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Brandon Wood to play on an aircraft carrier?

Started by valpotx, July 22, 2011, 03:38:24 PM

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This certainly
Quote from: vu72 on April 30, 2012, 12:31:47 PM
Hopefully this is all a big mistake caused by a jealous women.  If not it could be tragic for Brandon as teams might shy away from him.

Hopefully he slapped the woman because she's jealous?

PS. He wasn't/isn't getting drafted anyway.


Quote from: hoopfan22 on April 30, 2012, 01:01:40 PM
This certainly
Quote from: vu72 on April 30, 2012, 12:31:47 PM
Hopefully this is all a big mistake caused by a jealous women.  If not it could be tragic for Brandon as teams might shy away from him.

Hopefully he slapped the woman because she's jealous?

PS. He wasn't/isn't getting drafted anyway.

OK smart guy, let me clarify what I meant.  "Hopefully Brandon's arrest was a big mistake caused by a women who was seeking Brandon's attention and when she didn't get it she decided to try and get him in trouble by making up a story about him hitting her"

As for the draft--just wait and see.
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Quote from: vu72 on April 30, 2012, 01:05:44 PM
Quote from: hoopfan22 on April 30, 2012, 01:01:40 PM
This certainly
Quote from: vu72 on April 30, 2012, 12:31:47 PM
Hopefully this is all a big mistake caused by a jealous women.  If not it could be tragic for Brandon as teams might shy away from him.

Hopefully he slapped the woman because she's jealous?

PS. He wasn't/isn't getting drafted anyway.

OK smart guy, let me clarify what I meant.  "Hopefully Brandon's arrest was a big mistake caused by a women who was seeking Brandon's attention and when she didn't get it she decided to try and get him in trouble by making up a story about him hitting her"

As for the draft--just wait and see.

Okay i understand your first point. 2nd one? There's no way in h*ll he's getting drafted.  None. Zilch.Zero.Zip.Nada. I'll put my last dollar on that.


an unfortunate incident, to say the least. the only thing you can possibly get into at that time of the morning is trouble. but i also don't see him getting drafted. he's gonna have to work for it. and that was likely the case even before this took place.


Here is the second story:

CHICAGO, IL -- Brandon Wood's father, Anthony Wood, was with his son at the time of his arrest after he allegedly struck a woman and threatened another.

Mike Naiditch, Brandon Wood's agent, said the elder Wood was spending the weekend with his son as he prepares in Chicago for the NBA Draft and a professional basketball career.

"I could just tell you this much, that Brandon was accompanied the whole weekend by his father, Anthony," Naidtich said. "And that I'll sit down and talk to Brandon and his father and get more details when we all get a chance to sit down together."

"I don't have a whole lot more to say because I wasn't there and I haven't had a chance to sit down with Brandon and his father. All I can say is that Brandon was with his father at all times, including when this incident was reported."

Wood, 23, was arrested about 3:30 a.m. Sunday in a neighborhood some six miles northwest of downtown Chicago. Police say he slapped an 18-year-old woman, and verbally threatened the 32-year-old homeowner when she asked him to leave her house.

Wood, who finished his college career this past season after transferring to Michigan State, and several people he knew were at the house for a gathering, according to  Chicago police. He was told to leave which led to an altercation. Wood exited the house and stood outside, refusing to leave.

Wood is charged with battery, assault and criminal trespassing of a residence. All three charges are misdemeanor offenses.

Wood's mother, Laronda Wood, tweeted about 1:30 p.m. Monday: "things are not always how it appears........"

Some 20 minutes later, she tweeted: "instead of talking about people try praying for them......"

Naiditch said he doesn't know the particulars of the incident.

"I'm trying to assemble all the pieces and I'm not really trying to be an investigator, either," he said. "Just trying to see where they were.

"From my angle, I'm not quite as interested in the details of what happened. From my angle, being a sports agent, my concern is the guys I represent, Brandon, understand at this time to focus on their basketball and not on anything else. So certainly, anything surrounding a player is disappointing... I prefer my guys to stay home and watch the game on TV and play video games every single day and just workout. Eat, drink, sleep, play basketball."

Naiditch advised both Woods against commenting publicly on the matter.

Wood, a native of Kokomo, Ind. had been staying with a friend in Chicago. He is moving into an apartment Monday, Naidtich said.

Wood posted bond Sunday, according to Chicago police. He is set to appear in Cook County misdemeanor/ordinance court on June 1.

MLive.com reporter Graham Couch contributed to this report.


I thought Wood was going to MSU in order to get a graduate degree.  This article makes is sound like he's no longer in school.



Quote from: 78crusader on April 30, 2012, 03:28:40 PM
I thought Wood was going to MSU in order to get a graduate degree.  This article makes is sound like he's no longer in school.


He dropped out prior to finishing his degree to pursue his basketball employment.  He will make a bunch of money whether it is in the NBA or Europe.  He then can go back to finish up some missing credits.  Remember, he was only at MSU for one year.  Hard to get a Master's degree in one year.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


The 2am rule is a good one, except it should be modified to "midnight".

