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Who gets the job if Bryce does leave?

Started by truth219, March 22, 2013, 10:57:44 AM

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Chicago Tribune's Teddy Greenstein posted on Twitter that the Chris Collins intereview with Northwestern went very well and there could be an announcement this week.


Quote from: Valpo89 on March 26, 2013, 09:33:46 AM
Chicago Tribune's Teddy Greenstein posted on Twitter that the Chris Collins intereview with Northwestern went very well and there could be an announcement this week.
Well, it hurts, but I'll clench my teeth and root for Duke just this once.
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Personally I don't see Drew leaving. He has a lot invested in this team and in the city of Valpo it seems. He grew up here and chose to play for Valpo as a player, while his brother Scott chose Butler to go to as a student, and he was a part of the basketball team as a manager, and I'm sure if he chose VU he would've had the same opportunity there. After he did graduate he did take the helm of the VU team for just a single season, then left for greener pastures with Baylor and Homer once again took over.

Bryce has led a different basketball career than Scott. He was a sensational player Valpo HS and VU. He didn't choose to leave Valpo as a student and go on to play for a big program, instead he stayed at home under his dad. As a coach, he was an assistant for a few years and after Homer retired he took over the controls. He had a similar opportunity to his brother Scott, with Mississippi State but he chose to stay with Valpo, and I believe he will be here for a very long time. I do see him quickly turning into one of the best mid-major coaches. There were some games over the past two seasons that VU won because of coaching, not because of talent. And that is hard to do. So long I am right and he doesn't leave Valpo will have many prolific seasons to come. As we see him grow as a coach and the program will grow along with him and will hopefully reestablish VU as a one of the premier mid-major programs.


Down here they are really hoping to keep Andy Enfield (by doubling his 157K salary to 300K), and there are some parallels, beyond the good-looking blond wives.  Just as Bryce made several million in the pros, Andy (a D3 player at Hopkins) created a $100 million business (TractManager or something?).  In just two years of head coaching they have 48-20 (Bryce) and 39-27 (i think, for Andy...and counting) records.

In a sense neither of them NEED the money.  One gets the feeling that it's only about the money insofar as their salary shows  (or doesn't show) respect and deference, e.g how does their salary rank in their conference, how much are they appreciated by admin and community, etc.

[We have to know Bryce's salary, don't we?  I seem to remember that VU has to make public their five highest-paid employees--or at least they did under previous tax law.  When I was a kid it was always Harre, Steinbrecher, Homer, and Bodensteiner & Berner from the law school, if I remember correctly...]
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Well, bingo...partially.  Form 990 requires this disclosure, but apparently it no longer includes names. 

Here are the top 5 from 2007, as good as I got for right now:

EDIT:  continuing to dig.  FY 2011 Pres Heckler made 330K FWIW:
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Enfield didn't create that company. He worked for them and had a small stake of which he cashed out part of it. He still owns a very small portion.


"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Quote from: HC on March 26, 2013, 08:25:08 PMEnfield didn't create that company. He worked for them and had a small stake of which he cashed out part of it. He still owns a very small portion.

i'm hardly alone:
QuoteAmong the most significant bold-line items to emerge in the last five days from the eclectic resume of Florida Gulf Coast University basketball coach Andy Enfield is that in 2000, Enfield was the "co-founder'' of a startup software company specializing in contract management in the health care industry, and that the company, TractManager, is valued at $100 million. In an interview Monday with Sports Illustrated, TractManager founder and CEO Tom Rizk, a 55-year-old New Jersey entrepreneur who holds Enfield in exceptionally high regard both personally and professionally, explained that both of those pieces of information are inaccurate.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/-college-basketball-mens-tournament/news/20130325/andy-enfield-florida-gulf-coast/#ixzz2OhQPZKmn

(I never said he still had it, btw.  He cashed out a good chunk, though.)
Quote"He was part of our company, he made a modest investment, he cashed out some of his stake and he still retains a small piece," said Rizk of Enfield, who was among the first group of employees, but was not a founding partner. "But, at least by my definition, he is not independently wealthy."

