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3/21, 12:15pm ET: NCAA First Game: (14) Valpo v. (3) Michigan State Game Thread

Started by Zoltar, March 17, 2013, 05:15:55 PM

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I know I'm tardy to the party but the one thing that infuriated me was the rebounding. We got freaking killed on the glass! At one point we were down 44-18 in that stat.

I love that the guys played hard for 40 minutes! And I know this isn't an ideal game but Bryce HAS to manage his timeouts better. We were out of timeouts with 14 and change remaining. I don't care what's going on, that's unacceptable.


Quote from: vuweathernerd on March 21, 2013, 05:25:24 PM
I know I'm tardy to the party but the one thing that infuriated me was the rebounding. We got freaking killed on the glass! At one point we were down 44-18 in that stat.

I love that the guys played hard for 40 minutes! And I know this isn't an ideal game but Bryce HAS to manage his timeouts better. We were out of timeouts with 14 and change remaining. I don't care what's going on, that's unacceptable.
MSU is always near the top in rebound margin.  We made it easy for them on the MSU defensive rebounding end, as we missed a great number of shots. 

When you play MSU you really need to have that portion of Dennis Rodman's brain for rebounding injected in your whole team - but just the rebounding part.


Quote from: vuweathernerd on March 21, 2013, 05:25:24 PMI know I'm tardy to the party but the one thing that infuriated me was the rebounding. We got freaking killed on the glass! At one point we were down 44-18 in that stat.
I do agree that this is one area that really stands out.  17 ORebs for MSU and only 14 DRebs for us.  We keep MSU off the boards on 5 of those ORebs, Rowdy hits 2 more 3's, Kevin hits 3 shots and we're golden!


Quote from: vu72 on March 21, 2013, 04:34:33 PM
Quote from: Kyle321n on March 21, 2013, 04:09:12 PM
Quote from: DMvalpo18 on March 21, 2013, 03:50:03 PMSo is it going to be a while before we get back to the tourney? It seems like our time in it has come and gone pretty fast. And it will be strange indeed to not see Ryan in a Valpo uniform anymore.

We definitely have a chance if Junior leaves for the NBA next season. If he leaves, I'm going say we're the 3rd best team in the league which gives us a good shot at making the tournament with a conference tourney run.

Even if he doesn't leave, I doubt they will be the issue, but they will be pretty good.  They lose Minnerath and Anderson. They had no bench.  The teams to beat will be Wright State, Cleveland State, Green Bay and YSU.

I agree. Considering the year that Wright State had this year, that definitely puts them in that top tier. Green Bay just has some great talent with Sykes and Brown, and Cleveland State had lots of young talent that will be more mature. The question is if our recruiting class is going to be ready to compete at this level and be solid contributors right away. Or maybe they won't need to be relied upon so heavily because of the few we have returning and a couple of transfers? Is it too early for this conversation? Haha.


Bobby is going to be good next year, and I am sure our head coach will give him more freedom to shoot the 3, a la Dan Oppland/Raitis/Kikas several years ago.  I say head coach, because I am not sure who that will be next year lol.  Bryce showed on the big stage that he can't manage his timeouts, or make too many adjustments against superior competition.  I am sure this turned away some suitors, but it won't turn away them all.  I am hoping that he comes back to keep our recruiting class together, and that he works on his in-game management to keep up with these types of teams.  I hate to say it, but maybe he should reach out to Stevens...
"Don't mess with Texas"


Yes congrats seniors, you guys made for exciting 4-5 years!  Your accomplishments now have a place in Valpo sports, forever.  Don't ever forget that.
You are all class players,who dedicated your sweat, blood, time to getting VU back to the Dance.  We are grateful.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

                    :clap:    :clap:    :clap:


Just got home from Auburn Hills and can't express how proud of this group I am. They were simply physically overmatched today, and that's ok. Going in, we all knew it was going to come down to how many shots we made. MSU was going to get a million offensive rebounds and we were not going to get easy looks. That happened, we just didn't shoot it very well unfortunately.

The team this year gave us moments we will never forget...Ryan's shot against Green Bay, the comeback at Detroit and making it to the first NCAA Tournament since 2004. They have a TON to be proud of and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, including today's game. Michigan State was one of the few teams that - quite simply - we had little chance against because of their physicality.

