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Football Spring Game: Brown vs. Gold

Started by valpopal, April 26, 2014, 06:15:07 PM

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I attended the football team's spring Brown/Gold game, and I was impressed with the discipline and enthusiasm of the team. The game was entertaining and exciting, especially for an exhibition. The score was close throughout, and the outcome in doubt down to the final play when the Brown team was driving for a winning touchdown but was stopped at the goal line as the game clock ran out. Final score: Gold 24 - Brown 21.

The weather was autumnal with temperatures in the 40s and a brisk northerly wind, which seemed right for the game. Here are just a few of my photos from the game, but I will have many more to share.


These are Orenthoughts, J. Simpson:





"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Here are my photos of the game-winning field goal and the game-saving stop at the goal line on the final play of the game that Oren mentions as the exciting finish in his article.


Thanks for the great shots Pal.  I asked Assistant Coach Vinny Giacalone if they might put together a highlight tape and get it out to the masses.  A competitive scrimmage like this one will be a good one to get out there.  I, personnaly, am looking forwards to that.


The Spring game provided many reasons to feel positive about the direction football is taking. The running game as delivered by three talented backs (Hall, Bastin, and Hutson)--in addition to strong yardage and 5 rushing TDs, there were no fumbles. An impressive number of different receivers proved to be attractie targets, although they didn't pick up as many yards after the catch as in previous years--a plus for the open field tackling by the D-backs that looked much better. Both QBs played well and threw downfield instead of across field--Staal was impressive leading the final drive the entire length of the field with no timeouts. The D-ends played big, especially Guilford. Green and the LBs hit well and covered short routes strong; looked like some very new stuff happening in assignments between the LBs and the DBs. Best observation--big energy on the field that spilled over into the stands. It appears we have a very new football program.   


Quote from: VUDad on April 27, 2014, 06:04:58 AM
The Spring game provided many reasons to feel positive about the direction football is taking. The running game as delivered by three talented backs (Hall, Bastin, and Hutson)--in addition to strong yardage and 5 rushing TDs, there were no fumbles. An impressive number of different receivers proved to be attractive targets, although they didn't pick up as many yards after the catch as in previous years--a plus for the open field tackling by the D-backs that looked much better. Both QBs played well and threw downfield instead of across field--Staal was impressive leading the final drive the entire length of the field with no timeouts. The D-ends played big, especially Guilford. Green and the LBs hit well and covered short routes strong; looked like some very new stuff happening in assignments between the LBs and the DBs. Best observation--big energy on the field that spilled over into the stands. It appears we have a very new football program.

Thanks Dad.  Above, I bolded the aspects of the Crusader game that drove me nuts for 4 seasons.  Glad to see that they are being addressed.  Granted, it's a scrimmage, but the mere suggestion of a different approach and noticable changes is heartening.  BTW, any guesses on how many fans showed up?



I have now posted 50 photos from the Brown & Gold game, including the one below of the coach bringing the team together after the game. I was close enough to hear the coach as he addressed the players, and I can report I was impressed by his presentation to them. The 50 photos can be found at the following: enjoy!


I really truly hope that Valpo will turn a corner with their new football head coach, Dave Cecchini. OTOH, we have had good and hopeful reports from Valpo's spring football game before and everything went down hill from there. I really hope this means a big change for the better has occurred for Valpo football but I will believe it when I see it and nothing has convinced me so far that there has been a huge turn around.............YET! That doesn't mean there won't be a huge improvement but Coach Cecchini has a lot more to prove in my view. I'm staying optimistic at this time and keeping an open mind.


I am being more optimistic with the situation and I think Coach is getting back to basics and providing confidence and proper fundamentals.  Bag the bogus Osteen quotes and Shields Up crap and and these guys will win at least 3 games next year, which I think would be a successful season.


I'd say wins (just wins, not blowouts) at Wm. Jewel, St. Joe's and Missouri Baptist are MUST wins (after a reasonable loss to WIU) that are  necessary to establish that things have changed.   IF that gate is passed, then at least 2 PFL wins are needed to reinforce that credability.  That means, in my eyes, that a 5 win season  (2-6 in the PFL) is the threshold that defines this season.  I believe we can do that.


"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


Every year several posters say we are going to beat St. Joe...and every year, after all of these posts wind up on the St. Joe bulletin board, a fired up St. Joe squad beats us.

I would love to see 5 wins like everybody else.  I think 3 wins would show progress, with several other games that are competitive, and that is all I think we can reasonably expect this year.  Anything else would be gravy. 



I was at the Spring Game. This is a different team with a different mentality! I was at practice Friday as well. Very organized, 5 minute stations, rotating drills. Things that winning coaches bring. We have talent our our team. Our talent wasnt coached properly or put in the right scheme or position to win in the past. Defense looks a lot better, gang tackling, not arm tackling. I think that if we sure up the QB spot and the kicking game that we will be alright for 2014.   


We have heard many positive comments from Spring football games in the past. Like I said. I will believe it when I see it. Coach Cecchini must prove it by winning.


Comments on the 2013 Spring game weren't all positive especially about the format of the Spring game but it sure didn't show signs of another 1-10 season.


Agree with Florida about the kicking game. All the kickoffs laid short or went out. Needs resolution or we give good field position. As for QB, the coach highlighted the QBs along with the running backs as looking strong--in the Valpo athletics video--the passes and decisions looked good. On D the coverages need tightening, especially in the seams. Short coverages looked good, though, as did the tackling. Good pass rushing, too. Any observations on the O line?


Quote from: 78crusader on April 28, 2014, 10:17:16 AM
Every year several posters say we are going to beat St. Joe...and every year, after all of these posts wind up on the St. Joe bulletin board, a fired up St. Joe squad beats us.

I would love to see 5 wins like everybody else.  I think 3 wins would show progress, with several other games that are competitive, and that is all I think we can reasonably expect this year.  Anything else would be gravy. 


I disagree with you a bit, Paul.  I can't remember anyone saying we will beat St. Joe's.  But I do remember that many of us said each time that we have to  (not even "should") beat them to show we are legit, improving, whatever.  In each previous case, I think it spoke to the fact that St. Joe's was ahead of us and we needed to step up, not that St. Joe's was a step down for us.  Last year we lost to WJU and SJC by a total of 5 points (after a 69-10 whupping at UND).  Assumming we can stay respectable vs. WIU, we have to show improvement, and wins vs. close losses is the only way.  There are no walk-overs for VU football.


In checking on other teams, seems as though everyone won their spring game. Just like everyone has promising, talented recruits. And now every team has two important milemarkers ahead. Who returns for camp in August, and how does the team look in their first game--no matter the opponent.   


VU Dad, you are right about the seem routes. We will need either a quick LB to cover the TE or back that releases. Our D backfield is being tweaked with players being moved to new positions with the new D scheme. I did see improvement with only a few of those type plays being completed and a few being broken up or contested by the DB's.