QuoteRizk said Monday that the company is worth much more than $100 million. "The numbers that are quoted, frankly, are very low,'' said Rizk. "Honestly the company is much more valuable. Since 2006, TractManager has quadrupled in value. It's four times the size that it was when Andy left in 2006.''

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/-college-basketball-mens-tournament/news/20130325/andy-enfield-florida-gulf-coast/#ixzz2OhQvYUwg
but then again, he kind of made it sound like he did a bit...
QuoteIn a background interview last Thursday, Enfield walked through the steps of his career -- assistant coach with the Milwaukee Bucks and Boston Celtics, and then the owner of a basketball skills development company -- and added, "I also helped about four partners start a company outside basketball.'' One night later, in a private interview after FGCU's upset win over Georgetown, Enfield was asked to clarify his role in TractManager and said, "I have an equity investment. My partner, Tom Rizk, is the CEO and he's a genius. We all built it together. It was his vision to take a company and build it from the ground floor through a technology that I really didn't know anything about.''

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/-college-basketball-mens-tournament/news/20130325/andy-enfield-florida-gulf-coast/#ixzz2OhR3EQgP

Finally, how's this for more career symmetry:  Enfield at Hopkins: 2025 pts.  Bryce at VU: 2142.
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Quote from: usc4valpo on March 25, 2013, 02:27:29 PMCould it be to try to get more power or clout from the VU administration?  Could VU counteroffer with a higher salary?  Could VU counteroffer with assurance of improved facilities, better travel budget, nicer office desk, daily steak and eggs for breakfast, etc.?

I can totally see the AD saying "come on steak and eggs at Jimmy's everyday...what is it gonna take?"  hahahahahaha
The two greatest things on earth?  Short hair cuts and Valpo Victories!


So in 2010, 9 people made more than 200K at VU:
Heckler made 358K total (salary plus other types of compensation);
Jay Conison made 273K;
Mark Schwehn made 222K, which, well, ok;
Bodensteiner 218K;
Broo-haas made 218K;
Someone named Boyd Bradshaw made 204K;
a couple other law professors just crested 200K.  Charley Gillispie didn't even crack it (!).

Homer made 263K, and so was the 3rd highest remunerated person at VU--until you take hours into account.

With VU's own estimates, I calculated hourly wage (hours/week * 48 weeks/year, assuming they get 4 weeks vacation):
Mark Heckler $114.91/hr
Ivan Bodensteiner $90.77/hr
JoEllen Lind $89.49/hr
Bruce Berner $89.02/hr
Seymour Moskowitz $83.68/hr
Jay Conison $75.82/hr (...aaand maybe that's why he left :))
Homer Drew $73.08/hr
Mark Schwehn $71.59/hr
Boyd Bradshaw $70.90/hr

Seen like this, he drops from 3rd out of 9 (Wright State) to 7 out of 9 (Loyola).

1.  It's good to be a law professor.  5 of the top 6.
2.  Should we assume that Bryce, in just year 2, would top his father already?  If he even does, it can't be by too much, surely.  Notice Mark LaBarbara not on this list...so at least he makes more than his boss :)
3.  Being married to a lawyer, I understand that law professors are so highly paid because of both value added and relative compensation.  That is to say, you HAVE to pay them because they could make more money plying their trade elsewhere (in private or corporate practice, for instance).  F'r instance, Dean Conison leaving for greener pastures.

By that logic, bringing it back around to Bryce, shouldn't we takeaway that:
For the:
--hours worked
--value added to 'brand' and
--relative compensation needing to remain high, both out of deserving as well as wanting to keep him,
shouldn't we "pay the man, Shirley"?
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Quote from: LaPorteAveApostle on March 26, 2013, 08:13:23 PMForm 990 requires this disclosure

Fascinating!  I'm not familiar with the 990.  I knew this sort of info was usually available for public universities, but didn't know about private.

You'll have to let us know if you spot the 2011 and 2012 forms, when they're available.

It wouldn't surprise me if Bryce is already making about Homer's salary, but who knows?


Quote from: LaPorteAveApostle on March 27, 2013, 09:40:37 AM
So in 2010, 9 people made more than 200K at VU:
Heckler made 358K total (salary plus other types of compensation);
Jay Conison made 273K;
Mark Schwehn made 222K, which, well, ok;
Bodensteiner 218K;
Broo-haas made 218K;
Someone named Boyd Bradshaw made 204K;
a couple other law professors just crested 200K.  Charley Gillispie didn't even crack it (!).

