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Bye Week and Game #3 @ William Jewell

Started by VULB#62, September 07, 2014, 09:11:21 PM

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the ala carte system is kicking our behinds...

my question is if the other Pioneer league schools are providing 24 hour meals.  If they are and Valpo is not, then we have a major problem. 


The lack of food issue was discussed with me by the old Valpo coaching staff so I know that it is still an issue now.  Also the new weight room is great but it was just finished in late July and the players will need a whole year of conditioning to really benefit from the new facility.  During the season workouts are light for the players except the freshman that are going to be redshirted do a heavy lift on Fridays. Yet with the team struggling in the first 2 games there are many freshmen who aren't participating in the heavy lift because the coach's aren't sure if they will need to play them on Saturday especially after the first game when basic blocking and tackling was an issue with upperclassman that did play.  I hear that there are some freshmen that have really shined in practice but the coaches are trying to redshirt them because they worry that physically they are not quite ready for the size of D1 kids.  This was told to me by coaches and by some upperclassman on the team so I believe there may be a few more talented kids on the team then we think.  Valpo was recruiting a great athlete I met and so was Grand Valley State.  His dad wanted him to go to Valpo and money wasn't an issue because he loved the prestige that came with a Valpo degree.  Yet his son decided on GVS because of the stadium, locker room and facilities.  So it's not always about the athletic scholarship when kids chose schools.

Yet inspite of the issues the kids do love the new coaching staff and each other.  It's just going to probably take 2 years before we see the Valpo team we expect and can be proud of.....  Yet in the meantime don't be surprised if we still lose like in the past few years.  It's going to take time to turn things around but my personal issues are not with the players or coaches but the university for not stepping up more in support of the program more in the past.  Hopefully, Coach Cecchini can influence the university to do more in the future.

I will find out what the other Pioneer Schools are doing around meals because I have some football contacts at Dayton and Drake.


It's as simple as the fact that football is non-scholarship!  We cannot provide them free 24 hour meals, they aren't allowed to have free boarding in the summer, and they have to pay for their helmets, all for this reason.  Heck, we had to pay to get a framed jersey when we finished with our baseball career at Valpo, as well.  I think that if you wanted to get a jersey when your career was finished, you had to pony up the money during your FR season, and it was something like $100-$150 10-15 years ago when I was in school.  I love to look at this jersey on my home office wall, but it wasn't given to us for free. 

I don't feel bad for athletes not being able to eat 24 hours/day for free at a school like Valpo.  We are not a national powerhouse focused on athletics.  You go to most mid-major schools because of the education provided, not because you want to be the next NFL/NBA/MLB star.  I had no issues whatsoever in eating enough food when I was playing, through the training table.  We worked out all of the time, same as all sports, and I didn't see anyone going hungry.  If you are brought to the school under the assumption that it is a full ride, that is the only reason I can see for adding a stipend for food.  If you have anything less than a 100% scholarship, you knew what you were buying into when you came to Valpo. 

Sorry if my opinion offends anyone, but I hate this entitlement attitude that recent NCAA athletes have in regards to the benefits of going to college.  I understand that NCAA execs shouldn't be making so much money, and the same for Athletic Department heads, but that doesn't mean that you should be a paid athlete for playing college sports.
"Don't mess with Texas"


I don't think there is one kid on that football team who feels "entitled" to anything, including  free 24 hour food or free housing over the summer.... Maybe just a little respect for their commitment, work ethic and dedication. Yes, they know they must win games to earn yours, and that is what they are determined to do.

There are nearly 100 football players who bring in millions of dollars in tuition to the school just for the privilege of playing Division I football. Yes, they are getting a great education, but honestly, would they be at Valparaiso bringing in these tuition dollars had they not been offered a spot on the football team? No, they would not. They are not asking for anything else in return... So I believe they are hardly feeling entitled. They just want to win football games for their school.

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It's amazing that you would think that a football player or baseball player at Valpo should pay for his helmet and jersey when Valpo basketball players get full athletic scholarships.  Yet you wonder why we can't attract the same talent as other universities and we always lose?  If your son plays football at Valpo and got hurt who do you think will be paying his insurance and deductibles? So, when you see these kids getting hurt every week it's their parents that are paying the deductible for their doctors visits and surgeries that could go on way past college their college career....I do think they are entitled to eat if they are hungry.


