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Valpo hosts UNI Game Thread, Wed., Feb. 5, 2020, 7:00p CT

Started by wh, February 04, 2020, 11:57:29 AM

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They're doing a big a student promotion but the roads were a  :censored: show when I and my spouse were driving home from work. Like 30 minutes to go give miles bad. accidents everywhere.


Sig not dressed again. I'm smelling medical redshirt. If I recall, player can't play in > 30% of total games. 30% x 31 games = 9.3. Sig has played in 9. The math works.


So I'm going to apologize in advance.  I just returned to my room to watch the game. Been out celebrating with some friends / colleagues on the impending sale of one of our divisions. I'm fired up and ready to vastly overreact to every little thing tonight.

About to make 1314 look like a calm, rational, unemotional member of this board tonight.

(Love you, 1314!)


Was planning to go but roads did not allow with the time constraints to travel from Illinois. Light crowd will hopefully fill in a few minutes late. Those in the seats will have to be extra loud. Go Crusaders!


A slow offensive start. I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell you!




I think there is something wrong with the west rim. 


Quote from: oklahomamick on February 05, 2020, 07:14:49 PM
7 minutes and we are shooting 9%

This inept offense to start games is extraordinarily hard to watch.  How do we continue to miss the rim on layups...



I enjoy an adult beverage from time to time. I have never in my 40+ years on this earth drank enough to black out.

That streak may end tonight.



Is this the motion offense you guys were telling me about?


I'm getting close to going home. One more TO period. This just doesn't seem to be our night.


trust the process, we are young.  Fazekas will be back soon enough.  We have a motion offense.  No worries. 


Don't care if every single player on the roster transfers. Get rid of this coach.


I believe that we will win.


Sounds like a tough weather night.  That makes me admire the 459 fans and 9 students in their section even more.

What a depressing display of offense and fan support.


Matt Lottich is like a deer in headlights. No clue how to run set plays to get players open, this is a joke and will continue to be, ML and the AD are incompetent. 9 points,  17 minutes in. Lottich just resign please. Their shots look so off, maybe something going awry in the weight room, wow this staff cant put it together.




Don't worry guys. We'll cut it to 5 in the second half before losing by 16.

Another moral victory!   


NativeCheeshead, that's spot on.  I was about to say that. 

By the way, whats the drink of choice tonight? 


Well we got 19 by half so we did get to double digits.  I guess that's something.


Manhattans my friend. Manhattans in Manhattan. Poetic, yet potent.


Gordon gets elbowed to the head on his shot and is lying in pain on the court. Everyone sees it clearly on the replay as it is determined not to be a flagrant foul, but it should have been an "and one," and milquetoast Lottich doesn't even complain at all to the officials about the non-call. I give up on trying to understand this  :censored: !