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Valpo - Youngstown Game Thread - 2/26

Started by talksalot, February 21, 2013, 06:40:53 PM

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Quote from: jloose128 on February 28, 2013, 09:53:22 PMPersonally, I missed out on studying for an exam, finishing homework for another class, and even completely skipping an important meeting in order to attend Tuesday's game and stay for the entirety of the post-game Senior Night festivities. I am in no way defending the student population that I wish was more interested in college basketball. However, your complaining about the turnout, valpotx, does absolutely nothing to this situation. Please continue to speculate on why the turnout is so bad, but don't you dare sit there and attack the majority without acknowledging the few of us that religiously attend every single game in addition to watching or at least following all the road games. I wish our number was greater, but it isn't. It's sad, it's terrible, but there is nothing to do but encourage people to go and hope they fall for it like valpotx did.

Kudos to jloose and all the other students who have made to all the games and sacrifice to do that. I really think we owe those students a huge debt of gratitude for being there and spurring the team to victories.
"We must stand aside from the world's conspiracy of fear and hate and grasp once more the great monosyllables of life: faith, hope, and love. Men must live by these if they live at all under the crushing weight of history." Otto Paul "John" Kretzmann


Quote from: jloose128 on February 28, 2013, 09:53:22 PM
Personally, I missed out on studying for an exam, finishing homework for another class, and even completely skipping an important meeting in order to attend Tuesday's game and stay for the entirety of the post-game Senior Night festivities. I am in no way defending the student population that I wish was more interested in college basketball. However, your complaining about the turnout, valpotx, does absolutely nothing to this situation. Please continue to speculate on why the turnout is so bad, but don't you dare sit there and attack the majority without acknowledging the few of us that religiously attend every single game in addition to watching or at least following all the road games. I wish our number was greater, but it isn't. It's sad, it's terrible, but there is nothing to do but encourage people to go and hope they fall for it like valpotx did.

Please tell me where I have EVER attacked those that actually go to the games!  I always mention those that DON'T come out to the games because of various excuses, yet say that they are fans.  I have often said that I respect those that attend the games, and rather point my comments towards not getting the student stands full.  How can we not get 300 students at each game?  It doesn't have to be the same fans each time, but a few hundred students shouldn't be hard on a campus that is not a commuter-based school.  This is a fan message board, and what is the point of a message board if you can't complain about certain things?  I don't know how long you have read this board, but I am a staunch supporter of those that actually show up to VU sports. 

As a background, I never once attended a HS basketball or volleyball game at my school, as I had no interest even though my friends played on the teams.  When I got to VU, I didn't think that would change.  However, when you live in an environment bubble such as college, that athletic pride should grow on you if you like sports.  I went to just about every volleyball game, men's and women's basketball game, soccer match, some softball, etc.  Everyone is always going to say, 'I am a ND fan,' or, 'I live IU sports.'  However, these people were just as avid VU sports fans when I was in school, since we lived and went to class with these athletes.  We had the other sport's athletes at our baseball games often, and we would go to theirs just the same. 

Are the casual fans on campus now just more busy with Skype, their iPads, etc, to not leave their dorm room to live the campus athletic experience outside of the other activities?  How many campuses can say that they were able to interact with someone with the athletic quality of a Lubos Barton, Bryce Drew, Raitis Grafs, or Ryan Broekhoff on a daily basis?  Do you know how many larger schools would kill for that interaction?
"Don't mess with Texas"


Like I've said before, they should allow high schoolers with student I.d.s free admission. 2 things would/might happen we woulod have more students and we would be grooming local crusader fans.


Quote from: truth219 on March 01, 2013, 08:02:52 AM
Like I've said before, they should allow high schoolers with student I.d.s free admission. 2 things would/might happen we woulod have more students and we would be grooming local crusader fans.

Hello, impermissible benefits to recruitable student-athletes.


Hello, and welcome to the ARC high schoolers. Please remember that if you accept our free entrance fee you may not play athletics at Valparaiso University....

By the way, that was not meant as an attack on you valpotx. People are legitimately both busy and not willing to sacrifice time to go to the games like a select few of us.


Quote from: jloose128 on March 01, 2013, 10:05:05 AM
Hello, and welcome to the ARC high schoolers. Please remember that if you accept our free entrance fee you may not play athletics at Valparaiso University....

Not that easy. By offering free admission to anyone who qualifies as a prospective student-athlete, we are breaking ncaa rules, whether we would recruit them or they would play here or not. That part is irrelevant.


