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ARC Awards

Started by vu72, May 06, 2019, 09:01:41 AM

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Quote from: valpo95 on May 08, 2019, 10:58:03 PM
Quote from: VULB#62 on May 08, 2019, 09:43:53 PM
So 95, if we admit more students we are better off financially. To do that we probably would  have to lower our admission standards.            BUT.... That does not mean having to lower our academic standards.             So.....  If we get 200 more enrollees annually and 100 don't cut it, we are still a net 100 ahead, right. Our ratings criteria suffers temporarily, but over time, as enrollment grows and we close in on 6,000 and all programs are improving, we start returning to a tighter admissions criteria. It is a bump in the road but not a set back, and in the end it is a net gain.

Speaking of rating standards. In this current education environment the watchword is not preserving standards, it is preserving  institutions i.e., survival.  Valpo needs to survive and to grow. To do that it needs to increase its enrollment. Open the gates a bit wider. Admit more applicants. Roll the dice. 

Wait! That would devalue our degrees say some alums. Answer: What's the value of a St. Joes degree these days?

That's a bit unfair, and my post was already long enough. I never said VU should lower admission standards (the acceptance rate is something around 80% anyway), and doing so didn't work out for the law school.  Clearly there is also some student attrition over four years. My point was to put some numbers to circumstances facing the administration, and to provide some perspective to those suggesting the university immediately fund major renovations and dozens of new scholarships when the university has been running a modest deficit. 

Thus the need to grow the endowment.  Adding 250,000,000 to the endowment produces, at a 5% return, 12,000,000 is free cash flow.  That, in and of itself, will significantly improve the operating results and give the administration options for solving the attendance issues as well as other pressing needs.

The other possibility is selling some assets.  With the closure of the law school, the entire old campus, other adjacent acquired properties, and all of Mound Street, will sit vacant, save a soccer field or two and the Sig Ep house.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


IDK, but dcannon12's comments were so wrong.The warm fuzziness and participation trophy attitude is pathetic. This is a apparent gap at Valpo that needs to be addressed.The comments above are good, but saying all is well because of the joy of participation is weak.


Valpo Athletics needs to achieve again this level of excellence.



IDK, but dcannon12's comments were so wrong.The warm fuzziness and participation trophy attitude is pathetic.

dannon12 here this does not bother me at all, but you trying to make Valp into University of Michigan type power house with athletics is pathetic.   
Its a small school in Indiana that has sustained  many teams by recruiting many students to play sports and attend the University.   That is a success for Valp.
Stop bringing in all your big works and statistics that is pathetic.   


uh, sure. Being happy with all your teams being in last place or near last place in their conference makes complete sense to me. Where do I talk about comparing Valpo to Michigan? Cripe, be at the same level as Drake or SIU! Is that asking too much?


Bravo Valpo64 - Here we go again...who is next  in line to get beat up on this Board?  After 2 years we made a big mistake in upgrading to the MVC?  What exactly do some of you expect from our School after 2 seasons?  This repeat and repeat of negativity is getting old.  Any positive thinkers out there?  If so, let's hear from you!

Totally agree with you all the statics, financial babel posting pictures of a win is stupid.  Lets do the warm and fuzzie LOL that I think the athletics and the staff deserve and support the effort.
Kidding aside about the warm and fuzzie all schools D1, D2, D3 have terrible years and good years I say again it is SPORTS that's how it works.   


I guess its all about the wins for you USC4Valpo. You brought this up sort of comparing them.  The excuses is Vaplo is not this type school sports wise. We all want a win but your being a cry baby because there not winning!  You act like its the end of the world for Valpo come on......   

I don't expect Valpo to be at the same overall athletic level as Stanford, UCLA or USC, but cmon man! No excuses here.  Your words.   


This is fun, I like taking grief. I did say that - and I do not expect Valpo to have the same level of schools like those I listed. I do however, expect them to be competitive to the MVC, and right now we are far from that. Being happy to be in the cellar or near the cellar in all sports in a Division 1 conference is wrong. Right now we are far from holding our own, and if things do not improve at Valpo the MVC will have second thoughts inviting us.

I do not find the joy of the participation trophy and phony indicators of success. Saying we are successful based on participation and smiles is buffing a turd.


I don't get those who equate not going ballistic on a coach, AD or school with "being happy".

My thoughts are that the pitchforks and torches should be reserved for those higher than most discuss on this board.


I would hope the message from this particular string is not just fire good people because of lack of success. Instead, it must be to send a wake up call to the people who allocate funds to athletics as a subset of the university, that they have, perhaps, a more responsible role for our current situation. That is because their decision to reach beyond our previous comfort zone was done without recognizing that there had to be sufficient (not just minimal) additional funds invested to be successful. And that evidently has not been done.



