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Game #11 - Ball State - ARC - Mon Dec 17 - 7pm - ESPN+ - the Payback continues

Started by talksalot, December 08, 2018, 09:45:14 PM

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Quote from: valpo95 on December 17, 2018, 09:20:53 PM
I could only listen to the game, but noticed the following in the box score: VU was 3-16 (18%) from three, had 17 turnovers, 9 assists and 27 rebounds. Ball State shot 26.7% from three, had 10 turnovers, 18 assists and 35 rebounds.

It is really hard to win any basketball game shooting 18% from three and getting doubled up in assists. This was on home court!

One thing the box score doesn't show is the number of easy drives to the basket that BSU had.  Way too many.
Joined: Jan 2006 Posts as of 5/9/12 - 677
Location: Valpo


Quote from: VU2010 on December 17, 2018, 10:01:31 PM
Nice to see some of you are finally seeing the writing on the wall here. Sorry but he's not ready to be a head coach yet.. at least at this level at this place at this time with this team.

Not his fault. How many coaches have we seen rise thru the ranks? High school ... d3 ... d2 ...naia ... etc 1 they learn how to coach how to run a program how to manage the ebbs and flows of a game played by kids with a lot of inconsistencies. Yes - there are Scott Drews out there who were born and bred to be head coaches. Sure. But rare ....

Last year it was all about the process - bunch of experienced players now and some freshmen that play hard. Kiser's entire family was there to watch him, and he got a minute at the end. Why? For Jay? Sorry but Kiser would play harder than he was playing. And why not put Smits in and let him get his fifth foul?

Why? Why? Why? Who knows. I'm just a fan. What do I know? Nothing.
Lottich doesn't know those things because they're acquired through experience ... not his fault. We took a risk knowing Bryce would leave ... took a Rush by hiring from within to preserve the players we had at that time.

Peters and company masked his inexperience. Now, we're reaping the long term setbacks of that present tense decision.

In a much tougher conference to boot. Nobody had a tougher first two years than Matt Lottich but at a certain point you have to start winning. It's a tough situation and not his fault but that can't afford won't be an excuse much longer. At a certain point you need to deliver results. As I said I think he's got until the end of next season and show improvement.

Valpo Joe

Leadership? Leadership? The only potential leader is a freshman by the name of Freeman.  If the coaching staff doesn't get their act together soon our talented freshman leader will be looking for greener pastures  :(


3636 the reported attendance. Not bad. Sure didn't feel like that many though.


Can someone post the post conference video link? I cannot find it ... don't get why it's not posted?


He may not have even given one tonight. I don't blame him if he didn't. What could he possibly say that hasn't already been said?


The closing quote from Lottich in Paul's article about the game doesn't lift my spirits because I'm pretty sure I've heard it before: ""We've got to learn from these games. It's a process of getting better every single day."


Quote from: valpopal on December 17, 2018, 10:29:13 PMThe closing quote from Lottich in Paul's article about the game doesn't lift my spirits because I'm pretty sure I've heard it before: ""We've got to learn from these games. It's a process of getting better every single day."

::) :(

So essentially what you're saying is he won't even make adjustments to his postgame comments how on Earth can we expect him to make adjustments on the fly during games?


Crusaders fall flat against in-state rival Cardinals
Paul Oren Times Correspondent
Dec 17, 2018



Quote from: VU2010 on December 17, 2018, 10:24:16 PM
Can someone post the post conference video link? I cannot find it ... don't get why it's not posted?

After tough losses it seems to get uploaded a little slower.


Quote from: hailcrusaders on December 17, 2018, 08:57:29 PM
Don't have the numbers in front of me to back it up, but can say with reasonable certainty that we got absolutely smoked on the glass. Used to take rebounding for granted in previous seasons.

Out rebounded by 7 isn't exactly smoked but it shouldn't have happened. We have the players who can rebound.

