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Started by Just Sayin, February 23, 2020, 09:41:26 AM

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Just Sayin

Political correctness and Chinese propaganda spreading faster in the U.S. media than the Chinese virus aka Covid19


Quote from: valpopal on March 20, 2020, 11:58:19 AM

An excellent, empathetic, hopeful message.


Quote from: Just Sayin on March 20, 2020, 08:09:33 AM3/20/20 New Deaths Since Yesterday Spain 171 Iran 149 USA 10 S. Korea 3 Belgium 16 Sweden 1 Denmark 3 Pakistan 1 Poland 1 Indonesia 7 Ecuador 1 Peru 2 Philippines 1 India 1 Taiwan 1 Algeria 1 Costa Rica 1 Hungary 2 Morocco 1 Gabon 1 Total 380
627 in Italy alone.


Without a significant slowdown in the daily increase in number cases, there could be over 150 million in the US who have the virus just within a couple of months. The curve has not shown any sign of abating to this point. In fact, it is much worse over the last few days but that is almost assuredly because of the fact that there is more testing being done.


Quote from: Just Sayin on March 20, 2020, 08:03:08 AM3/20: Worldwide Confirmed 253,960
Deaths: 10,408
Recovered: 89,070

So it is now 7 hours since this was posted.

New totals

Worldwide cases: 266,115

Deaths  11,153

Recovered:  87,363
Season Results: CBI/CIT: 2008, 2011, 2014  NIT: 2003,2012, 2016(Championship Game) 2017   NCAA: 1962,1966,1967,1969,1973,1996,1997,1998 (Sweet Sixteen),1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2013 and 2015

Just Sayin

The only thing that is being reported is the total who have tested positive. They are not reporting the total who tested negative. I read somewhere that in one country which is keeping track of this that 90% of all who were tested, tested negative and 10% tested positive. It would be helpful to know this to give people some context. If the nearly 250,000 who have tested positive represent only 10% of all who were tested, then nearly 2,250,000 tested negative if my math is correct. 

Just Sayin

3/21: Worldwide Confirmed 285,777
Deaths: 11,883
Recovered: 93,584

Active Cases: 180,310 of which
172,198(96%) in mild condition
8,112(4%) Serious or Critical

Closed Cases: 105,467 of which
93,584(89%) Recovered/Discharged
11,883(11%) Deaths

Total Confirmed Positive 14,250
Total Deaths 205
Total Recovered 121

Top 3 States with Most Deaths:
Washington 83
New York 56
California 24

Confirmed Positive 79
Total Deaths 3 (1 Johnson County, 2 Marion County)
Total Tested 554
LaPorte County individual who tested positive is in Porter County Hospital

Just Sayin

Don't Panic: Some Perspective

QuoteA low probability of catching COVID-19
The World Health Organization ("WHO") released a study on how China responded to COVID-19. Currently, this study is one of the most exhaustive pieces published on how the virus spreads.
The results of their research show that COVID-19 doesn't spread as easily as we first thought or the media had us believe (remember people abandoned their dogs out of fear of getting infected). According to their report if you come in contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 you have a 1–5% chance of catching it as well. The variability is large because the infection is based on the type of contact and how long.
The majority of viral infections come from prolonged exposures in confined spaces with other infected individuals. Person-to-person and surface contact is by far the most common cause. From the WHO report, "When a cluster of several infected people occurred in China, it was most often (78–85%) caused by an infection within the family by droplets and other carriers of infection in close contact with an infected person.
From the CDC's study on transmission in China and Princess Cruise outbreak -

A growing body of evidence indicates that COVID-19 transmission is facilitated in confined settings; for example, a large cluster (634 confirmed cases) of COVID-19 secondary infections occurred aboard a cruise ship in Japan, representing about one fifth of the persons aboard who were tested for the virus. This finding indicates the high transmissibility of COVID-19 in enclosed spaces

Read This:


