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Valpo Athletics Strategic Plan

Started by KL31NY, February 01, 2013, 11:14:29 AM

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"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176


I see a real disconnect between what this coming football season projects as an outcome and Goal 2.4 in Category 2.1 Competitiveness.

Goal 2.4:  Finish in the top 3 in the Pioneer Football League while winning the Championship at least once (every) four years.(sic)

Hasn't the athletic dept already failed this and is looking to repeat this failure on this goal? Aren't these goals supposed to be achievable?


I read the plan cover to cover and I have two reactions:

(1) To the strategic content:  Part of what I do for a living is write SPs for IT organizations, so I appreciate the organization and presentation of this 5 year SP.  It is written at a very high level consistent with documents of this nature.  It presents a well thought out approach to the issues that drive collegiate athletics at a mid-major, basketball-focused institution.  Every stated Goal, Strategy and a Action Point is relevant.

As an aside, I noted in Goal 2.4 a firm commitment by the athletic administration to participation in the Pioneer Football League with a clearly stated desire to be in the top 3 annually and win championship once very four years.  That pretty much discounts any talk of dropping that sport. [ bbtds, you're right as far as getting off on the wrong foot these past three years and probably this next season, but day 1 of the plan is today, so there is time to get to that point  :(  ]

I also had a thought for Action Step 6.A.v -- "Expand the corporate partners program; explore opportunities for renewable naming rights."  Be nice to get a bundle of money and rebuild Brown Field and the track as "Orville Redenbacker" Stadium. Orville is arguably the town's most well-known citizen across the nation. Wouldn't be bad to associate Crusaders and popcorn  :-X

(2) To a missing piece - Infrastructure: While Strategy 1.C: "Upgrade student-athlete spaces. Areas of emphasis include: Locker Rooms,
Academic Areas, Sports Medicine, Weight Room." and Strategy 6.E: "Improve facilities upkeep and maintenance," both address facilities to some degree, they fall short of addressing the full athletics infrastructure element.  The SP fails to address capital building/renovation projects in any way, shape or form. Achieving all of the other strategies, that ARE well documented, becomes problematic if the facilities component is not addressed.  Within five years as a part of the strategy I would have liked to see discussion (even at a high level) of upgrades and expansion of the ARC commensurate with the better HL venues and in proportion to the envisioned size of Valpo in 5-10 years; commitment to put in the track within 5 years; building a soccer-specific venue on the Porter hospital land; or even the field house of the future.  To me, that is the glaring gap in the content.

But, all in all, I'm glad we have something down on paper from which to measure our progress as a university.  ML deserves credit for initiating this process.  I also like the idea of formally baselining many of the strategic elements against our peer institutions.  The next step in this process, if it follows the classic model, will be the development of successive annual implementation and operational plans to take the "what" that is described in the document and transform it into the "how" of getting it done.


Well done, 62. Well done. I especially agree with Point #2 that there are many improvements we can make, especially with respect to hospitality. The lack of restrooms at some of our existing facilities, baseball concessions=Wendy's (not that there's any wrong with a classic double with cheese), and of course, no track for the track and field programs.
"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176


At the very least I would have liked to see a goal/strategy added that provides for at least an evaluation from a capital program perspective of the current athletic infrastructure with the objective of developing a separate implementation plan.


I truly hope that they don't do away with any sports, as they have a section that mentions looking at current number of sports to determine optimal number to be competitive...correction, as long as they don't do away with football, baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, or soccer, then I am good  :)
"Don't mess with Texas"


I'm confused. 62, maybe you can enlighten me.  This document to me, says, "we will now begin to study", not, "here is what we plan to do"

There is no..."in the next five years, funding permitted, we intend to build the following facilities/improvements as listed by priority"

So what did it really tell us other than what will bwe maintained or positions going forward.  The goal of being in the top 3, as an example, is all fine and good, yet there is nothing directed at how will will do that.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


The failure to mention facilities is glaring.     

An SP might not specify specific $ goals or dates.   But it should state some tentative priorities for new facilities.


relax a little bit fellas...patience


Patience is a virtue.      However,.... waiting 15 years to capitalize on the 1998 NCAA victories probably tests that patience for many people.


Quote from: vu72 on February 01, 2013, 02:11:20 PM
I'm confused. 62, maybe you can enlighten me.  This document to me, says, "we will now begin to study", not, "here is what we plan to do"

There is no..."in the next five years, funding permitted, we intend to build the following facilities/improvements as listed by priority"

So what did it really tell us other than what will bwe maintained or positions going forward.  The goal of being in the top 3, as an example, is all fine and good, yet there is nothing directed at how will will do that.

Regarding yours and other comments: First of all, a Strategic Plan usually lays out only the "whats."  That is, "this is what we intend to do."  {Admittedly, there is no real addressing of things like 'increase attendance at MBB games'  or "generate more revenue from paid attendance," but that does not seem to be the thrust of the university strategy.}  The "how" we will do that is usually described in a separate, more detailed, lower level implementation plan (with an authorized budget    :(  ) that goes into much greater detail -- "e.g., in 2014 the track will be built."  This Athletic SP plan wlll not give us that kind of detail, but it does give us direction, high level goals and purpose. 

