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MBB 2018-19

Started by VU2014, April 08, 2018, 06:32:30 PM

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Quote from: FieldGoodie05 on December 11, 2018, 04:37:49 PM
Quote from: humbleopinion on December 11, 2018, 03:37:37 PM
For years I listened to games on radio stations other than WVUR as I live outside of its broadcast area.  Most recently, it was broadcast on 95.9 -- I think out of Michigan City.  That arrangement expired a few years ago.  Getting WJOB is a step up from previous broadcast stations.

I listen to WVUR games when we are on the road because of Ickow getting the call.  I just mute the tv and sync up the game action with the WVUR call.  I recommend anyone that cares to download the TUNE-IN Radio app for their smart phones or tablets.  If you are at home under your wifi you can stream the call live on this app, I have done this for many years.

And with unlimited data packages with some carries, even streaming the call outside of your Wi-Fi network is a great option.

All that being said, here are the links if you care to look into this.  I even find myself using the TUNEIN radio app to stream some Detroit radio stations I used to listen to back in the day.  I really like the app and it's free!



:rotfl: I do the exact same thing, watch it on DirecTV or Smart TV depending if the game is on a sports channel or being streamed, and then connect the TUNEIN radio app audio of Todd calling the game to my audio system via Bluetooth.
My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show



Father Harry calls Valpo an "under the radar" team, and believes in Lottich's offensive acumen. While I agree that most of our issues are on the defensive end maybe he sees something we don't? Maybe we're too close and too invested to see that things aren't as bad as we think? I don't know... Our metrics look pretty bad... But that has a lot to do with how other teams do as well and many of our marquee games have featured teams that have underperformed  to date. But that just means maybe we should have beaten them instead of just playing them tough. I'm trying to be optimistic right now but it's very hard. Please let us use PNW as a get right game and then get off to a good start in Valley play. Please make all this negativity go away.



Quote from: VUGrad1314 on December 23, 2018, 02:16:59 AM
Father Harry calls Valpo an "under the radar" team, and believes in Lottich's offensive acumen. While I agree that most of our issues are on the defensive end maybe he sees something we don't? Maybe we're too close and too invested to see that things aren't as bad as we think? I don't know... Our metrics look pretty bad... But that has a lot to do with how other teams do as well and many of our marquee games have featured teams that have underperformed  to date. But that just means maybe we should have beaten them instead of just playing them tough. I'm trying to be optimistic right now but it's very hard. Please let us use PNW as a get right game and then get off to a good start in Valley play. Please make all this negativity go away.


It's been a tough team to read, so far.  I could argue that High Point is the only bad loss,  but that was somewhat offset by road wins at UNLV and GW.  I think most people are more concerned about the way the team has looked at times (like in wins over SIUE and UCR) than in the actual win-loss record.

I think things are wide open heading into the MVC.  The teams are very balanced and Valpo has shown it can play well on the road, so opportunities will be there.   But they need to eliminate those games where they play with no energy and/or can't make a shot.



We're back to blaming the refs now? Final exams, refs, etc. Frankly tired of the excuses


Literally laughed out loud when I saw this on Twitter. Ain't nobody going to stop him lol - even the refs! Unreal. Hey, optimistically - maybe he actually has a fire lit under him and starts to play decently well.


Quote from: VU2010 on December 26, 2018, 08:47:54 AM
Literally laughed out loud when I saw this on Twitter. Ain't nobody going to stop him lol - even the refs! Unreal. Hey, optimistically - maybe he actually has a fire lit under him and starts to play decently well.
He may want to learn how to catch the ball and not trip over his own feet before saying he's not going to be stopped by the opposition.


Another nice article explaining Valpo's schedule.  Glad to see the AD is out in front of this issue and takes the time to explain to Robbie why scheduling is so difficult.


Okay so we recognize the problem. Now what are we doing to do to  fix the problem? Saying that the step up to the MVC is a detriment to our potential non-conference scheduling is an insulting cop out. It should make MWC\A10\WCC\CUSA opponents easier to schedule.

