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2019 Football Schedule

Started by valpofb16, March 15, 2019, 03:00:30 PM

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Valpo needs a  big cash out game against a Power 5 team, similar to what Drake did against Iowa State.


Current body bag games with some level of survival and the very faint chance  of looking somewhat good (like our Montana result) versus placing our kids on a sacrificial altar to a great, mystical and all powerful  P5 FBS opponent is IMO a no brainer I think we should take the lesser payout and reduce the risk of permanent maimimg of our players.

Seriously, Drake is a solid program and has been for quite some time. They played one helluva game against ISU. But that was an incredible aberration.

No. Let's stick to FCS programs who still pay us to play. It is not as big a pay day, but our hospital bills are not as high and we are left with a position of being in better shape going into the rest of our schedule   ;D


The Iowa State game vs. Drake was an odd circumstance game in the first place.


What if you make a body bag game less of a body bag game by scrimmaging Notre Dame/Purdue/Northwestern? 


Is there any evidence these games actually result in more injuries?



Quote from: VUOR63 on May 14, 2019, 03:15:24 PM
What if you make a body bag game less of a body bag game by scrimmaging Notre Dame/Purdue/Northwestern?

I believe DI football programs are not allowed to hold preseason scrimmages against other teams, only intra-squad scrimmages.


Quote from: 78crusader on May 14, 2019, 06:19:31 PM
Is there any evidence these games actually result in more injuries?


There might be, IDK,  but if you just follow the last 9 years of our playing top of the line FCS programs, I can recall losing a number of QBs to injury during some of those games. And even against Sacred Heart, a not fully scholarshipped program at the time, we lost two in one game, I think. I guess the same could happen against Little Sisters of the Poor, but anecdotally, it just seems concussions increase too.


I just brought the idea on the table - it sounds like Valpo is strapped for funds for athletics.


That's how Savannah State (FCS scholarship) funds its program — 1 or 2 FBS games annually. Hey pull in  around $1.0 - $1.5 million that way.  Does it help them?  Nope. Their conference record remains terrible.


True 62 - but they do rake in big dollars.


Yes they do. They have to have the $$$$ to offset their fb scholarships. That's at least one thing we don't have as an expense.


Quote from: VULB#62 on May 14, 2019, 07:12:37 PM
Quote from: 78crusader on May 14, 2019, 06:19:31 PMIs there any evidence these games actually result in more injuries? Paul
There might be, IDK,  but if you just follow the last 9 years of our playing top of the line FCS programs, I can recall losing a number of QBs to injury during some of those games. And even against Sacred Heart, a not fully scholarshipped program at the time, we lost two in one game, I think. I guess the same could happen against Little Sisters of the Poor, but anecdotally, it just seems concussions increase too.
Sacred Heart two years in a row. A clear attempt to injure by the same player on the same player.


Football has 110 kids on the team

Let's say on average each kid pays 30k per year

That's 3.3 million dollars. That's 3.3 million dollars that is going to the school that otherwise probably would not.

Either this money is just being tossed into the chapel or were helping pay for some lesser sport accommodations


16 - you justified a primary reason why Valpo needs football.


It is also a rationale for unscholarshipped T&F (quite a few numbers here) and perhaps swimming. I also remember talking with Mike Avery about MSO several years ago and he mentioned that the administration encouraged a large roster (and supported a reserve team until just a few years ago) to help with enrollment.


For what it's worth ive heard money is tight across the board at Valpo.

Maybe enforcing three years of on campus living or increasing tuition to 55k!!!!!! Right up there with the Note Dames of the world

The ROI for degree and experience has definitely degraded at the University and it is quite disheartening

I think there are people up top who are cutting themselves quite egregious checks.


I really hate to say this, but could possible generous financial aid support be a cause of this? I don't think the higher ups are being ridiculasly paid.
I also think the new tax code is not helping matters either.


It's a combination of in general schools needing to offer more financial aid in general and just a decreasing population of students. There is a sweet spot that all universities have to fluctuate in finding that combines new enrollment, financial aide, and retention. It's easier when people are flocking to college. It's harder when they aren't.

Belt tightening is happening all across higher ed with smaller schools being hit harder than others and schools in the Midwest and east being hit the hardest. From what I understand the desire is not to take the law school route of increasing admissions at the cost of student ability and instead taking a targeted approach to find students who are strong fits with low retention risks. So smaller enrollment classes to start with less loss as you move forward to create a more stable financial dynamic. I believe the other issue is the increase in commuter students as many students view room and board as an unnecessary cost means that the university is getting less money per student even without factoring in discount rates.


Greetings from Richmond,  KY. I heard EKU was being discussed and figured I would jump in.

Expectations are high this year. After that last match vs us EKU fell to the bottom of the fcs. We fired our coach and the new guy completely rebuilt the program. This is supposed to be his breakout year. We just missed the playoffs last season.

