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Started by setshot, July 20, 2011, 10:41:11 AM

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During Saturday's intrasquad scrimmage,will the defense be wareing cleats or ballerina slippers? ???


Quote from: setshot on August 19, 2011, 02:07:00 PM
During Saturday's intrasquad scrimmage,will the defense be wareing cleats or ballerina slippers? ???
Cheap shot.....unwarranted and uncalled for....


This doesn't necessarily apply to Valpo, but in this case it fits. How do you tell if you're making progress with an intrasquad scrimmage when both sides of the ball were awful the year before? If the offense looks great, is it because the defense is horrific? If the defense looks good it is because the offense is anemic? This has to be a dilemma for the coaches as they really can't who has actually made an improvement because no part of the team was even adequate last year.
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


Quote from: milanmiracle on August 19, 2011, 06:19:22 PM
This doesn't necessarily apply to Valpo, but in this case it fits. How do you tell if you're making progress with an intrasquad scrimmage when both sides of the ball were awful the year before? If the offense looks great, is it because the defense is horrific? If the defense looks good it is because the offense is anemic? This has to be a dilemma for the coaches as they really can't who has actually made an improvement because no part of the team was even adequate last year.

Come on miracle.  If you are trying to insult the coaching staff you are doing a great job.  Coach Carlson has what, 25 years of coaching experience?  Are you really saying he can't recognize improvement or talent in any sense.  If a kid is head and shoulders better than the guy across the line I think the coaches can tell whether or not he is an all conference type vs. being the best of the worst.
Your argument just doesn't make sense let alone hold water.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: setshot on August 19, 2011, 02:07:00 PM
During Saturday's intrasquad scrimmage,will the defense be wareing cleats or ballerina slippers? ???

Based on things you say on other posts, you are probably one of our oldest posters...certainly not one of most mature...embarrassing


Quote from: vu72 on August 19, 2011, 07:42:26 PM
Come on miracle.  If you are trying to insult the coaching staff you are doing a great job.  Coach Carlson has what, 25 years of coaching experience?  Are you really saying he can't recognize improvement or talent in any sense.  If a kid is head and shoulders better than the guy across the line I think the coaches can tell whether or not he is an all conference type vs. being the best of the worst.
Your argument just doesn't make sense let alone hold water.

I think you're jumping to conclusions, so bear with me here.

Was I trying to insult the coaching staff? In a word, No.

What I am saying is you can be clouded in your evaluations since you only see your own team AND since they didn't have any success against anybody last year. Can the coaching staff really tell if player X is much improved to help the team actually winning a game vs. just being better than very bad players. I'd say it's safe to say at the beginning of last year the coaching staff didn't predict the team would get crushed and embarrassed on all sides of the ball, correct? If we go with that premise, either they couldn't evaluate their own talent, or they just plain blew smoke up, well, you get the idea.

I do seem to remember the team practicing the last 5 minutes of the game somewhere in the offseason. Wouldn't you have to be within 5 touchdowns of the team you're playing for that to matter? That's why I asked the question about the ability to evaluate the improvement of the team when all you're seeing is your own players. Everybody, and I mean everybody, thinks they're better than they are in the preseason. It's human nature.

Look, I've tried to back off, and if you read most of my posts since the end of last season, you'll see they reflect that.

Now, if you want my non sugarcoated version of what I think about this year, and how the team was handled last year, I'll be glad to tell you. However, I am trying to bite my tongue and let the results speak for themself.
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


Any reports on yesterday's scrimmage? Did the offense tip-toe through the tulips and score at will,or did the "D" man up and make a few stops? Let us know. :snore:


Quote from: setshot on August 19, 2011, 02:07:00 PM
During Saturday's intrasquad scrimmage,will the defense be wareing cleats or ballerina slippers? ???

Based on last year's results, this comment is definitely warranted. Maybe not called for or appropriate, but it isn't far from the truth of what the team's expectation level is at for this season.


Quote from: drewsaders11 on August 21, 2011, 07:25:06 PM
Quote from: setshot on August 19, 2011, 02:07:00 PM
During Saturday's intrasquad scrimmage,will the defense be wareing cleats or ballerina slippers? ???

Based on last year's results, this comment is definitely warranted. Maybe not called for or appropriate, but it isn't far from the truth of what the team's expectation level is at for this season.
Those kinds of comments are NEVER warranted.  They are totally classless and I would hope we as a group would be above them


In times of painful tension and vulnerability,THRASH TALK is good,it hardens,it produces muscles. Thought you knew that,rlh. OR, are you just an ignoranus? :lol:


Quote from: setshot on August 22, 2011, 02:43:36 PM
In times of painful tension and vulnerability,THRASH TALK is good,it hardens,it produces muscles. Thought you knew that,rlh. OR, are you just an ignoranus? :lol:
Calling me names doesn't elevate your class any.....Oh, and trash doesn't have an H


Quote from: setshot on August 08, 2011, 03:11:18 PM
PFL coaches pick Valpo to finish dead last. I hope we can prove them wrong. If not,and we go 0-11 again and 0-31 overall, we might want to consider dropping football. :-X

I was thinking setshot might be the return of jj.  But, reading on further in the thread, not quite the same style...    jj made it clearer that his heart was in the right place - but maybe I just need to get to know setshot better.


