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Breaking news!!

Started by vu72, April 22, 2019, 01:07:33 PM

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This is a direct reflection of our program.  An absolute mess.  I could care less if you are pro weed or not, but these players have again put themselves above the team.  How dumb do you have to be to put yourself in this situation, and for Bradford twice.  Given a world of opportunity and could care less.  Mileek has such high talent and potential that as a fan who wants this kid to be successful is so disappointing. 

Goodbye Bradford and I hope to god Ryan doesn't leave.


I read the police report and noticed that Mileek was listed at 6'8" and 220 lbs., which is exactly the same as the VU roster, but Micah is listed at 6'0" 140 lbs., more believable than the 6'2" and 155 lbs. on the VU roster. On a more serious note, the police report also states that Micah is the resident of the building where the activity occurred, and it indicated that Micah's girlfriend, with whom he was arrested last year, provided the marijuana. The facts suggest that Micah did not learn anything when he was given a second chance last year, and I agree with chairback that I would not be upset to see the program say goodbye to Micah.


It's just embarrassing on all fronts right now. I'm sorry I'm totally disgusted by virtually everything to do with this program at the moment. Everything just screams "turn off" and revulsion for the fanbase. I will still be a fan but I can feel my connection waning and becoming more distant. I don't want to waste my time and energy on players and an administration that don't/doesn't love me back. I don't need that kind of one way relationship in my life right now. Maybe I'll get more excited as the season draws closer but I don't know. Something in me doubts it.


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on April 22, 2019, 07:10:13 PMverything just screams "turn off" and revulsion for the fanbase. I will still be a fan but I can feel my connection waning and becoming more distant.

It's not just you, it's a lot of us who feel the same way.  I've have been going to games since the early 80's as a kid and have never felt this way about the program.


I know. People I talk to are disgusted as well. One of my friends has decided against buying season tickets because of this mess. I know he can't be the only one.


Like I said in an earlier post, I don't hold the coaching staff responsible for players smoking weed in a backyard shed supplied by some idiot girlfriend. But let me be clear. If Bradford isn't immediately dismissed from the program, I will hold LaBarbera and Lottich fully accountable as accessories after the fact. 


Quote from: wh on April 22, 2019, 07:51:24 PM
Like I said in an earlier post, I don't hold the coaching staff responsible for players smoking weed in a backyard shed supplied by some idiot girlfriend. But let me be clear. If Bradford isn't immediately dismissed from the program, I will hold LaBarbera and Lottich fully accountable as accessories after the fact.

When I complete the fan survey, MLB had better be prepared for some sharply worded observations!


Honest question: At this point, should MLBs fate be tied to Lottich's?  I find myself going back and forth on this. Curious what others think.


Right about now seems fine. Changes need to be made quick fast and in a hurry. Fix this embarrassing joke of a program immediately before you chase off the fans and undo everything the Drews built. If MLB can't or won't do it we need to find someone who will. The problem is I don't trust this administration to make the move and even if they do I don't trust them to make a hire that will move this athletic department forward and make it competitive at the MVC level.


I am glad to see the prompt decision by the School in the indefinite and 2-game suspensions  for these 2 characters.  Micah should be dismissed from the team as far as I am concerned.  Stupidity is the name of this latest episode.  I am sure the players knew the rules so let's not blame ML or MLB for this fiasco.


As my grumpy cat calendar reads this month
"I'm judging you....Guilty! Your crime: Stupidity"

Shine on Vu


Quote from: VUBBFan on April 22, 2019, 08:17:11 PM

Doesn't sound like Micah's going anywhere. They would have cut him if they were going to do it, instead of "indefinitely" suspending him.

I understand kids make mistakes but he is already on thin ice from last season, has a serious back injury and has arguably been a sub-par college basketball player. If the coaches kicked him off the team and he lost his scholarship, I'm not sure coaches would be rushing to sign him... He has just put himself in a terrible position. He needs to run with a different crowd. The same girl he got busted with last year got pinched in this arrest. Someone needs to talk to this kid and set him straight because he's blowing an amazing opportunity for himself.


I get the "representing the university" stuff.   I also understand the harsh criticism and what not. 

But if the 4 of them would have been sitting in the shed pounding beers and listening to music there would have been no problem.  Even if McMillan isn't 21 the cops would have left them alone because they would have had no reason to approach the shed.     

As a college kid who was a college athlete representing my college, who also hung out in a lot of strange places pounding beers, I am just glad I went with a culturally acceptable drug of choice in the offseason as to not bring the wrath of the "never sinned" community.   

He didn't beat up a girl, this wasn't a DUI, not a hit a run or a violent act.   Just because Micah likes weed doesn't make him a bad person.   

Switch to beer Micah, most everyone on the board can at least relate to that drug. 

Just my 2 cents.     


Couple of different thoughts on this story.

First, I think this is overcharged by the police. It's worth noting that no marijuana was found either on Mileek or Micah or in the storage shed. Wouldn't surprise me to see this plead down to paraphernalia or dismissed completely. Because going by the police report, this case is a dog.

Second, not sure why Micah didn't learn his lesson after last year's incident. Matt Lottich isn't responsible for all the action's of his players or keeping tabs on them at all times, but I think it's fair to ask how he addressed the issue previously. Is this an issue with the coach or the player? As VU2014 pointed out, Micah is blowing an amazing opportunity to play college basketball. Why? 
I believe that we will win.