We are nationally ranked by 2 different FCS polls (24th by Hero and 25th by Lindy). We believe we can compete with JSU to win the ovc.

We will be led by Aaron Patrick on the d line. He was voted 2nd team all American by Hero in the preseason.

Quarterback will be a heated competition. Last year QB position was always injured but next guy seemed to fill in nicely. Could be one of 4 guys. Coach Elder will probably use platoon QBs in this game.

Running back will be Mcclesky and Booth. McClesky is smaller but has speed Booth is 6'1 239lbs tank.

This team will also be playing emotionally as once wife receiver is in the hospital fighting for his life after being shot on Sunday. 

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Quote from: Colonels12 on June 26, 2019, 02:15:48 PM
Greetings from Richmond,  KY. I heard EKU was being discussed and figured I would jump in.

Expectations are high this year. After that last match vs us EKU fell to the bottom of the fcs. We fired our coach and the new guy completely rebuilt the program. This is supposed to be his breakout year. We just missed the playoffs last season.

We are nationally ranked by 2 different FCS polls (24th by Hero and 25th by Lindy). We believe we can compete with JSU to win the ovc.

We will be led by Aaron Patrick on the d line. He was voted 2nd team all American by Hero in the preseason.

Quarterback will be a heated competition. Last year QB position was always injured but next guy seemed to fill in nicely. Could be one of 4 guys. Coach Elder will probably use platoon QBs in this game.

Running back will be Mcclesky and Booth. McClesky is smaller but has speed Booth is 6'1 239lbs tank.

This team will also be playing emotionally as once wife receiver is in the hospital fighting for his life after being shot on Sunday. 

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Hey Colonels12, good to have you back (at least I think I recall your contributions when we last played EKU).  Glad to hear you guys are back in the scrum for the FCS playoff. It's gonna be an interesting game. Seems like you have a lot of key positions nailed down. VU, on the other hand, will come into EKU as a complete surprise package.  Even us loyal fans have little idea what our new staff will put on the field this season in terms of O, D and ST as well as the personnel that see the lions share of playing time (and in what positions they play). Good luck game planning against us  ;D


Quote from: VULB#62 on June 26, 2019, 09:31:52 PM
Quote from: Colonels12 on June 26, 2019, 02:15:48 PM
Greetings from Richmond,  KY. I heard EKU was being discussed and figured I would jump in.

Expectations are high this year. After that last match vs us EKU fell to the bottom of the fcs. We fired our coach and the new guy completely rebuilt the program. This is supposed to be his breakout year. We just missed the playoffs last season.

We are nationally ranked by 2 different FCS polls (24th by Hero and 25th by Lindy). We believe we can compete with JSU to win the ovc.

We will be led by Aaron Patrick on the d line. He was voted 2nd team all American by Hero in the preseason.

Quarterback will be a heated competition. Last year QB position was always injured but next guy seemed to fill in nicely. Could be one of 4 guys. Coach Elder will probably use platoon QBs in this game.

Running back will be Mcclesky and Booth. McClesky is smaller but has speed Booth is 6'1 239lbs tank.

This team will also be playing emotionally as once wife receiver is in the hospital fighting for his life after being shot on Sunday. 

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Hey Colonels12, good to have you back (at least I think I recall your contributions when we last played EKU).  Glad to hear you guys are back in the scrum for the FCS playoff. It's gonna be an interesting game. Seems like you have a lot of key positions nailed down. VU, on the other hand, will come into EKU as a complete surprise package.  Even us loyal fans have little idea what our new staff will put on the field this season in terms of O, D and ST as well as the personnel that see the lions share of playing time (and in what positions they play). Good luck game planning against us  ;D
Yes I came here before the last match. Our biggest question mark is wr. That may be our weak link unless someone can rise up and surprise me.

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Quote from: bbtds on June 26, 2019, 10:58:50 PM
Thanks for the info.

Here is a story on the EKU wide receiver in the hospital fighting for his life.


Hope he fully recovers with no lasting after affects and can resume his football career as well


Sunday's are bad days for EKU football. Few years ago,  6 days before playing UK, a player was killed in a car crash. I've never seen EKU play with such passion and heart as they did in Lexington the next Saturday.

They should of beaten Kentucky that day.  They certainly outplayed them

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Update for all, 40ish players on campus for spring final roster should be right around 103, after camp expect 95

As for the EKU opener here's what we don't know

QB: Seewald was not healthy in spring 0 reps under new OC, Duncan or Nimz likely start here

RB: top 2 rbs were injured for year and out for spring, so who knows

WR: Graduated 3 of top 4

TE: graduated a 4 year 44 game starter

OL: graduated 3/5 , lost a projected starter during spring

DL: graduated 2/4 , new scheme

LB: Messler, Skareky, Turner should be really good here

CRU: Same here with Petrie

DB: lost JDM, bring back Booker, Leandre healthy