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GAME #1: VUFB @ EKU 8/29. 6:00pm

Started by VULB#62, August 25, 2019, 03:53:30 PM

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53-7 Checking out thoughts on the game

First and foremost how does a starter on gameday not go out in a listed number, seriously.

Offense: Boxrucker by far our most effective runner. Allison showed pop too. Cartales not much after contact. O-Line did what they could physically out matched. Duncan outside the touchdown pass 35+% on throws. Thats bad. Real bad. Receiver wise Reese and Koehler made Duncan right a few times. We played Duncan the entire game, not even a look at another prospect. Fumble for a touchdown. 8 times in opp 50, 7 points. Bad day

Grade: F

Defense: Two turnovers. Competed. Lost on the edge to some speed plays. We had a sack before week 6 this year which is an improvement. Fox called an aggressive game. Our corners and DBs don't really pursue to ball as you'd hope.

Grade: C-

Special Teams: First two punts were shanked out of bounds. Three dropped snaps for PAT. Two PAT misses. a Fumbled punt. Average kick return below 20

Grade: F

Bad day at the office


In general the defense seems more organized than the offense and far more confident. Body language wise the offense has looked a bit intimidated while the defense I thought stood tall throughout despite the lopsided score.

One thing I didn't like but noticed happened while Boxrucker was still fighting for yards and our captain OL walked right by as if the play was over and there was no more he could do. Not exactly playing to the whistle and not a good look.



Compete against Montana (Winning season)

Bricked by Youngstown St, Youngstown St, North Dakota, EKU, Illinois St, Youngstown St, EKU- Whelp

Ironically Duncan's best game in a Valpo Uniform was that Montana game


I will say this with a very small sample to judge from:  Our kids generally look a bit more athletic across the board than even last year, BUT our athletes are just a step or so slower across the board than their athletes. Big difference between PFL and OVC.

But it looks like we came away without any major injuries (at least in the Q4 that I saw). 

Now, we lick our wounds and get back at it. I am a bit miffed that at least one of the other QBs didn't get at least a quarter to show something.  How can the staff go into the next two weeks if they have nothing to base comparisons?

I also think that the D was put in some poor situations by the O not being able to execute, so what we saw tonight on the defensive side may not be indicative of how good (or bad) our D really is.  The next three games will tell us more going into the PFL schedule.


Quote from: valpofb16 on August 29, 2019, 09:04:20 PM
53-7 Checking out thoughts on the game

First and foremost how does a starter on gameday not go out in a listed number, seriously.

Offense: Boxrucker by far our most effective runner. Allison showed pop too. Cartales not much after contact. O-Line did what they could physically out matched. Duncan outside the touchdown pass 35+% on throws. Thats bad. Real bad. Receiver wise Reese and Koehler made Duncan right a few times. We played Duncan the entire game, not even a look at another prospect. Fumble for a touchdown. 8 times in opp 50, 7 points. Bad day

Grade: F

Defense: Two turnovers. Competed. Lost on the edge to some speed plays. We had a sack before week 6 this year which is an improvement. Fox called an aggressive game. Our corners and DBs don't really pursue to ball as you'd hope.

Grade: C-

Special Teams: First two punts were shanked out of bounds. Three dropped snaps for PAT. Two PAT misses. a Fumbled punt. Average kick return below 20

Grade: F

Bad day at the office
How did we drop 3 PAT snaps and miss two when we only scored one TD?


Sorry two were field goal attempts which were missed


I have no problem playing scholarship FCS teams but we need to be realistic about who we play. I just don't see the value of getting your brains bashed.


The problem is that the bottom feeders in conferences like the OVC, Big Sky, MVFC, CAA, etc., IMO, don't have the $$$ to do buy games, so, if we want to go against better competition ( and make a few bucks), it's body bag game or nothing.  Our '17 Montana game was where we need to be every year. I think we can be. I hope that Fox can take us there. The other option is to work our arses off to get Patriot and Ivy games. Those would be a step up from the NEC so our OOC schedule could be a bit more realistic. BUT.....  I get the sense that part of the recruiting spiel is who we are scheduling for body bag games. Our kids, bless them, want to go against these guys.