What in the heck was Mr. Woods (his dad) doing?  Should have had his son outta there. 

MSU program going thru a little drama this spring with Nix (weed) and Wood being arrested. 

Really sorry to hear this occurred.  Just a shame.



I saw him tweeting up a storm about being with dad then nothing. Oh well. I agree he wasn't getting drafted before this occurred and this probably didn't help his odds any. Europe will be nice for him.


If Lubos Barton and Raitis Grafs did not get drafted, neither will BWood.  I too hope that these charges are not correct.  He will have a good/lucrative career overseas regardless
"Don't mess with Texas"


RUMOR has it that B. Wood had similar problems at VU with either a" townie" or a "campus queen." Hence, little opposition to his transferring to MSU. True or false? ???


Quote from: setshot on April 30, 2012, 06:40:09 PM
RUMOR has it that B. Wood had similar problems at VU with either a" townie" or a "campus queen." Hence, little opposition to his transferring to MSU. True or false? ???

first i've heard of it. and i was a student the whole time he was.


I'm just wondering now what crusaderdad will have to say about this incident and him and Brandon being out at 3:30 a.m. in a Chicago neighborhood. Very interested indeed.

"Just got back from Chicago and Brandon's NBA tryouts. I can't tell you what a wild time Brandon and I had. But of course you already know about that."   ::)


Quote from: bbtds on April 30, 2012, 08:28:03 PM
I'm just wondering now what crusaderdad will have to say about this incident and him and Brandon being out at 3:30 a.m. in a Chicago neighborhood. Very interested indeed.

"Just got back from Chicago and Brandon's NBA tryouts. I can't tell you what a wild time Brandon and I had. But of course you already know about that."   ::)

i would hope that he follows the advice of brandon's agent and doesn't say anything.


Quote from: 78crusader on April 30, 2012, 03:28:40 PM
I thought Wood was going to MSU in order to get a graduate degree.  This article makes is sound like he's no longer in school.

Has Brandon completed or is he completing his second semester classwork?  If not then the intent of this grad-school transfer rule would seem to have been completely perverted. Either way I believe the NCAA might want to rethink this whole issue and perhaps add even more rules towards its application.


LOL at the people really wondering about his grad school work...or thinking he transferred for school anyway. and a BIG lol for the one(s) thinking he's going to the NBA. Great quotes by BWood though.


Battery victim's cousin: Brandon Wood said, 'Don't you know who I am? I'm the best player at Michigan State!'



Especially given the USA Today article with Brandon from earlier in this thread, it would be completely ludicrous to imagine that he went to MSU solely for the academic advantages. I wouldn't be surprised if he never thought about his grad. program until declaring for MSU.

From what the articles have said and his activity via Twitter, I'm sure he's out of school now. I still don't hold a grudge at Wood for leaving Valpo to play for the Spartans because I understand how much better a move this could be for his career. What does hurt me though is that he completely abused the system that is designed to create both better academic and athletic opportunities for graduating student-athletes. If the NCAA can't keep cases like this from happening, I think they should scrap this rule altogether.
"Confidence is huge: believing you're better than the other guy gives you an advantage."
–Jason Kendall, Throwback, pp. 176


Quote from: valpo04 on May 01, 2012, 09:34:08 AM
Battery victim's cousin: Brandon Wood said, 'Don't you know who I am? I'm the best player at Michigan State!'


I know his agent told him to keep quiet, but he needs to issue a public apology to Draymond Green ... IMMEDIATELY.


After reading the latest account (I'm somewhat surprised the 32-year-old's woman talked so much to the reporter), I'm very disappointed that Brandon put himself in that situation and for his behavior.


Pct of US population arrested in a given year = 3%
Pct in 20-24 age group =7%
Pct in 20-24 age group while being chaperoned by their father = 0.0001%

Brandon's been gone for a year now.  Maybe it's time to untie the rope on the aircraft carrier and say bon voyage.


That was one side of the story. It didn't sound good but I'd also like to hear Brandon & his dad's side of the story. These younger cousins of Soria were not cited in the M-Live piece and there may be some further circumstances between Brandon and these cousins of Soria.


Great point...Brandon has left the aircraft carrier.

I am sure it was a warm reception back in Kokomo.  This story gets better and better.




Quote from: valpo04 on May 01, 2012, 09:34:08 AMBattery victim's cousin: Brandon Wood said, 'Don't you know who I am? I'm the best player at Michigan State!'

Sigh...three years there and he still never learned how to pronounce "Valparaiso" correctly...
"It is so easy to be proud, harsh, moody and selfish, but we have been created for greater things; why stoop down to things that will spoil the beauty of our hearts?" Bl. Mother Teresa


This has just gotten so hilarious, from the fact that his dad/Brandon were at a house party together, on to leaving with girls together, and then claiming to be the best player at MSU ::).  I mean really, what was his dad doing there, expecting to get with some 20 year olds as well? lol

Edit:  Obviously, I don't find hitting women funny.  If all of the article is true in regards to that part, he deserves to be in prison.  Just because you get turned down for some nooky, doesn't mean you get to hit someone.
"Don't mess with Texas"