I question the decision to not put Smits back in the game especially since Sorolla was doing nothing offensively and fumbling the ball away regularly. Especially after Jay got his 3rd & 4th fouls. At least Derrik has shown some offensive skill in other games. I'm sure Coach Lottich has a great excuse for it. Did Derrik have to go do laundry?
"We must stand aside from the world's conspiracy of fear and hate and grasp once more the great monosyllables of life: faith, hope, and love. Men must live by these if they live at all under the crushing weight of history." Otto Paul "John" Kretzmann


Quote from: VU2014 on December 17, 2018, 10:45:39 PMCrusaders fall flat against in-state rival Cardinals Paul Oren Times Correspondent Dec 17, 2018 https://www.nwitimes.com/sports/basketball/college/crusaders-fall-flat-against-in-state-rival-cardinals/article_9deda23e-53ec-5c61-b3f9-e62188268b45.html [tweet]1074886554785640448[/tweet]
Quote from: VU2010 on December 17, 2018, 10:24:16 PMCan someone post the post conference video link? I cannot find it ... don't get why it's not posted?
After tough losses it seems to get uploaded a little slower.

Probably a good thing. Gives him time to cool down a bit and measure his responses so that they aren't as heavily influenced by the emotion of the loss.


Is it me or does Lottich look mostly worried\scared\sad  and not upset?


Okay, I've watched the postgame press conference, and the common note struck by Lottich and both players was that the team lacked energy in the first half. I guess I don't understand: you are playing in front of the largest home crowd of the season, your opponent is an in-state rival that beat you on a final-second shot last season, you've just come off a good win, you've had time off from classes to rest, practice, and prepare; yet, you don't start the game with any energy!  ???


I don't know who fed on who because I felt like the crowd had no energy even early in the game. This isn't to excuse the players but it is something I noticed being there.


Quote from: historyman on December 17, 2018, 11:02:29 PM
Quote from: hailcrusaders on December 17, 2018, 08:57:29 PMDon't have the numbers in front of me to back it up, but can say with reasonable certainty that we got absolutely smoked on the glass. Used to take rebounding for granted in previous seasons.
Out rebounded by 7 isn't exactly smoked but it shouldn't have happened. We have the players who can rebound. I question the decision to not put Smits back in the game especially since Sorolla was doing nothing offensively and fumbling the ball away regularly. Especially after Jay got his 3rd & 4th fouls. At least Derrik has shown some offensive skill in other games. I'm sure Coach Lottich has a great excuse for it. Did Derrik have to go do laundry?

Smits was awful tonight. Wouldn't have made a difference.

Quote from: Valpo Joe on December 17, 2018, 10:12:01 PM
Leadership? Leadership? The only potential leader is a freshman by the name of Freeman.  If the coaching staff doesn't get their act together soon our talented freshman leader will be looking for greener pastures  :(

He competed til the end. He hasn't quit. Neither freshman has. They're the least of our worries. Not worried about either leaving yet.


Coach: "I thought our energy level was non-existent for a majority (of the game), especially in the first half," Valparaiso coach Matt Lottich said. "We did get some life in the second half and we had players compete. We have got to fight...until we're willing to do that, we're going to be an up-and-down team."

Player: "You can look at it as we didn't make shots, but we didn't execute on the defensive end," Fazekas said. "Too many back doors, too many mental mistakes. That's where we lost the game."

Which of the two provides more specifics? The coach, or the player? How many times will we accept - without question - the lack of in-game and between-game adjustments?

Once again - same starters for 10 games just like last year but can't ever find the right fit. Interesting. Wonder why?

Maybe we need some Woodenisms:

"I think that in any group activity—whether it be business, sports or family—there has to be leadership or it won't be successful."

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen."

"Never make excuses. Your friends don't need them and your foes won't believe them."

"We can have no progress without change, whether it be basketball or anything else."


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on December 17, 2018, 11:13:49 PM
I don't know who fed on who because I felt like the crowd had no energy even early in the game. This isn't to excuse the players but it is something I noticed being there.

Where I was sitting there was a collective groan when Smits was called for a foul only 20 seconds into the game, and the energy level dipped when he was called for his second foul with about 6 minutes left in the half and the game still even. Both calls seemed a bit questionable since Smits and the Ball State player were each going at one another. I think the game made us realize how crucial Smits has become to the flow of the offense. The team appeared less confident without Smits and reluctant to pass inside to Sorolla, perhaps for good reason. After Smits left, Ball State started their run to the 10 point halftime lead, and the crowd energy seemed totally deflated when Ball State got the corner 3-pointer with less than 20 seconds left in the first half.


In the pre season poll I thought I was being conservative in picking Valpo to finish fifth. At this point I can easily see us finishing last again.  I have no idea who plays what role on this team. Maybe if we happen to be shooting well from three on a given night we could win a few games in conference, but if we're not I don't think we have much chance. We don't defend well. We don't rebound well. We don't have a go to player who can win a game in crunch time.  Our guys look a step slow defending penetration and a step slow trying to penetrate much of the time. Smits looked good at times in out of conference games but tonight he reverted to what he was most of last year i. e. picking up a ton of fouls, whining to the refs, and spending most of the game on the bench as a non-factor. Sorolla pressed into extended minutes regardless of his bum ankle was a big nothing. I swear he missed a put back from one inch in the second half. And McMillan who was touted as making a big leap this year has been absent in recent games.

So I've kind of written this year off in terms of any big improvement in our conference standing. But without a decent step up this year can we really expect the kind of season next year that we need in order to recruit the kind of players we need to contend the following year and beyond?  And if we can't develop the current players by their senior years, why would the kind of recruits we need believe our coaching staff has the ability to develop them?  So I see next year as a make or break year for this program, and what I've seen so far does not make me optimistic.

Got to tell you I was hoping for big improvement from last year and what I'm seeing is a team that is no better than last years, and maybe has a ways to go to be as good as we were at the end of last year. 


Quote from: M on December 17, 2018, 09:42:49 PM
Why was there only one person taking tickets tonight? They knew it was going to be a good (for Valpo) crowd and left one person at the table and made everyone wait in line. This whole athletics department is really dropping the ball. Oh, and I had to move the table at the end of the game again so people could get out easier.

Yep, a huge backup from the entrance all the way to 1 ticket taking lady. To make matters worse, the lady didn't have a hand scanner, so so rather than simply scan tickets as they always do, she had to collect every ticket, crudely tear off the stub (no perforations), and return the ticket to each customer. Since the ticket takers are always students, obviously no one bothered to line up ticket takers in their absence or get the scanners out and set them up. It looked more like some well intending volunteer selling 50/50 raffle tickets at a middle school bb game than processing tickets at a college basketball arena. 


Quote from: valpopal on December 17, 2018, 11:29:21 PMThe team appeared less confident without Smits and reluctant to pass inside to Sorolla,

Sorolla stayed in the game as the better defender. He had 6 rebounds and no TOs in his 25 minutes. Derrik had only 1 rebound and 3 TOs in 9 minutes.
Quote from: nkvu on December 17, 2018, 11:32:48 PMAt this point I can easily see us finishing last again.

No way!  I still have us at 9-9 at least.
Quote from: nkvu on December 17, 2018, 11:32:48 PMMaybe if we happen to be shooting well from three on a given night we could win a few games

When the defenders completely take away the 3 then something else is open and you go to plan B. What is our plan B anyway  ??? Looked to me that on the fly we could have packed 2 sometimes 3 bodies down low to screan each other open and free up our guard play. 9 assists-17 TOs  :o Numbers like that make me shudder!
Quote from: nkvu on December 17, 2018, 11:32:48 PMOur guys look a step slow defending penetration and a step slow trying to penetrate

You'll get no argument there.
Quote from: nkvu on December 17, 2018, 11:32:48 PMGot to tell you I was hoping for big improvement from last year and what I'm seeing is a team that is no better than last year
Wait! We are much better at the 5, enormously improved at the 4, same guys at the 3, big step up at the point and a freshman of the year candidate at the 2. So what is wrong with this group? How come they can't get shots against good defense or get stops at the other end?   :rant:


Rant will commence in 3,2,1...Lottich doesn't how to lead men, there were a couple bad calls in my opinion and maybe Lottich mentioned something to the officials but there was nothing beyond that. I get that you don't want to put your team down more points but men of that age respond to being stood up for and Lottich NEVER does.However, the refs didn't lose this game for Valpo, just 2-3 bad calls that I saw. Also does ML ever put the blame on himself or the other coaches? It's always the players fault?  That's BS, be an adult, admit you didn't get them ready on occasion(if he has I haven't seen it and I watch a majority of the post game pressers) Not enough energy?? maybe have a pregame speech that gets them FIRED UP. I've had 5 years of experience coaching college athletes(yes swimmers which is obviously a completely different sport but the demographic isn't much different) and if you constantly put the blame on them they will eventually be disinterested. Just a couple weeks ago Roy Williams took the blame when UNC lost to Michigan and even though his players missed defensive assignments etc he still put it on himself. A MAN with some wisdom.

Because I know the X's and O's of basketball so well(sarcasm) here is my synopsis. A couple people already said this but why didn't Smits come back in with like 6-8 minutes to go in the 2nd half?? He wasn't playing great but he has played well all season and has earned the right to come back in. Some of you said you would have liked to have seen Kiser instead of Sorolla, I 100% disagree, Kiser is not a D1 player. Just because he plays hard doesn't mean he should get minutes. Sorolla will start hitting those bunnies he missed tonight in a few games.  Too many contested 3s. No great set plays, I loved the plays Bryce/Homer used to use to get Broekhoff/Peters open(typically a down screen or double screen) out of the timeouts. Or the lob plays which would help get the bench/crowd energized.

I'd give Matt until the end of the 2019-2020 season, baring injury or any other unforeseen bs we should finish top 3 in the MVC and win 20(22)+ games. However I don't think that's what MLB will do.

Just find a way to win at Texas A&M!


If ML was willing to fight for his guys, I'd feel better about things. But, he's not. I get the impression he's a Stanford guy who doesn't get why his players can't do what he wants them to do. He doesn't realize his lack of communication skills. At least from what we can see. He doesn't stand up for his players. Idk if he lacks the confidence to do so or what. Seems like a person who believes in himself, maybe to a fault. Idk... what I do know is I wouldn't want to play for him from what I can see. No energy. No emotion. Bryce was getting paid upwards of $400k /year. Idk what ML makes. But, he's making a GOOD salary. Way more than the rest of us, more than likely. Maybe combined lol.

He needs to provide substantive responses in public comments to show he knows what the issues are. He kept saying he needed to watch film before x, y, and z. Come on. Seeioauly? There's glaring issues. But - if it's all on the players - then YES you would have to watch film before being able to provide any answers.

You could say if Roy Williams can man up and hold himself accountable so too could ML. But the thing is that's what separates the Roy Williams from the rest.

It's humiliating. Felt horrible seeing Parker in the stands last night - I asked myself: How could he see something in Parker to justify starting him for 8+ games then NEVER play him thereafter?

What did you see in him that caused you to start him only to later feel he didn't deserve playing time? Who knows. Who knows. And as for recruits and the whole preserving things - who do we have committed? Nobody.


Just saying ...

"Greg Tonagel begins his 14th season at the helm of the Indiana Wesleyan University men's basketball team in 2018-19.

Tonagel and the Wildcats have won three NAIA Division II National Championships in a five year spans with titles in 2014, 2016, and 2018. Indiana Wesleyan won the 2014 red banner in unprecedented fashion as they became the first team to win all five of their games at the national tournament by double digit. In 2016, Indiana Wesleyan defeated the top two seeds in the tournament to claim the title. IWU beat four top-15 teams in 2018 en route to the title, including No. 1 IU East and No. 7 Saint Francis in the championship game, the fourth win over the Cougars during the season.

Tonagel is a three-time NABC/NAIA Division II National Coach of the Year.

In his 13 season as a head coach, Tonagel has already led Indiana Wesleyan to three national championships, one Final Four, five Elite Eight finishes, and nine Crossroads League regular season championships, including seven straight from 2009-15. Tonagel has three Crossroads League Tournament championships as well with wins in 2010, 2015, and 2018.

Indiana Wesleyan has finished three seasons as the No. 1-ranked team in NAIA Division II. Tonagel's teams have spent time in the NAIA top-five in each of the last 12 seasons.

In 13 years as head coach, Tonagel is the winningest coach in program history. He has the highest winning percentage (.786), most wins (361), most NAIA national tournament victories (29), most national tournament appearances (11), most Crossroads League regular season championships (9), and most Crossroads League Tournament championships (3).

The former Valparaiso (Ind.) University point guard, known for his hard work and energy, has brought those characteristics to the basketball program. Tonagel was introduced as head men's basketball coach on April 1, 2005. Drawing from experience gained from leading the Valparaiso Crusaders to four NCAA tournament appearances as a starting point guard, along with the tutelage of mentor Homer Drew, Tonagel has helped orchestrate a new era of Wildcat basketball.

Prior to Tonagel's hiring, the Wildcats had won seven games and finished last in the Mid-Central College Conference. The program improved by 10 wins under Tonagel's tutelage in his first year on the bench and reached the NAIA Elite Eight in his second season. Making a name for himself when it comes to program building, Tonagel has done it through sound developmental teaching and high caliber recruiting.

Much of the unprecedented success of the Wildcats can be attributed to the culture Tonagel built at IWU.  The IWU culture is built around two biblically transforming principles; I am Third and Fearless. "It's our core belief that God has created us for greatness when we realize our potential in becoming "third" and "fearless." What I have come to realize is that I don't just coach basketball, I coach people" comments Tonagel. This has helped the influence of IWU basketball to extend far beyond the court. Tonagel and his staff have been committed to using basketball as a platform for discipleship.

Prior to his current position, Tonagel served as Director of Basketball Operations at Valparaiso University, where he played in four NCAA Tournaments. He also led his LaPorte High School team to the last single class state finals in 1997. Greg and his wife, Amy, along with their three children Jace, William, and Allie reside in Marion. He is active in a number of organizations and causes, most notably his church."


"Matt Lottich enters his sixth season overall at Valparaiso University and third season as head coach of the men's basketball program entering the 2018-2019 season.

Lottich led Valpo to 15 victories in his second season in charge in 2017-2018 and guided the Crusaders through the move to the Missouri Valley Conference, which ended the campaign ranked eighth nationally in conference RPI.

In his first season at the helm of the Crusader men's basketball program, Lottich guided Valpo to its fifth Horizon League regular season championship in the last six years as he led the Crusaders to 24 wins and an at-large berth into the NIT. Lottich's inaugural season as head coach was highlighted by a home win over a nationally-ranked Rhode Island squad, as well as neutral-site wins over Alabama and BYU to capture the MGM Grand Main Event.

Lottich coached the Horizon League Player of the Year and an NABC Third Team All-American in Alec Peters, guiding the senior as he closed out one of the top careers in program history. Peters enjoyed his finest season as a senior, ranking among the top-20 in the nation in both scoring and rebounding and breaking five of Valpo's career records.

Lottich was hired as the 22nd head coach in the history of the Valpo men's basketball program in April of 2016. Lottich, who had served the previous three seasons as an assistant coach on the Crusaders' staff, became just the program's fifth head coach in the last 36 years.

Lottich arrived at Valparaiso University in summer 2013 and helped guide the Crusaders to 78 victories over his three seasons as an assistant. Valpo won two Horizon League regular season championships and one league tournament title over those three years.

The Crusaders recorded the top two victory totals in program history over Lottich's final two years as an assistant. Valpo broke the previous school record for wins in a season during the 2014-2015 campaign, winning 28 games and earning a berth in the NCAA Tournament. Then, the 2015-2016 season saw Valpo win a program-record 30 games and advance to the NIT championship game at Madison Square Garden.

Lottich brings nearly a decade of professional playing experience to the head coaching position at Valparaiso University. Lottich spent eight years playing professionally in Japan for the Oita Heat Devils and the Osaka Evessa, earning All-Star recognition four times. He also played one season in Germany in the Bundesliga for the Dusseldorf Giants, played one season in New Zealand in the NBL for the Harbor Heat and was a member of the New Jersey Nets' summer league team in 2004.

Lottich played collegiately at Stanford University from 2000 through 2004. As a senior in 2003-2004, he helped lead the Cardinal to the Pac-10 title while earning NABC All-Star plaudits, awarded to the top-15 seniors in college basketball. He was also a member of the Wooden Award midseason watch list and was an Honorable Mention All Pac-10 selection as a senior. Lottich was also a member of the program's conference championship squad as a freshman in 2000-2001 and still ranks among Stanford's single-season and career leaders in 3-pointers made.

Off the court, Lottich came to Valpo from the National Collegiate Scouting Association, where he started in January 2013. Lottich ascended to the position of head scout during his time with the NCSA, which helps high school athletes navigate the world of college recruiting. Lottich also co-founded the TEAM Life Skills basketball camp in 2004 and spent nine years managing and developing the camp.

Lottich played his prep basketball at New Trier [Ill.] H.S., where he was named the Chicago Tribune Athlete of the Year in 2000 and holds the distinction of being the program's all-time leading scorer. Lottich graduated from Stanford University in 2004 and currently resides in Valparaiso with his wife, Kylan, and their four children: Grace, Matthan, Christian and Landon."


Why not do a national search if the head coach and associate head coach leave?

Why not do a national search if no one on your staff has more than 3 years head coaching experience?

Another missed opportunity?