Just Sayin

Quote93% of people who think they are positive aren't

Looking at the success in S. Korea and Singapore, the important tool in our war chest is measurement. If we are concerned about the general non-infected population, what is the probability those who show symptoms actually test positive? What is the chance that the cough from your neighbor is COVID-19? This "conversion rate" will show whether or not you have a cold (another coronavirus) or heading to isolation for two weeks. Global data shows that ~95% of people who are tested aren't positive. The positivity rate varies by country.
UK: 7,132 concluded tests, of which 13 positive (0.2% positivity rate).
UK: 48,492 tests, of which 1,950 (4.0% positivity rate)
Italy: 9,462 tests, of which 470 positive (at least 5.0% positivity rate).
Italy: 3,300 tests, of which 99 positive (3.0% positivity rate)
Iceland: 3,787 tests, of which 218 positive (5.7% positive rate)
France: 762 tests, of which 17 positive, 179 awaiting results (at least 2.2% positivity rate).
Austria: 321 tests, of which 2 positive, awaiting results: unknown (at least 0.6% positivity rate).
South Korea: 66,652 tests with 1766 positives 25,568 awaiting results (4.3% positivity rate).
United States: 445 concluded tests, of which 14 positive (3.1% positivity rate).

In general, the size of the US population infected with COVID-19 will be much smaller than originally estimated as most symptomatic individuals aren't positive. 93% — 99% have other conditions.

Quote1% of cases will be severe
Looking at the whole funnel from top to bottom, ~1% of everyone who is tested for COVID-19 with the US will have a severe case that will require a hospital visit or long-term admission.
Globally, 80–85% of all cases are mild. These will not require a hospital visit and home-based treatment/ no treatment is effective.


Just Sayin

QuoteLooking at the US fatality, the fatality rate is drastically declining as the number of cases increases, halving every four or five days. The fatality rate will eventually level off and plateau as the US case-mix becomes apparent.
4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases)
3.69% March 9 (26 of 704)
3.01% March 10 (30 of 994)
2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295)
2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695)
2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247)
1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954)
1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680)
1.90% March 16 (86 of 4,503)
1.76% March 17 (109 of 6,196)
1.66% March 18 (150 of 9,003)
1.51% March 19th (208 of 13,789)
1.32% March 20th (256 of 19,383)
Source: Worldometers.info


Just Sayin


Jeffrey Zhang

Bureaucracy and red tape are making this hard, but if anyone knows of any hospitals or facilities that are in need of the following, please DM me:

Surgical masks
Face masks
Surgical gowns

All phones for the coronavirus hotline are jammed up, as well as all numbers from
@NYGovCuomo's press conferences. If anyone has any direct contacts on how to best supply our facilities, please let me know. It does not have to be within New York!

Please share and retweet this, we have the ability to significantly ameliorate the medical supply shortage if we can contact the right people! #CoronavirusUpdates #Covid_19

Just Sayin

Worldwide daily average of confirmed positive cases is 4,459 since 1/20/20 to 3/20/20.

Notable daily spikes since 1/20/20 are:

2/13/20: 15,100 confirmed positive

3/13/20: 16,200

3/16/20: 18,800

3/19/20: 27,800

3/20/20: 29,500

Just Sayin

Just Sayin

How long do symptoms last?
Using available preliminary data, the Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission published on Feb. 28 by WHO, [5] which is based on 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases, observed the following median time from symptoms onset to clinical recovery:
mild cases: approximately 2 weeks
severe or critical disease: 3 - 6 weeks
time from onset to the development of severe disease (including hypoxia): 1 week
Among patients who have died, the time from symptom onset to outcome ranges from 2 - 8 weeks.

Symptoms observed in hospitalized patients with COVID-19
Below we list the symptoms, with percentages representing the proportion of patients displaying that symptom, as observed in hospitalized patients tested and identified as having laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection. These findings refer to hospitalized patients, therefore generally representing serious or critical cases. The majority of cases of COVID-19 (about 80%) is mild.