Quote from: VULB#62 on August 29, 2019, 09:12:50 PMI am a bit miffed that at least one of the other QBs didn't get at least a quarter to show something.
I share in you miffness. Does the staff have no faith in Mullen or Nimz or whoever the 2nd (3rd) guy is?


Fumble for a TD Duncan's fault early in the game not done again. Defense was more organized but let's not get carried awayed they let a lot of points get on the board. I was at the game receivers were not running routes correctly never open. Two of Duncan's passes were un catchable but most of the plays we're hand offs up the middle that did not work. Kick offs were not good EKU had good field position almost every time. I'm not sure why no other qb was not given a chance but I'm not counting Duncan out yet. Offense line was week no blocking. No speed on defense when the EKU offense broke free no one on Valpo defense could catch up. No interceptions Duncan did not have turnovers except the fumble in 1st qt.


Quote from: IndyValpo on August 29, 2019, 09:32:38 PM
I have no problem playing scholarship FCS teams but we need to be realistic about who we play. I just don't see the value of getting your brains bashed.
I've never seen the value in these games, other than a big paycheck for the athletic department at the expense of an ass-kicking and potential blood bath.
Need to stick to our own level. Non-scholarship football.


So I watched the game and was glad that the only apparent injuries were on the EKU side.  That's a positive for sure.  Duncan was really bad but, consider the pressure he was under and you'all would have a bad game as well.  I like what I saw from Ollie and JD.  The first game of the season and we have two starters suspended?  What's  up with team discipline? I thought the defense was pretty good, Booker is a stud.  Two interceptions.  The punting and kicking?  Awful.  Good thing we have two weeks to learn and get better.  There is hope.  The EKU team has the star power and experience to go a long way this season.  That might be the best scholarship team we have played since NDSU in 2004?

Oh, and I thought the TV guys did a really good, fair job.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: JD24 on August 29, 2019, 09:55:58 PM
Quote from: VULB#62 on August 29, 2019, 09:12:50 PMI am a bit miffed that at least one of the other QBs didn't get at least a quarter to show something.
I share in you miffness. Does the staff have no faith in Mullen or Nimz or whoever the 2nd (3rd) guy is?

This is particularly confusing within the context of Coach Fox's pregame video where he drew a parallel between this game and a "preseason" game with the obvious message being that we would be playing a lot of guys to see how they performed under game conditions.

Quote from: vu72 on August 30, 2019, 08:19:08 AM
The first game of the season and we have two starters suspended?  What's  up with team discipline?

Really?  Who?  Why?


i just wanted to say thank you guys for letting me sign on to your board and  chat a little. You have been  gracious  host. Good  luck the rest of they year.
I will  be  following you and  check in from time to time if you don't  mind. GOOD LUCK !
EKU A Matter of Pride
21 time OVC Champs


Always glad to have you join in.  We'll be watching the Colonels as well.  It'll be a good measuring stick for the rest of the season.


Interesting Co inky dink?

Player of the game: #6 - Jaxon Peifer with 10 tackles.

Lone Valpo TD of the game: #6 - Ollie Reese with a 61 yard catch and run.


Quote from: vu72 on August 30, 2019, 08:19:08 AMThe first game of the season and we have two starters suspended?  What's  up with team discipline? 
What's up with "team" discipline is 4 players got picked up for the major offense of underage drinking back in April. LeAndre for furnishing and Larose for possession. Two other players were picked up at the same time for he same egregious offense. One guy was so ashamed that he left the team!!
Interesting that there probably was at least one other suspension not mentioned during the game since he was probably a traveler and LeAndre, who I think was mentioned as suspended, was credited with an assist on a tackle.

Hint: "Violation of team rules" typically is an underage drinking signal.



