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MBB 2019-2020

Started by VULB#62, March 12, 2019, 10:03:13 PM

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Quote from: EddieCabot on August 04, 2019, 10:27:47 AM
Quote from: valpotx on August 04, 2019, 12:39:35 AM
He even mentioned a large banner mentioning 'Team,' so this is definitely a sign of how he views a few of those that transferred.  I like it, as I noticed that selfishness often in games, based on how a few of our players reacted in various scenarios.

Looking from the outside, I sometimes question whether something as simple as a banner can help change a team's attitude.  It's nice to get input from a former DI athlete like TX that things like this can be meaningful.  I certainly hope so!

Though I know that around 95% of your posts are sarcasm aimed at Valpo fans, and that this is likely one of them, a banner is just a start.  If he consistently emphasizes this point in practice, and he has a few key supporters within the team, it can be infectious. 
"Don't mess with Texas"


Quote from: valpotx on August 04, 2019, 11:59:41 AM
Quote from: EddieCabot on August 04, 2019, 10:27:47 AM
Quote from: valpotx on August 04, 2019, 12:39:35 AM
He even mentioned a large banner mentioning 'Team,' so this is definitely a sign of how he views a few of those that transferred.  I like it, as I noticed that selfishness often in games, based on how a few of our players reacted in various scenarios.

Looking from the outside, I sometimes question whether something as simple as a banner can help change a team's attitude.  It's nice to get input from a former DI athlete like TX that things like this can be meaningful.  I certainly hope so!

Though I know that around 95% of your posts are sarcasm aimed at Valpo fans, and that this is likely one of them, a banner is just a start.  If he consistently emphasizes this point in practice, and he has a few key supporters within the team, it can be infectious.

I was really just curious how a coach goes about changing the culture of a team in need of a change.  If a banner serves as a daily reminder (ND's "Play Like a Champion" sign, for example) of something important to the team, I'm sure that's helpful.  I also think a key to fixing a problem is acknowledging that you have a problem.  For that reason, I was happy to see ML calling out the team's play as "selfish" last season and emphasizing improved teamwork would be needed to right the ship.  From what I've read/heard, sounds like the team is buying in.


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on August 04, 2019, 11:26:27 AM
Quote from: VU2014 on August 03, 2019, 03:18:40 PMOne thing I've noticed is that some of the guys who transferred take exception to the "selfish" or "me" mentality that Coach Lottich mentioned in the past, which is interesting. Nobody wants to be labeled as selfish but is the truth somewhere in the middle?
I think the problem lies in the choice of words. Smits Bakari and Golder were not selfish people they just played selfishly and that showed on the court. I doubt Lottich thinks that these people are all about themselves on a personal level but on the court it was fairly obvious for significant stretches throughout the year. One thing's for sure Lottich sure looks happy coming in to work these days, I just hope it translates into results that make the fans happy to come to games because all this losing in conference is getting tough to stomach.
Quote from: VUGrad1314 on August 04, 2019, 11:26:27 AMI think the problem lies in the choice of words. Smits Bakari and Golder were not selfish people they just played selfishly and that showed on the court. I doubt Lottich thinks that these people are all about themselves on a personal level but on the court it was fairly obvious for significant stretches throughout the year. One thing's for sure Lottich sure looks happy coming in to work these days, I just hope it translates into results that make the fans happy to come to games because all this losing in conference is getting tough to stomach.

I agree. I don't think that trio of players thought themselves as selfish but their actions at times did. The most glaring were the whining to the refs for every perceived wrong call/non-call on them and the pouting that put them out of position for the next play. At times they would try to do too much by themselves, not really being selfish, but not trusting or working together with their team mates.

To play with emotion is good as long as it doesn't interfere with your performance. Too many times I saw an emotional response cause a breakdown in TEAM unison in the next play or possession. So what I think I'm saying is they were not totally selfish, but did not put the team concept first when they were playing.

A new environment or atmosphere may work out better for them and to that I wish them well. I hope they find success with their new team.


Quote from: EddieCabot on August 04, 2019, 12:46:24 PM
I was really just curious how a coach goes about changing the culture of a team in need of a change.  If a banner serves as a daily reminder (ND's "Play Like a Champion" sign, for example) of something important to the team, I'm sure that's helpful.  I also think a key to fixing a problem is acknowledging that you have a problem.  For that reason, I was happy to see ML calling out the team's play as "selfish" last season and emphasizing improved teamwork would be needed to right the ship.  From what I've read/heard, sounds like the team is buying in.

