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Heckler to Retire: New President Search

Started by valpopal, August 08, 2019, 04:25:53 PM

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Andrew Finstuen is the Dean of the Honors College and Interim Vice Provost at Boise State University. Prior to his arrival at Boise State, Finstuen directed the International Honors Program at Pacific Lutheran University, served as a Lilly Fellow in Humanities and History in the Honors College at Valparaiso University, and was the Assistant Director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College. Finstuen teaches courses in modern American history, the history of American Christianity, and the history of genocide and mass killing. His first book, Original Sin and Everyday Protestants: The Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr, Billy Graham, and Paul Tillich in an Age of Anxiety, won the 2010 American Society of Church History's Brewer Prize. He co-directed the "The Worlds of Billy Graham" project, which produced Billy Graham: American Pilgrim, an edited volume with Oxford University Press (2017). His latest project, funded by the Lilly Endowment and Arthur Vining Davis Foundations and in association with Journey Films and Maryland Public Television, was a documentary film entitled An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story, which aired in spring 2017.

Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: loschwitz on February 19, 2020, 09:23:37 AM
The Torch has this article on Farney's meeting with students.


While the article summarizes some important questions that needed to be asked, I really hope that students raised other issues. There are many issues related to the sustainability and advancement of the university that are extremely important.


I know they asked about fundraising, specifically if he would try to raise from the same types of places or people that support Wheaton.

The biggest issue for me is when a donor comes and wants to offer money but on a condition that, perhaps, Alliance is eliminated or other activities are shut down or other things that they do not like on campus, will he be taking their side or will he be willing to say "no".

Personal views mean squat to me, it's how they will effect decision making or who has a persons ear when they begin to matter. I feel like he's also probably in a position where if he came out and said "no I support these types of policies" he might potentially be at risk of losing his job at Wheaton but that's not necessarily anyone's problem but his and he seemed to have a lot of "no opinions" on things that may end up on his desk in someway.


Based on his Wall Street experience, my guess is he would be the wealthiest President in history!
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: crusader05 on February 19, 2020, 09:53:10 AM
I know they asked about fundraising, specifically if he would try to raise from the same types of places or people that support Wheaton.

The biggest issue for me is when a donor comes and wants to offer money but on a condition that, perhaps, Alliance is eliminated or other activities are shut down or other things that they do not like on campus, will he be taking their side or will he be willing to say "no".

Personal views mean squat to me, it's how they will effect decision making or who has a persons ear when they begin to matter. I feel like he's also probably in a position where if he came out and said "no I support these types of policies" he might potentially be at risk of losing his job at Wheaton but that's not necessarily anyone's problem but his and he seemed to have a lot of "no opinions" on things that may end up on his desk in someway.

I am always impressed with how many of the posters here 'raise the bar' in the topics being discussed. And crusader05's post is a great example of that.

As most here realize, many universities have financial challenges ... and regardless of that any university wants to increase donations. In recent years (perhaps longer), there are various parties that try to take advantage of this to advance their agenda. This is not a liberal or conservative issue, as both liberal entities (e.g., Soros Foundation) and conservative entities (e.g., Koch Foundation) try to do this. They come in and offer millions of dollars, but the donation is contingent on the university hiring specific individuals as faculty, implementing programs, and/or modifying curriculum to advance their agenda. They do not structure their donations as endowed, but instead structure it as many payments so that they can ensure their agenda is met AND to force more terms on the university. I have had firsthand visibility to theses attempts at two universities (not Valpo).  I really hope that the Valparaiso board or others within the university are asking all candidates about this. 


The Torch gives the impression that the forum was nearly a single-issue conversation with him.  If the conversation was far broader then our student "journalists" seem to be emulating the professionals in selectively focusing on their hot button issues. 

Of course "sustainability" was mentioned.  You could sell ocean front property in Arizona to a millenial as long as you weave in the word "sustainability."


The responsibility centered management question from the student is very interesting. There is no doubt that a candidate could not get the job by embracing it and completely embracing such a policy would be problematic, but not letting a college within the university keep some portion of incremental revenues when it develops a successful new program creates a disincentive for colleges to create new programs.


He can't be much over 40.   Nor does he seem to have leadership experience in a bigger budget context.    No thanks.


Troy VanAken, current president at Elmhurst College and formerly president at Thiel College, is the third candidate.


Info on VanAken:


An additional release from the ELCA, at the time he became president of Thiel in 2009, reports that he has coached high school football and track as well as serving on NCAA committees.


Quote from: loschwitz on February 21, 2020, 02:05:38 PM
Info on VanAken:


An additional release from the ELCA, at the time he became president of Thiel in 2009, reports that he has coached high school football and track as well as serving on NCAA committees.

You beat me to it!  I think this guy could be a perfect fit.  He has served as President of a Lutheran College, and is Lutheran.  At Elmhurst, Elmhurst has "seen historic enrollments and record fundraising results"  He also has some Valley experience as he taught at Evansville and...for you athletic junkies, He served as Athletic Director at Albion!