Findings from the Wang et al study published on JAMA and based on 138 hospitalized patients [2]
Common symptoms included:
(Wang et al study) [2]

Fever 98.6%
Fatigue 69.6%
Dry cough59.4%
The median time observed:
from first symptom to → Dyspnea (Shortness of breath) = 5.0 days
from first symptom to → Hospital admission = 7.0 days
from first symptom to → ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) = 8.0 days (when occurring)

Findings from the Huang et al study published on The Lancet and based on 41 hospitalized patients [3]
(Huang et al study) [3]

Fever 98%
Cough 76%
Myalgia (muscle pain) or Fatigue 44%


Sputum production(coughing up material) 28%
Headache 8%
Haemoptysis(coughing up blood) 5%
Diarrhea 3%

1. Symptoms of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) - United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
2. Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China - JAMA, Wang et al., February 7, 2020
3. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China - Huang et al., The Lancet. January 24, 2020
4. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study - Chen et al, The Lancet, January 30, 2020
5. Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) [Pdf] - World Health Organization, Feb. 28, 2020

Just Sayin

Morning of 3/22: Worldwide Confirmed 317,298
Deaths: 13,642
Recovered: 95,942

Active Cases: 207,714 of which
197,572(95%) in mild condition
10,142(5%) Serious or Critical

Closed Cases: 109,584 of which
95,942(88%) Recovered/Discharged
13,642(12%) Deaths

Worldwide daily average of confirmed positive cases is 4,910 from 1/20/20 to 3/21/20.

Notable daily spikes since 1/21/20 are:

2/13/20: 15,100 confirmed positive

3/13/20: 16,200

3/16/20: 18,800

3/19/20: 27,800

3/20/20: 29,500

3/21/20: 32,400

Worldwide Top Five Most Confirmed Positive:
China 81,394
Italy 53,578
Spain 28,572
USA 26,908
Germany 23,129
Worldwide Countries Top 5 Most Deaths
Italy 4,825
Hebei China 3,144
Spain 1,720
Iran 1,556
France 562

Total Confirmed Positive 26,908
Total Deaths 348
Total Recovered 178
Active Cases: 26,382, of which
25,674(97%) in Mild Condition
708(3%) Serious or Critical
Closed Cases:526
Recovered/Discharged 178(34%)
Deaths 348(66%)
Top 3 States with Most Deaths:
Washington 94
New York 76
California 28

Confirmed Positive 126
Total Deaths 4
Total Tested 833
LaPorte County individual who tested positive is in Porter County Hospital

Just Sayin

Washington Examiner:

QuoteInflexible, bureaucratic FDA is dragging its feet on coronavirus response
by Tom Rogan
March 20, 2020 01:54 PM

President Trump is extolling his administration's coronavirus response effort. To that end, Trump says he has massively cut red tape to maximize the government's efficiency.

It sounds good, but Trump hasn't done enough on this score.
At this very moment, stockpiles of masks, hand sanitizer, and other supplies are sitting in warehouses waiting for FDA inspectors to get around to them. Where other nations are expediting these deliveries, trusting proven suppliers in their deliveries, the FDA has resorted to its favorite fetish: bureaucratic lethargy.
The problem here is not simply that the FDA is insisting that its box-checking comes before exigent needs of public health, but also that the agency doesn't have enough inspectors to get the job done quickly.
I spoke to one significant medical supplier who talked to me on the condition of anonymity, for fear of FDA retaliation. In one location on the Pacific coast, this supplier has had more than 20 pallets of coronavirus-specific medical supplies waiting in a warehouse for five days. Yes, five days.
At another depot in the south-central United States, this same supplier has had 500,000 level-three or level-four masks sitting in a warehouse for two days now. They expect the FDA delays to continue indefinitely.
And get this — some of what the supplier is delivering is supposed to be gifted to a hospital. But even in that case, the FDA has warned that the supplies cannot even be unpacked until an inspector arrives. If they are broken down before then, even if only to expedite delivery once the inspector's approval is given, fines are threatened to follow.
It's a joke.
Thus follows a critical question: Does this lethargic FDA response match up with Trump's rhetoric? It does not. And as the coronavirus continues to infect more people, the costs of this failure of government will increasingly be measured in lives lost.
The president needs to pick up the phone to call FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn and tell him to relax the inspection protocols for trusted suppliers. Either that or Trump can admit he works for the FDA bureaucracy rather than the other way around.

C'mon Trump. If this is true, why no action?

Just Sayin

Amen! What about the hospitals and state and local health departments? Why didn't they have a plan in place in case of a pandemic? Hospital boards should be fired and lessons should have been learned long ago before this pandemic. The federal government is not the first source you turn to, but to the state and local authorities. Trump will help where needed. The federal government is not big daddy and mommy.