Anyway, I contacted ML. In summary, this is what I learned:

The capital component was not included in this document because it is part of the University's Strategic Plan and the Campus Master Plan.  The Athletics plan is the department's road map for decision making while the University works on parallel tracks in other areas.  In the University's strategic plan action 6.1.1 addresses facilities.  One of the specific items in that action deals with a utilization plan for the Porter Hospital property.  The majority of our facilities actions/decisions are tied to what will happen on that property.  Once that has been completed by the University Athletics can move ahead with additional planning.  More specific facilities action steps are likely in future plan updates.

It appears that the handling of capital development is out of the hands of the Athletic Department -- we're not quite Ohio State yet, I guess   ;)   But because we're not Catholic, at least we don't have to go to the Pope (heh, heh).  Unlike the biggies, the capital budget, when it comes to athletic facilities, is out of the control of the Athletic Department (probably a good thing IMO). 

Regardless, I suggested that a description of the relationships of plans talked about above be added in the future to the Athletic Department SP as background so that it is connected to other planning processes.  He liked that and it sounds like SP 2.0 will have this connection.

So, I, like many of you still wonder about what will happen to the ARC, how will Brown Field be upgraded, and what will happen to the Porter property in the very near future.  We must stay tuned and, as HC says, have a little patience.

FWIW -- I hate being patient     >:(

Now lets beat UWM.


Quote from: bbtds on February 01, 2013, 11:40:27 AM
I see a real disconnect between what this coming football season projects as an outcome and Goal 2.4 in Category 2.1 Competitiveness.

Goal 2.4:  Finish in the top 3 in the Pioneer Football League while winning the Championship at least once (every) four years.(sic)

Hasn't the athletic dept already failed this and is looking to repeat this failure on this goal? Aren't these goals supposed to be achievable?

I see the need to set goals, but we need realistic goals, especially where football is concerned.  We've competed in the PFL for 20 years.  In conference play during those 20 years, we've had 3 winning seasons and 1 non-losing season.  For seasons '93 through 2000, when the PFL consisted of 6 or 5 teams, we only finished in the top 3 three times.  Now that the PFL will have 12 teams we are expected to be in the top 25%???  In the years '01 thru '05, when the PFL had divisions of 5 and 4 teams, we only finished in the top 3 of our 5 team division once.  Since the PFL went to one division format in '06, we have finished in the bottom three (of 8 or 10) every year.  If we had been somewhat competitive over the years, especially the last 2-3 years, I might consider this goal of Top 3 achievable.  With our history, not so much.  In the next five football seasons we are supposed to be a top 3 team, and win championships?  Maybe the unwritten goal should be to not fisish in the bottom 3 for 2013-2017.  That might be achievable.

The other sections look good to me.  I like the idea of being competitive in HL sports, and the possibility of increasing scholarships for those teams.  We need to be competitive in HL and PFL play. 


Quote from: covufan on February 04, 2013, 03:15:09 PM
Quote from: bbtds on February 01, 2013, 11:40:27 AM
I see a real disconnect between what this coming football season projects as an outcome and Goal 2.4 in Category 2.1 Competitiveness.

Goal 2.4:  Finish in the top 3 in the Pioneer Football League while winning the Championship at least once (every) four years.(sic)

Hasn't the athletic dept already failed this and is looking to repeat this failure on this goal? Aren't these goals supposed to be achievable?

I see the need to set goals, but we need realistic goals, especially where football is concerned.  We've competed in the PFL for 20 years.  In conference play during those 20 years, we've had 3 winning seasons and 1 non-losing season.  For seasons '93 through 2000, when the PFL consisted of 6 or 5 teams, we only finished in the top 3 three times.  Now that the PFL will have 12 teams we are expected to be in the top 25%???  In the years '01 thru '05, when the PFL had divisions of 5 and 4 teams, we only finished in the top 3 of our 5 team division once.  Since the PFL went to one division format in '06, we have finished in the bottom three (of 8 or 10) every year.  If we had been somewhat competitive over the years, especially the last 2-3 years, I might consider this goal of Top 3 achievable.  With our history, not so much.  In the next five football seasons we are supposed to be a top 3 team, and win championships?  Maybe the unwritten goal should be to not fisish in the bottom 3 for 2013-2017.  That might be achievable.

The other sections look good to me.  I like the idea of being competitive in HL sports, and the possibility of increasing scholarships for those teams.  We need to be competitive in HL and PFL play. 

You can tell they aren't taking the football goal of winning the championship at least once four years seriously due to the fact they didn't bother to proofread the sentence.


Speaking of the future in Valpo Athletics, I guess congrats are in order for Aaron Leavitt according to this twitter message:

Aaron Leavitt  Guess it's a good thing I didn't order new business cards months ago - I'd be spending a lot of time scribbling out the 'Interim' on them


Absolutely. Congrats to Aaron for becoming the permanent Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations!
"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176


Well deserved.  Now he needs to get some more help so that maybe he can get more of a life  ;)


Congrats Aaron... maybe some help... will allow for a reduction in caffeine!!  Well Deserved


In that spirit I think we should all send Aaron loaded Starbucks gift cards.


Quote from: bbtds on February 01, 2013, 11:40:27 AMGoal 2.4:  Finish in the top 3 in the Pioneer Football League while winning the Championship at least once (every) four years.(sic)

Maybe they (@VU) are right and bbtds is wrong (though I shudder to say it).  Maybe instead of omitting "every", they simply misspelled a word, making the goal not just attainable, but attained:

Goal 2.4:  Finish in the top 3 in the Pioneer Football League while winning the Championship at least once for years.
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


I had actually thought about that but the Valpo athletic dept would never stoop that low, would they?