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If Freeman doesn't win next year then...

Started by vu72, April 14, 2011, 01:29:39 PM

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Look at his all-time record, valpo04.  Let's not be shortsighted.  Yes, he has had a few down years as we try to get acclimated to the Horizon League.  But this guy has gotten the job done at Valpo for a long time and he has done things the right way.  Am I really satisfied with 25% winning?  No.  Does Keith win at a 25% clip?  No.  I'm not a "what have you done for me lately" kind of guy...he has been an excellent coach here for years and he deserves plenty of time to get us out of this rut.  This guy is the truth and the truth will set us free man.


Quote from: dcvalpo on May 05, 2011, 09:25:56 AM
Look at his all-time record, valpo04.  Let's not be shortsighted.  Yes, he has had a few down years as we try to get acclimated to the Horizon League.  But this guy has gotten the job done at Valpo for a long time and he has done things the right way.  Am I really satisfied with 25% winning?  No.  Does Keith win at a 25% clip?  No.  I'm not a "what have you done for me lately" kind of guy...he has been an excellent coach here for years and he deserves plenty of time to get us out of this rut.  This guy is the truth and the truth will set us free man.

Which is precisely what I said... he has the track record, and I understand why that allows him to have some "down" years.  But it also doesn't mean that winning 25% of the time is acceptable, and I'm sure he would be the first to say that.


Believe me, Keith is not happy with the recent lack of success.  I can personally assure you of that.  With this class coming in, however, I think there will be a lot of posters here jumping back on the Keith Freeman bandwagon and quick.


I have to say I agree with what Freeman, and the coaching staff are working towards. I do believe some of their lack of success is due to issues out of thier control. Injuries certainly haven't helped their cause. Like many small D1 schools and thier athletic programs, you are getting players that may have shinned in highschool, but just aren't ready to play at the next level. Looking at some of the talent we've been able to secure over the past couple of years, we have some players that, from my perspective, should have produced better results then they have. Our biggest detriment in my opinion, has been a lack of floor leadership. Regardless of the talent level, all good teams have a player or two, that can lead their teammates by instilling confidence. I don't know enough about the junior transfers we just picked up to voice an opinion, but I will say, the two All Stars we have coming are both proven leaders. More then anything else, this is what we've lacked for some time it seems. Keith, and his staff, have done a great job of selling Valpo to the young players, and part of the draw, I'm sure, was the first class edjucation they will receive.
Having said that, I will have to agree, that things will have to improve in the "W" column to validate the work and possition the coaching staff holds. Certainly, for the entire student body, edjucation comes first, but when your scholarships to student athletes go for 50K a year, there has to be a level of accoutability for both the athlete, and the coaching staff.
I truly feel we will see some special things out of this squad next season. Stay Tuned!  


Quote from: jack on May 05, 2011, 09:46:13 AM
I have to say I agree with what Freeman, and the coaching staff are working towards. I do believe some of their lack of success is due to issues out of thier control. Injuries certainly haven't helped their cause. Like many small D1 schools and thier athletic programs, you are getting players that may have shinned in highschool, but just aren't ready to play at the next level. Looking at some of the talent we've been able to secure over the past couple of years, we have some players that, from my perspective, should have produced better results then they have. Our biggest detriment in my opinion, has been a lack of floor leadership. Regardless of the talent level, all good teams have a player or two, that can lead their teammates by instilling confidence. I don't know enough about the junior transfers we just picked up to voice an opinion, but I will say, the two All Stars we have coming are both proven leaders. More then anything else, this is what we've lacked for some time it seems. Keith, and his staff, have done a great job of selling Valpo to the young players, and part of the draw, I'm sure, was the first class edjucation they will receive.
Having said that, I will have to agree, that things will have to improve in the "W" column to validate the work and possition the coaching staff holds. Certainly, for the entire student body, edjucation comes first, but when your scholarships to student athletes go for 50K a year, there has to be a level of accoutability for both the athlete, and the coaching staff.
I truly feel we will see some special things out of this squad next season. Stay Tuned!   

Here we go...more Jack, less vu72 and his ilk around here


Quote from: dcvalpo on May 03, 2011, 01:20:56 PM
Quote from: vu72 on April 14, 2011, 04:35:32 PM

Look, I like Keith and respect him very much as a person.  sometime style is a problem and perhaps his style no longer works with today's kids--I don't know.

If you respect him so much, why blast him on an anonymous message board?  How "respectful" is it for you to be trying to run Coach Freeman out of town? 