Homer made 263K, and so was the 3rd highest remunerated person at VU--until you take hours into account.

With VU's own estimates, I calculated hourly wage (hours/week * 48 weeks/year, assuming they get 4 weeks vacation):
Mark Heckler $114.91/hr
Ivan Bodensteiner $90.77/hr
JoEllen Lind $89.49/hr
Bruce Berner $89.02/hr
Seymour Moskowitz $83.68/hr
Jay Conison $75.82/hr (...aaand maybe that's why he left :))
Homer Drew $73.08/hr
Mark Schwehn $71.59/hr
Boyd Bradshaw $70.90/hr

Seen like this, he drops from 3rd out of 9 (Wright State) to 7 out of 9 (Loyola).

1.  It's good to be a law professor.  5 of the top 6.
2.  Should we assume that Bryce, in just year 2, would top his father already?  If he even does, it can't be by too much, surely.  Notice Mark LaBarbara not on this list...so at least he makes more than his boss :)
3.  Being married to a lawyer, I understand that law professors are so highly paid because of both value added and relative compensation.  That is to say, you HAVE to pay them because they could make more money plying their trade elsewhere (in private or corporate practice, for instance).  F'r instance, Dean Conison leaving for greener pastures.

By that logic, bringing it back around to Bryce, shouldn't we takeaway that:
For the:
--hours worked
--value added to 'brand' and
--relative compensation needing to remain high, both out of deserving as well as wanting to keep him,
shouldn't we "pay the man, Shirley"?

I wouldn't try to glean too much from their reported hours worked.  They are always inflated for appearance sake.  Senior leadership salaries for non-profit organizations have come under a lot of public scrutiny in recent years, thanks to services like Guide Star making access to 990's so much easier than it once was. For example, there's no way anyone from the Law School is working 75 hours/week.  That equates to 11 hours/day, 7 days a week or nearly 13 hours/day over 6 days.  That simply is not happening.  That said, I'm sure these salaries are totally appropriate based on comparable market rates for similar positions. 


A canditate not mentioned that I thought might be a good hire is Rex Walters.  He's done a good job at S.F. and has experience with Valpo. 


Rex is a very good coach, but as far as coming back here, it would be unlikely. He grew up in San Jose and is happy in California. Although, he's had some ups and down at USF, I would think his job is safe there for right now.


Quote from: wh on March 27, 2013, 11:19:34 AMI wouldn't try to glean too much from their reported hours worked.  They are always inflated for appearance sake. 

I'm sure they are--or rather I guess I hope so for Janet's sake! :)  As someone who works 100 hours over the 9 days of Holy Week, I have no problem believing that a head coach in the throes of the season would do the same--though hopefully (surely) not 11 months a year!

But your point probably is overridden by the fact that hours are inflated across the board, no?  So the ratio more or less holds, if all have their hours inflated, wouldn't it?

"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Quote from: chef on March 23, 2013, 03:06:44 PMIf I was a gambling man
I'm sure more than one chuckled at this comment!


Quote from: LaPorteAveApostle on March 28, 2013, 12:43:24 PM
Quote from: wh on March 27, 2013, 11:19:34 AMI wouldn't try to glean too much from their reported hours worked.  They are always inflated for appearance sake. 

I'm sure they are--or rather I guess I hope so for Janet's sake! :)  As someone who works 100 hours over the 9 days of Holy Week, I have no problem believing that a head coach in the throes of the season would do the same--though hopefully (surely) not 11 months a year!

But your point probably is overridden by the fact that hours are inflated across the board, no?  So the ratio more or less holds, if all have their hours inflated, wouldn't it?

Possibly - I would just be guessing.  A lot of N-P's use the same number for everyone on the list - 48-50 is somewhat typical.  Or, they'll show the top dog higher and everyone else the same, or whatever.  Just comparing numbers, Bryce's looks like it's probably the closest to reality.  Since I know 1 of the people on the Law School list personally and my son is a recent VU Law School grad, I'm pretty confident that theirs are shall we say a "tad" inflated.  ;)  It's not a big deal either way in the world of N-P income reporting.  I probably shouldn't have even brought it up. 


