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The value of national athletic exposure

Started by VULB#62, March 25, 2013, 08:57:45 PM

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I know we have discussed this before piecemeal in other strings.  But this Tweet got me thinking that a string devoted to this topic might be interesting.

Sheila Roux ‏@CoachRoux 23h
FGCU has had a 215% increase in website hits since last week. Athletics is the door step to schools. Can't buy this kind of marketing!

She's an assistant at Illinois State and was formerly on the WBB staff at UWM.


Good place to start what should be some good discussion.

Do we know if we have a boost in any areas because of the past few weeks? Our team makes the tourney, "The Shot" gets a lot of play in commercials (AXE on television, "NCAA Greatest Moments" vignettes during Dial Global radio broadcasts). I want to say there were people on this forum complaining about our lack of effort in the late 90's, early 2000s to get the most out of using "The Shot." It seems like this year should be a decent chance to cash in a bit...
"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176


Here's another example of great, unsolicited Valpo exposure.  USAToday has a feature article on "Big Dance One Hit Wonders - Where are They Now." And with whom do they wrap up the article?  Yep, Bryce.  And what do they mention besides The Shot (with accompanying video, of course)? 

"Fifteen years later, Drew and his alma mater were dancing again this year. After taking the reins at Valpo following his father Homer's retirement in 2011, Bryce — an assistant coach under his dad from 2005–2011 — guided the Crusaders to their first NCAA berth since 2004."    ;D




QuoteSykes and Jenkins can agree on one thing: their compensation for the ad was too low. Without the passes from Sykes and Jenkins, and the shot from Drew, Axe would need a different spot. In effect, they're serving as deodorant pitchmen; Axe is using their exploits to push a product. Millions of people watch March Madness; the brand's revenues can potentially increase by millions as a result of this commercial campaign. So how much were Sykes, Jenkins, Drew, and the other players visible in the clip each paid for the gig?


"It's going to pay one bill for me," says Sykes. "Finally, it's nice that somebody recognized that we should get something. But it's not enough." College athletes aren't paid while they're in school. "Without question, somebody is benefiting from this other than us."

"The compensation, as low as it was, it's nice to get something," says Jenkins. "But after seeing how many times it's played, I'm like, 'come on now.'" (Both Jenkins and Sykes say that have yet to receive the $500).
"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176



One more quote from the same article
Unilever, based in London and Rotterdam, generated €51 billion in 2012 revenues. In today's U.S. dollars, that's $66 billion. Through a marketing firm, the players were asked for permission to use their likeness, and the players signed off on the deal. The NCAA, through a spokesperson, would not disclose the licensing fee it received from Unilever for the rights to its NCAA Tournament content.

It makes you wonder exactly what happened.   Were they told the product?  How often it would air, and in what context?  Presumably not both of those, or $500 wouldn't have been enough.


Quote from: agibson on March 27, 2013, 10:37:13 AM

One more quote from the same article
Unilever, based in London and Rotterdam, generated €51 billion in 2012 revenues. In today's U.S. dollars, that's $66 billion. Through a marketing firm, the players were asked for permission to use their likeness, and the players signed off on the deal. The NCAA, through a spokesperson, would not disclose the licensing fee it received from Unilever for the rights to its NCAA Tournament content.

It makes you wonder exactly what happened.   Were they told the product?  How often it would air, and in what context?  Presumably not both of those, or $500 wouldn't have been enough.

Well they probably should have axed that question or thought about it before signing off on the commercial.


The article would seem to indicate that if they were paying the players that perhaps something was also paid to VU for the use of their name.  I wonder if that happened and if so how much the university was paid?  I would hope that our legal people would have been a little more on top of things than the players.
My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show


Quote from: a3uge on March 27, 2013, 11:52:46 AM
Quote from: agibson on March 27, 2013, 10:37:13 AM

One more quote from the same article
Unilever, based in London and Rotterdam, generated €51 billion in 2012 revenues. In today's U.S. dollars, that's $66 billion. Through a marketing firm, the players were asked for permission to use their likeness, and the players signed off on the deal. The NCAA, through a spokesperson, would not disclose the licensing fee it received from Unilever for the rights to its NCAA Tournament content.

It makes you wonder exactly what happened.   Were they told the product?  How often it would air, and in what context?  Presumably not both of those, or $500 wouldn't have been enough.

Well they probably should have axed that question or thought about it before signing off on the commercial.

It sounds like the way Axe compensates for their commercials is not very equitable and kind of fishy, not good for a cologne company, and there might be something rotten in Denmark............or at least Rotterdam.........and London.



USAToday -- "Top Ten Buzzer Beaters of All Time" released today -- #2  is Bryce Drew's "The Shot."

You can't BUY this kind of publicity!!!!!  :o

TO:  Valpo Administration
SUBJECT:   Please, please, please, please do everything you possibly can to leverage this unprecedented exposure for the benefit of the university and especially the university's athletic program.


I'm afraid VU didn't learn a lot from blowing the 1998 buzz from "the shot." 

My high school daughter started getting VU enrollment letters this year.   None highlighted Bryce and team in its pictures!   Why not send out a February/March blitz to their student prospect list?  Why would a company buy broadcast time to associate itself with Bryce and the shot?    The astronaut builds on a well known moment in history.    Wouldn't a high school kid find it popular and inspiring moment?   Duh......! 