I'm still trying to conjure up the image of vu72 -- the resident optimist -- running anyone out of town, but I'm laughing too hard to accomplish the task.


Here we go...more Jack, less vu72 and his ilk around here

I love being part of an ilk!  Sweet!


Sorry for my passion on this guys...just know how much this losing is eating Keith up. 


You know, now I understand what dcvalpo was saying under another thread when he asked for a "truce"!  At the time I responded, I didn't know about the savage attack on this thread and now, the truce is over, I'm madder than hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!

Seriously, I guess I got the shot because I started this thread, but, if you look back on my Freeman posts I have, for example, listed his big wins and overall track record in response to others jumping on Keith.  come on now, as the "resident optimist" did you really expect me to run off a Valpo coach??

I know keith and respect him as a person very much.  The fact remains that there has been a period of pretty bad results and the success of past years has slipped into some awful results of late.  Look, Stacy Adams had a lot of friends and people who admired him as well.  As 04 pointed out, this is D1 basketball not D3.  Keith has proven he is a great recruiter, now, he needs to find a way to turn that into wins on the court.

And for the record, the "truce" still stands!!!
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu72 on May 06, 2011, 08:44:14 AM
You know, now I understand what dcvalpo was saying under another thread when he asked for a "truce"!  At the time I responded, I didn't know about the savage attack on this thread and now, the truce is over, I'm madder than hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!

Seriously, I guess I got the shot because I started this thread, but, if you look back on my Freeman posts I have, for example, listed his big wins and overall track record in response to others jumping on Keith.  come on now, as the "resident optimist" did you really expect me to run off a Valpo coach??

I know keith and respect him as a person very much.  The fact remains that there has been a period of pretty bad results and the success of past years has slipped into some awful results of late.  Look, Stacy Adams had a lot of friends and people who admired him as well.  As 04 pointed out, this is D1 basketball not D3.  Keith has proven he is a great recruiter, now, he needs to find a way to turn that into wins on the court.

And for the record, the "truce" still stands!!!

Alright, alright, enough jabs, I get it!  :)  Glad to be a friend and not a foe, vu72.  You have some clout around here.  Anyways, sounds like you and are on the same page for the most part...Keith is a great guy and deserves as much time as it takes.


Coach Freeman and the team has just been in a slump of late. It happens to the best of teams. It certainly isn't from lack of effort on his, and the coaching staff's part. Probably one of the hardest working coaches I know. He'll get himself and his program back to it's winning ways. You can bet on it. Looking at the returning talent from last season, and the talent he's bringing in, he's certainly working towards that means. I'm looking forward to watching them compete.


Quote from: jack on May 06, 2011, 12:59:33 PM
Coach Freeman and the team has just been in a slump of late. It happens to the best of teams. It certainly isn't from lack of effort on his, and the coaching staff's part. Probably one of the hardest working coaches I know. He'll get himself and his program back to it's winning ways. You can bet on it. Looking at the returning talent from last season, and the talent he's bringing in, he's certainly working towards that means. I'm looking forward to watching them compete.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Two year slump? Losing to YSU twice is a slump? C'mon! What will it be next year? What injury? What recruit did we not get? What assistant left (I cannot even believe that is listed as an excuse)? What recruit will be the next savior of the program? Someone needs to step up and be held accountable and 17 years tenure is not an acceptable reason to do nothing ------ well I guess that can be added the exhaustive list of excuses to do nothing. The TRUTH is that no changes reflect the urgency to have a winning season - but, this is just a women's sport so it may not be that important at VU. Think Homer would still be here after two seasons like this? MBB lost recruits, endured injuries, even lost an assistant (Looks like he was a key one - Baylor has done well), and they remain competitive in the Horizon League.

Prediction: 1/4 into this next season you will see what may look like copies of the former forum show up on this forum and next year at this time there will be another "If they don't win..." thread that will lead nowhere because more are interested in protecting a friend over doing what is best for the program or university.

This ain't the Summit League anymore and the theory of a two year slump is delusional.


Quote from: acesneights on May 08, 2011, 10:02:59 AM
Two year slump? Losing to YSU twice is a slump? C'mon! What will it be next year? What injury? What recruit did we not get? What assistant left (I cannot even believe that is listed as an excuse)? What recruit will be the next savior of the program? Someone needs to step up and be held accountable and 17 years tenure is not an acceptable reason to do nothing ------ well I guess that can be added the exhaustive list of excuses to do nothing. The TRUTH is that no changes reflect the urgency to have a winning season - but, this is just a women's sport so it may not be that important at VU. Think Homer would still be here after two seasons like this? MBB lost recruits, endured injuries, even lost an assistant (Looks like he was a key one - Baylor has done well), and they remain competitive in the Horizon League.