To respond to some of the criticism of Bryce's timeouts...he was trying to keep us in the game when we were missing EVERYTHING! There was a stretch where we ATTEMPTED two shots in four minutes, and Bryce used two of the timeouts then. If he hadn't, MSU may have extended their lead even more. He used them when he felt he had to. Yes, we were out of them at the end, but if he hadn't used them early, it may have been a 25-point lead at that point, and it wouldn't have mattered.

We had seven TO's against Michigan State...partly because we weren't very agressive for stretches, partly because we just plain took care of the ball better.

I am proud to say that I am a Valpo grad when our players play like they did for 40 minutes. I don't care if we make shots, I care how hard they play. I'm proud of them, and I have memories I won't soon let go of. These seniors (and the other guys too...) represent our school with great class, passion and they are the men that truly put VALPO out for the world to see...


I dunno, tx, I'm not sure saving timeouts would have helped, and I'm thinking he felt he had to use them when he did because stuff wasn't working.  When you're desperately searching for some way to stop the bleeding, saving timeouts doesn't seem all that important.


I echo what everyone has said.....it was a great season and I'm very proud of our team. I'm just thankful for the invaluable exposure that the university received recently. The countless news articles around the country, the AXE austronaut commercial, tons of replays of "the Shot", and lots of TV time have been incredible. It also ignited tons of alumni pride all around the world. I just hope that the administration continues to get on board with the importance of how a great athletics program can promote and improve a university like Valpo.  :twocents:
Valpo '10, Valpo Admission Network
US Air Force, Sigma Phi Epsilon


Gleaning data from box scores...searching for consolation in numbers:

--Boggs' day today was the only time all year someone playing double-digit minutes had more points than minutes played.  In pts/40 min, he posted a 54.5 ppg.
--The only other to come close was Capo with 13 pts in 13 min @CSU
--Boggs' 2 in 1 min vs DET was the only other time anyone this year ever had more points than minutes.

henceforth March 21 will be BOGGSDAY.

--When Rowdy shot 50% or better this year, VU was 13-2.
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Watch this terrible interview after our game.  Talk about someone that needs to stay behind a desk, and away from TV lol:

"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: vuweathernerd on March 21, 2013, 05:25:24 PM
I know I'm tardy to the party but the one thing that infuriated me was the rebounding. We got freaking killed on the glass! At one point we were down 44-18 in that stat.

I love that the guys played hard for 40 minutes! And I know this isn't an ideal game but Bryce HAS to manage his timeouts better. We were out of timeouts with 14 and change remaining. I don't care what's going on, that's unacceptable.

Well, that's why you aren't a coach.  Bryce knows his team and what they needed.  Obviously it worked as we out scored them in the second half.  did you forget about all the tv timeouts?  They work just the same as a real one.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


You guys are amazing. Now valpotx thinks Bryce should reach out to Stevens, a guy he has beaten three straight. The timeouts?  We won the second half. so much for his timeout management.

It's not too early to talk about next year.  sure we will be, on average, pretty young, but we will have three seniors in bobby, Lavonte and Jordan plus transfer studs like Keith Carter plus the kid from Rice and a more experienced Vashil. 
Add a very talented freshman class and we may make a run again.  I can't wait.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu72 on March 21, 2013, 10:17:11 PM
Quote from: vuweathernerd on March 21, 2013, 05:25:24 PM
I know I'm tardy to the party but the one thing that infuriated me was the rebounding. We got freaking killed on the glass! At one point we were down 44-18 in that stat.

I love that the guys played hard for 40 minutes! And I know this isn't an ideal game but Bryce HAS to manage his timeouts better. We were out of timeouts with 14 and change remaining. I don't care what's going on, that's unacceptable.

Well, that's why you aren't a coach.  Bryce knows his team and what they needed.  Obviously it worked as we out scored them in the second half.  did you forget about all the tv timeouts?  They work just the same as a real one.

You're right - I'm not a coach. And Bryce does know the guys better than I do.But still, his burning of timeouts this season has at times been absurd. I don't like the idea of burning two timeouts in a 30 second span, especially only midway through the first half. And I disagree about those early timeouts working - the Spartans closed the first half with a 26-5 run.


Quote from: valpotx on March 21, 2013, 09:09:23 PM
Watch this terrible interview after our game.  Talk about someone that needs to stay behind a desk, and away from TV lol:

Which interview are you talking about?  The one where some guy is talking to Adrian Payne?


The run in the first half had nothing to do with time outs. There's a long TV one at under 8 and under 4. Had a lot to do with rebounding.

I'll remember Rowdy congratulating Boggs at the end for his last few minutes scoring.

