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Started by Just Sayin, February 23, 2020, 09:41:26 AM

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Quote from: justducky on March 16, 2020, 02:29:32 PMTime to rename this entire section of the site to Just Sayin talks to himself.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: justducky on March 16, 2020, 02:29:32 PM
Quote from: M on March 13, 2020, 05:03:10 PMTime to rename this entire section of the site to Just Sayin talks to himself.

Months ago I proposed a monthly breakfast club meeting where we can better discuss our differences with the greatest danger being getting some runny egg on our faces. That offer still stands (I'll buy first time) with the warning that I am a crude and sometimes rude country boy who will take vocal maybe profane exception to some of the nonsense many of you accept as fact. Forewarned that I have called myself a radical centrist because the self righteous left and right now smuggly sit with all the answers and contempt for differing opinion.

I had some stock bid offers in Friday that thankfully did not take. In anticipation of another big coronavirus selloff I decided to sleep in this morning. The worst is yet to come.

Bigger picture, worst case, bright side----Nothing would be better for the planet than a large number of the human population dying off. I have a better understanding of and empathy for the natural world in contrast to those of us who have subjugated it.

If I have to die do I get to choose one of you to go with me?  ::) That could be fun although spending eternity with some of you could get old pretty quick.

I have little regard for "centrists."  Centrists have an annoying tendency to insist that nothing is purely black or white, when the truth is just because there are 2 sides to every story doesn't mean 1 isn't completely right and the other completely wrong. Some centrists are afraid to take a position for fear of offending others around the table. Others are ignorant.  They don't understand the issue enough to take a stand.  Some have a weak moral compass and simply don't care enough to take a stand.  Then there are the lazy thinkers, and those who are too shy or insecure to take a stand. Last, but not least, centrists are not problem solvers, they are people pleasers, trying their best to find common ground for the sake of harmony.

Political centrism? Smug, weak and misguided
by Dick Lilly / March 14, 2019



Quote from: wh on March 16, 2020, 03:54:32 PMCentrists have an annoying tendency to insist that nothing is purely black or white, when the truth is just because there are 2 sides to every story doesn't mean 1 isn't completely right and the other completely wrong. Some centrists are afraid to take a position for fear of offending others around the table. Others are ignorant.  They don't understand the issue enough to take a stand.  Some have a weak moral compass and simply don't care enough to take a stand.  Then there are the lazy thinkers, and those who are too shy or insecure to take a stand. Last, but not least, centrists are not problem solvers, they are people pleasers, trying their best to find common ground for the sake of harmony.

Or perhaps they have enough common sense to recognize that getting something done requires compromise.  It is not the weak or ignorant or lazy that won't reach across the aisle for the good of the country, it is the stiff, block headed who are stuck in the 50's hoping for a comeback of Leave it to Beaver.  Compromise--ask Reagan and O'Neal
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015


Quote from: vu84v2 on March 16, 2020, 09:23:49 AM
Quote from: wh on March 16, 2020, 08:52:20 AM
Quote from: vu84v2 on March 15, 2020, 09:36:24 PM
Quote from: wh on March 15, 2020, 02:36:11 PM
Are you kidding? The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel. And the faithful said, Hail Almighty Satan!" 

To all who may read this thread and the other postings of wh:

This person does not, in any way, represent Valparaiso University. As illustrated by this post and previous posts, wh lacks psychological maturity and sanity to hold any leadership position and, to my knowledge, does not hold such a position with the university. if at any time i were to learn that wh was serving or being considered for a leadership position, I would forward this person's posts to the appropriate people to insure they would see wh's character is clearly known. This person, of course, would be fully welcome to forward any and all posts that I have made.

How perfectly Communist of you to threaten to destroy someone's career because you're offended by their criticism of your political party. And thanks for proving my point, "The Democrat party is a fanatical godless religion that expects unwavering adherence to its satanic tenants of faith. We will tell you what to think and how to feel."

Chinese tycoon vanishes after calling Xi a 'clown,' slamming government's handling of COVID-19


The only difference between destroying someone's career and killing them for harshly criticizing your political party is degree. The principle is identical, evil, and anti-American.

Having opinions across the spectrum of political beliefs and being able to express them is critical to a free society. Calling people satanists, saying that you would rejoice if leaders whom you disagree with were to tragically die, or any of the other similar statements that you have made in the past on this page are something very different - they suggest that you may be a psychopath or have other serious clinical psychological derangement. Someone who exhibits these psychological traits in making their arguments, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum, should not be in a leadership position and do not represent this university.

I totally agree. Certainly Valparaiso University would not welcome wh as one of their representatives.

Just Sayin

"Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year."  Health.com

Just Sayin

Comparison with other viruses
For comparison, the case fatality rate with seasonal flu in the United States is less than 0.1% (1 death per every 1,000 cases).
Mortality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.

Virus                                                         Death Rate
Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)             2.0%*