In the highly regarded management leadership book, "Good to Great," author and leadership guru Jim Collins uses a metaphor comparing a business to a bus and the leader as a bus driver. He emphasizes that it is crucial to continuously ask "First Who, Then What?"

You are a bus driver. The bus, your company, is at a standstill, and it's your job to get it going. You have to decide where you're going, how you're going to get there, and who's going with you.  Most people assume that great bus drivers (read: business leaders) immediately start the journey by announcing to the people on the bus where they're going—by setting a new direction or by articulating a fresh corporate vision.  In fact, leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with "where" but with "who." They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats. And they stick with that discipline—first the people, then the direction—no matter how dire the circumstances.

Without this indispensable first step, all other steps are useless. Matt has started down the right path, in fact the only path that leads to greatness.   


Quote from: wh on August 04, 2019, 03:54:18 PM
Quote from: EddieCabot on August 04, 2019, 12:46:24 PM
I was really just curious how a coach goes about changing the culture of a team in need of a change.  If a banner serves as a daily reminder (ND's "Play Like a Champion" sign, for example) of something important to the team, I'm sure that's helpful.  I also think a key to fixing a problem is acknowledging that you have a problem.  For that reason, I was happy to see ML calling out the team's play as "selfish" last season and emphasizing improved teamwork would be needed to right the ship.  From what I've read/heard, sounds like the team is buying in.

In the highly regarded management leadership book, "Good to Great," author and leadership guru Jim Collins uses a metaphor comparing a business to a bus and the leader as a bus driver. He emphasizes that it is crucial to continuously ask "First Who, Then What?"

You are a bus driver. The bus, your company, is at a standstill, and it's your job to get it going. You have to decide where you're going, how you're going to get there, and who's going with you.  Most people assume that great bus drivers (read: business leaders) immediately start the journey by announcing to the people on the bus where they're going—by setting a new direction or by articulating a fresh corporate vision.  In fact, leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with "where" but with "who." They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats. And they stick with that discipline—first the people, then the direction—no matter how dire the circumstances.

Without this indispensable first step, all other steps are useless. Matt has started down the right path, in fact the only path that leads to greatness.   

Appropriate analogy, thanks for sharing.  Having the right coaches and players in place in a team sport is paramount.  Hard to execute a plan with the wrong pieces. 

I'd imagine this is the growing pain a new HC experiences on the job...just hope the poor execution out the gate is fully recoverable. 

Seems to me that even the Drew family would have had a heck of a time winning in this transfer centric market as a low major to mid major HC.  Not really sure where things go from here.  Maybe a team culture of stability with 2* recruits is the future for us.  Add in 1 or 2 dissatisfied P5 transfers and it might just be a recipe to compete in this new setup.

That being said, the aforementioned dissatisfied P5 transfers of today were probably equivalent to untapped European bigs (1995 to 2005) that we had before.  Only difference is how do we discern who the team player transfers are -vs-the selfish transfers?  It's hard to make a good read in the transfer market knowing it's essentially only 2 months long (April and June).  I think many top transfers are gobbled up by July/Aug.


The book by Jim Collins and your analogy was awesome. Thanks for sharing this!

Just Sayin

Would love to see Matt be a successful coach. I'm skeptical given what I've seen. Time will tell.




This would really be a shame and set back to our schedule if true.


Why would you put out that marketing when the game could get bought out?  Geez this department can't get out of its own way sometimes.


Was excited about a good home schedule, Now worried at this late state we are going to be challenged to find any quality D1 schools.  Hope we don't settle for non D1's just to fill up dates.



How far we have fallen as a program. At least the AC or PA system or lighting for the ARC should be pretty much paid for from these buyouts so at least there's that... Assuming we actually do the right thing with the money and invest in the program which unfortunately is a big ask in itself...

may know

George Washington was worse than we were.


What is George Washington doing buying out a contract?  They're a mid major nobody in the grand scheme of Division-I basketball. 


GW replaces a road game at Valpo for a home game against Delaware who has a similar record last year of 17-16 finishing with a worse NET of 240!
FRUSTRATING to hear as a fan!!!
Curious to know the buy out $$$
And yes this worries me about our schedule.
Only 1 known home game Toledo
@High Point
3 neutral games starting with GCU.
With 7 big unknowns left!!!!
Shine on Vu


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on August 07, 2019, 04:46:46 PM
How far we have fallen as a program. At least the AC or PA system or lighting for the ARC should be pretty much paid for from these buyouts so at least there's that... Assuming we actually do the right thing with the money and invest in the program which unfortunately is a big ask in itself...