Frustrating game but 19 for 54 was the story plus O bounds for Mich St.

Lessons taught -- bringing in Vashil for a couple minutes to learn what type of work he needs to do in offseason and being banged around by Nix. Lesson delivered-- when he was stuffed on potential dunk.

Proud of these seniors and their efforts and 2 horizon league championships and 1 NCAA and 1 nit. Good luck in your future endeavors.

Thought I saw Milo Stovall at the game.

"Christmas is for presents, March is for Championships." Denny Crum


Quote from: vu72
Well, that's why you aren't a coach.

Whoa, harsh reaction to someone's legitimate critique of unusually liberal use of timeouts.  I mean, maybe you disagree, but why the uber defensive stance that Bryce knows best?  I'd say there's a lot of room for doubt here.

Quote from: vu72
Obviously it worked as we out scored them in the second half.

Quote from: vu72 on March 21, 2013, 10:28:22 PM
We won the second half. so much for his timeout management.

No chance this had anything to do with the other team coasting while we played normal ball?  I'm not down on the team's performance today, I think we played solid and were just bitten by abnormally cold shooting, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking that if point differnetial had any significance in this tournament, we wouldn't have lost by a bit more than 11....


Quote from: StlVUFan on March 21, 2013, 11:08:28 PM
Quote from: valpotx on March 21, 2013, 09:09:23 PM
Watch this terrible interview after our game.  Talk about someone that needs to stay behind a desk, and away from TV lol:

Which interview are you talking about?  The one where some guy is talking to Adrian Payne?

Yes, that interview.  That reporter is absolutely terrible in that scenario, and needs to stick to just writing.  He looks like he is about to faint having to think up questions  :).

In regards to 72, yes, I think that he should reach out to Stevens about in-game management against better opposition.  I don't care that Bryce has beaten him 3 times.  I am simply talking about how Stevens prepares his guys for superior competition.  The school down south does not play scared against these types of teams, and it has been this way for several years now for them.  We seem to panic when we see the name on other team's jerseys, and can't shoot to save our lives in those games.  We got plenty of open looks, but just put way too little or way too much on each.  We have fantastic shooters, and they never play like it against top teams.  So yes, bite the bullet, and reach out to someone that has been there and done that. 

Also, as rink mentioned, MSU took their foot off the pedal quite a bit towards the end, which is why we got to an 11 point loss.  Yes, they kept their starters in, but they seemed to just be working on going through their offensive plays, to prepare for later in the tourney.  I am proud of our guys and their overall effort to fight back to a respectable looking loss, but it could have been worse.
"Don't mess with Texas"


I just wish i could let these seniors know how much i have enjoyed watching them play....   I also hope they remember everything positive that they accomplished.   

I'll miss seeing them in a Valpo Jersey ...   Thanks team!!!


Quote from: setshot on March 22, 2013, 09:27:06 AM
Like father,like son:one and done. :'(

Ignore! Again just trying to poke a sore spot. His agenda is way too clear.


ESPN's bottom line last night certainly poured salt in the wound...

VALPO: Lost 6 straight NCAA Tournament Games.

Uncalled for!


A fact is a fact even if it hurts your feelings. Espn isn't pouring salt on a wound. They are giving facts. Boo hoo


Quote from: truth219 on March 22, 2013, 09:58:54 AM
A fact is a fact even if it hurts your feelings. Espn isn't pouring salt on a wound. They are giving facts. Boo hoo

I have to agree with truth. Just because it hurts for some fans to read a fact doesn't mean that ESPN should avoid reporting the real facts.

Should ESPN not have reported that Lance Armstrong was accused of using performance enhancing drugs because it shocked his fans who saw him as such a positive role model and hurt their feelings?


Quote from: bbtds on March 22, 2013, 10:11:23 AM
Quote from: truth219 on March 22, 2013, 09:58:54 AM
A fact is a fact even if it hurts your feelings. Espn isn't pouring salt on a wound. They are giving facts. Boo hoo

I have to agree with truth. Just because it hurts for some fans to read a fact doesn't mean that ESPN should avoid reporting the real facts.

Should ESPN not have reported that Lance Armstrong was accused of using performance enhancing drugs because it shocked his fans who saw him as such a positive role model and hurt their feelings?

I found it odd, especially since they haven't really made a point of doing it for any other "Cinderella" seed.

Not pointing out that Valpo has now lost 6 straight NCAAT games over the span of 15 years would be the same as not reporting on Lance Armstrong's doping, got it  ::)