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MBB - Valpo and Green Bay 3/2 - Game Thread

Started by talksalot, February 27, 2013, 04:47:50 PM

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Congrats on another championship.  Nicely done!


Great win for the team.  I thought it was likely we'd lose, coming into the game, and well into the first half.

Great to see such huge numbers from Kenney, and a fantastic game from Capo.

Always managing to look on the dim side, you just hope that Rowdy and KVW can step back up (nice to see KVW getting a couple of silky layups, including for his 1000th point; couldn't hear John or others shout, incidentally).

I'll be quite disappointed if the slight dip in numbers from Rowdy at the end of the season, including today, costs him POY.  I was pleased to see him get a couple of old school completely dominant, this is _my_ ball, don't touch it type Rowdy rebounds.  And to see him fight hard through some tight spots while ball handling.


Quote from: agibson on March 02, 2013, 11:45:07 PM
Great win for the team.  I thought it was likely we'd lose, coming into the game, and well into the first half.

Great to see such huge numbers from Kenney, and a fantastic game from Capo.

Always managing to look on the dim side, you just hope that Rowdy and KVW can step back up (nice to see KVW getting a couple of silky layups, including for his 1000th point; couldn't hear John or others shout, incidentally).

I'll be quite disappointed if the slight dip in numbers from Rowdy at the end of the season, including today, costs him POY.  I was pleased to see him get a couple of old school completely dominant, this is _my_ ball, don't touch it type Rowdy rebounds.  And to see him fight hard through some tight spots while ball handling.

That rebound-and-put-back-in-a-crowd 2nd half basket against YSU should have been on the HLN Plays of the week.  That was beyond awesome, and damned redemptive after yet another missed layup.


Great to win the outright championship on such a high note. The team seems as healthy as it has been all season, and the confidence level appears high especially due to the fine shooting. Plus, the contributions off the bench from players like Kenney and Capobianco show a depth that is hard for other teams in the conference to match. Most of all, the biggest weakness throughout the year has been turnovers, but against Green Bay Valpo had only 10 turnovers, which they matched with 10 steals. Now we're cooking with peanut oil!  ;)


I came to the realization yesterday that pre-season 1st team all-conference selection Alec Brown is probably the most overrated player in the HL.  He was 3-9 from 2-pt. range and had 4 rebounds in 30 min. of play.  He has average post moves and seems to shy away from contact.  Not exactly what you're looking for in a 7-1 center with a huge size advantage and projected to have a future in the NBA.  In fairness, he was 2-3 from 3, whatever that's worth.

The "chump of the game" award goes to GB's Carrington Love, who took the ball out of Capo's hands with 5 seconds to go (and everyone on both sides standing motionless) and scored his only 2 points on an uncontested layup as time expired. Bobby got credited with a TO he didn't earn, Love got credited with a steal and basket he didn't earn, and that was Valpo's 10th TO when they should have been in single digits. 

The Resch Center is an extremely nice arena in a great location adjacent to Lambeau Field, but the atmosphere (even with 5000 people in attendance) pales by comparison to the ARC. I counted 60 heads in the student section, not counting the band. 


Quote from: wh on March 03, 2013, 11:10:09 AM
The "chump of the game" award goes to GB's Carrington Love, who took the ball out of Capo's hands with 5 seconds to go (and everyone on both sides standing motionless) and scored his only 2 points on an uncontested layup as time expired. Bobby got credited with a TO he didn't earn, Love got credited with a steal and basket he didn't earn, and that was Valpo's 10th TO when they should have been in single digits. 

He didn't take the ball from Bobby's hands...Bobby threw a soft, 20 foot pass to Lavonte and Love stepped through the passing lane. Meaningless of course, but he did nothing wrong.


Quote from: ValpoHoops on March 03, 2013, 11:18:47 AM
Quote from: wh on March 03, 2013, 11:10:09 AM
The "chump of the game" award goes to GB's Carrington Love, who took the ball out of Capo's hands with 5 seconds to go (and everyone on both sides standing motionless) and scored his only 2 points on an uncontested layup as time expired. Bobby got credited with a TO he didn't earn, Love got credited with a steal and basket he didn't earn, and that was Valpo's 10th TO when they should have been in single digits. 

