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Started by Just Sayin, February 23, 2020, 09:41:26 AM

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Just Sayin

Who is dying from the coronavirus in the United States? Thus far, it's mostly the elderly. Why? Because the elderly, especially those with health problems, have weaker immune systems.

Below quote from
Sharyl Attkisson, Justthenews.com, as of yesterday.

QuoteAs Americans spend their first full day under a presidentially declared national state of emergency, many are wondering about the profile of those who have succumbed to the coronavirus so far.
The number of U.S. deaths has been growing since the first one reported in Washington state on Feb. 29. The victim's name was not released, nor were details of his circumstances. But officials said he lived in King County, was in his 50s, and had "underlying health conditions."
As of Friday, the total number of U.S. deaths attributed to coronavirus stood at 48. All but 11 of the deaths were in Washington state.
Of the total deaths reported through March 13, more than half (25) were from the Life Care Center nursing facility in Kirkland, Wash., where a serious outbreak occurred.
U.S. health officials said the early pattern of deaths suggests those most at risk are the elderly and those with more serious health issues like diabetes, lung disease or coronary ailments.
"If you are an elderly person with an underlying condition, if you get infected, the risk of getting into trouble is considerable. So it's our responsibility to protect the vulnerable," Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's top infectious disease expert, declared recently.
For the latest government information, visit CDC.gov. In the meantime, here are more details on the first 48 U.S. coronavirus deaths.
Thirty-seven deaths (77% of total) are in Washington state.
Newly reported on March 13, 2020

Two women in their 90s at Life Care Center died on March 6.
A woman in her 80s at Life Care Center died on March 6.
A man in his 70s at Overlake Medical Center died on March 4.
A man in his 80s at Swedish Issaquah hospital, died on March 9.
Woman in her 70s with underlying health conditions died on March 11.
Four Washington state deaths are from Snohomish County
A woman in her 70s with underlying health conditions died March 11.
Woman in her 80s with underlying health conditions died March 10.
Man in his 80s with underlying health conditions, died March 9 at the Josephine Caring Community
A man in his 40s with underlying health conditions died but the date has not been specified.
One Washington State death is from Grant County, a patient in his or her 80s.
Four deaths are in California:
A woman, 90s, in assisted living.
A woman, 60s, hospitalized in Santa Clara.
An elderly man in assisted living.
A man, 71, with underlying health conditions who had been on a Grand Princess cruise ship.
Two deaths are in Florida:
A man and woman, both in their 70s, died after returning from foreign travel.
One death is in New Jersey:
A man, 69, who is diabetic and suffered two cardiac arrests, has died.
One death is in South Dakota:
A man in his 60s with underlying medical conditions has died.
One death is in Georgia:
A man, 67, with underlying medical conditions has died.
One death is in Kansas:
A man in his 70s with underlying health conditions died at the Life Care Center in Kansas City.
One death in is Colorado:
A woman in her 80s with underlying health conditions has died.

Just Sayin

Are we heading in the same direction and at the same rate as Italy as this doctor's post suggests? I don't know but I doubt it. The president's bold and decisive actions have made that highly unlikely:


Just Sayin

"The haters will never admit it, but Trump's ability to meet the moment now [response to Coronavirus] is a reminder about why he was elected and how he has managed to guide the great American jobs machine to unprecedented heights. The only mystery is why supposedly intelligent people on the left refuse to acknowledge that millions of their fellow citizens are better off now than they were four years ago."  Michael Goodwin

Just Sayin

Increases Since Yesterday Morning

Confirmed +8562
Deaths +294
Recovered +2250
Cumulative Recovery Rate 46.48%

United States
Confirmed +777
Deaths +10
Recovered +0

Indiana Added Since Yesterday Morning
Confirmed 0
Deaths 0
Recovered Not Reported
Counties 0

Just Sayin

Daily totals of new positive confirmations spiked worldwide 16,200 Friday and 11,600 yesterday. Friday's spike surpassed the Feb. 13th spike of 15,100, likely the China spike.
China is having very few new confirmations and is leveling off. The spike is coming from countries other than China, particularly from Europe and the Middle East.
In response to the spike the president has extended the travel ban to include these countries. Good move. Joe Biden thinks it's a bad move.


Coronavirus Nightmare Could Be the End for Europe's Borderless Dream


Hillary Clinton May 2013 speech to the Brazilian bank Banco Itau

"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the Hemisphere."

From Karl Marx to the Frankfort School to the EU to Hillary Clinton, Sanders, and AOC. Regressive, controlling, on the wrong side of history.

