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Valpo: #246 again and again

Started by setshot, October 23, 2011, 12:19:33 PM

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The Crusaders face Dayton this weekend and Sagarin rates them at # 214. I say Dayton wins by at least 32 pts. Davidson is our best bet for a win,but don't bet on it.



"Don't mess with Texas"


I'll say 52 - 14 in favor of Dayton.
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado






I watched the first half--sure was fun to see a Valpo football game for the first time!!  Ok, here's what I saw--We have some talent, especially at QB.  This kid is big and strong, and only a freshman.

We had a touchdown called back on a great pass and catch, and then gave up a touchdown late in the first only to have them get the ball back and score with a few seconds to go.  Instead of being down 14-3, we were down 28-3, which is no indication at all as to the play on the field.  Our line  needs a bunch of work as running was pretty much non-existent, which puts all sorts of pressure on the  passing game.

I really don't think we are that far off.  Stop the big plays and improve the running game.  There is hope with such a young team.
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Davidson is now ranked at #241,Valpo holds on to the last spot at#246. Consistancy.0-11,probably.  Marist will win: 49-7. Wait till next year.


Of the 246 teams, only six have yet to win a game this year. Unfortunately, VU will not be the first to escape that dirty half dozen:

Valpo  17
Marist 38


Quote from: vu72 on October 29, 2011, 04:28:08 PM
I really don't think we are that far off.  Stop the big plays and improve the running game.  There is hope with such a young team.

So Valpo will beat Marist? If not will Valpo come within 20 points of Campbell or Davidson? If Valpo can't come within 20 points this year what game next year will they come within 20 points of their opponent, not including a Div.3 opponent? I just don't see it happening any time soon.


Quote from: historyman on October 30, 2011, 06:33:29 PM
Quote from: vu72 on October 29, 2011, 04:28:08 PM
I really don't think we are that far off.  Stop the big plays and improve the running game.  There is hope with such a young team.

So Valpo will beat Marist? If not will Valpo come within 20 points of Campbell or Davidson? If Valpo can't come within 20 points this year what game next year will they come within 20 points of their opponent, not including a Div.3 opponent? I just don't see it happening any time soon.

At this point the average score of the Valpo games are 51 - 14. Coming within 20 would be a big accomplishment even against a DIII opponent. Winning is just not a realistic goal at this time.
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


Obviously, we're just waiting for this season to play out at this point.  Question to those who have been following the team more closely - Is there reason to be hopeful for some improvement next year?  Is it a matter that we have some decent players but need improvement at the "skilled" positions?  Or, do we need basically a complete turnover of players in order to be competitive? 


There is talent on the team and I really believe each of the players give 100%.  However, collectively - the players are still having a difficult time working and playing as a team.   The only that this will change is with good coaching and mentoring.

Which leads me to another point.  What we continue to see week after week with this team isn't a lack of skill but a team with poor leadership from the coaching staff.  Valpo needs to reevaluate if Carlson is the guy for the job.  I understand that he was able to re-build programs but in this case he is in too deep and can't seem to swim his way back to the top. It is more than obvious he is scrambling.  I'm not here to coach bash just offering an opinion.

As one fan said during the game after a poor running play "it's a shame the best running back #44 is standing on the sideline"  In Carlsons post-game interview he mentioned that #44 had the flu.  I'm sure it was the flu but not the kind to be cured with this coaching staff.

The AD needs to cut his loses, save his job and get rid of Carlson.


Quote from: TripleT on October 31, 2011, 02:03:15 PM
There is talent on the team and I really believe each of the players give 100%.  However, collectively - the players are still having a difficult time working and playing as a team.   The only that this will change is with good coaching and mentoring.

Which leads me to another point.  What we continue to see week after week with this team isn't a lack of skill but a team with poor leadership from the coaching staff.  Valpo needs to reevaluate if Carlson is the guy for the job.  I understand that he was able to re-build programs but in this case he is in too deep and can't seem to swim his way back to the top. It is more than obvious he is scrambling.  I'm not here to coach bash just offering an opinion.

As one fan said during the game after a poor running play "it's a shame the best running back #44 is standing on the sideline"  In Carlsons post-game interview he mentioned that #44 had the flu.  I'm sure it was the flu but not the kind to be cured with this coaching staff.

The AD needs to cut his loses, save his job and get rid of Carlson.

Congrats on being the first to call for Coach Carlson's head!

As for Mr. LaBarbera's job being tied to the football team performance, you've got to be kidding right?
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Our AD is doing a fantastic job overall, so even making that statement is ridiculous!  Taking us into a better conference and situation, hiring quality coaches (Mike Avery, Tracy Woodson, etc), will keep him around a long time as these sports are doing well.  Carlson should be given time.  His recruits are basically the FR, while the previous coach set all this in motion with his time as HC.  Adams being a good guy is one thing, but he really should be given credit for this season and last, as you can only do such much with the talent you have SO-SR.   
"Don't mess with Texas"


I think a coach should get 4 years in most situations.  To even think that the AD is worried about his job due to the performance of the football team at Valpo is ridiculous.  This isn't Texas or Alabama or any other major football school....unbelievable


As a longtime fan of the BB program, I followed the team through some pretty lean years before Homer finally got the program on-track.  If it happened for basketball, it can happen for football, as well.   


Where would VU Men's Basketball be today if the AD had only given Homer 2, or even 4 years?  We should give Coach Carlson a chance - we don't know the Division I-AA capability that was left on the team he took over. 

I'm looking (hoping at this point) for some improvement this week.

Valpo  -  17
Marist -   35


I agree with giving a coach 4 years, but if he's winless after 3 years I can at least see the argument against retaining him. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
"Tragedy is losing 86-7 and then having ESPN calling the press box and asking if the score is actually correct." - pgmado


Quote from: milanmiracle on October 31, 2011, 05:03:10 PM
I agree with giving a coach 4 years, but if he's winless after 3 years I can at least see the argument against retaining him. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Where would VU Basketball be if Homer had only received four years?  His first four seasons were 10-19, 4-24, 5-22, and 5-22 again.  By any measure of first four years, Homer would have been replaced.  The AD realized that recent incoming talent had improved, and believed in Homer and his program.  If he had just gone by record, Homer would have been gone.

The AD needs to make the call based on level of program when Carlson started to level of program at review.  The AD is involved with the program on a daily basis, and should be best equiped to make an assessment of the program after 4 or 5 years.  Give Carlson some time.


Homer at least won a few games. Carlson is 0-19 and will be 0-22 by the end of the season. Why wait? Either fire the coach or DROP football.


"Don't mess with Texas"


HA, HA - I certainly got some feathers ruffled.  This is a forum to express opinions whether the majority agree or not. 

The reality is this....if you hire someone that was CLEARLY the least favored person for the job and they perform poorly it is a reflection on you.  Would the transition take time? OF COURSE. Did anyone expect the team to get progressively worse? OF COURSE NOT. This AD is in a tough situation.

Regardless of the record, Valpo is a DI-FCS football team.  Any school with pride and integrity would see the writing on the wall and make changes - not only with players but also coaching personnel.  Look down the road at Notre Dame they wasted no time making changes until they got a system that worked. 

The lack of support from alumni, donors, corporate sponsors, etc... tell the bigger picture when the football golf outing was cancelled due to limited participation.

Regarding players...again talent is there but the desire to work together as a team on the field is gone. 

Regarding Carlson...again there is no excuse for the poor play calling. He needs to learn to coach the players on the field not his pipe dream fantasy league.  Once this is realized Valpo might win a game or two.