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Game #30 @ Bradley Wednesday 2/27/19 7pm

Started by VUSWIM08-12, February 25, 2019, 05:46:30 PM

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Quote from: VULB#62 on February 26, 2019, 10:34:28 PM
That is a BIG PROBLEM that needs to be addressed by the Athletic Department and the MBB program.   

Why the hell wasn't the fan base/public told of this? 

Don't give me the arguement that it has to do with the requirement to keep individual's health records private. A general statement about this does not violate that — note:  I have made a living in that business environment.

Leading into the beginning of the season it makes ZERO difference, except it helps to manage fan expectations and gives the kid some breathing space. It's a normal thing.

But hiding this only creates conjectuture and speculation.  Bakari has been clobbered all season (myself included at times ) without understanding  the context. I can understand game to game gamesmanship, but this was an overriding mistake that hurt the kid, hurt our fans and has contributed to a growing negative vibe tbat will be hard for this team to overcome

I was just jumping on the board to make the same point when your post appeared. Amateur hour in the Athletic Dept. rears it's ugly head once again. It would be 1 thing if Bakari had some rare disease that he wanted to keep private, but bone spurs? Another bizarre, unforced error by someone. I can only think of 2 reasons for this - either complete stupidity about managing public relations, or an arrogant FU it's nobody's business, including our loyal fan base.

Speaking of unforced errors, I wonder if the team will show up this year for their scheduled pre-tournament practice session?


Quote from: VULB#62 on February 26, 2019, 10:34:28 PMWhy the hell wasn't the fan base/public told of this?  Don't give me the arguement that it has to do with the requirement to keep individual's health records private. A general statement about this does not violate that — note:  I have made a living in that business environment.

Why are people so surprised. This information has been out there,  just not blared loudly or e-mailed to each and every fan personally. When he transferred from Nebraska his profile noted his problems. At the beginning of the year it was said he had additional surgery done to his ankle during the off season. There was even a twitter photo of him using a skate board crutch. If you missed the news about it, it is not the fault of the administration or coaches that you were not informed.

Granted there was not a lot of detail, but that is the privacy part and there is no reason to keep saying something every week just to make sure everyone knows something that is somewhat personal. I know I miss some things but I don't blame other people for not making sure I know about it.


Quote from: VUBBFan on February 26, 2019, 11:19:04 PM
Quote from: VULB#62 on February 26, 2019, 10:34:28 PMWhy the hell wasn't the fan base/public told of this?  Don't give me the arguement that it has to do with the requirement to keep individual's health records private. A general statement about this does not violate that — note:  I have made a living in that business environment.

Why are people so surprised. This information has been out there,  just not blared loudly or e-mailed to each and every fan personally. When he transferred from Nebraska his profile noted his problems. At the beginning of the year it was said he had additional surgery done to his ankle during the off season. There was even a twitter photo of him using a skate board crutch. If you missed the news about it, it is not the fault of the administration or coaches that you were not informed.

Granted there was not a lot of detail, but that is the privacy part and there is no reason to keep saying something every week just to make sure everyone knows something that is somewhat personal. I know I miss some things but I don't blame other people for not making sure I know about it.

This is athletic department spin and not even close to reality; otherwise, this article wouldn't be so newsworthy, which it is. You can do better.


Quote from: wh on February 26, 2019, 11:45:14 PM
Quote from: VUBBFan on February 26, 2019, 11:19:04 PM
Quote from: VULB#62 on February 26, 2019, 10:34:28 PMWhy the hell wasn't the fan base/public told of this?  Don't give me the arguement that it has to do with the requirement to keep individual's health records private. A general statement about this does not violate that — note:  I have made a living in that business environment.

Why are people so surprised. This information has been out there,  just not blared loudly or e-mailed to each and every fan personally. When he transferred from Nebraska his profile noted his problems. At the beginning of the year it was said he had additional surgery done to his ankle during the off season. There was even a twitter photo of him using a skate board crutch. If you missed the news about it, it is not the fault of the administration or coaches that you were not informed.

Granted there was not a lot of detail, but that is the privacy part and there is no reason to keep saying something every week just to make sure everyone knows something that is somewhat personal. I know I miss some things but I don't blame other people for not making sure I know about it.

This is athletic department spin and not even close to reality; otherwise, this article wouldn't be so newsworthy, which it is. You can do better.

Irregardless of his ailing ankle, I saw enough of him last year to be glad that we develop other G.  He takes early shot clock deep three's and doesn't box out or rebound.  He has played basketball for most of his life and doesn't have fundamentals just flash....


Nothing worse than the injury bug hurting a promising career.  I feel bad that I have been mean at times but do not feel bad that I am mad at him for wanting the ball in the final minute.   Sometimes you just have to accept you have lost a step and you need to let the next guy up handle end of game situations. 


Whenever you see a big year to year drop in performance (any sport) there is usually a medical explanation. Pure head case declines are the exception and not the rule. With that said I knew from this board that he had an off season foot surgery. I also knew he was playing like crap. What I didn't know and am still speculating about is the exact correlation between the two.

Are we now unanimously against Bakari having the ball at the end of halves, games and shot clocks?  :whiteflag:


I am a nurse and can assure you that HIPPA laws are no joke. It's absolutely none of your business as a fan what the medical history is for this young man.


