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Game #19 UNI at the ARC 1/19/19 3pm

Started by VUSWIM08-12, January 18, 2019, 12:34:32 AM

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Gyms don't win basketball games coaches players their respective skillsets and  the program cultures they create do.


Correct but gyms get good players and coaches that perform and win games.

Quit reinvesting in the product and soon the product gets passed


They can have their fancy arenas, and I will take the wins and 'ships that we are accustomed to as fans.  Just imagine if they were in the A-10, which is thought of as a superior conference, and they play in many of those crappier gyms.
"Don't mess with Texas"


I agree and I'd love to have both and hope we will soon, but given the choice  give me the good players and the strong culture. That's harder to get and is far more meaningful.


If we're not pissing off our conference mates, we're not doing it right.

may know

Oh they wouldn't be eyeing the A10. That UNI guy has posted that UNI could join the MWC with Gonzaga.  :rotfl:

I say: from his lips to God's ears. Let 'em go and bring in Murray.


Quote from: NativeCheesehead on January 19, 2019, 09:12:42 PMIf we're not pissing off our conference mates, we're not doing it right.

Right but let's always  do it with our play not our mouths. Let other fanbases run their mouths but let us silence them with our play. We'll take their abuse before the game... and the W when it's all said and done.

Quote from: may know on January 19, 2019, 09:18:39 PM
Oh they wouldn't be eyeing the A10. That UNI guy has posted that UNI could join the MWC with Gonzaga.  :rotfl:

I say: from his lips to God's ears. Let 'em go and bring in Murray.

Nah keep em around. At their peak they're the kind of program we need to live the multibid MVC dream. One has to wonder if the success of Loyola last year and  the fact that both we and the Ramblers are off to hot starts this year is having any effect on Belmont and their stance on the MVC. That could be our ticket to bringing Murray State in. Yes the OVC footprint is nice for Belmont but it's a terrible institutional fit. The SOCON would be better for them as a southern private institution  but does the SOCON want a non-football school?


UNI has been down for several years now.  They will be back to winning ways.  Good coach, stud freshman and great facilities. 


I have to note that since Lottich used the word "gritty" to describe the characteristic he wanted to see in his players (which has seemed to turn the team in a positive direction), the coach has also displayed more grittiness on the sidelines. All of last year and in the beginning of this year some (including myself) questioned or criticized the apparent passivity exhibited by Lottich on the sidelines, as well as his lack of confrontation with officials who seemed to make faulty calls. I must say that the fire and intensity he has shown recently on the sideline, as well as his more open willingness to challenge the officials as they run past him, have been refreshing to witness, and I have to believe have helped to motivate his players.


Quote from: oklahomamick on January 19, 2019, 09:36:22 PMUNI has been down for several years now.  They will be back to winning ways.  Good coach, stud freshman and great facilities.

I agree and I hope they do so ASAP. What's good for the MVC (and the more strong programs the better) is okay with me.


Quote from: valpopal on January 19, 2019, 09:38:32 PMI have to note that since Lottich used the word "gritty" to describe the characteristic he wanted to see in his players (which has seemed to turn the team in a positive direction), the coach has also displayed more grittiness on the sidelines. All of last year and in the beginning of this year some (including myself) questioned or criticized the apparent passivity exhibited by Lottich on the sidelines, as well as his lack of confrontation with officials who seemed to make faulty calls. I must say that the fire and intensity he has shown recently on the sideline, as well as his more open willingness to challenge the officials as they run past him, have been refreshing to witness, and I have to believe have helped to motivate his players.

He said himself "I need to get grittier" and he ad the team have delivered. Say what you will about mantras taglines and slogans but they work.

Wichita State has Play Angry

Loyola has Created by Culture or No Finish Line

Valpo has Gritty

And ever since we embraced Gritty this team has taken on new dimensions and a new persona. Just like Loyola and Wichita State before them. I think great things are in store for us if we stick to this new identity because it's the kind of identity you need to succeed in the MVC and in the tournament.


I am sure the UNI fans will find some great times in Waterloo tonight!


Nice video about Bakari. Will try to get a cleaner copy later but I wanted to share now because I thought it was a great interview.



Btw the flickering scorer's table drove me nuts tonight.


Great win and response to the beatdown fro Loyola. believe we will be in the thick of things at the end of the season. Couldnt make it to the game today unfortunately, does anyone have an extra victory bell replica they wouldn't mind parting with??



I think it's time for perceptions of John Kiser to start changing a bit. He was big for us today and does a lot of things that don't show up in boxscores. If he can bring his usual rebounding and defensive toughness while pouring in 5-7 points a game or every other game he's extremely useful. He just might be developing into a bit more than solely a heart and hustle guy.


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on January 20, 2019, 12:40:25 AM

I think it's time for perceptions of John Kiser to start changing a bit. He was big for us today and does a lot of things that don't show up in boxscores. If he can bring his usual rebounding and defensive toughness while pouring in 5-7 points a game or every other game he's extremely useful. He just might be developing into a bit more than solely a heart and hustle guy.