WKU Murray State MTSU St Joseph's Belmont SLU South Dakota State and others all play multiple MVC teams frequently MAC schools take series with HL schools all the time.Teams broadcast their desire to play games all the time. Are we not plugged in to those channels? If not whose responsibility is it to ensure that we are? It may be hard to get dates lined up but it can be done if the want to is there. You can have a good slate home and away it just takes a little more dialogue and convincing and a little less hand wringing and lamenting. In the time it took to give the quotes for this article he could have made a few calls and maybe gotten something good going. When a team that would make a good series is in the area call them up. The worst they can say is no  and they may remember you in the future. I doubt very strongly that schools especially our fellow mid-majors won't come here as long as you agree to return the favor in the future. Mid major scheduling is predicated on the home and home.


For scheduling help there's always this:


Or this:


Or this:


Or adding Murray State and going to 20 conference games.

Even whining on Twitter got Illinois State a Home and Home with Ole Miss

All of these could do wonderful things for our schedules seeding and even potentially our at large prospects.

Time to stop lamenting and start creating.

Also not to be rude but what kind of a bass ackwards scheduling strategy is "balancing" a tough likely loss on the road to a P5 with a game that either doesn't count or is discouraged by the committee? It's embarrassing that the Committee has to expressly discourage non-D1s for us to consider not scheduling them. Are we trying to continue building a mid-major power or are we content with being an also-ran?

A lot of great work against tremendous odds has been done here the past quarter century I don't want to see it all wither away.


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on December 28, 2018, 10:34:07 PM

Or adding Murray State and going to 20 conference games.

I favored this when Valpo was admitted to the MVC. It made sense!


Quote from: valpopal on December 28, 2018, 10:40:18 PM
Quote from: VUGrad1314 on December 28, 2018, 10:34:07 PMOr adding Murray State and going to 20 conference games.
I favored this when Valpo was admitted to the MVC. It made sense!

Did Valpo have a say in the other candidates once they were chosen of the four finalists? (I assume they didn't).


I understand that many of the teams in close travel range either
1. aren't very good
2. Are already in our conference  or
3. Would never in a million years play us at home

But isn't it better for the fans to  stick programs like NIU Milwaukee UIC PFW or IUPUI on the schedule instead of a non-D1? At least most of these games are in-state games or against old rivals which should attract far more local interest for the home game while the road game throws the regional alumni a bone and could be good for donations as well as our schedule.

Note: for easy travel I'm talking like 3 hours or less if you expand that to 5-7 hours you open up even more great opportunities.


Just add 2 Horizon league teams instead...  NKU, Oakland, Wright State, Milwaukee are all teams I would like to see on the schedule in some sort of rotation.  Play 2 of the 4 every year. 


 Every mid major is looking for home games, so why not do home and away in the same season with a non conference opponent or two.


Quote from: VU75 on December 29, 2018, 11:53:54 AM
Every mid major is looking for home games, so why not do home and away in the same season with a non conference opponent or two.

Excellent idea!  It could even be done with 3 or 4 teams, if necessary.  It also eliminates the need to add teams to your conference just for the sake of scheduling. Anything to make this maddening problem go away.


That Belmont series seemed to work out okay for both sides... I still think Murray State and perhaps NKU would do really good things for this conference.


Wow. This take on Valpo is really harsh. I hope Coach Lottich and the players can prove him wrong.



Quote from: VUGrad1314 on December 30, 2018, 02:59:45 AM
Wow. This take on Valpo is really harsh. I hope Coach Lottich and the players can prove him wrong.


8) Valparaiso 6-12
12-6 talent masked with an inverse record. Why? Lottich-coached teams are soft and dumb. They get hammered on the boards. They foul. They defer to their most inefficient player on offense. Look at their losses: 2/9, 2/7, 4/15, 4/11, 1/9, 4/15. Not to discount 2/8 & 2/13
in a couple wins.

100% accurate assessment of where the Crusaders are and how they got here. His comment about deferring to our most inefficient offensive player (Bakari) is also right on, and must immediately change if we hope to reverse course. Enough is enough waiting for him to break out of his season long shooting slump. Unlike a Tevonn, for example, Bakari doesn't have enough other skills to make it worth having him on the court if he's not hitting shots.


I really like what ML said in the PNW post game press conference. He reflected with the time off and feels the team(and himself) needs to be more gritty like he was as a player. Those who are will start. Looks like starting five will be the two freshman, Derick, Ryan, and Marcus. Practices seem to be more intense now also. If they lose against ISU they will at least go down swinging...