Just Sayin

We still have thousands of illegals crossing the border into the U.S. If democrats had their way, borders would be completely open.
Now that we have the threat of the coronavirus, why aren't democrats calling for testing illegals who cross our southern border? Could it be that they are willing to sacrifice the lives of Americans so that they can further their political goals of making illegals dependent on the government and voting for democrats?

Wouldn't surprise me.

Remember Kavanaugh.

Remember Adam Schiff.

Remember phony impeachment.

Nobody hates like a democrat.


Are you kidding? The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel. And the faithful said, Hail Almighty Satan!" 


Quote from: wh on March 15, 2020, 02:36:11 PM
Are you kidding? The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel. And the faithful said, Hail Almighty Satan!" 

To all who may read this thread and the other postings of wh:

This person does not, in any way, represent Valparaiso University. As illustrated by this post and previous posts, wh lacks psychological maturity and sanity to hold any leadership position and, to my knowledge, does not hold such a position with the university. if at any time i were to learn that wh was serving or being considered for a leadership position, I would forward this person's posts to the appropriate people to insure they would see wh's character is clearly known. This person, of course, would be fully welcome to forward any and all posts that I have made.

Just Sayin

Just Sayin

Increases Since Yesterday Morning

Confirmed +12987....Cumulative 169387
Deaths +680.........................................6513 
Recovered +3289................................77257
Recovery Rate: .............................46.44%

United States
Confirmed +822.................................3774
Deaths +12...............................................69
Recovered +0...........................................12

Confirmed +4..........................................19
Deaths 0.....................................................0
Recovered Not Reported
Counties +4 (Newly reported: Hamilton County +1)
Marion County +3....................................6
Total Tested +32....................................121

Just Sayin

Yesterday for the first time the cumulative total confirmed worldwide other than China exceeds China's total confirmed positive.

China: 81000
Other than China: 88400


Quote from: vu84v2 on March 15, 2020, 09:36:24 PM
Quote from: wh on March 15, 2020, 02:36:11 PM
Are you kidding? The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel. And the faithful said, Hail Almighty Satan!" 

To all who may read this thread and the other postings of wh:

This person does not, in any way, represent Valparaiso University. As illustrated by this post and previous posts, wh lacks psychological maturity and sanity to hold any leadership position and, to my knowledge, does not hold such a position with the university. if at any time i were to learn that wh was serving or being considered for a leadership position, I would forward this person's posts to the appropriate people to insure they would see wh's character is clearly known. This person, of course, would be fully welcome to forward any and all posts that I have made.

How perfectly Communist of you to threaten to destroy someone's career because you're offended by their criticism of your political party. And thanks for proving my point, "The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel."

Chinese tycoon vanishes after calling Xi a 'clown,' slamming government's handling of COVID-19


The only difference between destroying someone's career and killing them for harshly criticizing your political party is degree. The principle is identical, evil, and anti-American.

Just Sayin

Quote from: wh on March 16, 2020, 08:52:20 AM
Quote from: vu84v2 on March 15, 2020, 09:36:24 PM
Quote from: wh on March 15, 2020, 02:36:11 PMAre you kidding? The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel. And the faithful said, Hail Almighty Satan!"
To all who may read this thread and the other postings of wh: This person does not, in any way, represent Valparaiso University. As illustrated by this post and previous posts, wh lacks psychological maturity and sanity to hold any leadership position and, to my knowledge, does not hold such a position with the university. if at any time i were to learn that wh was serving or being considered for a leadership position, I would forward this person's posts to the appropriate people to insure they would see wh's character is clearly known. This person, of course, would be fully welcome to forward any and all posts that I have made.
How perfectly Communist of you to threaten to destroy someone's career because you're offended by their criticism of your political party. And thanks for proving my point, "The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel." Chinese tycoon vanishes after calling Xi a 'clown,' slamming government's handling of COVID-19 https://www.foxnews.com/world/high-profile-chinese-tycoon-missing-after-calling-president-xi-jinping-a-clown The only difference between destroying someone's career and killing them for harshly criticizing your political party is degree. The principle is identical, evil, and anti-American.

Who would give a crap what vu84v2 says? Typical arrogant and condescending liberal who seems to make megalomaniacal comments towards those with whom he strongly disagrees. True colors of a tyrannical liberal.


Quote from: wh on March 16, 2020, 08:52:20 AM
Quote from: vu84v2 on March 15, 2020, 09:36:24 PM
Quote from: wh on March 15, 2020, 02:36:11 PM
Are you kidding? The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel. And the faithful said, Hail Almighty Satan!" 

To all who may read this thread and the other postings of wh:

This person does not, in any way, represent Valparaiso University. As illustrated by this post and previous posts, wh lacks psychological maturity and sanity to hold any leadership position and, to my knowledge, does not hold such a position with the university. if at any time i were to learn that wh was serving or being considered for a leadership position, I would forward this person's posts to the appropriate people to insure they would see wh's character is clearly known. This person, of course, would be fully welcome to forward any and all posts that I have made.

