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Javon Freeman is transferring...(Bakari as well)

Started by AlecPeters101, March 19, 2019, 02:27:08 PM

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Just got word from twitter that Javon is transferring. Wow, not gonna lie my heart sank when I read that. What a huge blow. Don't even know what to say...loss for words

Apparently Bakari is leaving too. Wow, don't get me wrong he underperformed BUT WHAT IS GOING ON!!!?? LOTTICH NEEDS THE BOOT! Where is Trump when you need him!? ;)


Wow. Just wow.

Lottich crashed and burned this program in three years.

Not only does he leave, but this destroys your recruiting. Any top prospect will look at this and choose to go elsewhere.


This is devastating. The thing I find interesting is both Smits and Freeman essentially said that they felt they could not reach their full potential with Valpo and wanted to move on. It hurts even more as next year was setting up (at least talent-wise) to be our most successful year in the Valley.

If the fact that arguably our two best players are leaving now, doesn't scream that this coach is not able to take this program to the next level, I don't know what does.

I've given Lottich I feel as much of a chance as anyone, but his time as the Valpo coach needs to come to an end now!


MLB is fully justified in firing Lottich today. These transfers clearly mean next year will not be the year it could/should have been.

At that point Lottich would be fired anyway, so let's rip off the band aid and get it started.

The success of Drake and MOST this year show us how quick a turnaround can happen.

It's time for Mark to pop his fire-for-underperforming cherry.


He was a Dildy recruit. It was up to this staff to retain Freeman after Emmanuel left for Northwestern. I think he was given ample floor time, etc. I guess I go back to his mom's tweet from a few weeks / month ago where she basically put Lottich on blast being a precursor to this announcement. BIG TIME loss for the program but the cupboard isn't bare.


Fire Lottich Immediately. It's one thing to lose the grad transfers but losing Javon shows you what the team thinks of him and his leadership. He has to go for the good of the program.


Those of you who were still thinking that Matt needs another year.... I'm sorry. But, no. I said no before this disaster. And, I especially mean it now. It's time. It's time for a change. Anyone who disagrees - idk what you're talking about. Smits was one thing. Now, you lose your best player? Who's next?


"How to kill a program in two years" By Matt Lottich In stores now! Get your copy today!


I really wish those of us who expressed our concerns could've been proven wrong. But, at this point - it's worse than the doomsday predictors thought possible. Scary thing is ... I think it's only begun. More to come...?


How many players have to leave before ML is fired? One more? Two more?

This dude destroyed our program. Time to run him out on a rail.
I believe that we will win.


All those who believed in the Lottich disaster should be banned from posting for a month.  Or at least restricted.  Can't believe some of you were buying the garbage he was selling. 


Smits and Evelyn you could forgive as they are Grad transfers, Smits looking for greener pastures and Evelyn more of a potential numbers and potential PT thing next year BUT you're key recruit in the short time you've been here lasting only one year? And again, he saw a LOT of floor time so playing time was not the issue. Obviously through his commentary via twitter on his rationale it ran deeper than PT. Therein lies the rub and why I cannot blame anyone for having their doubts about ML. I like the guy from a personality aspect but this is D1 basketball and you know the saying about nice guys.


I feel numb right now. I need to take some time to process this.


Are we going to even have a team next year? What's the minimum roster requirement? John Kiser might have to start at all 5 positions he might be the only one left.


Quote from: oklahomamick on March 19, 2019, 04:00:57 PMAll those who believed in the Lottich disaster should be banned from posting for a month.

:-X  mmmmmh.       :-X awghmnn  :-X    rrrghmmm   


Trust the process. I really like where this program is headed. We need more guys with a team mentality - not a ME mentality.

Honestly, though - you settle for less than mediocrity and this is what you get. This is our investment into the program. Not even the brown unis can make up for this train wreck.

First it was the mascot rumored to change.

Then the ARC renovations ...

And, now ... will we have a team? Open Gyms may take on a whole new meaning lol. Come one. Come all. We've got scholarships to hand out!


I've gone back and read the message board seeking those who thought Matt was the right guy but needed time.  Those people have lost all credibility.

Don't be an enabler.  Enough damage already.


I'm not going to lie this is a Top 3 worst day in my time of being a Valpo fan. This one really hurts.  :(


I thought the day we lost the large inflatable Crusader was a bad day....


Maybe Matt will be the high-character guy we know him to be. Maybe he steps down. He's a smart guy. Degree from Stanford. Made good money overseas more than likely. And made good money (you'd have to figure) while coaching at Valpo.

Step down. Be a man. Own up. It's not your time. Some day, you may very well look back at this and learn so much from it if you step away. Go learn under someone with some experience.

It's ok. He was set-up to do something 99% couldn't up and do as a first year coach. Literally - the guy hadn't ever been a head coach before.

He's what - like maybe 35? So young. Whole life ahead of him. Go back to Stanford. Maybe take the program over some day when Jerod Haase leaves. He's only a 500 win % head coach there.

Most coaches in their low 30's are coaching high school ball. Or maybe NAIA or DII or DIII.

You've already proven to be an exception to the norm. Or go to New Trier and coach. Get a consulting job or something. Make the same amount of money and be with your family.

It's a win-win for everyone involved. Need to hit the restart button.

We lost our best player. Our future. It doesn't matter anymore. Let the other cards fall as they may. And don't hire from within. Run a national search.


I can't say I was a defender of ML, but I know what a coach is supposed to do.  Leave the dribbling, the passing, and the shooting to the players.  When they fail, as our players did so many times this year, it's on them.  But, the coach has a couple of primary responsibilities, things the players can't do, like recruiting, nurturing and developing players, and making sure the players see a direction and future with the program.  Obviously, we have a problem.  Javon was the future of this team.  If he didn't see that future, or thought that his talents wouldn't develop, or that the team was headed nowhere, that's on the coach.  As a Valpo fan, I'm sad, especially for Javon's transfer.  But, as a basketball fan, I'm excited for him and hope to see him develop into a better, even more exciting player.


If there isn't a coaching change announced by this weekend, nobody should renew their season tickets. It's long past time for Valpo fans to put the pressure on the university to commit and invest in this program, or we will no longer continue to do so.

Then, go out and actually conduct a national coaching search. Despite our current sorry state, there are tons of experienced D1 head coaches and P5 assistants who would still leap at the chance to take over a program in the Valley with a long history of success as a program. No religious litmus tests, no garbage about "institutional fit," go hire the best available *coach*. And then give him the resources to succeed, and that includes announcing a plan for facilities improvements.

Lottich had one job to do once it became clear this season was going nowhere -- keep the talent in the program so we have a fighting chance at being an experienced and deep team next year. He failed at that, too. The most promising freshman we've had since Peters took a look at the program and said "nah." Along with two seniors. That's an across-the-board rejection of his leadership of the program and system.


For what it's worth....   in Javon' s statement he alluded too it was not until the last part of the year when he started to think about transferring. 

I said at the start of the conference year I thought 11-7 in the MVC would limit transfers as we needed to see that progress to keep confidence.   I think that may have been enough to keep JFL.   We were never the same after the home games against Drake and Missouri State.   We lost JFL after we failed to recover from that weekend.


Hope nothing but the best for Javon.  He played hard and always represented the university well.  Can't wait to see what the future brings him and most likely it will be better then VU/Lottich can offer him. 


This sucks. Be curious to see how high he goes. Trying to be positive, the only good thing is that JFL and Sackey were too small to play together...guess we wont have to worry about that problem anymore.