Okay then how about children 18 and younger can get tickets for 1$


Quote from: truth219 on March 01, 2013, 10:30:50 AM
Okay then how about children 18 and younger can get tickets for 1$
I thought we did something like that back in 2008 for the Wright State game that ended the season?


I would guess that you set a policy for cheap admission for a whole large group (e.g. High school students) it could not be seen as a recruiting violation as it does not discriminate for the benefit of any particular member of the group.  Does cheaper tuition at IU for students within the state violate NCAA rules?

If my thinking is befuddled, feel free to set me straight (as if anyone on the board needs permission).

Beamin' Beacons


Could be that $1   ;)   is "like free."    Might have to go to $5   :o   to have a legit chance to avoid scrutiny.


"Letter to the Editor" in today's edition of the Torch written by Valpo volleyball player Sarah Dooms

QuoteTo Whom It May Concern:

Although I may be known as the type to get overly fired up about things, the subject matter discussed in the "Letter to VU Student Section," printed in last week's issue of The Torch, deserves my resentment.

In no way did the "group of intoxicated football players in the front of the student section" detract from the game experience. If anything, they enhanced it. Obviously we must lay to rest whether they were drunk or not. It's common knowledge that Valpo is a dry campus and drinking on anyone's part inside the ARC would be against those rules. However, let's also keep in mind that it's still a college campus. Like it or not, that's what happens. College kids drink. They see a successful basketball team they wish to support and an opportunity to go a little crazy in school spirit with their friends. Why would we discourage that?

Even though we've identified the rowdy group at the front of our student section as football players, that's not how they entered into the basketball game. They entered like everyone else, as hopeful and supportive fans of our men's basketball team. I'm more than sure the parentheticals used in the article directed towards Dale Carlson's apparent lack of control over his team should have been left out. The football team's record has nothing to do with their right and desire to support another team on campus. Did the group of guys who came to the game late and who stood in front of the student section do the nicest and most respectful thing? Of course not. But no one wants a nice and respectful student section. There's a reason there are no assigned seats and tickets distributed.

We want people to show up and cheer as loudly and creatively as they can for the duration of the game. Rules and stipulations on that will do nothing but create a civilized and nice student section, not something that any team on the court wishes to have. Allowing enthusiastic fans to the front of the student section, even when they didn't patiently wait their turn in line, was something I would have done, too. I applaud the ARC event staff. Thankfully, they didn't take their job too seriously and didn't choose to be every rowdy college kid's parent. Their job is to ensure safety and they did just that.

I would like to add apart from this response that I have the upmost respect for Nate King and his writing. This is in no way a personal attack, simply a difference of opinion.

Sarah Dooms
VU Class of 2014
"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176


Way to go Sarah! 

She's a 5'11 OH and a junior.  Her rebuttal was written very well.

I like it when jocks stick together.


Well written by her...unfortunately, she doesn't seem to grasp that more than likely, if they were drunk, it is illegal for most college kids to do so (obviously only so many are 21+).  Saying that 'college kids drink' doesn't excuse breaking the law.  This is not to say that I waited until I was 21 either...but I wasn't putting my opinion in a paper that makes it sound like kids should be able to drink before 21 lol.  Even though I did it on occasion, I am a big proponent of it being at LEAST 21 to drink, as I truly had no clue what I was doing and the ramifications, and I was the 'smarter drinker/designated driver' most often.
"Don't mess with Texas"


I disagree a bit TX.  Here's what she wrote: 
"Obviously we must lay to rest whether they were drunk or not. It's common knowledge that Valpo is a dry campus and drinking on anyone's part inside the ARC would be against those rules. However, let's also keep in mind that it's still a college campus. Like it or not, that's what happens. College kids drink.[/i]"  [I might add, that's what happens everywhere]

All she is doing is acknowledging, without proof either way, exactly what you mentioned. Were 30 FB players under the influence?  10?  2?  None?  Her point was, I believe, that there was energy there supplied by an identifiable group and she defended those kids who generated that energy and she is leaving it to others to determine the level (.00  or .08) of intoxication -- if any. I think also that she was rebutting a blanket indictment that may have had only some anecdotal or subjective basis.  She also is on solid ground in criticizing the cheap shot to Carlson on the team's record as irrelevant to the issue at hand.

But most of all I like to see kids standing behind their gut feelings (both Nick and Sarah).  So many in this generation do not.  I think we both agree on that.