New to the Valpo campus and as I drove by the football field the other day, I saw the team out there working out.  I also noticed that one of the goalposts was badly warped--wind damage maybe?  Does Valpo replace the "off season" posts once the real season begins, or are they going to play the way it is?  Just wondrin'... ???
"How'd you like to mow my lawn?  Mmmm?  Mmmm?"--Judge Smails


Jeff Sagarin has Valpo rated 246/246 in his newly released 2011 preseason football rankings. Is this a new low for the program or what? :o


Quote from: setshot on August 29, 2011, 04:26:13 PM
Jeff Sagarin has Valpo rated 246/246 in his newly released 2011 preseason football rankings. Is this a new low for the program or what? :o

Only two ways to go here...one is up, the other is out the door.


Jeff Sagarin has Valpo rated 246/246 in his newly released 2011 preseason football rankings. Is this a new low for the program or what?

Since Sagarin is a totally mathematical system it makes only sense that the teams past is reflected in the position but it isn't a predictor of the future not knowing or quantifying the changes that have been made in the last 17 months.  I wish we would give this group the chance they need to begin believing in themselves before everyone expects them to defend themselves.  A win will go along way to deflect some of this but better yet consistent improvement and competitiveness would help show a light at the end of a long tunnel.  Turning this around is not easy while the others are just building and maintaining not rebuilding.  Go Crusader! See you in Pittsburgh on the 17th.


246/246 Well men, let's just go ahead and surprise a few folks out there! :twocents:


The good news is there is Hope which beams eternal. I have been away tending to my hamburger shack down I 65 South. Had too many issues with the business to check on how our faithful have been mixing it up. Seems like the faithful have become the faithless.

No hard feelings but this link always has me wondering if a Milan Miracle could happen again. Along with a Milan Miracle is it possible that we could get set for a shot at a run that may result in a Championship. I know that the odds of a winning season after a winless season are not very high. I once played on an 0 -9 season as a sophomore, and two years later we were in the state title game. No Milan Miracle that year, but that next yes. So from winless to a Championship can happen. It will take positive people who Believe, Hope, and have a unwavering Spirit about them. They call those types Winners who believe in the Spirit that can bring huge change.

So for those that forgot about the Milan Miracle her is the link so you can brush up on facts etc.


In closing, it is about to be a new season and a new opportunity. I am wishing the current team and coaches much success, great endurance, a high energy attitude, and gifts that only come from above. We are very blessed at Valparaiso to have so many supporters who encourage, speak highly of others, give hope to those in need of support, and serve in a unselfish way as to not degrade or ridicule others for giving themselves to present the university as a community of quality.

Go Valpo!



Baloney! It's only fitting that Valpo is opening its season under the lights (8pm EDT). In that way ,under the cover of darkness, we in the East won't know of our loss to mighty Franklin until Monday morning. Still, hope springs eternal. Realistically,its Franklin by 14+ and we are 0-21 to begin the new year. Shucks!


setshot - opinions are one thing but hanging the past 0-20 on this new group is not only stupid but careless.  The turnaround begins with the youth and a new mindset that doesn't have the institutional memory that your limited mindset wallows in.  I too was with teams that changed dramatically because we predominately came from programs that knew how to win.  Last year there weren't enough winners in the locker room or huddle to overcome the acceptance of adversity as deserved rather than as a challenge to beat back.  Homer had to change this too when he arrived and it's a constant battle within a program to recruit not only the talented athlete but the mentally tough ones as well.  I think we will be pleasantly surprised with this group as long as we don't rain on the parade before it even gets started.  I'll see this team in Pittsburgh on the 17th.  I'm putting my money were my mouth is and will support this team in it's turnaround both here and at the games when at all possible.  By the way Valpo 28 - Franklin 17  1-0 nice beginning!


Just looked at the new football team picture and roster and found some very interesting facts.  First, setshot's allegation about Valpo being lilly white doesn't hold true to the football team.  Without a magnifying glass it appeared that apx 20 of 100 are kids of color.

The nature and effort of the recruiting was very evident when you look at the home states of 44 true freshman.  They come from 21 states and the state with the most new recruits is???????????????? Yep, you guessed it--FLORIDA!!
followed by Indiana, then Ohio and Illinois, then comes California with 3.  Apparently kids aren't afraid of the snow as Florida, Hawaii, California, North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia and Texas are all represented.  A very impressive haul.

Now, lets give em a chance!!    :thewave:
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


By the way Baloney is pretty good fried on the grill until it gets a little burnt.


Quote from: covufan on July 29, 2011, 12:10:05 PM
Quote from: milanmiracle on July 22, 2011, 02:26:42 PM
As far as I am concerned, as long as they don't get worse, it's an improvement. The team hasn't been good in a long time but they took sucktitude to a whole new level last year. Not looking for wins this season, but at least be in a few games and not lose by an average of 6 touchdowns. That'd be nice, let's start there.

Not sure they can really get worse - an average of 9+ points on offense and giving up an average of nearly 47 points on defense.  I'd be really happy if they improved to 18 and 32, respectively. 

Well, we've improved a little on offense, but are still struggling on defense - an average of 18 on offense and nearly 54 on defense.