He graduated with his bachelors in 1989 so I guess that would make him 52 this year.  About the same as as Mark Heckler when he took office.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu72 on February 21, 2020, 02:19:06 PM
Quote from: loschwitz on February 21, 2020, 02:05:38 PM
Info on VanAken:


An additional release from the ELCA, at the time he became president of Thiel in 2009, reports that he has coached high school football and track as well as serving on NCAA committees.

You beat me to it!  I think this guy could be a perfect fit.  He has served as President of a Lutheran College, and is Lutheran.  At Elmhurst, Elmhurst has "seen historic enrollments and record fundraising results"  He also has some Valley experience as he taught at Evansville and...for you athletic junkies, He served as Athletic Director at Albion!

I have a family member that served on the Alumni Board at Theil College during his tenure there.  A few things they had to say about Troy:

"He's a good leader, a good organizer and very capable of building facilities and endowments.  He rebuilt Theil Athletics.  But . . . he's a politician like most college Presidents, smiling and shaking hands.  He worked well with board members and I received full support from him at the beginning and through most of my tenure.  Toward the end, when we were taking on the Dean of Students, he acted neutral towards the alumni board and (behind the scenes) sided with the Dean of Students.  In other words, he is smart, elusive but 100% a politician.  That doesn't make him a bad choice, but it's good to know what you have going into this."


A person in an executive position inevitably becomes involved in the disputes and controversies which can arise within the organization.  It then becomes the task of the executive to deal with the problem.  A win-win resolution is not always possible.  This results in unhappiness on the part of the group whose views do not prevail.  Frequently there develops a conviction that the executive was biased from the start.


This newest one seems to "split the difference" of the other two in regards to experience but a history of employment and engagement more in line with where Valparaiso University  currently sits.

All president's are politicians because your job is to basically schmooze everyone to keep things running smoothly. 

His history at a liberal arts college in the Midwest is important and his being Lutheran is also a positive.


Quote from: crusader05 on February 22, 2020, 08:32:28 AM
This newest one seems to "split the difference" of the other two in regards to experience but a history of employment and engagement more in line with where Valparaiso University  currently sits.

All president's are politicians because your job is to basically schmooze everyone to keep things running smoothly. 

His history at a liberal arts college in the Midwest is important and his being Lutheran is also a positive.

Totally agree and the fact that he also has experience and apparent interest in athletics must be views as an additional positive, particularly for some on this board.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Personally, I would Ike to see someone from a higher profile school. I do like the dude from Wheaton though.



These comments about VanAken are impressive.  And for those of us also interested in athletics and their relationship to the success of our University, the remarks are even more important.  Go V A!  :)


Unfortunately, on paper at least, the three institutions currently employing the three gentlemen interviewing for the Valpo president's position are not terribly impressive.  I would hope that Valpo's future president would have experience at an institution to which Valpo would aspire to emulate.  I don't see this as the case.  While all three institutions are solid, they appear to be "middle of the road" academically and in reputation.  Obviously the search team and professional recruiting firm see valuable attributes in the three candidates brought forward and hopefully a clear winning candidate will emerge from the selection process. I just don't see us saying "wow, let's hire that person because the college where they have worked has many impressive characteristics that Valpo could adopt".  :twocents:


Any friend of athletics is a candidate I support!


Heard the second candidate was very impressive and the majority of the people in the room with him walked away impressed and hopeful. Of course, that could be due to the train wreck that had preceded him. Excited to hear how the third candidate does.


Quote from: sfnmman on February 23, 2020, 12:14:33 AM
Unfortunately, on paper at least, the three institutions currently employing the three gentlemen interviewing for the Valpo president's position are not terribly impressive.  I would hope that Valpo's future president would have experience at an institution to which Valpo would aspire to emulate.  I don't see this as the case.  While all three institutions are solid, they appear to be "middle of the road" academically and in reputation.  Obviously the search team and professional recruiting firm see valuable attributes in the three candidates brought forward and hopefully a clear winning candidate will emerge from the selection process. I just don't see us saying "wow, let's hire that person because the college where they have worked has many impressive characteristics that Valpo could adopt".  :twocents:

I checked--there are none of the previous presidents who would meet this criteria.  President Heckler came from U of Colorado (Denver).  Before him all except Schnabel were Lutheran clergy with previous presidencies at places like Concordia St. Paul or Wartburg College.  They seemed to do a pretty solid job!  ;)
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


I would disagree that they all come from low profile schools.

Wheaton does not compete in D-1 athletics. But that is true of many stellar universitites such as Emory, Carnegie-Mellon, Washington University in St. Louis, and nearly all of the elite liberal arts colleges. 

Some of you may not like its religious slants, but it has a endowment that well exceeds Valpo.   


Quote from: VUGrad1314 on February 17, 2020, 02:53:11 PMI realize there are many other concerns besides athletics but is hiring someone with a D3 background really wise when we're trying to establish ourselves in the MVC?

It would make perfect sense that the Valpo board would hire someone with a D3 background as president. This Valpo board just doesn't consider Athletics as very important. It's a minor affliction put on Valpo by Dick Koenig back in the 70's.