Prediction: 1/4 into this next season you will see what may look like copies of the former forum show up on this forum and next year at this time there will be another "If they don't win..." thread that will lead nowhere because more are interested in protecting a friend over doing what is best for the program or university.

This ain't the Summit League anymore and the theory of a two year slump is delusional.
How do you really feel.....


Quote from: acesneights on May 08, 2011, 10:02:59 AM
Two year slump? Losing to YSU twice is a slump? C'mon! What will it be next year? What injury? What recruit did we not get? What assistant left (I cannot even believe that is listed as an excuse)? What recruit will be the next savior of the program? Someone needs to step up and be held accountable and 17 years tenure is not an acceptable reason to do nothing ------ well I guess that can be added the exhaustive list of excuses to do nothing. The TRUTH is that no changes reflect the urgency to have a winning season - but, this is just a women's sport so it may not be that important at VU. Think Homer would still be here after two seasons like this? MBB lost recruits, endured injuries, even lost an assistant (Looks like he was a key one - Baylor has done well), and they remain competitive in the Horizon League.

Prediction: 1/4 into this next season you will see what may look like copies of the former forum show up on this forum and next year at this time there will be another "If they don't win..." thread that will lead nowhere because more are interested in protecting a friend over doing what is best for the program or university.

This ain't the Summit League anymore and the theory of a two year slump is delusional.

Someone sounds bitter...what, did Keith pass you over for an assistant position?

Keith will have this team at .500 or better this season, book it.  I know he is working his tail off right now to get us where we need to be.  I have never been around a guy who takes losses harder and you will begin to see the results soon.


Quote from: rlh on May 08, 2011, 10:22:48 AM
Quote from: acesneights on May 08, 2011, 10:02:59 AM
Two year slump? Losing to YSU twice is a slump? C'mon! What will it be next year? What injury? What recruit did we not get? What assistant left (I cannot even believe that is listed as an excuse)? What recruit will be the next savior of the program? Someone needs to step up and be held accountable and 17 years tenure is not an acceptable reason to do nothing ------ well I guess that can be added the exhaustive list of excuses to do nothing. The TRUTH is that no changes reflect the urgency to have a winning season - but, this is just a women's sport so it may not be that important at VU. Think Homer would still be here after two seasons like this? MBB lost recruits, endured injuries, even lost an assistant (Looks like he was a key one - Baylor has done well), and they remain competitive in the Horizon League.

Prediction: 1/4 into this next season you will see what may look like copies of the former forum show up on this forum and next year at this time there will be another "If they don't win..." thread that will lead nowhere because more are interested in protecting a friend over doing what is best for the program or university.

This ain't the Summit League anymore and the theory of a two year slump is delusional.
How do you really feel.....

Exactly, this guy really takes no prisoners I guess.  Rlh, I know you are also a friend of Keith's...based on what you are seeing now and know of him, what is your outlook on next season?


I'd bank on a .500 season. The tone taken by some here would suggest a personal bone to pick with the coach and not something that reflects a true assesment of the situation. My bet is they'll find something else to complain about even after we hit .500. 


Quote from: jack on May 08, 2011, 06:41:54 PM
I'd bank on a .500 season. The tone taken by some here would suggest a personal bone to pick with the coach and not something that reflects a true assesment of the situation. My bet is they'll find something else to complain about even after we hit .500. 

Yeah, not quite sure what gives with some of these guys!  Did Keith run your dog over and cheat with your wife?  Geesh!


Quote from: dcvalpo on May 08, 2011, 04:43:16 PM
Quote from: rlh on May 08, 2011, 10:22:48 AM
Quote from: acesneights on May 08, 2011, 10:02:59 AM
Two year slump? Losing to YSU twice is a slump? C'mon! What will it be next year? What injury? What recruit did we not get? What assistant left (I cannot even believe that is listed as an excuse)? What recruit will be the next savior of the program? Someone needs to step up and be held accountable and 17 years tenure is not an acceptable reason to do nothing ------ well I guess that can be added the exhaustive list of excuses to do nothing. The TRUTH is that no changes reflect the urgency to have a winning season - but, this is just a women's sport so it may not be that important at VU. Think Homer would still be here after two seasons like this? MBB lost recruits, endured injuries, even lost an assistant (Looks like he was a key one - Baylor has done well), and they remain competitive in the Horizon League.

