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Valpo Football: Why didn't WE hire John L. Smith?

Started by Valposter, January 17, 2013, 04:32:05 PM

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Quote from: VULB#62 on January 28, 2013, 04:26:56 PMI'm with you on that 72. When the University of South Florida started their BCS football program, they barely had a practice field. Still made some people take notice. Have come to the conclusion, despite my own facilities fixation, that you just have to play good, tough football. A competitive/winning program, will justify bells and whistles down the road. Just win baby. The rest takes care of itself.
totally agree, but what do we do to win? back to the circular discussion on a change....


Quote from: VULB#62 on January 28, 2013, 06:23:27 PM
I was looking at the Kroencke BB location schematics in the 30 year plan graphics almost immediately when they came out.  It could be a fantastic location for a diamond -- it could be set in a bowl with stands but also grassy berms down the baselines.  The schematics did not, however, as I recall, show indoor batting cages, a full club house or any of the bling a stadium like that deserves.  My guess is that those infrastructure components would be built into the field house (based on the diagram).  But that stuff would be so far removed.

TX -- grass or turf (ala UIC)?

I'm a traditionalist and love the idea of a new grass field, but in Valpo's case a turf field would be the way to go.  1--The quality of the new turf products has improved drastically over the last few years.  Now you can make EVERYTHING turf--even the batters boxes and the mound.  We played several games on turf last year and the guys all liked it.  True hops in the infield, fewer divots from "landing spots" on a turf mound, etc.  WSU replaced their grass with turf this year, and we will open on a turf field in two weeks at Belmont.  2--Weather.  We now try to practice on the football field when we can.  Obviously, NW IN weather dictates a turf field.  3--Economics going forward.  After the high installation cost, there is MUCH less maintenance.  New rubber pellets every year in the high traffic areas, and rakes in those same spots between games to "fluff" up the turf is about it.  Permanent, straight white lines are part of the field.  No dragging required.  I would submit, however, that we should have a warning track made of a different material.  The lack of that at UIC last year contributed to Hagel's season ending shoulder injury when he got no warning and hit the fence at full speed.  Crushed gravel there might have saved his shoulder.  Back to economics, Valpo could host many more tourneys, camps, etc. in the off season/summer to generate funds.  Time between games need only be about 15 mins.  I love grass, but at Valpo turf makes the most sense.
"How'd you like to mow my lawn?  Mmmm?  Mmmm?"--Judge Smails


Quote from: usc4valpo on January 28, 2013, 07:15:04 PM
Quote from: VULB#62 on January 28, 2013, 04:26:56 PMI'm with you on that 72. When the University of South Florida started their BCS football program, they barely had a practice field. Still made some people take notice. Have come to the conclusion, despite my own facilities fixation, that you just have to play good, tough football. A competitive/winning program, will justify bells and whistles down the road. Just win baby. The rest takes care of itself.
totally agree, but what do we do to win? back to the circular discussion on a change....

Totally out of our hands and squarely in the laps of Dale Carlson and ML. 


I hated the turf fields when I was playing, but that was 10 years ago.  Based on what I hear from some of my friends that have played on turf for their pro teams, it is a lot better now as jetz mentions.  It does make the most sense for Valpo to have a turf field, if it presents true hops.  You have to remember that in college, I was a pitcher, so I will always be more sympathetic towards other pitchers lol.  Any turf field I have ever played on caused me to give up some BS hits where the ball would bounce over the SS' head on one bounce, when it would have been routine elsewhere.
"Don't mess with Texas"


I know Walts wife, she likes to talk about the sports at VU but loves to talk about how her husbands football teams were the best the university has had! She is a fantastic lady.