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Game #26 Valpo vs Indiana State 2/13/19 @ ARC 7pm espn3

Started by VU2014, February 11, 2019, 09:15:27 PM

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This team is a complete  :censored: mess. I've seen no progress from Matt Lottich as a head coach in his three seasons. Sure, we might have good players on the team. But Lottich isn't the man who can bring them all together.

I believe that we will win.



Turnovers and Free Throw shooting were disastrous tonight!!  >:( >:( >:( >:(

Valpo just dug themselves into a hole in the standings. I'm legitimately pissed about this game. Complete lack of focus. The only bright-side was Smits and Sackey's play but Sackey couldn't hit his Free Throws.


I hope the whole team is running suicides at this very moment, one for every turnover and missed free throw.


Two stud freshmen, year of growth as a team, confer ne is worse than last year.....and were going to end up in the exact same position.  Playing on Thursday night in St Louis.

Look at MO St and Drake and tell me we shouldn't seriously entertain a coaching change this offseason  (Yes, I know it won't happen).


How did KEY get 17 ft attempts?  I could only watch the game cast on the ESPN app...


QuoteHow did KEY get 17 ft attempts?  I could only watch the game cast on the ESPN app...

We let him drive the lane at will because our defensive fundamentals are terrible and taking a charge is apparently not taught.


What was the story on Golder?

The freshmen played like freshmen.

Fazekas played about like I suspected but I am still happy to have him back.


That sucked. No excuses. Win at Drake or this season is over.


I'd state the obvious about what the trends are but y'all would go back to excuses. Refs? We were due for a loss? Ryan has to ease his way back? Golder not 100%? What other excuses? Laundry? Classes? Too cold out? Music wasn't good enough? No idea but the coach should have a couple hundred thousand reason$$$$$ why.


Quote from: bigmosmithfan1 on February 13, 2019, 09:30:54 PM
QuoteHow did KEY get 17 ft attempts?  I could only watch the game cast on the ESPN app...

We let him drive the lane at will because our defensive fundamentals are terrible and taking a charge is apparently not taught.

They have not been terrible lately.   Even on our losing streak the defense has been solid.   Just d ont know what to make of a defensive meltdown at this point of the season.


Freeman - worst game this season, defense was awful (even though it looked like he didn't think he committed any)

Sackey - love the attacking, gotta have plan when he gets in there more often, make your free throws

McMillian - another strong outing, great shooting and rebounding, one defensive error when Niece blew by his guy and Leek had his back turned helping Smits through a screen

Lavender - nice offense, but come on man those weren't senior passes

Fazekas - glad he's back

Sorolla - didn't notice him

Golder - is he ok? Gore said under the weather

Evelyn - terrible defense, not bad on offense (minus the end of regulation)

Coaching - defensive scheme sucked, offense wasn't bad but Gore on the radio griping how our 80% ft shooters need to get to the line...well how about plays that give them that chance?? End of regulation was terrible, we all knew Evelyn would jack up a three when a drive and a two would've been fine. That's at least 3 games we have given away at the line. Unacceptable, I'd hope.


I hope our players aren't as frustrated at the coaching staff as we are.  I think we have some good players and would hate to see any of them leave. 

We are a veteran team with two good freshman, one of which might be freshman conference player of the year. 


That was a 4-8 team in conference. 4-8. 4-8. Get that? 4-8. Truly I'll feel ok if Lottich - during the post game presser - says the buck stops with him and his staff. That's all I ask. Will it happen? Well, we're DUE for it. He's not coaching the team out of the graciousness of his own heart - he's getting paid A LOT of money!!! All jobs - even entry level minimum wage jobs - come with responsibility. If a cashier is responsible for their register being within a certain amount at the end of the night, shouldn't a D-1 coach be responsible for the trends we continue to see? It's the only sport at Valpo that brings in serious revenue. And, yet - we fire the women's coach last year? Like, oh we're serious now! But we continue to let this stuff go on with our biggest revenue generating sport? Where were all the people tonight? Lost several thousand from Loyola. What gives?


By the numbers:

21 Turnovers
13 Missed Freethrows
1-6 since the UNI Victory January 19th
3 Total choke jobs AT HOME
I'd even say that Indiana State was #Grittier than us tonight
Forgive me for saying this but this team absolutely SUCKS right now and it is probably time to forget all about #Gritty Gritty teams don't piss away 3 straight home games by missing free throws and turning the ball over.

That's not gritty that's just S**tty

I'm trying really hard to remain supportive of Lottich but I'm running out of patience quickly.

Seriously I am beginning to wonder if coming out to each game is worth it. I love this team and this school but there's only so many times I can have my heart broken before I need a break. I invest too much emotional energy into these games to take too many hard letdowns in a row.


Anyone with insider info hear anything about Smits transfering at the end of the year? Overheard a couple of comments as I got in the building early to make sure I got a jersey. 

Valpo Joe

It's great to have GRIT and play hard. But that doesn't win basketball games. Understanding what the strengths and weakness and knowing how to adjust every 3-4 mins wins the game.  Ask coach Bill Belichick why he has 8 Super Bowl rings.  >:( >:( >:(


Quote from: NativeCheesehead on February 13, 2019, 10:07:54 PM
Anyone with insider info hear anything about Smits transfering at the end of the year? Overheard a couple of comments as I got in the building early to make sure I got a jersey. 

If that's true it would be a massive blow to this program. I wouldn't say it would sink us but it would leave us with a very thin front court. Not good.


Lottich is under some serious heat from the fan-base right now. It's not just the usuals calling for his job tonight on social media. This is one very ticked off fan-base


Lol. Who's less happy right now? Valpo fans or Vandy fans?


This looked like several of our December games. Portions were worse! Backpedaling is no way to move forward.

In several games Smits has received single coverage leading to a big night. Have we won any of them?


Quote from: VU2014 on February 13, 2019, 10:14:46 PMLottich is under some serious heat from the fan-base right now. It's not just the usuals calling for his job tonight on social media. This is one very ticked off fan-base

Help defend him. I can be convinced by a good argument.


Why would Smits leave?  He has a lot of friends on campus and he has a chance to make 1st team all MVC next year.  He won't have to compete for playing time.  I just don't see the positives of transferring

Is he upset with coaching staff?


5 games left in conference play. Do we go 0-5? 1-4? I would consider it a success if we go 9-9 this year
I believe that we will win.


QuoteWhy would Smits leave?  He has a lot of friends on campus and he has a chance to make 1st team all MVC next year.  He won't have to compete for playing time.  I just don't see the positives of transferring

All bets are off if he's eligible for a grad transfer, though. P5 teams will be circling him like vultures like they were with Alec.


Quote from: bigmosmithfan1 on February 13, 2019, 10:22:50 PM
QuoteWhy would Smits leave?  He has a lot of friends on campus and he has a chance to make 1st team all MVC next year.  He won't have to compete for playing time.  I just don't see the positives of transferring

All bets are off if he's eligible for a grad transfer, though. P5 teams will be circling him like vultures like they were with Alec.

It wouldn't surprise me if they already started trying to poach him behind closed doors. Hopefully he stays. He's definitely eligible because already graduated.