SARS                                                              9.6%

MERS                                                            34.0%

Swine Flu                                                        0.02%


Just Sayin

QuoteMortality Rate, as discussed by the National Health Commission (NHC) of China on Feb. 4
Asked at a press conference on February 4 what the current mortality rate (or case fatality rate, CFR) is, an official with China NHC said that [7]:
The formula they are using is: cumulative current total deaths / current confirmed cases. Therefore, as of 24:00 on Feb. 3, the formula used was 425/20,438.
Based on this figure, the national mortality rate to date was 2.1% of confirmed cases.
There might be mild cases and other cases not reported.
97% of the country's total deaths (414) were in the Hubei Province.
Mortality rate in Wuhan was 4.9%.
Mortality rate in the Hubei Province was 3.1%.
Mortality rate nationwide was 2.1%.
Fatality rate in other provinces was 0.16%.
Deaths in Wuhan were 313, accounting for 74% of China's total.
Most of the cases were still mild cases, therefore there was no need to panic.
Asked why Wuhan was so much higher than the national level, the NHC official replied that it was for lack of resources, citing as an example that there were only 110 critical care beds in the three designated hospitals where most of the cases were sent.
National mortality rate was basically stable, as of Feb. 4 at 2.1%, and it was 2.3% at the beginning of the epidemic, which can be seen as a slight decline.
Front the analysis of death cases, it emerged that the demographic profile was mainly male, accounting for 2/3, females accounting for 1/3, and is mainly elderly, more than 80% are elderly over 60 years old, and more than 75% had underlying diseases present such as cardiovascular and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and, in some cases, tumor.
Elderly people with basic diseases, as long as they have pneumonia, were clinically a high-risk factor regardless of whether it is a coronavirus or not, and the case fatality rate was also very high, so it is not that the case fatality rate of pneumonia is high because of the infection with the new coronavirus. "This point must be explained to everyone," concluded the NHC official.[7]
NHS Press Conference, Feb. 4 2020 - National Health Commission (NHC) of the People's Republic of China

Just Sayin

Coronavirus Cases Worldwide: As of 3/17/20

Deaths: 7,478
Recovered: 80,848

Active Cases 99,528
Currently Infected Patients
93,037 (93%) in Mild Condition
6,491 (7%) Serious or Critical

Closed Cases 88,326
Cases which had an outcome:
80,848 (92%) Recovered / Discharged
7,478 (8%) Deaths


As someone who has been strongly against Trump's leadership and behavior as President, I do think that something needs to be said:

In the last few days, Donald Trump has acted like the leader that we need him to be. There is a lot of communication, reliance on and involvement of experts, far less emphasis on things that are not important (what does the media think? who said something bad?) and for more emphasis on things that are important (saving lives, attempting to deal with the massive complexity of the economic issues). We need the President, administration, legislature, and state and local governments to succeed - regardless of ideologies or party affiliations. I hope that we continue to see this (and more of it).

Just Sayin

Worldwide Coronavirus Cases 3/18/20: 208,457

Deaths: 8,279
Recovered: 82,909

Active Cases 117,269

Currently Infected Patients in Mild Condition 110,830 (95%)
Serious or Critical 6,439 (5%)

Closed Cases 91,188

Cases which had an outcome:
82,909 (91%) Recovered / Discharged

8,279 (9%) Deaths

Just Sayin

Pre-existing medical conditions (comorbidities)
Patients who reported no pre-existing ("comorbid") medical conditions had a case fatality rate of 0.9%. Pre-existing illnesses that put patients at higher risk of dying from a COVID-19 infection are:

COVID-19 Fatality Rate by COMORBIDITY:
*Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). This probability differs depending on pre-existing condition. The percentage shown below does NOT represent in any way the share of deaths by pre-existing condition. Rather, it represents, for a patient with a given pre-existing condition, the risk of dying if infected by COVID-19.
                                 PRE-EXISTING CONDITION
                                        DEATH RATE
                                      confirmed cases
                                                             DEATH RATE
                                                                all cases
Cardiovascular disease               13.2%          10.5%
Diabetes                                     9.2%            7.3%
Chronic respiratory disease          8.0%             6.3%
Hypertension                              8.4%             6.0%
Cancer                                       7.6%             5.6%
no pre-existing conditions                                 0.9%

Just Sayin

3/19: Worldwide Confirmed 227,764
Deaths: 9,308
Recovered: 85,985

Active Cases: 132,471 of which
125,533(95%) in mild condition
6,938(5%) Serious or Critical

Closed Cases: 95,292 of which
85,985(90%) Recovered/Discharged
9,308(10%) Deaths


My current favorite podcast: The Glenn Loury Show https://bloggingheads.tv/programs/glenn-show


Due to the coronavirus pandemic the university has switched to online classes and meetings, plus Admissions has to deal with various complications in the recruitment process. One path they are taking is the production of online campus tours. Also, they are sharing this introduction to the campus that highlights numerous features, which I thought those on the board might appreciate, particularly the clip depicting a scene with peak excitement and attendance at VU basketball:


Tucker Carlson on the coronavirus' impact on higher education: 'Not enough federal bailout money in the Treasury to save every pointless university'


Very concerning warning for those of us who care about traditional private universities.

Just Sayin

Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance
What the Next 18 Months Can Look Like, if Leaders Buy Us Time

QuoteSummary of the article: Strong coronavirus measures today should only last a few weeks, there shouldn't be a big peak of infections afterwards, and it can all be done for a reasonable cost to society, saving millions of lives along the way. If we don't take these measures, tens of millions will be infected, many will die, along with anybody else that requires intensive care, because the healthcare system will have collapsed.

Just Sayin

3/20: Worldwide Confirmed 253,960
Deaths: 10,408
Recovered: 89,070

Active Cases: 154,482 of which
147,017(95%) in mild condition
7,465(5%) Serious or Critical

Closed Cases: 99,478 of which
89,070(90%) Recovered/Discharged
10,408(10%) Deaths

Total Confirmed Positive 14,250
Total Deaths 205
Total Recovered 121

Top 3 States with Most Deaths:
Washington 74
New York 38
California 18

Just Sayin


New Deaths Since Yesterday

Spain 171
Iran 149
USA 10
S. Korea 3
Belgium 16
Sweden 1
Denmark 3
Pakistan 1
Poland 1
Indonesia 7
Ecuador 1
Peru 2
Philippines 1
India 1
Taiwan 1
Algeria 1
Costa Rica 1
Hungary 2
Morocco 1
Gabon 1

Total 380