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Should Lottich keep his job?

Started by NativeCheesehead, March 19, 2019, 03:45:07 PM

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My daughter pointed out that today's gospel reading seems to fit this thread:

6 Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. 7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?'

8 "'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.'"
Beamin' Beacons


Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 22, 2019, 07:31:02 AM
Anyone else get sick to their stomach reading that glowing bio of Maravilla in The Times?

Ironically it was written by one Paul Oren. Quite the 180.


Spoiler Alert:

The fig tree still didn't bear fruit so the man cut it down AND fired the man who planted it.


10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity." 13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.

It sounds like we could have 18 years before we find our next successful coach.


Quote from: VU2014 on March 24, 2019, 01:38:07 PM
Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 22, 2019, 07:31:02 AM
Anyone else get sick to their stomach reading that glowing bio of Maravilla in The Times?

Ironically it was written by one Paul Oren. Quite the 180.

Story gets assigned, story gets written. Paycheck gets cashed.


Quote from: Pgmado on March 24, 2019, 04:54:58 PM
Quote from: VU2014 on March 24, 2019, 01:38:07 PM
Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 22, 2019, 07:31:02 AM
Anyone else get sick to their stomach reading that glowing bio of Maravilla in The Times?

Ironically it was written by one Paul Oren. Quite the 180.

Story gets assigned, story gets written. Paycheck gets cashed.

Question, Did he take the last article personally? Do things like that affect the writing of this article?

There is good and bad about Don Bosco. Clearly they provide a service of getting kids scholarships and are quite successful at that but sometimes the way the sausage gets made isn't pretty at times as the last Don Bosco article articulated. Seems like he's just a straight business man.


The thing about Skara and even Javon is something to remember and I hope would think the coaching staff realizes this but it's definitely been brought home lately. You can't forget who else is in your players ears.


Quote from: Pgmado on March 24, 2019, 04:54:58 PM
Quote from: VU2014 on March 24, 2019, 01:38:07 PM
Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 22, 2019, 07:31:02 AM
Anyone else get sick to their stomach reading that glowing bio of Maravilla in The Times?

Ironically it was written by one Paul Oren. Quite the 180.

Story gets assigned, story gets written. Paycheck gets cashed.

You hardly have to explain yourself Paul.  But thank you either way.  I'd imagine (like most jobs) taking a stand only makes you the next most likely lay-off (or equivalent if you are contracted by individual articles).


QuoteStory gets assigned, story gets written. Paycheck gets cashed.

So tough questions couldn't be asked? C'mon.


What worries me is first his assistant coaches leave, now his players.  Has to be some issue going on or he doesn't know how to hire.   He hired his high school friend who I believe got out of coaching.

To be honest I don't care who leaves from a team who finished dead bottom two years in a row.   They were not good and change was needed.  For some reason no matter how this season turned out Javon had to be thinking bigger school the day he got here.  Was under recruited and needed To show he was that good.

Bakari was gone after the High Point debacle where he didn't listen to Lottich and tried to win it himself.  That did not
go over well between the two and his role greatly changed.  While I'm not sure if true that next game he was benched and spun as an injury.   

I'm very excited to see Gordon and Robinson next year.  Sackey has a ton of
potential and got good playing time this year.  J with not sharing playing time with Smitts will help him. 

All that negativity you could see from the players during the games is now gone starting next year.   Some of worst on court complaining I've ever seen and embarrassing. 


Guess what? None of this matters. MLB made that clear. What do we know, as fans? Matt's his guy. I'm going to have a very difficult time justifying forking over the money and spending my time supporting this program under his leadership. MLB's smug attitude on this situation is really unsettling. Too much talking - not enough doing. All while the program deteriorates before us as we idly sit around watching its fall.

Joke. Absolute joke. The only reason why I would continue supporting this team with my time, effort, and money is because I don't want them having the right to take away being a fan of this school.

MLB can say all he wants that Heckler is a fan of MBB. I've never seen him at a game. And it's not like he has a suite to go to and watch the games. They don't exist in our crappy arena.

Nothing worse than talking without doing. Sorry but we deserve better.

Anybody remember when Alec was given the gameball after becoming the all-time leader in scoring or something of the like? He paid NO attention to Heckler because Heckler didn't show his support to them. Same exact time we were all left in limbo as to why Jubril wasn't eligible. Remember all the Free Jubril signs? My oh my how soon we forget. On towards mediocrity. Come one, come all.


Quote from: GoldenCrusader87 on March 28, 2019, 10:58:27 AM
Same exact time we were all left in limbo as to why Jubril wasn't eligible. Remember all the Free Jubril signs?

Does anyone know what actually happened with the Jubril situation?
I believe that we will win.


I am as critical of Heckler's talk then do nothing approach as anyone. But if you've never seen him at a game you're not looking very hard.


True. I don't actively look for him at games. I come to watch a team compete and ultimately win. Unfortunately, I end up (as of late) watching us squander leafs. And find myself sulking in my own pities .... while indulging in a cup of Culver's flavor of the day.
Depending on how bad it's going, maybe even 2 or 3 scoops haha.


Quote from: GoldenCrusader87 on March 28, 2019, 10:58:27 AMAll while the program deteriorates before us as we idly sit around watching its fall.

I feel your pain.  We have had two losing seasons in a row and Matt has gone 30-35 over those two years.  I can imagine what you were thinking when Homer Drew went 24-39 from 2008-2010!  ::)
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


I appreciate what you're saying '72, and I agree it's a moot point since Lottich is clearly getting at least next year.

