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Game #16 Valpo vs Bradley 1/8/19 @ ARC 7pm espn+

Started by VU2014, January 06, 2019, 01:50:33 PM

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We won 6 games in the MVC last year.  We are already at 3 this year.   Based on our returning talent and the additions we made 11 victories seemed like a reasonable expectation.  Even if we lose the next 2 road games (which I think is likely) I would argue we are on pace for that goal based on our SOS through the 1st 5 games.  Good job Lottich, this team is playing much much harder than they were before Christmas.  You got through to them somehow.

As far as Fazekas...  a bad ankle sprain can be 2-4 weeks so I would expect at least 4 games out since he was in a boot and crutches immediately.  All speculation of course.   No 1 or 2 players can make up all his scoring, it will have to be made up in the aggregate through 5-6 guys.     


Quote from: 4throwfan on January 09, 2019, 09:30:32 AM
Really enjoyed the game last night.  Team overcame some mistakes and difficulties to outplay the other team, which is what winning teams do.

Just to turn to something negative for a moment: in other threads, we have commented on student apathy, and some of us, including me, have suggested that it is a generational culture issue, not a university culture issue.  I saw something over the last two games that suggests that I am wrong.  When the Chesterton High School band was here, they were very enthusiastic, and I think they helped the atmosphere.  Just an opinion.  Last night, in contrast, in the waning moments of the game, at least half of the university pep band (which I assume should be somewhat peppy) was sitting down playing on their phones.  They weren't even watching the game.  The other half was yelling and cheering.  Big difference in game-time engagement between the two bands.  Can't blame apathy on the younger generation if an even younger generation was more enthusiastic, and it wasn't even their school.

I completely agree with this.  I commented multiple times to myself and the people around me about how great the Chesterton band did.  They were into the game.  They started out kinda quiet and timid, but that was quickly gone before halftime. 

To expand on this, I know both Chesterton and Valpo High Schools have very involved student sections, for both football and basketball.  For example, I know for this last football season, Valpo put out a whole schedule of student section themes for each game before the season even started.  (White out, Black out, USA, Beach, PJs, Camo.) They all stand and cheer throughout the games (with many, of course, holding their phones the whole time, but still cheering). VHS's students organized a tailgate before football games, where students paid to join for the season, and then hotdogs/burgers were cooked and provided before each game, with the students then bringing their own snacks and drinks.  This is all organized by high school students.

So I call BS on all this generational, time-have-changed talk.  VU's student section has a lack of leadership, and possibly a lack of faculty support. Without a real leader, this is what we get.  A half full set of bleachers, with no one standing, no one cheering, barely paying any attention to the game. 


Quote from: vu72 on January 09, 2019, 09:25:17 AM
Quote from: wh on January 09, 2019, 09:11:13 AM
Quote from: valpo84 on January 09, 2019, 06:23:03 AM
I think someone posted on twitter that Wardle is 1-8 at ARC since 2011. #ARCmagic

From the Times. A nice backhanded compliment from Wardle:

"Give them credit: They had some guys who aren't shooters make shots from 3 today," Bradley coach Brian Wardle said. "They had some back-breaking shots that went in for them at the end of the shot clock."

Yep, exactly how I would characterize the reason we won - luck. Just like the lucky game-winning shot Ryan hit to win the 2013 HL tournament against his stacked GB team. Never mind that he was left completely unguarded while dribbling all the way down the court before launching that lucky shot.

To be fair wh, he was right considering Daniel made a 3 while shooting 20% from there all season and then there was Jay's first 3 in his career.  As for his "stacked" GB team, we had beaten them on the road only 7 days earlier by 19 points!  We were the team that was "lucky" that night by even having a chance at the winning shot.

I have to give you credit for understanding part of what I said. See how backhanded compliments work?  ;)

Let me clarify. I didn't say Wardle lied. Of course, we hit some lucky shots, albeit to a very limited extent. Jay's 3 - complete luck. Daniel's wide open 3 - low pct. probability, but not luck (as in throwing up a prayer). The rest were what they were - we hit some, we missed some.

The larger point is this. This wasn't a repeat of the ISU game. We didn't win because of a lucky shot. We won because we outplayed, outworked, outhustled them on defense. Moreover, if Wardle were a fair minded person, instead of "giving us credit" for hitting "lucky" 3's, he would have credited us for maintaining our poise and not relinquishing our lead despite losing our leading scorer and 3-pt. shooter in the 1st half. But, of course he wouldn't want to do that because that would be sincerely complimentary.

As to your comment about us beating his stacked GB team handily before the Ryan buzzer-beater game, you're supporting my point, not refuting it. GB did in fact have a stacked team that year (and others during his tenure) that played 2nd fiddle to Valpo in large part because of inferior coaching and selfish players (another coaching weakness). That didn't make our wins "lucky," unless you're saying we were lucky Wardle was GB's coach.


Quote from: vu72 on January 09, 2019, 09:25:17 AMThey had some back-breaking shots that went in for them at the end of the shot clock."

How about that Sorolla shot???

He's now ONE for ONE on 3-pointers this year.... and you could see the wind go out of the Bradley sails when that went down...

Gritty, I say... Gritty.


Quote from: talksalot on January 09, 2019, 10:46:36 AM
Quote from: vu72 on January 09, 2019, 09:25:17 AMThey had some back-breaking shots that went in for them at the end of the shot clock."

How about that Sorolla shot???

He's now ONE for ONE on 3-pointers this year.... and you could see the wind go out of the Bradley sails when that went down...