Valpo goes into the evening as 4.5 pt. underdog. The game played against Bradley at the ARC was when Fazekas injured his ankle early but the Crusaders managed to win by 11 points. It would be nice to come full circle and Fazekas have his first big game since coming back. Also, in the first meeting our two bigs combined for only 4 rebounds. Fortunately, Golder had 8 rebounds. Will need more presence on the boards by Smits and Sorolla tonight, plus would be a bonus if Golder is fully healthy.


We will start slowly offensively, but defensively the teams will slug it out.  Valpo will be down 5 with 40 secs left in 1st half 25-20, at which point Bakari will miss a wild 3 and end the half.  2d half, more defensive intensity, but we fall back to 32-23 with 11 mins left.  We make a flourish cutting the lead to 35-33 with 8:23 left.  Valpo gets 3 chances to tie or go ahead and rushes 2 breaks and misses FTs, and then an ill advised 3 leaves it 35-33 with 630 to go.  Bradley opens the lead to 7 44-37.  Valpo presses with 2 mins to go, cuts lead to 48-44 but can't quite get the turnovers, commits a few fouls and loses 56-51.  Valiant, gritty effort on the road, but our lack of shooting talent does us in again. 
"Christmas is for presents, March is for Championships." Denny Crum


Quote from: Valpofan15 on February 27, 2019, 08:56:29 AM
I am a nurse and can assure you that HIPPA laws are no joke. It's absolutely none of your business as a fan what the medical history is for this young man.

Quite right, HIPAA is no joke, but it's also not universally applicable.

The question is whether the university is considered a covered entity under HIPAA. There's an argument to be made that they might qualify as a provider, and thus a covered entity, if treatment provided by the training staff qualifies as medical care, and the staff are employees of the university or qualify as business associates. On the other hand, the university has the option to be a hybrid entity, with some components functioning as a covered entity (training staff, student health clinic, etc) while the rest of the university remains outside the bounds of HIPAA.

Of course, if Bakari (or any player of the age of majority) gives his permission for information to be released, it can be released - the whole point of HIPAA is to put the patient in charge of his own information. Maybe he kept it quiet because he didn't want other teams trying to cross him over all the time on a bad ankle, who knows.

I would definitely challenge your assertion that a player's medical history is 'absolutely none of [our] business'. I'd say a player's privacy interest in his medical information takes precedence over a fan's curiosity, but the business of sport rests on a foundation built out of sports fans. Some aspects of player health are directly relevant to our interests, though maybe not complete or detailed health histories.


Quote from: PlumStreetBum on February 27, 2019, 02:48:06 PM
Quote from: Valpofan15 on February 27, 2019, 08:56:29 AM
I am a nurse and can assure you that HIPPA laws are no joke. It's absolutely none of your business as a fan what the medical history is for this young man.

Quite right, HIPAA is no joke, but it's also not universally applicable.

The question is whether the university is considered a covered entity under HIPAA. There's an argument to be made that they might qualify as a provider, and thus a covered entity, if treatment provided by the training staff qualifies as medical care, and the staff are employees of the university or qualify as business associates. On the other hand, the university has the option to be a hybrid entity, with some components functioning as a covered entity (training staff, student health clinic, etc) while the rest of the university remains outside the bounds of HIPAA.

Of course, if Bakari (or any player of the age of majority) gives his permission for information to be released, it can be released - the whole point of HIPAA is to put the patient in charge of his own information. Maybe he kept it quiet because he didn't want other teams trying to cross him over all the time on a bad ankle, who knows.

I would definitely challenge your assertion that a player's medical history is 'absolutely none of [our] business'. I'd say a player's privacy interest in his medical information takes precedence over a fan's curiosity, but the business of sport rests on a foundation built out of sports fans. Some aspects of player health are directly relevant to our interests, though maybe not complete or detailed health histories.

Precisely. HIPAA is all about patient privacy and control. That's why you sign a HIPAA form when you go into a doctor's office in which you specify how your health information is to be handled. The point here is that, with Bakari's permission, it is totally ok to release a high level summary or statement that would help people/fans understand circumstances.


For us to win this game we're going to need some guys to step up on the offensive side of the ball tonight. We need to take care of the ball because Bradley will capitalize on our mistakes. I'm actually expecting a strong defensive effort tonight but I don't know how many points we'll score. We're not a great outside shooting team but maybe we have a flukey hot shooting night and it spaces the floor for the bigs and opens driving lanes for Javon and Sackey.


Fazekas is out with injury again tonight.  >:(


So Ryan's the gipper.  We won without him the first time against Bradley, and our defense was more intense before he returned.

Go, Valpo.
Beamin' Beacons


Evidently it's his thumb this time.  We'll likely finish the year without him.
Beamin' Beacons


One thing after another with this poor kid. He can't catch a break.


Screw it. Let's tank for the top draft pick.


Quote from: humbleopinion on February 27, 2019, 06:25:38 PM
Evidently it's his thumb this time.  We'll likely finish the year without him.

Maybe he can get the ankle repaired and get 1/2 off on the thumb work? Or try to get a package deal on foot work for Ryan, Bakari and Markus?    :'(


Well Gents, it's been many years since we've had a conference game mean so much this late in the season, and the first in the Lottich era.

Let's see what they got.


 Golder to the locker room again. It really seems that we're snake bit.
My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show


How do we not have better inbounds plays? This is high school stuff.


I think Jay must have set a record for shots missed from one foot this season.


A reflection on this team and it's offensive scheme: We're down 8 points in the first half and I honestly don't know how we come back and win.


Nothing like having a HIPAA debate (and possible student record debate) on a fan board.  When I saw the reference to "covered entity", I broke out into hives.

Let's stick to breaking down half court offenses.   :)