But I think the comparison to Homer's first few years is apples and oranges. Homer took over a fledgling DI program with zero history of success on that level. He had to lay an entire philosophical infrastructure, form recruiting ties and, as he put it, "Build a Tradition".

Oh, and he beat Notre Dame.


Pretty sure 2008-2010 weren't Homer's first couple years...


Quote from: chairback on March 24, 2019, 09:05:03 PM
What worries me is first his assistant coaches leave, now his players.  Has to be some issue going on or he doesn't know how to hire.   He hired his high school friend who I believe got out of coaching.

To be honest I don't care who leaves from a team who finished dead bottom two years in a row.   They were not good and change was needed.  For some reason no matter how this season turned out Javon had to be thinking bigger school the day he got here.  Was under recruited and needed To show he was that good.

Bakari was gone after the High Point debacle where he didn't listen to Lottich and tried to win it himself.  That did not go over well between the two and his role greatly changed.  While I'm not sure if true that next game he was benched and spun as an injury.   

I'm very excited to see Gordon and Robinson next year.  Sackey has a ton of potential and got good playing time this year.  J with not sharing playing time with Smitts will help him.

All that negativity you could see from the players during the games is now gone starting next year.   Some of worst on court complaining I've ever seen and embarrassing. 

Jay was 6-7 for 13 points in the Drake game that Smits was scratched at the last minute with back spasms (or whatever) that Matt said he didn't learn about until game time. Golder injured his leg 6 minutes in. We ended up losing 70-59. We were 5-2 coming in, and went 3-10 the rest of the way.

Again, best wishes to Smits and Golder.


Quote from: GoldenCrusader87 on March 28, 2019, 10:58:27 AM
Guess what? None of this matters. MLB made that clear. What do we know, as fans? Matt's his guy. I'm going to have a very difficult time justifying forking over the money and spending my time supporting this program under his leadership. MLB's smug attitude on this situation is really unsettling. Too much talking - not enough doing. All while the program deteriorates before us as we idly sit around watching its fall.

Joke. Absolute joke. The only reason why I would continue supporting this team with my time, effort, and money is because I don't want them having the right to take away being a fan of this school.

MLB can say all he wants that Heckler is a fan of MBB. I've never seen him at a game. And it's not like he has a suite to go to and watch the games. They don't exist in our crappy arena.

Nothing worse than talking without doing. Sorry but we deserve better.

Anybody remember when Alec was given the gameball after becoming the all-time leader in scoring or something of the like? He paid NO attention to Heckler because Heckler didn't show his support to them. Same exact time we were all left in limbo as to why Jubril wasn't eligible. Remember all the Free Jubril signs? My oh my how soon we forget. On towards mediocrity. Come one, come all.

What coaches in the MVC could you support?  Porter Moser had his really rough stretch and judging by your metrics should have been fired, Ben Jacobson has been worse than Matt the last 3 years yet some people still think he is the best coach in the league. I really don't see anything that screams out to me that Matt is a horrible or even mediocre coach.  I do think that Matt is probably the reason that Javon is leaving, but not for the reasons most seem to think. I think Javon has Matt to thank for his increased expectations and confidence that he can attain his loftier ambitions.
My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show


Quote from: GoldenCrusader87 on March 28, 2019, 10:58:27 AMGuess what? None of this matters. MLB made that clear. What do we know, as fans? Matt's his guy. I'm going to have a very difficult time justifying forking over the money and spending my time supporting this program under his leadership. MLB's smug attitude on this situation is really unsettling. Too much talking - not enough doing. All while the program deteriorates before us as we idly sit around watching its fall. Joke. Absolute joke. The only reason why I would continue supporting this team with my time, effort, and money is because I don't want them having the right to take away being a fan of this school. MLB can say all he wants that Heckler is a fan of MBB. I've never seen him at a game. And it's not like he has a suite to go to and watch the games. They don't exist in our crappy arena. Nothing worse than talking without doing. Sorry but we deserve better. Anybody remember when Alec was given the gameball after becoming the all-time leader in scoring or something of the like? He paid NO attention to Heckler because Heckler didn't show his support to them. Same exact time we were all left in limbo as to why Jubril wasn't eligible. Remember all the Free Jubril signs? My oh my how soon we forget. On towards mediocrity. Come one, come all.
This is just infantile.


What was so infantile about his comments? I thought they were valid points.


I agree that his comments were way out of line...just another example of silly and ridiculous postings on this board and subject matter that do more harm than good.  These  cheap shots are unnecessary and often times harmful to Valpo basketball, recruiting  and the school's image. Some people need to think before opening their mouth and posting some of these child-like comments.  Come on folks, we can do better!


It's kind of a chicken\eegg thing though. If the program's image and recruiting weren't being hurt by bad seasons and we were winning games and the university was showing more obvious signs of commitment on the facilities front we wouldn't have these comments. I understand the point of not making it worse but still. You reap what you sow. And the surest way to ensure that no positive change is ever made is to clam up and not make your feelings known.


All I ask is that we don't allege things that you don't actually no. If you're going to say Heckler doesn't come to the games you need to actually know stuff like that or when we project what we think onto players and staff just because we feel it to be true.

Because people will read it and think you know something and that could have an affect. For example I know when the Peters/Heckler thing happened some people wondered if it was a snub and then people close to Peters, including himself said that is not true and not what happened and that he just was super focused on the game and just literally missed Heckler when he was heading back to the team.

We just need to be careful not to project our feelings and thoughts onto other situations in a way that makes it sound like it's absolute truth.