Agree. I think this previous "entitlement" discussion should be saved and directed to those scholarship athletes who continually want more. It is not a relevant discussion for the football athletes at Valpo.

However, do I think that they are entitled to be fed more or given a discount on extra food? Yes.

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Quote from: vumsb on September 13, 2014, 07:30:20 PM
Agree. I think this previous "entitlement" discussion should be saved and directed to those scholarship athletes who continually want more. It is not a relevant discussion for the football athletes at Valpo.

However, do I think that they are entitled to be fed more or given a discount on extra food? Yes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Never, and I mean NEVER, cross the ladies in the union dining hall.

The one in the middle is in charge of the football team. "Where's the camera?"


We've gotten off track relative to the expectations for this next game. Entitlements aside, all PFL teams are playing under the same guidelines.  You can't tell me that say, Drake, allows their players to eat all they want or have tvs in the crappers in the locker room.

We all understand and appreciate the commitment of Valpo football players.  Although many years ago, I once was one of them.  Quite simply, we need to stop finding excuses and find a way to win.  Winning programs garner alumni interest and the financial support that follows.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Some of the scores are in.  The PFL was not a factor in OOC games by substantial margins (at least through the afternoon) and JU upset USD .


Some games we should be monitoring in our off week:

Charleston Southern 34, Campbell 10    -- CSU is FCS scholarship. Campbell so far has played and lost to 2 FBS teams and CSU.   

Dayton {13} at Duquesne    {33}    12:00 p.m.
San Diego {18} at Jacksonville    {35}    12:00 p.m.
Davidson {24} at VMI  {52}       1:30 p.m.  Davidson beat a team with no campus and then lost to D-II Catawba.  VMI is FCS scholarship.
Drake {13} at Western Illinois  {38}       4:00 p.m. Goes back to the comparative speculation thing.
Butler {13} at Youngstown State    {44}    4:00 p.m.  We know how good YSU usually is -- be interesting to see how Butler measures up after squeaking by Wittenberg.
Georgetown at Marist        6:00 p.m. Marist could be having a down year.  Georgetown is 0-2 in the Patriot.
Mercer at Stetson        6:00 p.m.
Morehead State at Eastern Kentucky        6:00 p.m.

My thoughts:
>> JU over USD is a bit of a shocker, but USD had not been tested and JU had some tough games under their belt.
>> Drake/WIU.  Lost by less than 30.  Drake V. Valpo -- projects to a 21 point loss at Brown Field.  BUT, we have traditionally be a tough nut for Drake to crack.  These games have been the most competitive losses in the last 4 years.
>> Davidson hasn't faced much competition, but to put 24 up against an FCS team (VMI was 0-2 going in) is still noteworthy.  A DC WR hauled in 16 passes.
>> Dayton/Duquesne: Duquesne was 0-2 coming in, but the loses were to FBS Buffalo (85 scholarships) and YSU FCS (65 scholarships) compared to the NEC limit which, I believe now is in the 25 - 30 range (?)


Quote from: valpotx on September 13, 2014, 05:56:13 PM
and they have to pay for their helmets,

Excuse me TX , but I do not believe this is a correct statement.. At one point the kids had to pay for their own cleats, but I'm told that stopped during the Carlson era.  At no time would a university expose itself to the liability associated with having students buying their own helmets (or prevent players from participating because they can't afford a helmet).

Football parents, please weigh in on the stuff the players are required to provide and straighten us out.  It does us no good to talk about past practices (hey, when I played there wasn't a thing that was not provided by the college, but that was a different era).  We need to have an accurate picture of what it is like today.

Quote from: vu72 on September 13, 2014, 07:41:36 PM
We've gotten off track relative to the expectations for this next game.

Yes, but this is the bye week and hearing some of this stuff (as well as clearing some air) is worthwhile IMO. 

To help get us back on the topic: Wm. Jewel 0 -- Colorado School of Mines 46.

WJC is 1-1.  CSM is D-II.


Players are provided helmets. However, badly needed new helmets were purchased for the team this season, and players were given an option to purchase their helmet -- that they would keep throughout their Valpo career and afterwards for $250. Cleats and all other necessary equipment are also provided.




