women's, the teamwork, fellowship, adversity and overall life skills learned on a playing field will follow these young men and women into whatever field they choose.  These are the reasons to keep football.

It helps to have an optimist, and one with a track record of improving previous teams, as their mentor.  With Carlson, McCarty and Wysocki, this VU team can hold their heads high as they continue with this journey of making VU football proud.


I've been through this so many times I won't bother again....but football is the largest moneymaker in sports at Valparaiso University.  It does not cost the university money, it brings in revenue.  100-120 kids paying to play, plus whatever gate receipts and concessions.  And don't say it doesn't count, most of those kids would not be here if it were not for football.....My last time commenting on this....and jj or shortputt, or whatever his name is can jump in the ocean as far as I'm concerned.


Good read. Too bad CNN,MSNBC or the major networks didn't get the story. Fox----,what a joke. But then again,it's better than nothing. GO VALPO!


Quote from: setshot on September 02, 2011, 04:05:24 PM
Good read. Too bad CNN,MSNBC or the major networks didn't get the story. Fox----,what a joke. But then again,it's better than nothing. GO VALPO!

Now there's the pot calling the kettle black.  It was a terrific article full of examples of why Valpo is Valpo.  I certainly am looking forward to the game tomorrow.  It should be fun to see progress from these great kids.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu72 on September 02, 2011, 04:08:49 PMIt was a terrific article full of examples of why Valpo is Valpo. 

I completely agree.  Great article!


I just hope we don't ever approach the record that Prairie View A&M currently holds for losses in a row :-)
"Don't mess with Texas"


This was an excellently written article. Here's to a new year and a clean slate.  :thumbsup:


Great article!  Says the same things I saw in my own investigation from here out East.  Setshot - really - "Too bad CNN,MSNBC or the major networks didn't get the story." This statement has me hoping you're not a business person or student.  Check your facts before you throw flames at the crowd.  Both CNN and MSNBC combined can't reach the ratings of FOX on any given time slot or print media.  It is rumored that if a statement is mentioned on MSNBC was it really said since there were so few to hear it anyway. (you know like the tree falling the woods making a sound if no one is there to hear it.)

I look for good things from these young men and I was glad to hear President Heckler's comments in support of the program.


"Carlson counseled the team against joining the "fellowship of the miserable," but it didn't matter. Toward the end of last year, when the first thing went wrong during a game, you could feel a hopeless feeling take over the sidelines: Here we go again.

The season ended, and dozens of players who made up the Fellowship of the Miserable quit. Carlson didn't care. The 0-11 season was a test, and by quitting on teammates, those players failed."

It seems setshot is captain of the "Fellowship of the Miserable."

I don't think you could find a person more dedicated to finding misery in the football team.

That isn't what this Valpo football team needs this season. They need fans who will get behind them and realize improvement, whether they win 3 or zero games, is what must be cheered. I think Coach Carlson is on the right path toward a winning program. It's just a long tough haul all the way up from the bottom, absolute bottom, rung.


Quote from: historyman on September 03, 2011, 09:41:12 AM
"Carlson counseled the team against joining the "fellowship of the miserable," but it didn't matter. Toward the end of last year, when the first thing went wrong during a game, you could feel a hopeless feeling take over the sidelines: Here we go again.

The season ended, and dozens of players who made up the Fellowship of the Miserable quit. Carlson didn't care. The 0-11 season was a test, and by quitting on teammates, those players failed."

It seems setshot is captain of the "Fellowship of the Miserable."

I don't think you could find a person more dedicated to finding misery in the football team.

That isn't what this Valpo football team needs this season. They need fans who will get behind them and realize improvement, whether they win 3 or zero games, is what must be cheered. I think Coach Carlson is on the right path toward a winning program. It's just a long tough haul all the way up from the bottom, absolute bottom, rung.
Well said, never underestimate the power of positive attitude.  Concordia Lutheran High School Fort Wayne just broke a 13 game losing streak by beating the Wayne Generals 41-7.  Is it too much to hope that VU will do the same?
My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show


They are spending money on the program.  Those kids from all over the country were brought in on official visits. Plane fare, hotels, meals, just the way a Division I program should recruit.

The support level has increased for football as there is finally a commitment to build a successful program. It will just take time.


I'm planning on coming down for a game, if it coincides with a soccer visit


The good news it is getting better. As I sat in the stands, several people said at halftime that this is the best we had played in two years. Grant you Franklin is Div 3 also non-scholarship. They to had 10 to 12 seniors on the roster. Both teams played a lot of new faces, and depth was an issue for both clubs. The fact is it was 35 - 35 late and no where in the past 20 games has it been that close that late. So hang in there.

Youngstown State will be the toughest opponent. So be extra ready to pray harder, longer, and do not be afraid to ask for more strength than ever before. We will grow week by week even when it does not look like it.

Go Valpo!


based on what i heard from the broadcast, it was the most solid game we've played in the last couple years, aside from perhaps the drake-valpo game last year, depending on how you look at things.

Quote from: ValpoBy7 on September 06, 2011, 03:39:55 PMThe fact is it was 35 - 35 late and no where in the past 20 games has it been that close that late.

this isn't entirely true: see game referenced above. we only lost that game by a pair (21-19), while this one got away in the 4th quarter and we lost by a pair of touchdowns (49-35).


Quote from: rlh on September 02, 2011, 03:56:31 PM
I've been through this so many times I won't bother again....but football is the largest moneymaker in sports at Valparaiso University.  It does not cost the university money, it brings in revenue.  100-120 kids paying to play, plus whatever gate receipts and concessions.  And don't say it doesn't count, most of those kids would not be here if it were not for football.....My last time commenting on this....and jj or shortputt, or whatever his name is can jump in the ocean as far as I'm concerned.

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