How perfectly Communist of you to threaten to destroy someone's career because you're offended by their criticism of your political party. And thanks for proving my point, "The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel."

Chinese tycoon vanishes after calling Xi a 'clown,' slamming government's handling of COVID-19


The only difference between destroying someone's career and killing them for harshly criticizing your political party is degree. The principle is identical, evil, and anti-American.

Having opinions across the spectrum of political beliefs and being able to express them is critical to a free society. Calling people satanists, saying that you would rejoice if leaders whom you disagree with were to tragically die, or any of the other similar statements that you have made in the past on this page are something very different - they suggest that you may be a psychopath or have other serious clinical psychological derangement. Someone who exhibits these psychological traits in making their arguments, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum, should not be in a leadership position and do not represent this university.


De Blasio urges 'nationalization' of key industries, calls coronavirus outbreak a 'war-like situation'


"Never Allow a Crisis to Go to Waste: Barack Obama and the Evolution of American Socialism"
Book by Bart Depalma


Quote from: vu84v2 on March 16, 2020, 09:23:49 AM
Quote from: wh on March 16, 2020, 08:52:20 AM
Quote from: vu84v2 on March 15, 2020, 09:36:24 PM
Quote from: wh on March 15, 2020, 02:36:11 PM
Are you kidding? The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel. And the faithful said, Hail Almighty Satan!" 

To all who may read this thread and the other postings of wh:

This person does not, in any way, represent Valparaiso University. As illustrated by this post and previous posts, wh lacks psychological maturity and sanity to hold any leadership position and, to my knowledge, does not hold such a position with the university. if at any time i were to learn that wh was serving or being considered for a leadership position, I would forward this person's posts to the appropriate people to insure they would see wh's character is clearly known. This person, of course, would be fully welcome to forward any and all posts that I have made.

How perfectly Communist of you to threaten to destroy someone's career because you're offended by their criticism of your political party. And thanks for proving my point, "The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel."

Chinese tycoon vanishes after calling Xi a 'clown,' slamming government's handling of COVID-19


The only difference between destroying someone's career and killing them for harshly criticizing your political party is degree. The principle is identical, evil, and anti-American.

Having opinions across the spectrum of political beliefs and being able to express them is critical to a free society. Calling people satanists, saying that you would rejoice if leaders whom you disagree with were to tragically die, or any of the other similar statements that you have made in the past on this page are something very different - they suggest that you may be a psychopath or have other serious clinical psychological derangement. Someone who exhibits these psychological traits in making their arguments, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum, should not be in a leadership position and do not represent this university.

Nice programmed response, Mr. Robot. You are so lost.


wh - It is quite notable that your responses do not state that I have misinterpreted your prior postings.

Just Sayin

Coronavirus and the daily trade and traffic from Mexico


QuoteIt's been said that diseases know no border. As the US grapples with its coronavirus response, one outstanding question is how to handle the daily back and forth trade and tourism between the US, and Mexico and Canada. I spoke with Congressman Henry Cuellar, a Texas democrat whose district includes the border town of Laredo.

Rep. Henry Cuellar: Let me just give you a snapshot. Laredo, Texas, 14,000 trailers a day crossing north and southbound. Number one in trucks, number one in trains, 24 trains that cross north and south. We get about 150 buses. People that will cross over, go to the malls, go to the restaurants, hotels and all that, interchanging with our folks. Not saying that there's anything wrong with Mexico, but I'm just saying what do you do when there is a large number of crossings? Are the men and women at the frontline ready to one, make sure that they're protected? Two, are they able to detect, are there medical folks that they have here?


Quote from: M on March 13, 2020, 05:03:10 PMTime to rename this entire section of the site to Just Sayin talks to himself.

Months ago I proposed a monthly breakfast club meeting where we can better discuss our differences with the greatest danger being getting some runny egg on our faces. That offer still stands (I'll buy first time) with the warning that I am a crude and sometimes rude country boy who will take vocal maybe profane exception to some of the nonsense many of you accept as fact. Forewarned that I have called myself a radical centrist because the self righteous left and right now smuggly sit with all the answers and contempt for differing opinion.

I had some stock bid offers in Friday that thankfully did not take. In anticipation of another big coronavirus selloff I decided to sleep in this morning. The worst is yet to come.

Bigger picture, worst case, bright side----Nothing would be better for the planet than a large number of the human population dying off. I have a better understanding of and empathy for the natural world in contrast to those of us who have subjugated it.

If I have to die do I get to choose one of you to go with me?  ::) That could be fun although spending eternity with some of you could get old pretty quick.