If Bryce leaves, who do you go after?  You go after Danny Kaspar from SFA.  That's who you go after.


Greg Rakestraw, former IUPUI pbp guy, was subbing for Dan Dakich on 1070 the fan a few days ago and happen to mention that one of Indiana State's starters was transferring to Indiana Wesleyan and Greg Tonagel because he wants to play with his brother. That is some awfully good recruiting or an awfully dumb move on the part RJ Mahurin. One way or the other you have to say that Greg Tonagel is doing something Wrrrrrrightttt at IWU.



"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Quote from: LaPorteAveApostle on April 07, 2013, 09:38:06 AM

my math may be fuzzy, but 10.1 ppg/MVC translates roughly to 68.7 ppg/NAIA D-2.

Your math is really fuzzy!


Your math is so fuzzy you must be Thurston for some pestering about how much Payton Manning is smarter than you. Commonly known as Bronko Nagurski. Cha---ching!!!  Ouch!


Sorry to bring up old stuff--or rather, new stuff in an old thread, hopefully, but if it's been posted and I missed it, feel free to give me both barrels since usually I'm on top of that.  just got back from valpo and have been away from the board, ironically.


From the CBS blog: "Candid Coaches: Which low-major coach can be the next Andy Enfield?"

(I've brought you pretty much everything here, except a picture of Bryce with KVW and Capo.)

QuoteCoaching turnover is a perpetual, seasonal thing in college basketball. Each spring, around 10 percent of the sport loses its head coaches to retirement, firings or different jobs. The third part is what makes it interesting. Inevitably there will be one, two or three gigs following every season where a coach grabs a higher rung and ascends in the profession.

This past season, no coach took a longer reach than Andy Enfield. The former Florida Gulf Coast/current USC coach went from unknown to national sports celebrity in less than two weeks -- because of two games. Had Florida Dunk Coast not made that Sweet 16 run, Enfield is probably still in Fort Myers, Fla., prepping his program in hopes of back-to-back Dance appearances.

Enfield moving up is the latest example of how winning big at a small school can pay off -- literally -- in huge ways. And despite Enfield's success and the coaching carousel that comes every spring, it's not every year we see a man at a particularly small school make the definitive leap to a top-60 program.

Which leads us to the fourth question in our Candid Coaches series.

Which low-major coach is poised to become the next Andy Enfield?

• Bryce Drew, Valparaiso: 15 percent

• Mike White, Louisiana Tech: 12 percent

• Will Wade, Chattanooga: 9 percent

• Steve Masiello, Manhattan: 8 percent

Others receiving multiple votes: Joe Dooley (FGCU); Pat Skerry (Towson); Brett Reed (Lehigh); Andy Toole (Robert Morris); Scott Cross (Texas-Arlington); Kareem Richardson (UMKC); Joe Jones (Boston U)


On Drew: "I'm pretty sure he could already be a high-major coach if he wanted. He'll make the jump eventually. He's just waiting on the right fit."

Before we talk the top vote-getters, I want to note that we had more than 25 names populate this list in doing our survey. There is a lot of optimism about the young guys coaching at small schools. In general it feels like the coaching culture is as positive and talented in the under-40 crowd as it has ever been. In talking to older coaches, they say the go-getters now, the young assistants who quickly work their way up to head jobs, those guys are smarter, more active and better at a young age than coaches from past generations.

As for Drew winning, it's not a huge surprise. Drew has already passed on other jobs, and he'll likely be able to have the pick of the lot every spring, so long as his team is near the top of the Horizon. And remember, Butler's long gone from that league, so opportunity is there to conquer.
Like I said above, every spring doesn't bring a really big job to a coach from a small school. But looking at the candidates here, and knowing the NCAA tournament is as likely as ever to give us high-profile upsets? The odds seem to be increasing, and it wouldn't shock me if at least half of all the names listed above are in major-conference jobs by 2017.

"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


To me, the most troubling part of this article comes from the headline...

Quote from: LaPorteAveApostle on August 16, 2013, 12:25:43 PM"Candid Coaches: Which low-major coach can be the next Andy Enfield?"