You could similarly send out requests for dollars using the hoops themes.    Instead, what do I get in my mailbox in March?.......I got a really BORING request that I send money to the "College of Arts and Sciences" this week.    Kind of amazing that no one thinks about timeliness.   It's not like the success of senior-laden team was a surprise this year.   

The student fans squander chances to watch games and the administration squanders chances to build on the team's successes.


Quote from: crusadermoe on March 28, 2013, 05:42:12 PM
I'm afraid VU didn't learn a lot from blowing the 1998 buzz from "the shot." 

The student fans squander chances to watch games and the administration squanders chances to build on the team's successes.

That seems to be a theme at dear old alma mater.  The same unenthusiastic approach to growing the university in all its aspects -- only do something when the cash is already in hand and then cut a few corners at that. IMO it comes down to penny pinching in all quadrants. 

Why not hire consultants and/or a fund raising team of experts to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity?  It'll cost a bit up front, of course, but the return in terms of donations, special gifts, applications, enrollment growth, and even more national exposure can be incredible.  And it all can be had without compromising values, lowering standards or selling out. 

We are told we need to be good stewards of what God has given us and not waste what is before us.  Man, God dropped a really big opportunity in our laps. To waste this would actually be sinful.  This is a wonderful way to also spread the ministry of the university to many more souls then ever before.  I hope we don't blow it................................................. again.


Agreed, ''62.      I know I sound negative, but I really think that the two suggestions I made are pretty affordable things they could even do without the extra consultants.   You are correct in saying they need to invest big in that type of strategy.
Actually, I think the post-1998 silence is easier to excuse than the 2013 crickets that donors and potential students are hearing.    In 1998, you had fine gentlemen Harre and Steinbrecher coming from a different era and no one could have foreseen the two wins and Sweet 16.     
There are three reasons that the 2013 "silence" is harder to accept:
1-We have allegedly hired a media-savvy president and paid big buck for top VPs who know all the bells and whistles.   
2- They already know how much buzz the 1998 story created, the Axe commercial, and the "echo" stories it generated about Janet, Homer, Scott, and Bryce.
3-They say that they want to grow to 6,000 students.    Then act like it.

Those guys were not


As far as #3 is concerned, valpo is set to welcome in another record sized class this fall, I believe this at least the 3rd year in a row, all without a basketball run.

There was also an email requesting donations sent out when the team won the HL tourney that produced a nice amount of of donations.


They did send out letters in regards to donations towards the basketball team's success this year.  That was a difference from year's past, I believe
"Don't mess with Texas"


I received multiple emails about the basketball team and one specifically asking for donations. The front page of the website had a photo of the team for a week, and a number of stories for a month straight. Not sure what more they can do.


How about the value of having a head coach desired by many larger programs, and turning them down to stay at a smaller school?  That says something to recruits in regards to stability.  Hopefully we can have the same in this area, as that school down south!!
"Don't mess with Texas"


Good to hear about the e-mail that went out after Horizon conf. title asking for money   Maybe my wife deleted it.   :)

Also good to be hearing about the largest incoming class.    Is the growth rate at a level needed to get to 6,000 by 2015 or whatever date was targeted?


VULB is correct.  Harre, Schnabel, etc. were indeed from a different era.  They did not toot their own horns, and they did not toot Valpo's horn as much as they probably should have.  Of course, times have changed substantially.  Horn-tooting is an unfortunate reality in today's highly competitive world of higher education.  Expensive private universities, like Valpo, are at a crossroads -- It's time to ascend higher or fall into the pot of similar universities that will struggle in perpetuity.  There's too much good competition, and kids are learning that paying a lot for school does not equate to a higher-paying job.  Thus, differentiation is critically important.  Valpo clearly understands this fact and is poised to ascend.  We shall see...


"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Bryce Drew's "the shot" is featured on CNN.com homepage with a full photo.
Valpo '10, Valpo Admission Network
US Air Force, Sigma Phi Epsilon


Quote from: okinawatyphoon on April 06, 2013, 05:37:44 PM
Bryce Drew's "the shot" is featured on CNN.com homepage with a full photo.

where? i don't see it.


Quote from: vuweathernerd on April 06, 2013, 06:19:38 PM
Quote from: okinawatyphoon on April 06, 2013, 05:37:44 PM
Bryce Drew's "the shot" is featured on CNN.com homepage with a full photo.

where? i don't see it.
Other NCAA news must have replaced it but this post on another message board is evidence it was there for at least a few minutes.




Man!  Can't get better publicity than that.  Unsolicited and honest.  Jeez.

We (Valpo) are like a surfer. We're sitting on our board waiting for the perfect wave.  One comes by, but, eh, it's not quite right (1998 sweet 16, 2012 loss in the HL Final).  So we wait and a bigger wave approaches (2013 HL champs and NCAA, "The Shot" is all over the national media). It's still building. Going forward, what do we do to optimize the opportunity we have been blessed with going forward to ride that wave toward:

>  An upsurge in the application pool
>  More donations
>  An increase in selectivity
>  6,000 students
>  National recognition as a truly academic institution, with wonderful values, that just happens to have a good basketball team ( Duke? Stanford? Harvard? Davidson? Vanderbilt?  Wake? ----- Over time, have these rung any bells? )  I'd add Baylor, but I don't know their academic creds.

Just wondering.   :-\


Quote from: VULB#62 on April 06, 2013, 09:53:42 PMSo we wait and a bigger wave approaches

eh...i don't know that an echo can be louder than the original.
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa