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Womens team roster changes

Started by hobarthogrider, December 20, 2018, 01:05:40 AM

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Is anyone aware of the roster changes in the women's basketball program?I know they have added a volleyball player,supposedly for depth due to injuries,but why is she wearing #22,Bryce Blood's number,and why has Bryce Blood's picture been removed from the roster page?This has happened over the course of the last 2 games,and I would like some type of explanation.



Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Something seems a little off. We have multiple players who have gotten hurt yet no word on time of return. Yet when Blood left we immediately dropped her from the website and gave her number to Carlson which seems a little extreme.
Do we not have any other jerseys available. In women's BB you seldom see in season transfers certainly not a regular.


I have to agree with that analysis.I look at our bench and see injuries,but no updates?How about a projection on when some of these players might return?Yet when Bryce Blood dropped out of sight,her jersey is immediately reassigned and she is erased from team literature,no explanation offered either.Very disappointing,I felt like she was a cornerstone of a young up and coming team.Not now,in either regard.If this is how we build a team,by losing young talent,we are in trouble.


If you look at the game notes, it mentions that several of the players are out for the year (Morrison, Profitt, Richards). Allison Schofield, Maya Meredith and Nicole Konieczky are all up in the air with varying degrees of injury. I don't know if there's a timetable on any of them. As for Blood, the school sent a release to the media with similar language they used for the Joe Burton release about leaving the school. That leads me to believe she left for non-basketball reasons, the same as Burton. As for a jersey being reassigned, my guess is they order their jerseys at the beginning of the season. Seems like a waste of money to order more if you have players of similar size and jerseys that are not being used.

It should also be noted that Blood's departure came around the same time of the year as Burton's departure.


So........ it might be an academic thing for Blood?  That's tobad.


If the player left the university, why wouldn't they drop her from the released roster?