Quote from: VULB#62 on August 30, 2019, 08:57:59 AMThis is particularly confusing within the context of Coach Fox's pregame video where he drew a parallel between this game and a "preseason" game with the obvious message being that we would be playing a lot of guys to see how they performed under game conditions.
Maybe the travel numbers were down and thus the staff was forced to play the same guys all the way but I found it odd that I didn't even notice much if any of the next platoon in there.
Some other observations. Anyone who doesn't believe a QB needs a "go to" guy when under stress needs to watch last night's game. While he was under a great deal of stress from a higher plain of defense, we've seen QBs such as Eric Hoffman, Ben Lehman and Jimmy Seewald stand in there much better than Duncan did last night. Ryan Clarke wasn't the most accurate guy in the world but his failings weren't out of a sense of being timid.

Scarsella appeared to play a very good game. Right before his pick, he lit up a back trying to turn the corner. Tape may reveal otherwise but I thought he played well. In fact, I don't have a ton of complaints about the defense.

The offense is another story. It appeared unsure as a whole and I think they are handing Koehler too much. He's a role player....or should be. While LaRose was out, what about the 2's at WR? I don't know we saw any of them and I can't say the first group looked irreplaceable.

Valpo appeared to line up in 11 personnel for almost the entire game including in spread sets with the TE flexed. We didn't attempt a throw to a TE all game....although I recall Kluck lying on the ground when one pass bounced past him so maybe it was one not in the boxscore. See my point about "go to" receivers.

Whoever was bouncing and/or dropping the snaps on placekicks and punts needs to be replaced today if they have not already been. Latsonas is a very good kicker. Let's not waste him bsing around with the snap and hold.


If Latsonas is a very good kicker, he would not miss from 29 yds


Quote from: usc4valpo on August 30, 2019, 11:38:52 AMIf Latsonas is a very good kicker, he would not miss from 29 yds
When the snapper is bouncing the ball to the holder and the holder is dropping the ball, Adam Vinatieri would be missing from 29 yards. If you don't consider Latsonas a very good kicker, you haven't been paying attention.


No one had explained the preplay ball fake by the motion man.

The Leandre, Kelly suspensions hurt as theyre both likely starters and our corners got bullied in the run game.

I'd love to hear Fox with an explanation on leaving Duncan in the game, possibilities

1) Jimmy is healthy and will start rest of way so leaving Duncan in was getting our 2 experience
2) Jimmy is hurt meaning they just let our starter play 1/2 of an out of reach game risking injury

Either way not thrilled


Quote from: valpofb16 on August 30, 2019, 12:32:39 PMNo one had explained the preplay ball fake by the motion man. 
As a point of preference, I kept hoping they'd lose the fake. It seemed to accomplish nothing. It may have been to determine coverage but it, frankly, looked ridiculous.


JD24-perhaps I have a different criteria on a very good kicker. He is better than previous Valpo kickers, but that's not saying much.

My favorite Valpo kicker moment was 1981 when Jon Steinbrecher kicked a missed 25 year field goal short against Albion. I am not exaggerating, and it was not blocked or a heavy wind. It provides a great physics dilemma.


Quote from: usc4valpo on August 30, 2019, 09:05:20 PM
JD24-perhaps I have a different criteria on a very good kicker. He is better than previous Valpo kickers, but that's not saying much.

My favorite Valpo kicker moment was 1981 when Jon Steinbrecher kicked a missed 25 year field goal short against Albion. I am not exaggerating, and it was not blocked or a heavy wind. It provides a great physics dilemma.

Some would say he started aiming for the Summit of the Mid-Continent, hit it over the Ohio Valley, landed in the Mid American when he really wanted to get it to the Big East.

Seriously, kicking has become much more accurate over the last few years. Kevin Butler remarked during an interview on a radio station that his accuracy rate for FGs was 73%. He said a college kicker can't even think about becoming an NFL placekicker without hitting on 90% of his kicks in college.