Quote from: VULB#62 on September 13, 2014, 07:51:30 PM
Some of the scores are in.  The PFL was not a factor in OOC games by substantial margins (at least through the afternoon) and JU upset USD .


Some games we should be monitoring in our off week:

Charleston Southern 34, Campbell 10    -- CSU is FCS scholarship. Campbell so far has played and lost to 2 FBS teams and CSU.   

Dayton {13} at Duquesne    {33}    12:00 p.m.
San Diego {18} at Jacksonville    {35}    12:00 p.m.
Davidson {24} at VMI  {52}       1:30 p.m.  Davidson beat a team with no campus and then lost to D-II Catawba.  VMI is FCS scholarship.
Drake {13} at Western Illinois  {38}       4:00 p.m. Goes back to the comparative speculation thing.
Butler {13} at Youngstown State    {44}    4:00 p.m.  We know how good YSU usually is -- be interesting to see how Butler measures up after squeaking by Wittenberg.
Georgetown at Marist        6:00 p.m. Marist could be having a down year.  Georgetown is 0-2 in the Patriot.
Mercer at Stetson        6:00 p.m.
Morehead State at Eastern Kentucky        6:00 p.m.

My thoughts:
>> JU over USD is a bit of a shocker, but USD had not been tested and JU had some tough games under their belt.
>> Drake/WIU.  Lost by less than 30.  Drake V. Valpo -- projects to a 21 point loss at Brown Field.  BUT, we have traditionally be a tough nut for Drake to crack.  These games have been the most competitive losses in the last 4 years.
>> Davidson hasn't faced much competition, but to put 24 up against an FCS team (VMI was 0-2 going in) is still noteworthy.  A DC WR hauled in 16 passes.
>> Dayton/Duquesne: Duquesne was 0-2 coming in, but the loses were to FBS Buffalo (85 scholarships) and YSU FCS (65 scholarships) compared to the NEC limit which, I believe now is in the 25 - 30 range (?)

Georgetown 27 - Marist 7:  Marist is in a down year.  They have scored 14 and given up 77 in three games.  Out of character for the Foxes.
Mercer 49 - Stetson 0:  PFL is O-fer against FCS opponents this week

Aggregate for 7 games:

FCS 277 - PFL 80  OR by average score: FCS 39.6 - PFL 11.4.   Kinda confirms what we discussed previously.

So much for that.  Now the PFL teams will face the reality of the PFL season against each other pretty much -- as it should be.


Quote from: VULB#62 on September 13, 2014, 08:06:33 PM
Quote from: valpotx on September 13, 2014, 05:56:13 PM
and they have to pay for their helmets,

Excuse me TX , but I do not believe this is a correct statement.. At one point the kids had to pay for their own cleats, but I'm told that stopped during the Carlson era.  At no time would a university expose itself to the liability associated with having students buying their own helmets (or prevent players from participating because they can't afford a helmet).

Football parents, please weigh in on the stuff the players are required to provide and straighten us out.  It does us no good to talk about past practices (hey, when I played there wasn't a thing that was not provided by the college, but that was a different era).  We need to have an accurate picture of what it is like today.

Quote from: vu72 on September 13, 2014, 07:41:36 PM
We've gotten off track relative to the expectations for this next game.

Yes, but this is the bye week and hearing some of this stuff (as well as clearing some air) is worthwhile IMO. 

To help get us back on the topic: Wm. Jewel 0 -- Colorado School of Mines 46.

WJC is 1-1.  CSM is D-II.

Uh, it was a correct statement, because I was talking about paying to KEEP the helmet after school, similar to the comment I was responding to.  I was also talking about paying to KEEP my baseball jersey.  This is also in response to Valpochgo, in that we didn't have to pay for the jersey in order to play in games with it, but to KEEP the jersey.  I have to think that the reason you have to pay to keep the helmet and jerseys has something to do with gifts not being allowed for NCAA athletes.  We had team bats paid for by the program, helmets, uniforms, catcher's equipment, etc.  We did have to pay for our own cleats, batting gloves, fielding gloves, and a few other things.

