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Game #5 Marist Red Foxes

Started by VULB#62, September 28, 2014, 01:08:47 PM

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Our Special Teams are horrible.  A blocked punt gives Marist another great opportunity at our 30
"Don't mess with Texas"


This game is over because of a mishandled punt, fumble on a kickoff return, and a blocked punt.  Our Special Teams are once again giving absolutely no chance to our Defense
"Don't mess with Texas"


Come on guys!  No video, no audio!  Come on people.


Then we get a pass interference call on 3rd down, to give them another great chance from our 25.  Just way too many self-inflicted wounds last week and this week.

Holy crap, then another pass interference call on 3rd and GL from the 10, to give them 1st and GL from our 2.  Only to have them fumble and advance it to our 1, then punch it in on the next play.  What a cluster f of a game...
"Don't mess with Texas"


28-7 at half.  We must be going into a very stiff breeze as our punts are going in the area of 20 or 30 yards.  Time to regroup.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Audio is finally working with 4 to go in the third.


Notes from game:
1. Marist did not seem to have as much talent as Valpo, but was far more disciplined and dominated special teams. These should be our strength!
2. We have to tackle
3. Quarterback play was inconsistent
4. Where are Patrick McArdle and Tristan De La Rosa. Both were highly touted recruits coming in and are on the two deep but neither saw the field. I don't think our defensive line rotated at all.
5. Our running backs were the only bright spot


I was working on the yard, but what happened?


Quote from: Valparent on October 04, 2014, 04:13:47 PM
Notes from game:

4. Where are Patrick McArdle and Tristan De La Rosa. Both were highly touted recruits coming in and are on the two deep but neither saw the field. I don't think our defensive line rotated at all.

First off, the Valpo football 2 deep is a joke and has been for several years. Honestly I don't know why we even publish one as little attempt to make it accurate as is done. Not as bad as our special teams but pretty bad.


Valparent, thanks for the report.  I am a little surprised and disappointed.

1500 fans at the game?  C'mon the weather was not that bad.


Today's loss came down to two issues that will hopefully attract some serious changes...1. Special teams errors, which opponents don't seem to experience. 2. An offense that can't score when needed, or sometimes (today) at all. Our running game is solid but not dominating. Other than last week (ignoring the three INTs), the passing game just doesn't cut it. Overall, are we improving as the season progresses? In a few key spots, no. Marist coach gets credit for making some key personnel shifts that paid off big today.


As well as the game began, I didn't expect this 14-yard touchdown catch by Tanner Kuramata, scored right in front of a group of the 1964 championship team on the sideline, would wind up being the sole highlight of the afternoon for the Crusaders.


Despite the disappointing game and poor weather, I enjoyed attending and meeting members of the 1964 ICC championship team (including our own VULB62), who were honored at halftime for their achievement 50 years ago. I have posted 40 photos of the '64 team members at the following link that I invite all to check out: https://www.flickr.com/photos/96208998@N05/sets/72157647974387249/ 


Pal, those are outstanding pictures.

Wow, wild and rough day in football.  Valpo loses, SC loses on a Hail Mary against a very good ASU team, and the Pac 12 is a complete competitive mess.

I listened to the press conference and I was impressed by Coach Cecchini and the players in their comments.  They laid an egg on Saturday and they pretty much addressed that clear and simple.  The team needs more talent, more depth and time to set up a foundation for success.


Tinkers to Evers  to Chance was a great winning combination but Valpo's ACC version (Adams to Carlson to Cecehini) sure is a stinker. Should we lose to Missouri Baptist (I hope not) I'm going to start a petition to DROP FOOTBALL. Will anyone join me?  :o



Good points USC, especially your last one. The coach showed some of his big picture intentions in the post game interview when he talked about major contribution happening as a senior--which is a long term building perspective. Although, "wait your turn" is a tough recruiting message. Does keep the fire burning for several talented juniors and sophs down a level or two on the depth chart.
An upside not mentioned enough--O line protection. Valpo has allowed fewest sacks in PFL.


setshot - I do not drink the Brown and Gold Kool-Aid.  I think 4 wins would be a great first year for Cecchini given the lack of talent, consistency and the mess his predecessor left him.   I still think this program can be successful.  You need to give this guy  3 seasons to clean this up and see improvement.  If he cannot clean it up after 3 years and we see the same thing, then you have a problem with the system - and at that stage then dropping football should be seriously considered.


I was there.  It was freakin cold, drizzly, and the wind was very gusty. Hi ValpoPal, great meeting you.

Plain and simple, we imploded on long snaps (1 punt snap and 1 direct to the QB) and punt protection (the block). Had a great KO runback only to fumble  around midfield -- in defense of the returner, he got clocked.  Had a first down and had a drive rolling only to kill it with a fumble.  We gift wrapped Marist's field position in the first half.  The pass interference in the end zone in the first half was definitely an offensive PI but the refs did not see it that way -- our kid was being pushed off big time as the Marist pass sailed 5 yards over his head.

Lehman was off pretty much all day. His release was side-armish, especially on the quick outs.   Kuramata was doubled anytime he was out wide by himself.  But he ran the inside reverse a number of times and was effective -- scoring a TD.  Staal came in in the 4th.  I believe he threw 3 passes;  wobbly quick out, then a nice tight spiral to the left follow by a pick near the end zone going in on a pass that was too flat instead of more of a fade. But it was good to see him in there.  If we get a decent lead, I would like to see more of him.  He has two more years of eligibility after this season.  Also, I don't know why they can't get  Fred Gladney more involved.

Cecchini, in his post-game, alluded to the "2013 eyes" in some of the players when things went south.  He will address that, I'm sure.  He doesn't put up with nonsense. Based on my chats with various other people, the new staff is a lot tougher on these kids, creates higher expectations and makes practices harder.

This was more of a big speed bump than a hic-cup in their progress.  The bad things that happened (mentioned above) only served to compound the situation as, for instance, attempts at 4th down conversions (that normally would not even be considered) increased the risk factors and put even more pressure on the D with a short field to defend.

IMO this was the worst performance of the season for our side. 


"Don't mess with Texas"