He didn't take the ball from Bobby's hands...Bobby threw a soft, 20 foot pass to Lavonte and Love stepped through the passing lane. Meaningless of course, but he did nothing wrong.

He did everything wrong.  At the end of the game when the body language of one team says 'we're going to hold the ball and stop trying to score' and the body language of the other team says 'ok, we're going to stop closely guarding you,' it is totally inappropriate for some bozo to steal the ball at that point and score. It's the same as a sucker punch, thrown after 2 people agree to put their guard down.  Aren't you a coach?


Quote from: wh on March 03, 2013, 11:40:12 AM
Quote from: ValpoHoops on March 03, 2013, 11:18:47 AM
Quote from: wh on March 03, 2013, 11:10:09 AM
The "chump of the game" award goes to GB's Carrington Love, who took the ball out of Capo's hands with 5 seconds to go (and everyone on both sides standing motionless) and scored his only 2 points on an uncontested layup as time expired. Bobby got credited with a TO he didn't earn, Love got credited with a steal and basket he didn't earn, and that was Valpo's 10th TO when they should have been in single digits. 

He didn't take the ball from Bobby's hands...Bobby threw a soft, 20 foot pass to Lavonte and Love stepped through the passing lane. Meaningless of course, but he did nothing wrong.

He did everything wrong.  At the end of the game when the body language of one team says 'we're going to hold the ball and stop trying to score' and the body language of the other team says 'ok, we're going to stop closely guarding you,' it is totally inappropriate for some bozo to steal the ball at that point and score. It's the same as a sucker punch, thrown after 2 people agree to put their guard down.  Aren't you a coach?

Yes, I am. Green Bay was still guarding at that point. The shot clock was still on (1.9 second difference after GB's made basket). If you don't want them to score, you don't throw a bad pass...play for 40 full minutes, not 39:55. Last I checked, until the horn goes off, you're allowed to try and get the ball back from the other team and score. (and again, the shot clock had yet to be turned off...I would feel differently had that been the case)

In my opinion (and what I've been taught by those who I see as my mentors) is that it is the LOSING TEAM who decides when the game is over. We were trying to hold the ball for a shot clock violation...Green Bay had every right to play defense.

Perhaps you and I differ on this one, and that's fine. The game was not over, and it was not GB's responsibility not to score at that point. If I were breaking down the film with the team today, I would be more disappointed in Bobby's pass than I would in the GB's player stealing it for a layup...that's just a difference in philosophy, and I don't think either is necessarily wrong...just differing viewpoints.


ValpoHoops, wh has this same opinion about a team that when ahead by a comfortable amount of points, continues to pour it on with the bench players, or when Detroit does it with Ray Jr. still on the floor, since their bench doesn't exist. He's always going to play the sportsmanship card, even if it is the losing team messing with the rules.


Quote from: valporun on March 03, 2013, 01:00:30 PM
ValpoHoops, wh has this same opinion about a team that when ahead by a comfortable amount of points, continues to pour it on with the bench players, or when Detroit does it with Ray Jr. still on the floor, since their bench doesn't exist. He's always going to play the sportsmanship card, even if it is the losing team messing with the rules.

I'm well aware of that...and on the other side of it, I agree 99% of the time. On this side, I don't...and he said on the board that the kid was the "chump of the week", coupled with saying he took the ball away from Bobby (which was not the case), so I stated my opinion...if we all agreed on everyhing, there wouldn't be a message board.


Yeah, he did go a little overboard with the "chump of the week" comment. I didn't have a problem with it. Coaches preach to play until the buzzer sounds or when he/she says to layoff, and that's just what this kid did. He played until the buzzer, and why not? I mean it's not like he made a huge difference in the final score.


Was actually a clear shot clock violation. Love deflected the ball into the back court, then the shot clock went off about a full second before he picked it up. The officials clearly let it go because there was one second remaining in a 21 point game.


Quote from: chef on March 03, 2013, 02:21:11 PM
Was actually a clear shot clock violation. Love deflected the ball into the back court, then the shot clock went off about a full second before he picked it up. The officials clearly let it go because there was one second remaining in a 21 point game.

Yep...and at that point, a good decision by the zebras to just let it end.