Sure, they are entitled to eat when hungry, and they can pay to do so, same as everyone else.  I didn't have a large scholarship, so I/my family had to pay for all of my food as well.  I don't feel bad for anyone having to pay for their kid to eat while in college, especially at a school where the athletic program does not really turn a profit.  We aren't the University of Texas, Notre Dame, etc, that make a large profit on their sports teams.  The one area I can agree with you is regarding injury insurance provided by the athletic department.  I don't think that they should have to pay for all bills associated with an injury, but be able to provide some form of insurance might be possible.  If someone gets hurt playing in college, it isn't the school's fault, but rather a possibility of the game.  Again, you don't go to Valpo thinking that it is a cash cow that is going to provide for everything you need...

"Don't mess with Texas"



Quote from: valpochgo on September 13, 2014, 12:35:41 PMI believe the main reason has been our facilities and recruiting.

Speaking of facilities I think we need Moore.


Roger Moore, that is! That guy is one of the best fundraisers in history.

"Bond, James Bond" would have the money really coming in.


A few things -

1.  Regarding meals, we should compare Valpo to the rest of the Pioneer league teams. 
2.  I cannot believe at any time that players were required to buy their own helmets or jerseys.  Perhaps you have the option to, but paying for your helmet cannot be required.  If that's the case, we need to get out of football.
2.  Regarding finances, do not compare the basketball program to other programs at Valpo.  Basketball is the flagship sport.  Valpo will not reduce basketball funding for the sake of football.


Again, no one has to buy their helmet or jersey.  They only do so if they want to KEEP them AFTER college
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: usc4valpo on September 13, 2014, 11:49:36 PMValpo will not reduce basketball funding for the sake of football.

Are you absolutely sure that this hasn't happened already?


Valpo athletics pays all medical bills that insurance doesn't cover (deductibles, co-pays, anything out of pocket) for injuries so that families don't have to--I spoke with Stahl's dad who said it worked great. As for the helmets this year--if a player wanted to make sure he received one of the new, better helmets,then he could pay for it and eventually keep it. If he didn't pay, maybe he would get one or maybe not. Parents weren't happy. However, if we win a few games none of these issues of equipment, food, or facilities will seem as important. Let's hope the team made some big adjustments over the week and that a few guys had time to heal up.


Quote from: usc4valpo on September 13, 2014, 11:49:36 PM
A few things -

1.  Regarding meals, we should compare Valpo to the rest of the Pioneer league teams. 

First off USC, sorry about that smack-down in Chestnut Hill last night.  Do you believe that the Trojans gave up over 400 yards on the ground to a mediocre BC team?  Do you also believe that the Trojan running game was all but choked off?  Shows you what attitude can do.  And that translates to our Crusaders as well.  When these kids realize what they can do and believe in themselves, good things will happen.  I think we have a coaching staff that will put them in a good position to realize that.  It's all about Carpe Diem.

Now to your quote.  ABSOLUTELY AGREE.  All comparisons should be against fellow PFL programs.  I'm as guilty as the next guy falling into the comparison trap of VU versus scholarship FCS programs.  I gotta stop doing that.  The PFL is unique and now, with the exception of the Ivies, is the only non-schiolarship FCS league. It exists for a purpose and that purpose  is very clear.

IMO kids come to play football at Valpo for:

The quality of education
The small college campus environment
Attending a university that is D-I in all sports
Traveling across the country and competing against similar universities on a national stage
Seeing the Valpo name on the ESPN crawler (hopefully showing competitive scores and a few wins going forward) but also seeing the crawler during MBB season and being able to say "that's my school."

So, as long as we are spending at the median or above of PFL schools; as long as our facilities are at the median or above of PFL schools; record-wise, we should expect to be in the middle of the pack or better compared to other PFL schools.  If we are not at that point, changes within this context need to be made to get us there.  And I believe changes are being made to get to that point after years of benign neglect:  i.e., New D-I-experienced staff, facility upgrades and plans for further expansion of those football-specific facilities.  We just have to extend our patience a bit longer.