Quote from: SanityLost17 on April 22, 2019, 09:05:45 PMI get the "representing the university" stuff.   I also understand the harsh criticism and what not. But if the 4 of them would have been sitting in the shed pounding beers and listening to music there would have been no problem.  Even if McMillan isn't 21 the cops would have left them alone because they would have had no reason to approach the shed. As a college kid who was a college athlete representing my college, who also hung out in a lot of strange places pounding beers, I am just glad I went with a culturally acceptable drug of choice in the offseason as to not bring the wrath of the "never sinned" community. He didn't beat up a girl, this wasn't a DUI, not a hit a run or a violent act.   Just because Micah likes weed doesn't make him a bad person. Switch to beer Micah, most everyone on the board can at least relate to that drug. Just my 2 cents.

you are a fool.  all anyone cares about is they put themselves above the team and didn't follow the rules and it has a major impact on the program.  Any law or team rule not followed is selfish.  If you were college athlete you should know this.  Even in the Twenge days this was preached and it was a wild bunch.


Can the Micah Bradford experiment please be over now???? Pretty sure we saw enough to know it wasn't working out several years ago when he couldn't make a shot or hit a free throw. We can do much better. Time to tell him to move on and hit the road.


Quote from: chairback on April 22, 2019, 09:27:29 PM

Quote from: SanityLost17 on April 22, 2019, 09:05:45 PMI get the "representing the university" stuff.   I also understand the harsh criticism and what not. But if the 4 of them would have been sitting in the shed pounding beers and listening to music there would have been no problem.  Even if McMillan isn't 21 the cops would have left them alone because they would have had no reason to approach the shed. As a college kid who was a college athlete representing my college, who also hung out in a lot of strange places pounding beers, I am just glad I went with a culturally acceptable drug of choice in the offseason as to not bring the wrath of the "never sinned" community. He didn't beat up a girl, this wasn't a DUI, not a hit a run or a violent act.   Just because Micah likes weed doesn't make him a bad person. Switch to beer Micah, most everyone on the board can at least relate to that drug. Just my 2 cents.

you are a fool.  all anyone cares about is they put themselves above the team and didn't follow the rules and it has a major impact on the program.  Any law or team rule not followed is selfish.  If you were college athlete you should know this.  Even in the Twenge days this was preached and it was a wild bunch.
I am sure lots and lots of your favorite former players put themselves above the team on dozens and dozens of occasions, you just never knew its so your opinion of them was never tarnished.   

I may be a fool, but that makes 2 of us. 


Quote from: mj on April 22, 2019, 09:15:49 PMI am sure lots and lots of your favorite former players put themselves above the team on dozens and dozens of occasions, you just never knew its so your opinion of them was never tarnished. I may be a fool, but that makes 2 of us.


wasn't Micah a starter for most of the games he played at Valpo? 


This program is in shambles. Shell of what it once was. Matt has to go! Can't manage the team!


Quoteyou are a fool.  all anyone cares about is they put themselves above the team and didn't follow the rules and it has a major impact on the program.  Any law or team rule not followed is selfish.

Look at Johnny Hardass over here. Lighten up, Francis. It's a plant.


Quote from: JD24 on April 22, 2019, 09:43:28 PM
Quote from: mj on April 22, 2019, 09:15:49 PMI am sure lots and lots of your favorite former players put themselves above the team on dozens and dozens of occasions, you just never knew its so your opinion of them was never tarnished. I may be a fool, but that makes 2 of us.

Back in the day, the off season was the off season. After football and before track started up, a beer from the frat beer machine in the basement was a nothing burger whether you were legal or not.  It actually was a rite of passage. As long as you were not publicly intoxicated and, importantly, arrested by the VPD (there was no VUPD in those days) there were no problems. Though many of us lived off campus, we took care of our own.

Generally, our country has become accepting of recreational weed in private settings which blurs expectations as well as interpretations and may be a bit confusing for young minds.

Today in Valpo, however, it appears the wiff of an "intoxicant" in the air, the concept that DI players are in season all year, and what appears to be a very rigid VUPD enforcement procedure, have come together to produce a less reasonably tolerant  environment.

Knowing all this I have two observations. 1) all students, but especially athletes because they are high profile representatives of the university, need to have drummed into their youthful brains that Valpo is not a "what you think is a normal" place. And 2) to not recognize that and make repeated mistakes is purely stupid and deserves consequences beyond an indefinite suspension (essentially a loss of scholarship).


If this doesn't necessitate removal from the team, idk what does. I'm out as a season ticket holder until changes are made. Enough is enough.


Quote from: chairback on April 22, 2019, 09:27:29 PM

Quote from: SanityLost17 on April 22, 2019, 09:05:45 PMI get the "representing the university" stuff.   I also understand the harsh criticism and what not. But if the 4 of them would have been sitting in the shed pounding beers and listening to music there would have been no problem.  Even if McMillan isn't 21 the cops would have left them alone because they would have had no reason to approach the shed. As a college kid who was a college athlete representing my college, who also hung out in a lot of strange places pounding beers, I am just glad I went with a culturally acceptable drug of choice in the offseason as to not bring the wrath of the "never sinned" community. He didn't beat up a girl, this wasn't a DUI, not a hit a run or a violent act.   Just because Micah likes weed doesn't make him a bad person. Switch to beer Micah, most everyone on the board can at least relate to that drug. Just my 2 cents.

you are a fool.  all anyone cares about is they put themselves above the team and didn't follow the rules and it has a major impact on the program.  Any law or team rule not followed is selfish.  If you were college athlete you should know this.  Even in the Twenge days this was preached and it was a wild bunch.

Why do you list the Twenge days as a 'wild bunch?'  You are speaking about me and my experiences in that comment, so I am curious to know what you are accusing us of.
"Don't mess with Texas"