Prediction: 1/4 into this next season you will see what may look like copies of the former forum show up on this forum and next year at this time there will be another "If they don't win..." thread that will lead nowhere because more are interested in protecting a friend over doing what is best for the program or university.

This ain't the Summit League anymore and the theory of a two year slump is delusional.
How do you really feel.....

Exactly, this guy really takes no prisoners I guess.  Rlh, I know you are also a friend of Keith's...based on what you are seeing now and know of him, what is your outlook on next season?
I concur with you on one thing and that is he is working is a-- off trying to turn this thing around.  I don't always agree with what he does coaching wise or personell wise (I've argued with him more than once), but there has never been a doubt about how much he cares and how hard he works.  We need a good point guard to make his offense scheme work, unfortuntely Richards hasn't taken charge as he hoped she would.  Hopefully these recruits are as good as advertised...inside I think we have two potential all league players in Gerardot and Lange (Stephanie).  They both have things to work on defensively, but they make a difference on the floor.  The return of Varner will be a big thing to give us more depth inside, and Gina Lang needs to continue to improve her play.  No one plays harder than her.  I'm really disappointed in the loss of Gick.  I thought she might become the answer at point, but bad backs are just nothing to mess with and her Doctor is the one that has pulled the plug....next year, I think we will be much more competitive.  We lack inside presence and I think we have the potential to match up with the Green Bay's, Butler and Cleveland States there in the future.  It won't be for lack of effort that is for sure


I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with rlh here...if anyone needs to be run out of town, it's Richards!  She has not fulfilled her promise and I put the blame for the losses squarely on her shoulders.  Good thoughts rlh.

You are right on the money...the girls will play hard, Keith will work his tail off, and we will be competitive.  And you're not the only one around here who has had his fair share of run-ins with Keith! ;)


Quote from: dcvalpo on May 08, 2011, 07:32:40 PM
I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with rlh here...if anyone needs to be run out of town, it's Richards!  She has not fulfilled her promise and I put the blame for the losses squarely on her shoulders.  Good thoughts rlh.

You are right on the money...the girls will play hard, Keith will work his tail off, and we will be competitive.  And you're not the only one around here who has had his fair share of run-ins with Keith! ;)

i don't think we need to add to what rlh said...he stated it better than we ever could. the overall lack of leadership on the team has presented the perfect challenge for keith to rise to and show all of his doubters what he is made of.


You may not like what I said and I do not agree with you - but it is inappropriate to make those comments about Laura - might be time to shut this thread down. There is pleanty of bitterness about this program to go around and to take a personal shot at one player is classless.

I think .500 is attainable and right now, I would be happy with that - and if the only issue is floor leadership and he excels in that - great. But that is a hard excuse to accept for two years. Sorry to offend those that think this is personal - I have a hard time supporting what is becoming the YSU of the horizon league, and I don't like it.


Quote from: acesneights on May 08, 2011, 08:04:02 PM
You may not like what I said and I do not agree with you - but it is inappropriate to make those comments about Laura - might be time to shut this thread down. There is pleanty of bitterness about this program to go around and to take a personal shot at one player is classless.

I think .500 is attainable and right now, I would be happy with that - and if the only issue is floor leadership and he excels in that - great. But that is a hard excuse to accept for two years. Sorry to offend those that think this is personal - I have a hard time supporting what is becoming the YSU of the horizon league, and I don't like it.

Shut down the thread?  So, at this point we can't make mention of the basketball performance of Valpo basketball players in the VU basketball forum?  That would really give us a lot to talk about, huh?

Might be time for you to head back to the hole you crawled out of.  Don't come here bashing a great guy like Keith and then get mad when player performance is questioned.


Quote from: dcvalpo on May 08, 2011, 09:30:31 PM
Quote from: acesneights on May 08, 2011, 08:04:02 PM
You may not like what I said and I do not agree with you - but it is inappropriate to make those comments about Laura - might be time to shut this thread down. There is pleanty of bitterness about this program to go around and to take a personal shot at one player is classless.

I think .500 is attainable and right now, I would be happy with that - and if the only issue is floor leadership and he excels in that - great. But that is a hard excuse to accept for two years. Sorry to offend those that think this is personal - I have a hard time supporting what is becoming the YSU of the horizon league, and I don't like it.

Shut down the thread?  So, at this point we can't make mention of the basketball performance of Valpo basketball players in the VU basketball forum?  That would really give us a lot to talk about, huh?

Might be time for you to head back to the hole you crawled out of.  Don't come here bashing a great guy like Keith and then get mad when player performance is questioned.

i guess not everybody can handle "the truth", that is keith!