Thanks for the kind words. USC got burned out.  I think all their physical and mental energy was spent at the Farm.  IMO, once they get their full allotment of scholarships as long as the NCAA plays fair, I think they have a great chance of being really good. Boston College played with power, heart and stayed with their game plan.
Valpo will win against Jewell - period.  Give the men good BBQ after the win, no McDonald or applebees or olive garden junk


Good to hear that Valpo DOES pay for the medical bills due to injuries.  That is a neat benefit.  I definitely received my worth of using the Trainers to ice my arm down after each practice lol.  I got to know them pretty well, as well as Rod :)
"Don't mess with Texas"


OK -- Just like the Crusaders, it's GAME WEEK for the Fan Zone Forum.  Time to focus on our opponent, William Jewel College

OPPONENT: William Jewel Cardinals
ROSTER COMPOSITION: 39 FR, 22 SO, 21 JR, 10 SR / 92 Total
AFFILIATION:  NCAA D-II, Great Lakes Valley Conference
2013 RECORD:  3-8  (but beat VU 36-34)
2014 RECORD:  1-1
LAST TIME OUT:  Lost on the road to Colorado School of Mines (D-II, Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference)
    Stat                   WJC                      CSM
     1st Downs         12                         34
     Rushing         47 for 80                   31 for 148
     Passing:       15/33/1 int - 173        41/60/1 int - 360
     Total Offense:   253                       508
     Fumbles/Lost:   1/1                       3/1
     Sacks By:            4                       3
PREVIOUSLY  Beat SW Baptist University at home 29-26

[Aaron and staff, of course, will have the more complete official game notes later in the week.]

Valpo is coming off a bye week after being beat up by a St. Joe's running attack that produced 294 yards on the ground on the way to a 31-10 VU loss.  This past bye week the team has gone back to basics and is reevaluating everything in an effort to determine the best 22 starters and to get their game faces back on.

Based on game recaps and the box score, William Jewel is a young team that looks like it is looking for its identity.  For example: WJC appears to have used 3 QBs fairly equally (13, 11, 9 attempts respectively) in the loss to CSM, none of whom threw for more than 81 yards.

:)  Valpo wins if:  On defense they play hardnosed defense to shut down the run, especially at the edge (off tackle and outside), force WJC to pass and then take advantage of interceptions and sacks.  On offense the Crusaders have to make the ground attack work and they have to distribute their passes better (e.g., get Gladney more into the mix) and involve RBs in the passing attack in the flat and with screens.  Key points: Stop Cook (new).  VU has to score TDs when inside the 5. On special teams VU needs to stifle Cook's returns.

>:(  WJC wins if:  On defense they shut down VU's running attack and then keep VU passes (and Kuramata) in front of them.  On offense they need to protect their passer better than last week and have to establish a running attack i.e., spring Cook loose . That attack last week accounted for 133 yards but also lost 53Special teams have to open up opportunities for Cook on punt returns and KO returns.

Just In:  The Valpo All-Access Video:

Valpo Football Preview 9|15|14

After watching the Preview I went back to check on Cook's rushing numbers:
  > Vs. SWBU - 20 for 102 and a 90 yard KO return for game winning TD with 3:55 left in the 4th
  > Vs. CSM - 17 for 48 yards and no significant return yardage
  > He is a 5-11, 192# junior this season

A look at his performance in last year's game:
  >  22 carries  for 175 yards
  > TD runs of 27, 73 and 11
  > BTW we also gave up a 60 yard TD pass

From the WJC website some awards for Cook last year and before:
  > GLVC Freshman of the year
  > Special teams player of the year
  > 2nd team All-Conference punt returner
  > 2nd team All-conference Running back
  > All-American (soph?)

BTW -- The VU Football Schedule says that there will be LIVE VIDEO.  I'm staying home for this one.  It is now turning into THE pivotal game of the season.  If we win, we stand a chance against Campbell @ Campbell (they are much improved and have scheduled incredibly tough OOC opponents), Davidson at home, maybe Marist at home, and definitely Missouri Baptist at Homecoming. Oh hell, maybe even Drake.  This is the linchpin game to a potential 4-8 season and better things to come in 2015. 



It does scare me that the WJC defense is going to throw the kitchen sink at Valpo while VU is still searching to find more options than just a short passing game on offense. It will again come down to both the offensive and defensive lines and getting the running game going.

There is much more faith in me that WJC's Cook, who is looking to find a way to breakout within WJC's offense for a big yardage game, will be handled by Valpo's improving linebackers. Again the key will be the defensive line.

I know one thing. William Jewell will be warned not to let their J's in WJC be exposed but also their milk cow/"dairy air" backgrounds.

Let's win this one for the Zipper!

Also let's beat out the frustrations of the previous 10 or so years and nail down the game throughout. Once you have a good series don't let up!!!!!!