Kiser played really well today. But part of that was because of who we were playing. When the other team is playing basically one forward and four guards, playing Kiser allows us to switch almost all perimeter screens. At 6'5 Kiser can guard on the perimeter, where a 6'8 McMillan can't. When he has to guard a legit 4 he will struggle. But you have to give the guy credit. He will give you everything he has every minute he is on the floor.


Quote from: wh on January 19, 2019, 08:40:29 PM
Quote from: VU2014 on January 19, 2019, 08:06:32 PM
If you want to take shots a Valpo for the facilities, fine. We all grumble about them ourselves. But to take a shot at us as a member of the Conference when we just beat you and we're now tied for first in the Conference is idiotic.

UNI is a fine and successful program but some in their fan-base have some kind of ego...


I agree. When we criticize our facility, it's all in the interest of wanting to become the best program we can possibly be. When an outsider does it, it infuriates me, especially from someone from a public university that receives taxpayer money to fund all their crap.

To paraphrase a line from Animal House (I believe from Otter).."they can't criticize our facilities, only we can criticize our facilities"


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on January 19, 2019, 09:52:37 PM
Quote from: valpopal on January 19, 2019, 09:38:32 PMI have to note that since Lottich used the word "gritty" to describe the characteristic he wanted to see in his players (which has seemed to turn the team in a positive direction), the coach has also displayed more grittiness on the sidelines. All of last year and in the beginning of this year some (including myself) questioned or criticized the apparent passivity exhibited by Lottich on the sidelines, as well as his lack of confrontation with officials who seemed to make faulty calls. I must say that the fire and intensity he has shown recently on the sideline, as well as his more open willingness to challenge the officials as they run past him, have been refreshing to witness, and I have to believe have helped to motivate his players.

He said himself "I need to get grittier" and he ad the team have delivered. Say what you will about mantras taglines and slogans but they work.

Wichita State has Play Angry

Loyola has Created by Culture or No Finish Line

Valpo has Gritty

And ever since we embraced Gritty this team has taken on new dimensions and a new persona. Just like Loyola and Wichita State before them. I think great things are in store for us if we stick to this new identity because it's the kind of identity you need to succeed in the MVC and in the tournament.

I believe many of us think that gritty was made up and presented to the team after winter break.  During our darker days of OOC.

In one of coaches interviews he said going into the season that was the mantra so the "word" didn't change  :censored:. How coach lead by example is strictly what changed our trajectory.

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS....benched two team leaders, THAT's what happened.  Gritty is just what southerners eat for breakfast 🤪🤪🤪


We have facility issues and there is no debate. Perhaps the UNI fan has to gripe because there's little to do in the Cedar Valley. Heck, this is a place where they think Olive Garden is great Italian food!


Quote from: usc4valpo on January 20, 2019, 09:16:44 AMWe have facility issues and there is no debate. Perhaps the UNI fan has to gripe because there's little to do in the Cedar Valley. Heck, this is a place where they think Olive Garden is great Italian food!

To be fair I do think that Olive Garden has improved significantly in quality over the past few years. These few fans who are representing their fellow fans so poorly are probably just taking shots at us because it's therapeutic for many to direct their anger to external things instead of internally where it should go. The main reason Valpo and Lottich are succeeding is that they pointed the thumb instead of the finger and then did something about it.


Absolutely "actions do speak louder than words" we have seen this on the court the later part of this season and it is great!!! But with these actions came some words and the one word that stuck was "Grit" and the team, fans, social media are buying into it.  So I say roll with it.  Look on this message board most (not all) fans are inspired by grit!  Look how many signs are being brought into the arc, started with 1 less than three weeks ago now we see custom made signs that are sponsored by a corporate bank (1st Source Bank) :thumbsup:  I will take that any day if the team, media and fans are inspired!  If MSU has "Sparty On", Rutgers has "Keep Choppin" and Texas has Hook'em Horns"  I'll take "Get Gritty".
Shine on Vu


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on January 20, 2019, 12:40:25 AM

I think it's time for perceptions of John Kiser to start changing a bit. He was big for us today and does a lot of things that don't show up in boxscores. If he can bring his usual rebounding and defensive toughness while pouring in 5-7 points a game or every other game he's extremely useful. He just might be developing into a bit more than solely a heart and hustle guy.

Agreed.  Big positive about fazekas being out is Kiser has proven to be a better option than McMillan and can do what we need to win.   When fazekas is back and playing 100% which will take several games the 6 minutes per half Kiser backs him up will be huge.  Will help keep starter minutes down and intensity up, which is how we are winning games. 

Also allows Bakari and Lavender to exclusively back up our 1-3 guards.  And when somebody is in foul trouble or having a bad day, or is sick or whatever, we know Kiser will be battle tested and ready to take over more minutes when needed.


No. I get better flavor out of a can of chef boy r dee than eating at the Olive Garden.
Next I will hear that Red Lobster is elite seafood and Longhorn knows how to cook a steak.


Sadly this was the first game I was able to attend, but I noticed Eron Gordon elects to sit at the end of the bench away from the team.  Even the managers are closer to the team than is Gordon.

By comparison, Robinson is in the thick of things hand slapping and rooting on his teammates.

Clearly I'm reading into things here.  Does anyone more enlightened have a better read on this?