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Breaking news!!

Started by vu72, April 22, 2019, 01:07:33 PM

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Didn't the article say Valparaiso Police, not Valparaiso University Polic?


I knew there was a VU tv station but I didn't know there was a VUTV news department.

As for Micah I would kick him out of school. One violation, shame on you, two violations, shame on me.

Mileek can learn a good lesson and become a good example of a Valpo student athlete. It's what happens to Micah that has the greatest chance of teaching Mileek a hard learned lesson.


These days, I think police have higher priorities than arrest people for cannibus possession.

That being said, Despite this moronic law bringing us back to the I like Ike days, these players should have known better.


How much worse do things need to get before we do something about it? First, Jubril. Then, Joe. Go ahead and blame them. Fair enough.

Then, more players leave last year. Ok fine Parker and Linssen are meh. So, whatever. Life moves on.

Meanwhile, we post a losing season after a promising start.

First year in the mvc. So, fair enough. We'll get better. Micah makes a mistake and gets arrested. Still play him in the mvc tournament. Lose first game. Season over.

This year. Great start in mvc play. Then ouch. Injuries. Laundry. Blown lead after blown lead. But, we kept hearing about the players being gritty and united. Even heard it from Matt during his speech at senior night. Keep believing - couldn't be prouder of these guys.

Then, we win our first Mvc tournament game. Yaaaayyyy all is well.

Then we get beat down by Loyola. Ok time they went to the final four last year.

It's all good - despite another losing season - look at how many seniors we'll have. This is our moment. Give Matt another year.

And then transfergate. But it's all good cuz those same players he raced about being selfless and so forth are "me-oriented."

Then we sign 3 guys from overseas with zero other scholarship offers. Still have 2 openings.

Now two more arrests. In addition to losing 5 players.

One of whom had his second offense. AND THEY DID IT ON 4/20. How ignorant. Now folks are justifying. Boo hoo. They broke the rules and got caught! It's still illegal here! Quit making excuses. That's a me-mentality.

If they don't want to follow the rules - then don't play. While everyone else pays for their schooling, these guys get full rides.

That comes with responsibility. Go around signing autographs for kids and bringing them in to play at halftime. And set this example for them??????

Stand up for what's right, MLB. Do something. Don't enable the problem.


Golden, while I may also be in the camp that Lottich is not the guy, ranting about firing him now does no good. He's going to get (at least) one more year. And to be honest, I'm not sure what you're going to get at this point in the offseason to replace him. In fact, I think the argument could be made that if MLB feels his fate is tied to Matt's, he may be inclined to give him as much rope as possible.


Maybe the new travel uniforms should be orange!  ;)
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Just a question because I don't know: does suspended indefinitely mean "dismissed" in practical terms?  Kind of like in baseball "designated for assignment" essentially means "released."  I'm not sure how the University discipline system works.

To me, it seems practical that Mileek would get a punishment, and Micah would get dismissed.  However, I think that Mileek got the same punishment as a person who gets caught drinking under age.  Seems like the punishment should be at least incrementally greater since there was an illegal substance involved.

If Micah isn't "dismissed", I think his best choice is to transfer.  I would suspect that if we took a poll among fans, most would vote for his permanent departure.  Given that the fanbase doesn't want him, for his own sake, a fresh start (even at a much lesser program) might do some good.  On the flip side, if he were to remain in the program and have a huge year (doubtful), he could become a fan favorite, and that small victory in life may be valuable some day.  That's looking at it purely from his eyes. 

From the coaches eyes, I think a clear message on the discipline would be best.  Indefinite suspension seems to fall a little short.


Quote from: vu72 on April 23, 2019, 08:58:41 AM
Maybe the new travel uniforms should be orange!  ;)

They could give Mileek a section of US 30/Morthland that he would need to clean up all by himself. Two positives. Or join a group from the ISP in Michigan City to clean up a section of busy I-80/94/Borman. He would have to wear the same uniform that the inmates wear.


Quote from: 4throwfan on April 23, 2019, 09:00:37 AM
Just a question because I don't know: does suspended indefinitely mean "dismissed" in practical terms?  Kind of like in baseball "designated for assignment" essentially means "released."  I'm not sure how the University discipline system works.

To me, it seems practical that Mileek would get a punishment, and Micah would get dismissed.  However, I think that Mileek got the same punishment as a person who gets caught drinking under age.  Seems like the punishment should be at least incrementally greater since there was an illegal substance involved.

If Micah isn't "dismissed", I think his best choice is to transfer.  I would suspect that if we took a poll among fans, most would vote for his permanent departure.  Given that the fanbase doesn't want him, for his own sake, a fresh start (even at a much lesser program) might do some good.  On the flip side, if he were to remain in the program and have a huge year (doubtful), he could become a fan favorite, and that small victory in life may be valuable some day.  That's looking at it purely from his eyes. 

From the coaches eyes, I think a clear message on the discipline would be best.  Indefinite suspension seems to fall a little short.

I think the suspended indefinitely is part of Micah's due process. It allows Micah to get a lawyer/representative and argue in a university hearing for his reinstatement.


Quote from: bbtds on April 23, 2019, 09:08:03 AMsuspended indefinitely

Was there an official announcement on this?
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Thanks bbtds,

So, it means that the administration wants to dismiss, but they have to go through a process?  Since Mileek received a punishment without that, does it mean that different punishment levels do and do not get due process?

I'm assuming that, since VU is a private institution, it would only owe due process under its own rules.  I just don't know what the rules are, so I appreciate your thoughts.

Midwest is Best

It's just disappointing.