Part of why I feel strongly about things like unsportsmanlike conduct does come from the way I'm wired.  I never have had any use for people who take advantage of others for personal gratification.  When I was growing up I had no problem injecting myself into situations where a bigger kid was picking on a smaller kid.  It didn't matter whether it was in the neighborhood or at school.  I also think there may be a generational difference involved here, as well.  Years ago I never had to tell employees they needed to say a simple "thank you" when a customer made a purchase.  It was common sense, expected behavior.  Now the company wouldn't dare let a new employee go on their own without full blown customer service training.  It is astounding to see the lack of manners, especially in the Gen Y age group, too many of which have been taught that life is all about them, instant gratification, getting over giving, failure to value things bigger than yourself, and a general lack of respect for others, especially those in authority. 

Regardless of why these players behave the way they do or how often it happens, it still needs to be called out.  I also think that the players that would never consider doing this stuff need to know that these things still matter to us as observers.  That why I don't think we should dismiss these incidents as trivial or meaningless.  Just my 2 cents.


Quote from: wh on March 03, 2013, 02:52:55 PMWhen I was growing up I had no problem injecting myself into situations where a bigger kid was picking on a smaller kid.

Did you ever inject yourself into a situation where a smaller kid was picking on a bigger kid?

Green Bay was on the losing end.  I guarantee you Capo didn't mind one bit, and neither did anyone else on the Valpo bench.

There is an important difference, as ValpoHoops pointed out.  If the losing team wants to dunk at the buzzer, I couldn't care less, just as I will never cease to be amazed at the gall of baseball players who get pissed at their opponents for stealing bases in a blowout LOSS.

Padding the score by the winning team = poor sportsmanship
Padding the score by the losing team *might* be silly, but it's not poor sportsmanship.


Quote from: StlVUFan on March 03, 2013, 05:54:25 PM
Quote from: wh on March 03, 2013, 02:52:55 PMWhen I was growing up I had no problem injecting myself into situations where a bigger kid was picking on a smaller kid.

Did you ever inject yourself into a situation where a smaller kid was picking on a bigger kid?

Green Bay was on the losing end.  I guarantee you Capo didn't mind one bit, and neither did anyone else on the Valpo bench.

There is an important difference, as ValpoHoops pointed out.  If the losing team wants to dunk at the buzzer, I couldn't care less, just as I will never cease to be amazed at the gall of baseball players who get pissed at their opponents for stealing bases in a blowout LOSS.

Padding the score by the winning team = poor sportsmanship
Padding the score by the losing team *might* be silly, but it's not poor sportsmanship.

What baseball players get pissed when their opponent steals in a blowout loss??  We had that happen today in my game, when we were up by 8 or 9, and they kept stealing.  Didn't think anything of it
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpotx on March 04, 2013, 01:30:09 AM
Quote from: StlVUFan on March 03, 2013, 05:54:25 PM
Quote from: wh on March 03, 2013, 02:52:55 PMWhen I was growing up I had no problem injecting myself into situations where a bigger kid was picking on a smaller kid.

Did you ever inject yourself into a situation where a smaller kid was picking on a bigger kid?

Green Bay was on the losing end.  I guarantee you Capo didn't mind one bit, and neither did anyone else on the Valpo bench.

There is an important difference, as ValpoHoops pointed out.  If the losing team wants to dunk at the buzzer, I couldn't care less, just as I will never cease to be amazed at the gall of baseball players who get pissed at their opponents for stealing bases in a blowout LOSS.

Padding the score by the winning team = poor sportsmanship
Padding the score by the losing team *might* be silly, but it's not poor sportsmanship.

What baseball players get pissed when their opponent steals in a blowout loss??  We had that happen today in my game, when we were up by 8 or 9, and they kept stealing.  Didn't think anything of it
It's happened a few times in recent years.  I think a few Marlins (?) players justified a plunking on the grounds that the other team (who was losing by 10 runs) was stealing bases.  Blew. My. Mind.


Stl, if this was during this past season, and if it was the Marlins, I'm sure Ozzie had something to do with that plunking.


Bobby named Horizon League Newcomer of the Week (2nd time) for his play against Green Bay and Youngstown State. Matt was a runner-up for Player of the Week.



Quote from: valporun on March 04, 2013, 09:48:32 AM
Stl, if this was during this past season, and if it was the Marlins, I'm sure Ozzie had something to do with that plunking.
I'm thinking it was 2 years ago, but that's a good guess and may also be right.