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Started by Just Sayin, March 20, 2019, 07:03:20 AM

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Just Sayin

The AD probably realizes, as he should, that this turn of events has created a pivotal point in time for the Valpo brand.  The departing players have given a resounding vote of no confidence in the coach and the direction of the program (Bakari said as much), but one has to consider how this will affect the current commits. I would not be at all surprised to learn that one or more of the commits decided to decommit.

So if the AD is thinking at all about his legacy, what would he do now? By firing Lottich, he would show that he recognizes the seriousness of the problem rather than being in denial by claiming that he's never surprised when players leave the program. Yes, players leave the program every year but not the players who contribute most of the significant scoring of the entire team. This situation is different and not recognizing that reflects a significant flaw of judgement. A flippant explanation implies that one's  head is in the sand or somewhere else.

Does the AD consider the consequences of doing nothing? Does he consider what the ongoing effect of doing nothing will have on the Valpo brand, recruiting, attendance, and revenue? Or his legacy of being at the helm of a sinking ship and powerless to undo the damage?

Just sayin'


The AD thinks he can hang his hat on improving the conference that Valpo is in.  He transitioned the athletic department to the HL (when it was good) to the MVC.  The football field and track was under his watch too. 

My opinion is that if he continues to enable the program too embarrass itself, he needs to go as well.  Maybe a younger more energetic NO GRIT kind of AD. 


I think part of being AD is seeing the bigger picture. MLBs conference moves show he does see the big picture in terms where Valpo can and does fit on the larger field of DI basketball. But it's not uncommon for someone to see how their organization fits in the big picture but not be great at managing things within the organization.

I think it's fair to look at his overall record of hiring coaches and it's.....not very good. I've brought it up a bunch on this board but the Dorow contract extension, when her contract was up and you could have hit the reset button there, was a HUGE red flag to me. That and essentially allowing the wife of your (now former) football coach to run the women's tennis program into the ground. I realize WT isn't exactly a revenue sport but my wife was a VU women's tennis player so it's kind of near and dear to me.

As we watched the program spiral this year I've been arguing with myself on this topic. I don't think anyone can argue MLB has done a bad job stewarding this department. The problem is I don't know if you can argue he's done a particularly good job either.

His entire legacy, fairly or unfairly, will likely hinge on how he handles MBB over the next 2 years.


I would like to add that MLB did a great job negotiating the contract with the HL.  He set it up where we didn't pay large exit fees.  That was brilliant. 


Quote from: NativeCheesehead on March 20, 2019, 07:29:19 AMessentially allowing the wife of your (now former) football coach to run the women's tennis program into the ground.

Basically agree with what you've said however your comment on the women's tennis program is off. The person who ran the women's tennis program into the ground was Tammy's predecessor. I think she had been the head coach for two years and has coached Valpo's only MVC champion, Jelena Vujanic.  Now, having said that, he did allow the previous "coach" to run the program into the ground.  I can't even find her name.  I think she joined the AD's staff but now is completely gone.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Apologies on the specifics, been a little too fired up to check details. Should have been better.

Still not a great look.


I think MLB hired Mike and Carin Avery.  He also hired Tracy Woodson which led to Brian Schmack joining as assistant. Those come to mind as good ones.  Cechhini also a good hire but doesn't cancel out Dale C.  No time to look at all of that exhaustively.


Carin Avery was a Bill S hire, been there since '02.


Quote from: oklahomamick on March 20, 2019, 07:09:08 AMThe AD thinks he can hang his hat on improving the conference that Valpo is in.  He transitioned the athletic department to the HL (when it was good) to the MVC.  The football field and track was under his watch too. My opinion is that if he continues to enable the program too embarrass itself, he needs to go as well.  Maybe a younger more energetic NO GRIT kind of AD.
Who's checkbook is he bringing? If it's the same one being used, nothing significant is likely to change absent a one off Peters like recruit.


JD, usually young up and coming AD's aren't as expensive as the older ones with a lot on the resume.  Talking about someone who is trying to make a name for themselves. 



We will find out in the. Ext 12 months how good an AD he is as he has a big challenge and mess to clean up. He also needs some love from those above.


Quote from: crusadermoe on March 20, 2019, 10:02:33 AM
I think MLB hired Mike and Carin Avery.  He also hired Tracy Woodson which led to Brian Schmack joining as assistant. Those come to mind as good ones.  Cechhini also a good hire but doesn't cancel out Dale C.  No time to look at all of that exhaustively.

Woodson was a good hire
Schmack has done nothing
Cecchini was ok..not great


I like Mark a lot.  A very solid AD.  Having said that, the record is the record.