Gritty, I say... Gritty.

Next to the baskets by Evelyn and Freeman to seal the game that shot was my favorite moment. I threw my hands up and looked skyward when that went in. It felt like a sign that we were going to be okay. Jay played really well.



"Bottom Line: Wardle is an ass."

It's comments like this where I wish I could like more than once.


Quote from: SanityLost17 on January 09, 2019, 10:06:09 AMBased on our returning talent and the additions we made 11 victories seemed like a reasonable expectation.

Before our December swoon and collapse I was thinking 12-6 wasn't a totally unreasonable expectation. As long as Fazekas isn't badly injured I've returned to that number as our MVC goal. With that said us getting the auto bid in St Louis would probably give us only a 13 seed.  :'(   Additionally our only path to the NIT would be as the MVC champion. For this year could the MVC regular season champ have a 13-5 record?


Cracker Jack SID staff pointed out the weird stat of the game...

How hard do you have to try to have a game with 16 offensive rebounds (7 for VU 9 for BU)... and the total number of Second Chance points is 0.



Quote from: VUGrad1314 on January 10, 2019, 11:50:04 AM
Loving the new improved Jay! Keep it up!

Finally looking healthier and he has a bit more spring in his legs the last few games.


Remember when Wardle won "man of the year" after doing mandatory community service due to abusing his own players? Good times.


Quote from: a3uge on January 10, 2019, 05:14:32 PM
Remember when Wardle won "man of the year" after doing mandatory community service due to abusing his own players? Good times.

I know there was a disgruntled family at GB while he was there but I can't remember what was alleged to have happened.

I know he kicked a kid off the team at Bradley for off the court stuff and his family was publicly bashing Wardle and accusing him of stuff. I talked to some Bradley people and they said it was for legitimate reasons.


Quote from: VU2014 on January 10, 2019, 05:48:19 PM
Quote from: a3uge on January 10, 2019, 05:14:32 PM
Remember when Wardle won "man of the year" after doing mandatory community service due to abusing his own players? Good times.

I know there was a disgruntled family at GB while he was there but I can't remember what was alleged to have happened.

I know he kicked a kid off the team at Bradley for off the court stuff and his family was publicly bashing Wardle and accusing him of stuff. I talked to some Bradley people and they said it was for legitimate reasons.

High level response and others can supply detail but he drove a reserve center so hard he crapped his pants in a workout and then belittled him for it in front of teammates. I hope this is an accurate summaty. If not please correct it


Quote from: VULB#62 on January 10, 2019, 11:35:34 PM
Quote from: VU2014 on January 10, 2019, 05:48:19 PM
Quote from: a3uge on January 10, 2019, 05:14:32 PM
Remember when Wardle won "man of the year" after doing mandatory community service due to abusing his own players? Good times.

I know there was a disgruntled family at GB while he was there but I can't remember what was alleged to have happened.

I know he kicked a kid off the team at Bradley for off the court stuff and his family was publicly bashing Wardle and accusing him of stuff. I talked to some Bradley people and they said it was for legitimate reasons.

High level response and others can supply detail but he drove a reserve center so hard he crapped his pants in a workout and then belittled him for it in front of teammates. I hope this is an accurate summaty. If not please correct it

Strange to say the least. I've had Coaches push my teammates and I to the point of puking but never that... just sounds like a really bizarre event if that really happened.



USA Today story on the accusations made by a former UWGB athlete who said Wardle abused him in practices. This led to an investigation by the university which eventually led to a small reprimand, I believe, but not a firing which some of us at the time were expecting.



USA Today story on a second complaint made against Wardle in 2013 before the details of the first complaint made by Ryan Bross were detailed in the story above.


As a Christian I really try not to wish ill on others.  But Lordy does Wardle push that sometimes.


Quote from: bbtds on January 11, 2019, 06:42:59 AM

USA Today story on the accusations made by a former UWGB athlete who said Wardle abused him in practices. This led to an investigation by the university which eventually led to a small reprimand, I believe, but not a firing which some of us at the time were expecting.

An interesting fact about Ryan Bross listed in the Concordia-Wisconsin (Mequon) Athletics website:
Related to George Pullman, the manufacturer of the Pullman railroad sleeping car.

Knowing this I'm sure Wardle used this to comment about Bross sleeping through his college athletic career.


As Paul Thorn sings, I don't like half the folks I love.

"In this world we live in
This I guarantee
We all need more tolerance
To get along peacefully.
But I'm not as nice as Jesus,
And I really am fed up.
I don't like half the folks I love.

God knows they're all dear to me
But if the truth be told,
I like it when they come,
But I love it when they go.
I'm sure they've got good qualities
But the bad ones cover them up.
I don't like half the folks I love."

"Christmas is for presents, March is for Championships." Denny Crum


Quote from: VULB#62 on January 07, 2019, 03:28:06 PMInteresting observation and this is semi-toungue-in-cheek:  Maybe Matt should have the players stay in a hotel the night before, have them do their school work/studying in their hotel rooms, have a shoot around in the morning, go back to the hotel, have a team meeting and meal together off campus, and stay together up to the point where they all go to the locker room for pre-game.  Just like a road trip. Sure would put the focus on the game that day.  We have the budget for that, right? 
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 06:48:54 PM by VULB#62 »

Whatever Coach Lottich is doing and did this team is buying into it and it's working. We may find that this team is streaky but they certainly have the capacity to beat any team in the conference anywhere. Let's prove it by beating Loyola on Tuesday. I'll be there. You?


It must be the new Brown and gold uniforms !     :)