Quote from: 4throwfan on April 23, 2019, 09:23:25 AM
Thanks bbtds,

So, it means that the administration wants to dismiss, but they have to go through a process?  Since Mileek received a punishment without that, does it mean that different punishment levels do and do not get due process?

I'm assuming that, since VU is a private institution, it would only owe due process under its own rules.  I just don't know what the rules are, so I appreciate your thoughts.

I believe you are correct. I also think that the decision maker is MLB, the AD, and he probably wants some distance between the incident and his decision. He will consult with Lottich and will probably give him guidance on avoiding these situations in the future. I think Mark will be as even handed as possible because he now has all the athletes in his department's attention.


If I recall, Malik Yarbourough (sp?) was suspended 'indefinitely' multiple times at ISUr and never missed a game.


No clue if pain management has a place in the Micah story but allow me to make that leap just to bring his story full circle.

Micah red-shirted because of chronic back pain. Fine!  At 85 or even 90% he could not and will not help the program get back on track. Matt needed to steer him to a lower level program if he could not return at 100%. So if this is about pain he has my full legal support but he should transfer if he wants to continue with basketball.

On the other hand if this has nothing to do with pain then it has to be about rule violations, discipline and ignorance.  Acting as both judge and jury I pronounce Micah guilty, guilty, and guilty.

Either way Micah needs to make a fresh start.


If he is dismissed, I would think this might help getting Jordan Ash or Zion Morgan on board.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Not that my vote matters, but I vote for his dismissal.  It's not like he exactly tore it up when he did play.  Plus, he took a year off due to back pain from a car accident.  He now apparently weighs 140 lbs.  I can't imagine he will come back and tear it up.  We need to learn to move on and cut our losses when needed and this is one of those situations.   


Quote from: justducky on April 23, 2019, 10:49:38 AM
No clue if pain management has a place in the Micah story but allow me to make that leap just to bring his story full circle.

Micah red-shirted because of chronic back pain. Fine!  At 85 or even 90% he could not and will not help the program get back on track. Matt needed to steer him to a lower level program if he could not return at 100%. So if this is about pain he has my full legal support but he should transfer if he wants to continue with basketball.

On the other hand if this has nothing to do with pain then it has to be about rule violations, discipline and ignorance.  Acting as both judge and jury I pronounce Micah guilty, guilty, and guilty.

Either way Micah needs to make a fresh start.

Interesting. I'm willing to hear the evidence if Micah or his representative can present a valid case. Although it is clear that medical marijuana is illegal in Indiana.


When you elect to participate in an ncaa regulated sport, you're responsible. If you want to partake in doing drugs, you are putting your eligibility and responsibilities as a teammate in jealousy.

Plain and simple. He admitted in the report to smoking weed. Clearly didn't learn from the first offense.


I'm not so much concerned about these 2 players returning, staying or being suspended.  It is just another dagger to an already beat up team (sorry rebuilding team). They were not key contributors to this program last year anyway.  I am concerned that this may be an excuse to schedule poorly.  I would be extremely disappointed if we see us open up against a subpar non D1 program followed with games like Chicago State and UNC-Asheville because we have players suspended.  Sounds all to familiar.
Shine on Vu


Evidently, there is a policy.  The policy should be followed regardless of a player's value to the team.

I wonder if Indiana's cannabis laws will make recruiting more difficult. It won't be long before this would not be an issue in Illinois (if they were 21).

Beamin' Beacons


Quote from: VALPO LI on April 23, 2019, 12:42:13 PMIt is just another dagger to an already beat up team (sorry rebuilding team).

Clearly this is a problem in that where is the discipline?  What were these young men thinking?  Did they consider how there actions may have affected there teammates?  Having said that, and for those posters who lament the players being signed have no other offers (not sure if that is true), please consider that in Ryan, we bring back a kid who hopefully will stay healthy for the whole year.  As for offers, Ryan had offers from Northwestern and Providence and was a 3*.  Nick had offers from Cal and DePaul and was a 3*.  Eron was a 3.7* player with too many offers to list but just a few include Indiana, Purdue, LSU, Arizona State and Auburn. If we can get Jordan Ash, he also was a 3* with offers from Purdue and Iowa before choosing Northwestern.

We are not going to be the dregs of the league, relax.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


I believe that dismissed from the team indefinitely means that he has no team/athlete privileges for the time being.  Think meals, trainer, access to athletic department, etc.  Part of the process.

He'll most likely be reinstated at a time when the legal process plays out.

Just a guess on my part.


I kind of equate smoking weed and underage drinking as about the same. It's something that happens all the time. News of this happening on College campuses and parties are not surprising events. It is almost a rite of passage for College students to participate in these activities. It's been glamorized and made fun of in so many movies ( Animal House, American Pie, etc. )

Going to College is more than just education. It's a time to grow up on one's own. To have fun, socialize, make stupid mistakes and learn from them to become responsible adults.

We can debate about the justiciability of using marijuana or underage drinking, but it still comes down to the fact that it is unlawful at this time and there are consequences to doing such. Also if one wishes to participate or be part of something they must be prepared to abide by the rules that apply to their participation.

As I said before College kids tend to make bone headed decisions ( Lord knows I made enough myself ), so I believe they should be given a little slack or second chance to prove themselves capable of learning and taking responsibility for their actions (for minor infractions).

As such I feel Mileek's punishment is just and he deserves a second chance as long as he learns from it.

For Micah I feel so disappointed in him. He was given a chance to stay clean and out of trouble but obviously did not, therefore jeopardizing his future and scholarship. For a person who has been given gifts or opportunities, to take them so lightly, means that they didn't deserve them in the first place.

I wish them well but please gain some practical knowledge from this experience. If you don't learn from your mistakes you are doomed to failure.