Quote from: VULB#62 on May 10, 2019, 08:17:18 PMI would hope the message from this particular string is not just fire good people because of lack of success. Instead, it must be to send a wake up call to the people who allocate funds to athletics as a subset of the university, that they have, perhaps, a more responsible role for our current situation. That is because their decision to reach beyond our previous comfort zone was done without recognizing that there had to be sufficient (not just minimal) additional funds invested to be successful. And that evidently has not been done.
I agree but I suspect a fundamental disagreement between the members of this board and the members of the board with the hammer in the University. I think there is a University board member on this board and I don't believe a picture was drawn by him giving any indication that anything is going to change.


Being consistently bad in your conference is a bad thing and celebrations for participation in Division 1 athletics is sad. What is wrong about striving for excellence?


Quote from: usc4valpo on May 11, 2019, 08:56:31 AMBeing consistently bad in your conference is a bad thing and celebrations for participation in Division 1 athletics is sad. What is wrong about striving for excellence?
Striving for excellence is not bad and the participants in the sports are doing just that. The issues with the programs save maybe a couple go above any player, coach or administrator's level. In addition to that, the level it is at will likely take a lot of time to make any changes to how sports is treated at the school.

Most fans want change in sport to happen immediately. It's why coaches are fired when it's a roster issue because changing one guy is easier than changing anywhere from 15 to 100 athletes. In this case, again maybe save a couple of sports, it's just unlikely to happen very quickly.

VULB#62 raised great points but I disagree with the point that this string (if he was making it) would provide any ammunition whatsoever to what needs to change. Change will only occur when those responsible for making change...which probably goes above the level of the President of the University....decide they NEED to do so. That need is not going to be created on a message board.


You're right 24 that the VU Board members have see the  need to more substantially fund the highest profile marketing arm it has — athletics. However, some members of the Athletic Department, some faculty and administrators and perhaps a VU board member or two occasionally see what is posted on this fan forum. Few, if any, participate, but there is some potential for alums and fans like the people on the fan forum to influence, however little, the minds of those decision makers. My feeling is that we just keep plugging away cuz it can't make anything worse than it is  and may help.


Quote from: VULB#62 on May 11, 2019, 09:52:59 AMYou're right 24 that the VU Board members have see the  need to more substantially fund the highest profile marketing arm it has — athletics. However, some members of the Athletic Department, some faculty and administrators and perhaps a VU board member or two occasionally see what is posted on this fan forum. Few, if any, participate, but there is some potential for alums and fans like the people on the fan forum to influence, however little, the minds of those decision makers. My feeling is that we just keep plugging away cuz it can't make anything worse than it is  and may help.
Without knowing the current goals of the board, it is and has been frustrating in generating any change. Do they want to increase enrollment? Do they have any interest in directing current funds to support the athletics program in a better fashion? Are there large donor's out there which are willing but the board wants to earmark those donations to other projects?

Can we contrast how Valpo's board handles sports with how Valpo's current peers (i.e. the MVC) do the same? What are the differences if any? Do those schools scholarship other sports (taking football out of the mix)? If they don't are they any more successful than Valpo and why?

These are only a few of the questions I'd want to see an answer to. I find the thread topic in general interesting but the way it was presented and a few of the responses really unproductive as, whether it is intentional or not, the implication is the problem is with the participants (athletes, coaches, support staff and administration) when that is far from entirely true. Those people are doing what they can and should be applauded. I found the initial subject disrespectful to all those as well of some of the responses.

Back to the board and the direction of the University towards the Athletics program overall....there is at least one board member who I've seen post on this site who maybe can chime in and lend their thoughts on the subject.


I agree with what 62 and 24 are saying. I don't like the attitude that all is great because we just happily participate and treat it like it is low league intramurals. The kids try, the coaches try, the AD does what he can. I get that! We need to step it up and be competitive in the MVC. This is the responsibility of upper management.


Quote from: usc4valpo on May 11, 2019, 01:00:46 PMI don't like the attitude that all is great because we just happily participate and treat it like it is low league intramurals.
Who is making this point? You've repeatedly mentioned this against a point not being made. It is remarkably possible to both applaud the athletes presently competing as the ARC Awards do and criticize those who legitimately have the opportunity to generate change.


I think USC is focusing on his discussion with  Dcannon12 back on May 6th when Cannon talked about how hard the kids worked and supported each other and that turned into what we are hearing at this point.

Quote from: JD24 on May 11, 2019, 01:52:31 PM
It is remarkably possible to both applaud the athletes presently competing as the ARC Awards do and criticize those who legitimately have the opportunity to generate change.

I think all of us (USC, dcannon12, you, me and rest of the forum) would say spot on in response to your quote above.


62 - you are correct


Eastern Kentucky's 2019 football recruiting class is ranked 11th in the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) according to rankings by 247Sports released on Thursday.
First game is going to be-changeling hope coach uses the the QB with best mobility, mechanics and height.  Has a running and passing plan and defense has to step up.


Probably a miss-hit. Deserves to be in the 2019 FB schedule string.