And don't forget about the checks from Loyola's F4 run that will be rolling in for a few more years.  Program should be on solid financial footing.


Unless the buyout was around the same amount it would take to fly the team from D.C. to Valpo, it makes zero sense that GW buys out of the contracted game.

Nonetheless I'm tired of having a crap non-conference home schedule year after year.  When I was a student we had Huggin's Bearcats from Cincinnati and several others.  I know times are different, but other schools are able to do it. 

Tired of the excuses. 

The coolest thing about being the 1 seed in the NIT and winning, was having teams like Florida St. at the ARC.  Great atmosphere. 

Be aware, we are further away from those times than we think......


Quote from: VUBBFan on August 07, 2019, 04:30:55 PM
Was excited about a good home schedule, Now worried at this late state we are going to be challenged to find any quality D1 schools.  Hope we don't settle for non D1's just to fill up dates.


This would worry me more if we didn't have an awesome conference schedule to play and in a year with only moderate expectations.

I'd like to see us take a road game with a solid program and give away this year because of the late nature of things and pickup a 1 for 2 against someone like Marquette, Houston or Davidson.  I'm thinking I'd rather have less home games this year than take on a non D1.  Is that even feasible?  I don't think one less home game would make ppl leave in droves from the season tickets, no?


Quote from: oklahomamick on August 07, 2019, 06:03:42 PM
Unless the buyout was around the same amount it would take to fly the team from D.C. to Valpo, it makes zero sense that GW buys out of the contracted game.

Nonetheless I'm tired of having a crap non-conference home schedule year after year.  When I was a student we had Huggin's Bearcats from Cincinnati and several others.  I know times are different, but other schools are able to do it. 

Tired of the excuses. 

The coolest thing about being the 1 seed in the NIT and winning, was having teams like Florida St. at the ARC.  Great atmosphere. 

Be aware, we are further away from those times than we think......

With as much trouble as we have had scheduling home games against decent competition I think it's the A.D.'s requirement to give a little in order to get a decent home game (D1). So I don't doubt the buy out for that game was not huge.  I'd say it was a risk worth taking at a certain point.  I'm not torn up...


Quote from: EddieCabot on August 07, 2019, 05:52:51 PM
Quote from: VUGrad1314 on August 07, 2019, 04:46:46 PM
How far we have fallen as a program. At least the AC or PA system or lighting for the ARC should be pretty much paid for from these buyouts so at least there's that... Assuming we actually do the right thing with the money and invest in the program which unfortunately is a big ask in itself...

And don't forget about the checks from Loyola's F4 run that will be rolling in for a few more years.  Program should be on solid financial footing.

If the conference divided up the payout is divided among the schools without the MVC offices claiming a share, that's $140k per year per team.  It's certainly better than the alternative, but it's not putting the program in a great spot on its own.


As I have said in other posts, the two strongest factors (by far!) in getting students (and other fans) to attend games and generate excitement is the quality of the team and the quality of opponents. There is an academic study, completed at a similar midwestern school, that supports this. Anything and everything else is far less important. You can complain about parking, or the PA or whatever...and if those issues had been resolved, there would be very little or no positive impact.

If the home non-conference schedule is Toledo, one other low D1 and a few non D1s (which is my fear), there will be absolutely no interest or excitement for this team when the conference schedule starts (unless, of course, the team is undefeated and has pulled off one or two marquee road or neutral wins). And a poor schedule is the result of people in the athletic department / basketball program not doing that part of their job effectively.


Where did Langston Stallings go?  I know he was a walk-on but I don't see him listed on the newly updated Roster list.



Lol even the walk-on transferred? Or opted not to play? Wow. That's telling. Super nice kid, too. He's on a full ride anyhow. So good for him to be able to make a decision where he's not obligated for the scholarship.


Quote from: GoldenCrusader87 on August 07, 2019, 09:11:37 PM
Lol even the walk-on transferred? Or opted not to play? Wow. That's telling. Super nice kid, too. He's on a full ride anyhow. So good for him to be able to make a decision where he's not obligated for the scholarship.

You all are exhausting. 