Men's Soccer            1996
Football                   2003
Women's Basketball  2004
Volleyball                 2005
Men's Golf               2012
Baseball                  2013
Women's Soccer      2014
Men's Basketball      2015
Softball                   2016
Men's Tennis            2017

Women's Tennis, Women's Golf, Track, Cross Country, Nil

So Mark started in 2004, so he has overseen eight of ten of these Championships.  It has been a while though.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


More important:
15 MBB seasons
2 NCAA Appearances
0 Wins

2 minor upgrades to the arena (floor, sideboard)

Again, this isn't the Horizon anymore, some of our MVC brethren have made changes for less.


Men's Soccer was the first program to win a HL season championship.  No tournament championship though.


I have trouble keeping track of all the title changes and Asst/Assoc ADs over the years. What's the turnover been in those positions?


MLB isn't getting high marks from a VU softball player. I wonder what this is about. I'm assuming from the source it may be something non-VU basketball related.

I'm of the thinking that even if you a part of a community that has access to unlimited resources, some one will always find something to complain about and point to the guy at the top for being the source of their "problems" (even if it's first world stuff).

But I'm honestly curious what a the issue is from VU athletes perspective.



I'd love to hear the context for this myself but this is not good any way you look at it If this is what one athlete thinks how many also feel that way but aren't saying anything? I think MLB might need to take a long hard look at how he's managing things  and get some feedback to make some changes because this is alarming especially in light of the struggles in men's basketball.


Since she doesn't give her full name in her profile I don't want to dox  her. But is this a current player? Former player?  About how long ago?


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on April 03, 2019, 11:53:25 PM
I'd love to hear the context for this myself but this is not good any way you look at it If this is what one athlete thinks how many also feel that way but aren't saying anything? I think MLB might need to take a long hard look at how he's managing things  and get some feedback to make some changes because this is alarming especially in light of the struggles in men's basketball.

This is not directed at anyone because the responses have been quite tame....but who on God's green earth is this girl and why should I care what her hormone riddled 18-22 year old mind has to say?  This is not meant to be a slight to her, I was that age once too.  But why are we even paying attention to this?  We MUST be bored since the season is over......

We should implement the old 3 sources and none from the internet before going down some of these paths haha 😁😁😁


My friend, you are literally on a message board dedicated to 18-22 playing sports. So when one of them decides to speak up they are all of the sudden all idiots? Sure, none of us had well formed opinions when we were that age, and we're free to ignore said opinions.

Again, I don't know who this woman is or how she's related to the program(s), but to look for a reason to dismiss someone's opinion before you even have a context for it is ridiculous.

And what the hell do her hormones have to do with it?


Quote from: Just Sayin on March 20, 2019, 07:03:20 AM
The AD probably realizes, as he should, that this turn of events has created a pivotal point in time for the Valpo brand.  The departing players have given a resounding vote of no confidence in the coach and the direction of the program (Bakari said as much), but one has to consider how this will affect the current commits. I would not be at all surprised to learn that one or more of the commits decided to decommit.

So if the AD is thinking at all about his legacy, what would he do now? By firing Lottich, he would show that he recognizes the seriousness of the problem rather than being in denial by claiming that he's never surprised when players leave the program. Yes, players leave the program every year but not the players who contribute most of the significant scoring of the entire team. This situation is different and not recognizing that reflects a significant flaw of judgement. A flippant explanation implies that one's  head is in the sand or somewhere else.

Does the AD consider the consequences of doing nothing? Does he consider what the ongoing effect of doing nothing will have on the Valpo brand, recruiting, attendance, and revenue? Or his legacy of being at the helm of a sinking ship and powerless to undo the damage?

Just sayin'

Lottich kept playing Bakari when he was playing so bad he should have been relegated to the practice team.   If anything Bakari should be grateful to Lottich for sticking with him through long slumps and never giving up on him, yet he still decided to leave.   We should not value anything Bakari has to say as he clearly is not a high character guy.  His constant whining on the court backs up my argument.   I am fine with using quotes from Freeman/Golder to analyze the program and the coach, but not Bakari.

Coach sticks with you and defends you when you are playing bad even after the fans have given up on you.... How do you respond.... Transfer.   Come on.....   


I believe there was a Lanie on the softball team who graduated either last year or two years ago. But I'd urge caution in regards to a random student or former student's tweets. They often use twitter as a way to blow off steam and to voice frustrations that may or may not be deeply felt beliefs or even rooted in reality.


Quote from: crusader05 on April 04, 2019, 08:53:26 AMLanie on the softball team who graduated

Yep, I think you got it right.

Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015