She was off on one point that not a lot of people are aware of, we are technically no longer a dry campus. It is a wet campus but you cannot drink on campus, it has to be a closed container and it is allowed.


No kidding????  Really.  Then............

......Beer machines in the fraternity houses!!!  Back to the 60's!!      :thewave:

Seriously, I'm happy to see Sarah put it out there.  Little bit of guts there. 


Quote from: valpo4life on March 01, 2013, 07:30:55 PM
She was off on one point that not a lot of people are aware of, we are technically no longer a dry campus. It is a wet campus but you cannot drink on campus, it has to be a closed container and it is allowed.

When did this happen? As of 2010 when I graduated, we were still dry. And I don't remember seeing anything publicized about it.


I remember that the Phi Sigs (I believe that was the name, was a smaller house) used to 'openly' advertise alcoholic parties by word of mouth.  My FR year, the VUPD busted one of these that I was at, and I was the only one who was not carted off to jail that night in the entire house lol (21 and under attendees).  The cop thought he had broken his alcohol detector when I blew into it (.0000), even being a smart a$$ to me when I said that I didn't have anything to drink before blowing into it.  This night was made possible by a football player friend who thought it would be funny to prank call 911 from the house phone...he never lived that down as it pretty much shut down that frat for my time on campus, and he ended up transferring after SO year.  They routinely had these types of parties, which probably wasn't too different from a few others.  The funniest thing about it, in looking back, is that we all hid in various spots throughout the house when we saw and heard them outside (VUPD).  My friends and I ended up in some 'hidden' room area, and I remember thinking the whole time that I didn't need to be hiding.  This is probably why the cop didn't believe it when I said that I hadn't done anything with alcohol that night  :)
"Don't mess with Texas"


I have been busy and out of town a couple of days this week, but I have finally gotten around to posting 25 new game photos. There were lots of emotions on this night not even counting when the Seniors were honored, as the sample below shows. Have at it Meme Guys. All the photos are at the following: http://photography226.wordpress.com/


Quote from: vuweathernerd on March 01, 2013, 10:26:13 PM
Quote from: valpo4life on March 01, 2013, 07:30:55 PM
She was off on one point that not a lot of people are aware of, we are technically no longer a dry campus. It is a wet campus but you cannot drink on campus, it has to be a closed container and it is allowed.

When did this happen? As of 2010 when I graduated, we were still dry. And I don't remember seeing anything publicized about it.

Based on what I was told, President Heckler had it changed at the beginning of this school year and it wasn't really publicized. Again, I am just going off of what a friend told me after having dinner with Heckler


Quote from: valpo4life on March 03, 2013, 12:28:57 PM
Quote from: vuweathernerd on March 01, 2013, 10:26:13 PM
Quote from: valpo4life on March 01, 2013, 07:30:55 PM
She was off on one point that not a lot of people are aware of, we are technically no longer a dry campus. It is a wet campus but you cannot drink on campus, it has to be a closed container and it is allowed.

When did this happen? As of 2010 when I graduated, we were still dry. And I don't remember seeing anything publicized about it.
I've heard about this for a few years.  I think Heckler is opening up the possibility of having alcohol at campus events for alumni, fundraising, etc. 
Based on what I was told, President Heckler had it changed at the beginning of this school year and it wasn't really publicized. Again, I am just going off of what a friend told me after having dinner with Heckler


they have done it in the past, but it was extremely limited. but that was different than the 'dry campus' policy regarding students. in these past events, locations and access were controlled, but this makes it sound as though the access will be more general, assuming those trying are over the age of 21.


I believe the policy for fundraising and alumni events was that they had to get the board of directors to approve of the alcohol, especially if a push came from President Harre, but not sure why President Heckler hasn't done it for these events under his administration, prior to this year? We'll see what happens with that overtime, won't we?


Quote from: valporun on March 04, 2013, 03:41:18 PM
I believe the policy for fundraising and alumni events was that they had to get the board of directors to approve of the alcohol, especially if a push came from President Harre, but not sure why President Heckler hasn't done it for these events under his administration, prior to this year? We'll see what happens with that overtime, won't we?

i'm not following. homecoming for the last few years has had a beer tent.


Yes, but other campus events, the policy was that the organization/group had to petition for alcohol to be allowed at the event. If it was voted down, there was no chance to appeal the decision, even if the purpose of the event was to fundraise for the university. I'm guessing that President Heckler is using the Homecoming beer tent as a specific study in "responsibility", to show if the community at-large of Valpo alums and current students could be responsible tailgaters or not.